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Join Us: Become a Contributor for the SWLing Post!

The SWLing Post has been online since 2008, and over the years, I’ve seen our readership grow into a vibrant, international community of radio enthusiasts who support each other. From the beginning, my goal for the SWLing Post has never been to focus on me, but rather to highlight the diverse ways people enjoy radio […]

Alan Roe’s A-24 season guide to music on shortwave (version 4.0) & program grids for BBC WS, VOA and CGTN English services

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his A-24 (version 4.0) season guide to music on shortwave. Alan provides this amazing resource as a free PDF download: Click here to download Music on Shortwave A-24 v4.0 (PDF) As always, thank you for sharing your excellent guide, Alan! This dedicated page will always have […]

Radio Waves: Who Will Pay, Ham Radio Culture, OTH Support, CarnationFM, Night of Nights, and 100 Years of Radio

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy! Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Richard Cuff, Dennis Dura, David Korchin, Roger Fitzharris, David Iurescia, and NT for the following tips: In 1924, a […]

Radio Waves: Switzerland to End Analog Radio, AM For Every Vehicle Act, AM v Safety, and Electromechanical Radio Transmitters

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy! Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Paul and Dennis Dura for the following tips: Switzerland to end 2024 with an analog FM broadcast-killing bang (The […]

Digital version of WRTH 2024

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Tom Ally, who notes that the digital version of WRTH 2024 is available to order online: Many thanks for the tip, Tom!

RTVE approves additional shortwave transmitter and “secures the future of the public shortwave service”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors, Paul Jamet and Tracy Wood for sharing the following article (translated into English) from RTVE: RTVE secures the future of the public shortwave service of Radio Exterior de España The RTVE Board of Directors has unanimously approved the purchase, installation, and implementation of a new shortwave transmitter. This is […]

Rod KQ6F Has A New SW200 AM Processor For Sale

Please note that the above photo is of my SW200, though Rod’s no doubt looks exactly the same.


A few months back, I received this note from Rod KQ6F –

Hi Dave –
I very much enjoyed your review on this product.  It was largely the reason I bought one.  My application is AM ham radio and as such found some of its features to be unnecessary.  I defeated the AGC and the pre-emphasis and found the triband limiting overkill since all my audio is voice and therefore all mid-band.  So bottom-line, I have no further use.
My unit is S/N 024, is only a few weeks old, and is still in factory-fresh condition.  I’ll sell it to somebody for $350 incl. shipping.  I know you already have yours but am wondering if you know someone in the LPAM fraternity that might be interested.
Would appreciate hearing back from you.
Rod KQ6F


I feel somewhat responsible for Rod purchasing this, as I had suggested in my review, that the SW2000 might be of interest to AM hams. There are retired broadcast types who use ex-broadcast audio processors in the audio chain of their ham stations. On reflection though, I’m thinking this is done more for nostalgia than for any real benefit over a single-band processor designed for ham use.


Rod still has his SW200 all packed up in it’s original packing, and ready to go. One of these would be ideal for Part 15 AM use, or even on a licensed AM station where the budget is tight, or as a standby processor. I know that one of the members on my Part 15 forum has it in mind for this purpose.


You can contact Rod directly via his QRZ listing, or leave a comment below, and I’ll put you in touch with him.


EDIT – April 15th 2019 – I just heard from Rod, who has decided to put his SW200 to good use with a home-brewed switch-mode 75M AM transmitter. He says that it’s probably overkill for the application, but it’s working well, and he likes the sound. At this point, if you really want to purchase it from him, I suppose it’s possible he could be persuaded, but it looks as if it’s beginning to find a permanent place in his station. Perhaps it’s a good thing that he didn’t have any immediate offers!

W5LFL silent key

Owen Gariott a été le premier astronaute à transmettre en direction de la terre pour les radioamateurs depuis l’espace, ceci à bord la navette spatiale Columbia lors de la mission STS-9 en 1983. Cet événement avait suscité un vif intérêt parmi les radioamateurs. Pouvoir communiquer avec un astronaute à bord d’une navette spatiale était le Graal que nous tous voulions obtenir. A cette époque, je travaillais à Radio Suisse Internationale et bien aimé pouvoir faire un enregistrement lors d’un de ses passage au dessus le centre de l’Europe. Si j’ai bien pu le recevoir, j’étais très mal placé pour faire un enregistrement de qualité. Malheureusement ce que j’avais pu enregistrer n’était pas diffusable. C’est alors que je me suis approché d’un radioamateur qui travaillait également à la SSR, lui à Lausanne qui lui avait pu mettre la main sur un enregistrement du même passage et a pu le diffuser sur les ondes de la Radio Suisse Romande en plein prime time pendant les informations. Ni une ni deux, on décide de commander un feed entre les studios de Lausanne et Berne pour s’échanger les enregistrements.
Ainsi j’ai pu disposer d’un son de qualité qui a pu être également diffusé sur les ondes courtes de Radio Suisse Internationale. C’était un souvenir mémorable, avec le décès de notre héros de l’espace, je souhaite lui faire cet hommage. Il nous a offert du rêve et a été le précurseur de ce qui se fait maintenant grâce à ARISS qui a offert et offre encore aujourd’hui ce même rêve à des centaines d’étudiants ou écoliers partout dans le monde. Le radio-amateurisme est vraiment un hobby formidable qui permet ces échanges avec ces projets académiques qui ont fait la fierté de tout ces jeunes qui ont eu la chance de parler à un astronaute.

Voici les enregistrements de l’époque:

W5LFL au journal du soir de la Radio Suisse Romande (1983)

W5LFL dans l’émission « The Two Bobs » Swiss Radio International (1983)
