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Automated RaspberryPi/SHARI Node Build

After writing my article on how to build an AllStarLink node using a RaspberryPi 3b and SHARI radio device I was asked by a few people if I could possibly automate the process to make it easier for those who aren’t Linux command line junkies like me.

Over the last couple of days in-between doing other things I’ve been writing and testing a BASH shell script that will completely configure a fully working AllStarLink node.

M0AWS - Coding the BASH script for the automated AllStarLink installation
M0AWS – Coding the BASH script for the automated AllStarLink installation

To use the script you must already have your RaspberryPi (preferably a Pi 3b) connected to your LAN with full internet access using the Raspbian based version of the AllStarLink software downloadable from here.

The specific version I use is:


I have tested the BASH script using this specific version of O/S only.

Once your RaspberryPi 3b is up and running, has full internet access and is accessible on your local LAN, using SSH login in as the user β€˜repeaterβ€˜ using the password β€˜allstarlinkβ€˜.

It’s important you only use this login to configure the node as this is the user the script is expecting to be run by. You must login via SSH as the SHARI device needs to be connected to the RaspberryPi 3b and you won’t be able to connect a keyboard and mouse at the same time. (If you are using two USB cables for the SHARI device then you can use a keyboard and mouse along with a monitor attached to your RaspberryPi instead of using SSH).

Once logged in as user repeater run the following wget command to download the zipped install script:

wget https://m0aws.co.uk/AllStarLink/AllStarLinkBuild.zip

Once downloaded you need to unzip the program from the zip file and make it executable using the following commands:

unzip ./AllStarLinkBuild.zip
chmod 755 ./install.sh

You are now ready to build your AllStarLink node. Before you run the script make sure you have your node number and node secret to hand. These are obtained from the AllStarLink portal.

Once you’ve got all your node information you can run the script using the following command:


The script will now take you through the full process of updating the operating system as necessary, installing all the required packages and software. It will then reboot the RaspberryPi and you will need to login and run the script a second time using the command above.

On the second run the script will install some python specific software, ask you to enter your callsign, node number and node secret and will then configure your node. The last thing it does is configure the Allmon2 and Supermon Web Admin websites. During this process it will ask you to enter a password twice for the Admin user for the two websites, make sure you make a note of this password as you will need it to login and control your node.

Once the node is configured it will be rebooted and you will then be able to connect to your node using your favourite web browser and the user admin and the password you set above.

To access the Allmon2 web-admin system use the following URL:

M0AWS - Allmon2 WebAdmin interface
M0AWS – Allmon2 WebAdmin interface

For those of you who prefer Supermon you an use the following URL:

M0AWS - Supermon Web Admin view
M0AWS – Supermon Web Admin view

I have also pre-populated the Favorites button with a list of nodes that I use often. You can easily change these entries by editing the favorites.ini file in the /var/www/html/supermon directory as user root.

M0AWS - Supermon pre-populated Favourites drop down list
M0AWS – Supermon pre-populated Favourites drop down list

When you first login to your node via your web browser you’ll notice that it says your node isn’t in the database. You can update the database by using the following URL in your web browser:


This will force an update of the database and your node information should now be displayed correctly.

Hopefully this will make it much easier for the non Linux people to build an AllStarLink node using a RaspberryPi 3b and a SHARI radio device.

More soon …

Venturing into the world of AllStarLink

We’ve recently added a new room to the Matrix HAM Radio Space for Digital Voice modes as this was an area of interest that didn’t really fit into any of the other rooms.

The new Digital Voice room has attracted a lot of attention from members, with a lot of the focus being on the AllStarLink system. Michael, DK1MI built an AllStarLink node in the cloud for us all to use for Matrix Nets and so I decided I had to get in on the fun.

Jumbospot SHARI SA818 Amateur Radio AllStarLink Radio Interface Front Panel View
Jumbospot SHARI SA818 Amateur Radio AllStarLink Radio Interface Front Panel View
Jumbospot SHARI SA818 Amateur Radio AllStarLink Radio Interface Rear View
Jumbospot SHARI SA818 Amateur Radio AllStarLink Radio Interface Rear View
Jumbospot SHARI SA818 Amateur Radio AllStarLink Radio Interface stripped down View
Jumbospot SHARI SA818 Amateur Radio AllStarLink Radio Interface stripped down View

The Jumbospot SHARI SA818 Amateur Radio AllStarLink Radio Interface was originally designedΒ byΒ N8ARΒ andΒ implementsΒ aΒ RaspberryPi 2/3/4Β hostedΒ AllStarLinkΒ nodeΒ usingΒ aΒ NiceRFΒ SA818Β embeddedΒ VHF/UHFΒ radioΒ module and sound card.

The two USB connectors on the SHARI device are position such that they plug into two of the available 4 USB ports on the RaspberryPi without the need for cables. This keeps the whole solution together in one neat package.

Before you start you will need to obtain a node number and secret (password) from the AllStarLink Portal. To get this you will need to provide proof to the AllStarLink administrators that you are a licensed Amateur Radio (HAM) operator. This is done by uploading a copy of the first page of your HAM licence to the website for the admin team to check. This can take 24hrs to be completed so make sure you get this all done before trying to build your node. You cannot build a node successfully without a node number and secret.

Of course you will also need a transceiver that can operate on the 438.800Mhz frequency or other frequency of your choice on the 2m or 70cm HAM band.

You will also need to open port 4569 on your internet router and setup port forwarding to the IP Address that you will be using on your RaspberryPi node. It’s important to use a static IP Address on your RaspberryPi.

There are quite a few different Linux based operating system (O/S) images that are available for the RaspberryPi devices that have been specifically tailored for the AllStarLink node and include all the necessary software and library packages out the box.

I decided to use the Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) based distribution as it is based on the very stable and reliable Debian Linux distro. You can download the exact version I am using from the Raspbian link above or directly from my website here.

Once downloaded you need to burn the ISO image onto a suitable SD card for your RaspberryPi. I use BalenaEtcher as it’s extremely quick and reliable at burning ISO images to SD cards.

Of course if you are a hardline Linux command line junkie you can always use dd to create the SD card.

Once you’ve got your O/S onto your SD card, slot it into your RaspberryPi making sure your SHARI device is connected to the two USB ports and then power it up. Make sure you have a good PSU for the RaspberryPi as the two devices together draw around 3A of current during the transmit cycle. (I use a 3.6A PSU from Amazon).

The default login for the Raspbian O/S is shown below. Login via SSH and configure your RaspberryPi for your local network. It’s important to use a static IP Address configured either directly on the RaspberryPi or via DHCP in your router.

Login: repeater
Passsword: allstarlink
SSH port: 22

Once you have your RaspberryPi connected to your LAN you are ready to start configuring it for AllStarLink.

The first thing you need to do is login to the raspi via SSH and then become root user using sudo as shown below:

sudo su -

Once you are root user, you need to add the AllStarLink repo to the sources file and update the operating system using the following command:

curl -s http://apt.allstarlink.org/repos/repo_signing.key | apt-key add
apt update --allow-releaseinfo-change
apt dist-upgrade

Copy and paste each line one at a time into your terminal. Once the last command finishes, the system is up to date and can be rebooted as follows:


Once the raspi has rebooted, login again via SSH as user repeater and then become root user again.

You now need to install a couple of Python components that are required by the system to function. Use the commands below as user root:

apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip
pip3 install pyserial

Next you need to change directory into the asterisk config file directory using the command shown below:

cd /etc/asterisk

In this directory you will find all the default config files that come as part of the distro. For this build we’re not going to use them and so we need to move them out of the way ready for a set of config files that have already been configured correctly.

Using the following commands create a new directory, move into that new directory and then move all the unwanted configuration files into it:

mv ../*.conf ./
ls -la
cd ../

You should now be back in the /etc/asterisk directory which will now be empty apart from the custom directory which we left in place.

You now need to copy the correctly configured configuration files into the /etc/asterisk directory. Start by downloading the zip file containing the new configuration files

Once downloaded, copy the .zip file into the repeater users home directory (/home/repeater) using either scp on the Linux command line or if using Windows you can use the FileZilla Client in SFTP mode using the login details above.

Once you have the .zip file in the repeater user’s home directory you need to copy the file into the /etc/asterisk directory as user root:

cp /home/repeater/AllStarLink-Config-v3.zip /etc/asterisk/

Next as user root, change directory into the /etc/asterisk directory and unzip the .zip file:

cd /etc/asterisk
unzip ./AllStarLink-Config-v3.zip

Once the file is unzipped you will have a directory called AllStarLink-Config in the /etc/asterisk directory. You now need to cd into the directory, copy all the files out of it into the /etc/asterisk directory leaving a copy in the AllStarLink-Config directory for future reference:

cd /etc/asterisk/AllStarLink-Config
cp ./* /etc/asterisk
cd /etc/asterisk

You now need to move a couple of files into the repeater users home directory using the following commands:

mv ./SA818-running.py /home/repeater
mv ./gpio /home/repeater

Once the files have been moved you need to set the correct ownership and privileges on the files using the following commands:

chown -R root:root /etc/asterisk/*.conf
chown repeater:repeater /home/repeater/gpio
chown repeater:repeater /home/repeater/SA818-running.py
chmod 755 /home/repeater/gpio
chmod 755 /home/repeater/SA818-running.py

The gpio BASH script and configuration details were supplied by Mark, G1INU in the Digital Voice room on the Matrix. It adds the COS light functionality to the setup. The COS light will now light every time the SA818 hears RF on the input.

The next thing you need to do is configure the SA818 radio device in the SHARI. The script I used was originally from https://wiki.fm-funknetz.de/doku.php?id=fm-funknetz:technik:shari-sa818 all I’ve done is change the entries to switch off CTCSS and change the frequency to 438.800Mhz. Configuring the SA818 is done by running the SA818-running.py Python programme that you moved into the repeater user home directory. Making sure you are still user root, run the following commands:

cd /home/repeater

At this point your SHARI SA818 device will be configured to operate on 438.800Mhz and CTCSS will be disabled.

If you want to change the frequency or enable and set a CTCSS tone to access the node you will need to edit the Python programme using your favourite text editor and change the entries accordingly. Once changed rerun the program as shown above and your SHARI will be reconfigured to your new settings.

Next you need to move the allmon.ini.php file into the correct directory so that it enables access to the Allstar Monitor web page on the device so that you can manage connecting/disconnecting nodes. Use the following commands as user root to achieve this:

cd /etc/asterisk
mv ./allmon.ini.php /var/www/html/allmon2/
chown root:root /var/www/html/allmon2/allmon.ini.php
chmod 644 /var/www/html/allmon2/allmon.ini.php

The allmon.ini.php file needs to have your node name entered into it to work correctly. As user root, change directory and edit the file using your favourite editor.

cd /var/www/html/allmon2

Using your text editor, search for the line starting [XXXXX] and change the XXXXX to your node number. Save the change and exit the file.

At this point you are almost complete, all that is left to do is add your node number and node secret into the appropriate configuration files in the /etc/asterisk directory.

Since I am a Linux command line junkie I use vi to edit all the configuration files on the command line as user root, but you can use any editor of your choice.

cd /etc/asterisk

Start with the extensions.conf file. Search for the line starting with NODE = and delete the XXXXX entry and insert your node number. Save the file and exit it.

Next you need to edit the iax.conf file. This time search for the line starting with
register= and change the XXXXX for your node number and the YYYYYYYYYYYY for your node secret. Be careful not to accidentally delete any other characters in the lines otherwise it will corrupt the configuration file.

In the same file search for the two lines that start with secret = and change the YYYYYYYYYYYY for your node secret. Once you have changed both of the secret entries, save and exit the file.

The final file to edit is the rpt.conf file. Once again open the file using your favourite editor and search for the line starting with XXXXX = radio@, change the XXXXX entries for your node number making sure not to delete any other characters next to the XXXXX entries.

Further down in the same file there is a line that starts with [XXXXX], once again change the XXXXX for your node number making sure to keep the square brackets at each end of the node number as you edit it.

Finally move down to the very bottom of the file and find the two lines that start with /home/repeater/gpio, once again change the XXXXX entries for your node number.

The final thing to change in the rpt.conf file is to replace my callsign with your own callsign so that the node identifies itself correctly. Scroll through the file until you find the two lines shown below, delete M0AWS and add your own callsign instead making sure you keep all the spaces between words as shown below.

idrecording = |i DE M0AWS
idtalkover = |i DE M0AWS

Once this is done, save and exit the file. At this point your node should be fully configured and will only require a reboot to get it working.

As user root, reboot your raspi using the reboot command.


Once your raspi comes back online, login using SSH as user repeater and then become root user using the sudo command detailed above.

You now need to create the admin user password for the Allstar Monitor web page on the device. This is done using the following commands as user root:

cd /var/www/html/allmon2
htpasswd -c .htpasswd admin

You will be asked to enter a password twice for the admin user. Make sure you make a note of this user/password as you will need it to login to the web page.

Finally check that the controlpanel.ini.php file is in the /var/www/html/allmon2 directory:

ls -la /var/www/html/allmon2/controlpanel.ini.php

If the file isn’t shown in the directory, enter the following commands to create the file in the correct place as user root and then exit the SSH session:

cd /var/www/html/allmon2
cp ./controlpanel.ini.txt ./controlpanel.ini.php

Once this is done your configuration is complete, logout from the terminal session by entering exit once more and your SSH session will terminate.

Using your favourite web browser enter the IP Address of your raspi into the URL bar as shown below:


Note: remove the <> from the URL once you have entered the required information.

Once this is done you should be presented with your node control panel as shown below.

First visit to the AllStar Monitor Web Page
First visit to the AllStar Monitor Web Page

Login using Admin and the password you set above and you are now ready to start using your node.

It’s a good idea to connect to node 55553 which is a parrot test node to check your audio levels. You can do this by entering the node into the field at the top left and pressing the connect button.

M0AWS AllStarLink Node 61928 connected to 55553 Parrot
M0AWS AllStarLink Node 61928 connected to 55553 Parrot

Once connected, tune your radio to 438.800Mhz FM and transmit a test message using your callsign and test123, or something similar. The parrot will then play your recording back to you so that you can hear how you sound. It will also comment on your audio level as to whether it is OK or not.

You are now connected to AllStarLink network and have the world at your finger tips. Below is a small list of nodes in the UK, Australia and America to get you started chatting with other HAMs via your node.

57881	Matrix HAM Radio Space AllStarLink Node (Hosted by Dk1MI)
55553	ASL Parrot for testing
41522	M0HOY HUBNet Manchester, UK
60349	VK6CIA 439.275 Perth, Western Australia
51077	VK6SEG South West Hub B Albany WA
2167	M0JKT FreeSTAR UK HUB 2 freestar.network
53573	NWAG NW AllStar Group Lancashire, UK
27339	East Coast Hub Wilmington NC USA
M0AWS AllStarLink Node 61928 sitting on the equipment rack
M0AWS AllStarLink Node 61928 sitting on the equipment rack

Thanks to Michael, DK1MI for building and hosting the Matrix HAM Radio Space AllStarLink Node (57881) and getting us all started in the world of AllStarLink!

We hope to be having regular Matrix Net’s on the node soon for all Matrix members and visitors. We’ll organise days/times via the Digital Voice room.

More soon …

Update to my NodeRed QO-100 Dashboard

Ever since my QO-100 ground station has been operational I’ve been using my NodeRed QO-100 Dashboard to control my IC-705 and GQRX SDR software to drive my NooElec SmartSDR receiver. This gives me a full duplex ground station with both transmit and receive VFO’s synchronised.

This solution has worked incredibly well from the outset and over time I’ve added extra functionality that I’ve found to be useful to enhance the overall setup.

The latest addition to the ground station solution is a Sennheiser Headset that I picked up for just Β£56 on Amazon (Much cheaper than the Heil equivalents at the HAM stores!) and have found it to be excellent. The audio quality from both the mic and the headphones is extremely good whilst being light and comfortable to wear for extended periods.

M0AWS - Sennheiser SC 165
M0AWS – Sennheiser SC 165 Headset

To incorporate this into the ground station the headset is connected to my Kubuntu PC and the audio chain to the IC-705 is sent wirelessly using the latest version of WFView. This works extremely well. The receive audio comes directly from the GQRX SDR software to the headphones so that I have a full duplex headset combination.

Audio routing is done via pulse audio on the Kubuntu PC and is very easy to setup.

Since I no longer have a mic connected to the IC-705 directly I found that I needed a way to operate the PTT wirelessly and this is where the latest addition to my NodeRed QO-100 Dashboard comes in.

Adding a little functionality to the NodeRed flow I was able to create a button that toggles the IC-705 PTT state on and off giving me the ability to easily switch between receive and transmit using a simple XMLRPC node without the need for a physical PTT button.

M0AWS - Additional NodeRed PTT Flow
M0AWS – Additional NodeRed PTT Flow

The PTT state and PTT button colour change is handled by the Toggle PTT function node shown in the above flow. The code to do this is relatively simple as shown below.

M0AWS - NodeRed Toggle PTT Function to change button colour
M0AWS – NodeRed Toggle PTT Function to change button colour

The entire QO-100 Dashboard flow has grown somewhat from it’s initial conception but, it provides all the functionality that I require to operate a full duplex station on the QO-100 satellite.

M0AWS - NodeRed QO-100 Dashboard complete flow
M0AWS – NodeRed QO-100 Dashboard complete flow

This simple but, effective PTT solution works great and leaves me hands free whilst talking on the satellite or the HF bands when using the IC-705. This also means that when using my IC-705 it only requires the coax to be connected, everything else is done via Wifi keeping things nice and tidy in the radio shack.

M0AWS - Updated NodeRed QO-100 Dashboard with PTT button
M0AWS – Updated NodeRed QO-100 Dashboard with PTT button

The image above shows the QO-100 ground station in receive cycle with the RX/TX VFO’s in split mode as the DX station was slightly off frequency to me. The PTT button goes red when in TX mode just like the split button shown above for visual reference.

As you can probably tell, I’m a huge fan of NodeRed and have put together quite a few projects using it, including my HF Bands Live Monitoring web page.

More soon …

More 868Mhz Antenna Tests

After initially finding that I couldn’t tune the 868Mhz ground plane antenna with the radials bent down at 45 degrees I decided to experiment to find out why.

Initially I had the radials connected to the 4 corners of the base of the chassis mount N Type socket. This works great if you have the radials completely horizontal and gives an SWR of 1.1:1 but, with the radials bent down at 45 degrees the best SWR is around 2:1.

M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Antenna Close Up
M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Antenna Close Up

Removing the radials from the base of the N Type chassis socket and soldering them to the outer of the N Type plug at the same level as the feed point for the radiating element I found that an almost perfect SWR can be achieved very easily.

M0AWS 686Mhz Antenna with radials soldered to the N Type Plug
M0AWS 868Mhz Antenna with radials soldered to the N Type Plug

It seemed weird to me that such a small change could have such a big effect on the obtainable SWR for the antenna but, as can be seen in the image below with the radials soldered to the N Type plug and bent downwards I immediately got an SWR of 1.07:1 and a much wider SWR curve.

M0AWS 868Mhz Antenna SWR curve with radials soldered to N Type plug.
M0AWS 868Mhz Antenna SWR curve with radials soldered to N Type plug.

By making my own antennas I’m learning a lot about antenna design for the 800-900Mhz frequency range. Minor changes seem to have a much bigger impact than they do at much lower frequencies.

More soon …

868Mhz Ground Plane Vertical Antenna

In my quest to improve my Meshtastic signal range using home-brew antennas I’ve finally put together a neat little ground plane vertical antenna for the 868Mhz ISM band.

The design follows the normal ground plane simplicity using 4 radials and a vertical radiating element albeit on a tiny scale. The radiating element is 82mm long and the radials are each 92mm long.

M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Vertical Antenna
M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Vertical Antenna

Initially I modelled the antenna at a height of 3m above the ground with the radials tilted downwards at 45 degrees. I took this approach as this is how I have built ground plane verticals for the 70cm band in the past and so I thought I’d try the same approach on the 868Mhz ISM band. (I later found this to be detrimental to tuning!)

The 3D far field plot for the antenna shows it has a very nice, relatively high gain lobe at just 2 degrees elevation with a number of lower gain lobes higher up.

M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Vertical Antenna 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Vertical Antenna 3D Far Field Plot

Looking at the 2D far field plot you can get a better understanding of the radiation pattern and gain figures at various angles. At 2 degrees there is 6.7dBi gain with the next major lobe being at 8 degrees with 4.36dBi gain, far more than I imagined I’d see for such a simple antenna.

M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Vertical Antenna 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Vertical Antenna 2D Far Field Plot

Putting the antenna together was easy enough with particular attention being paid to the measurements of both the radials and radiating element. I soldered some lugs to the ends of the 2.5mm diameter solid core wire radials to enable easy attachment to the N Type chassis socket that I decided to use as the base for the antenna. This worked out well and provided a good solid mechanical and electrical connection for the 4 radials.

For the radiating element I used an N Type plug with the vertical 2.5mm solid core wire element soldered to the inner centre pin of the male connector. I also slid a small piece of insulation down the wire to stop it from shorting against the metal outer of the plug and then pushed in a tight rubber plug to stop water ingress.

M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Antenna Close Up
M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Antenna Close Up

Connecting my VNA I found the antenna was mostly resonant at 790Mhz with an SWR of 2.5:1. I knew this would be the case and that the wires would need a little trimming.

Trimming the wires a couple of times in 1mm nibbles I got the point of resonance up to 868Mhz but, the antenna was still exhibiting a lot of reactance that was keeping the SWR above 2:1. Trimming the radials reduced this slightly but, I could not get an SWR much lower than 1.95:1.

Scratching my head I decided to try moving the radials back up so that they were horizontal rather than at 45 degrees downwards, this had the immediate effect of the SWR dropping to 1.1:1.

M0AWS A rather fuzzy photo of the 868Mhz SWR curve for the GP Antenna
M0AWS A rather fuzzy photo of the 868Mhz SWR curve for the GP Antenna

The SWR stays below 1.2:1 from 868Mhz to 871Mhz which is plenty wide enough for the Meshtastic devices. Why there is so much reactance when the radials are bent down at 45 degrees I am not sure, but it was easy enough to resolve.

M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Antenna
M0AWS 868Mhz Ground Plane Antenna

The finished antenna is tiny but, seems to work well. Signals from my other nodes are up by 6-9dB according to the SNR reports in the Meshtastic app. I now need to make a couple more of these for my other nodes and then hope to hear some other nodes locally once they appear on air.

Remodelling the antenna in EzNEC with the radials as shown above the gain at 2 degrees is now 5.5dBi, down 1.2dBi but, the overall radiation pattern is identical to the original.

Total cost of the build is about Β£1 and an hour of my time tinkering with it, bargain!

M0AWS-4 Meshtastic Node 868Mhz Antenna Deployment
M0AWS-4 Meshtastic Node 868Mhz Antenna Deployment

More soon …

Stray capacitance effects on SWR at 868Mhz

Following on from my last article on improving the Heltec ESP32 v3 antennas I found during the installation of the 90 degree SMA connector that the device was very sensitive to stray capacitance from things around it. After reconnecting my VNA I found the SWR curve would change substantially depending on what the device was near and so I set about rectifying this.

I decided to remove all the insulation from the single radial inside the unit and then added two more radials to increase the ground for the antenna to tune against. I then removed the N type plug with the antenna connected to it and made a new antenna from a piece of 1.5mm solid core insulated mains wire connected directly to the N type socket, without using an N type plug. Tuning to resonance was much easier than before and I soon had the SWR down to 1.2:1. Moving the device around and placing near to other objects the SWR curve was now much more stable than before with only very slight changes in curve shape.

M0AWS Updated 868Mhz Antenna
M0AWS Updated 868Mhz Antenna

Making this change to the 868Mhz antenna has shown an improvement in signal strength from my node-1 device of almost +0.5dB, every dB counts when you only have 100mW to play with!

The Bluetooth antenna update has made a massive improvement to the usability of the device via the iOS Meshtastic app. Being able to have a reliable, solid connection from anywhere in the house is great and I no longer lose messages because I’ve strayed outside the range of the Bluetooth connection.

I now have 2 new Heltec ESP32 v3 devices on the way to me and will be getting those configured and operational outside with external antennas in the hope of hearing some nodes locally to me.

More soon …

Home-Brew 12v DC Distribution Box

I’ve been wanting to tidy up the cabling to the 12v DC PSU for some time in the radio shack as like many HAMs I have a number of radios/devices that all need a 12v feed but, only two connectors on the front of the PSU. The net result was a birds nest of wires all connected to the PSU making it impossible to disconnect one device without others getting disconnected at the same time.

Looking online I found that many of the HAM outlets stores sell nice little 12v DC distribution boxes that would be ideal however, they’re all priced somewhat high for what they are so, I decided to purchase the parts and make one myself.

Searching on Amazon I found all the necessary parts for less than a quarter of the cost of commercially made units. A couple of days later the parts arrived and sat on my desk in the shack for a few weeks. Yesterday I finally found the time to make a start on the project.

M0AWS home-brew 12v DC Distribution Box
M0AWS home-brew 12v DC Distribution Box

After much drilling and filing I had the necessary holes/slots cut in the plastic box for the 4mm connectors and fuse holders and started wiring them up. Part way through my 30 year old soldering iron decided to die and so I had to stop and wait for a replacement to arrive.

M0AWS completed 12v DC Distribution Box
M0AWS completed 12v DC Distribution Box

With the new soldering iron in hand it only took 30mins or so to complete all the joints and I soon had the box together ready to test with my multimeter to ensure I didn’t have any shorts or crossed wires.

With testing complete and fuses in place I connected it up to the PSU and then connected all the devices one by one checking for voltage drops as I went.

M0AWS 12v DC Distribution Box
M0AWS 12v DC Distribution Box

I now have my CG3000 remote auto ATU, GPSDO, QO-100 ground station and IC-705 all nicely connected in a much tidier fashion than before, all for considerably less than the commercially available alternatives.

More soon …

Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna

This antenna modelling session came about after a conversation with Michael, DK1MI on the Matrix. I believe the antenna design was originally done by Artur, M0PLK with reviews being on EHAM.

The antenna takes the form of a simple inverted triangular loop with a 5.8m flat top and two diagonals each 5.6m long coming down to a point. The antenna is fed in the centre of the flat top with 450 Ohm open ladder line and a 4:1 Balun. This antenna will require an ATU on all bands as the modelling shows a very wide range of impedances at the feed point.

Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna View
Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna View

The design seems to suggest using two fixed aluminium tubes with the wire fed up through them for the two diagonal elements of the antenna however, it would probably be easier to use a pair of collapsable fibre glass poles (Not Carbon fibre) with the wire attached via some clips or tape.

I decided to model the antenna with the top horizontal wire 10m above ground putting the point of the triangle 5.2m above ground. I felt this was an achievable height for most HAMs. Lowering the antenna will raise the resultant angle of maximum radiation on all bands.

Looking at the 2D Far Field Plots (2DFFP) the antenna radiates through the loop as expected with a higher radiation angle on the lowest band and the lowest radiation angle on the highest band. The antenna is of course bi-directional and so could be rotated just 180 degrees to obtain global coverage.

On the 30m band the antenna has a very high angle of maximum radiation making it ideal for short distances. There is a little gain to be had at 25 degrees however, this is nowhere near the maximum but, will possibly aid working longer distances. A maximum gain of 5.31dBi is obtained at 72 Degrees on the 30m band.

Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 30m 2D Far Field Plot
Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 30m 2D Far Field Plot

On the 20m band the 2DFFP is fairly similar to that of the 30m band but, with 5.57dBi gain at a lower angle of 34 Degrees. This will provide excellent results on medium distance contacts and reasonable results on the long haul.

Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 20m 2D Far Field Plot
Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 20m 2D Far Field Plot

Once above 14Mhz things start to get more interesting. From the 17m band upwards the radiation pattern changes quite drastically and starts to provide some excellent gain at relatively low angles. This will improve the antenna’s DX performance considerably on the higher bands.

Looking at the 17m band the angle of maximum radiation is now down to 26 degrees with a gain of 7.64dBi. At 12 degrees there is a gain of 4.59dBi. This radiation pattern will make this antenna ideal for the medium to long haul contact with very little interference from NVIS signals.

Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 17m 2D Far Field Plot
Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 17m 2D Far Field Plot

The 15m band follows the trend with the angle of max radiation now down to 22 degrees with a max gain of 8.54dBi. Even at 10 degrees there is a gain of 5.34dBi which will be very welcome for DXing. There is slightly more near vertical incident skywave (NVIS) radiation on the 15m band and so the antenna should provide short, medium and long haul contacts with the latter being favoured.

Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 15m 2D Far Field Plot
Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 15m 2D Far Field Plot

Moving up to the 12m band the angle of maximum radiation now comes down to 18 degrees with a gain of 8.61dBi. There is also 5dBi of gain to be had at 8 degrees which is ideal for DXing. Unfortunately there is slightly more NVIS radiation on the 12m band than there is on the 15m band. I’m sure with a little change in height this could be reduced such that the antenna provides only low angle radiation.

Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 12m 2D Far Field Plot
Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 12m 2D Far Field Plot

Finally we reach the 10m band, this is where the antenna has the lowest angle of maximum radiation. With 8.56dBi gain at 16 Degrees, 5.59dBi at 8 degrees and a much reduced NVIS radiation. This antenna should be excellent for the long haul on 28-29Mhz. (It would also make an excellent 11m/CB antenna).

Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 10m 2D Far Field Plot
Multi-Band Delta Loop Antenna 10m 2D Far Field Plot

It’s interesting to note the similarities between this multi-band delta loop design and my Bi-Directional Slot Fed Antenna design. They both exhibit very similar radiation patterns and gain figures with the Slot Fed Antenna providing slightly more gain and an even lower angle of maximum radiation on the supported bands.

Overall this easy to construct multi-band delta loop antenna would be ideal for the HAM that just wants a single antenna for 30m and upwards or is looking to go portable. The only disadvantage is that a good Remote Auto ATU is required to provide matching of the antenna to the 50 ohm coax at the feed point. Something like the LDG RT100 would be an ideal ATU choice for this application and would remove the losses caused by having a high SWR on the coax feed to the antenna.

Using an ATU in the radio in the shack isn’t going to provide the same results as the coax cable from the antenna to the shack will become part of the antenna and will be detrimental to the antenna performance. It will also create high losses on the coax feed to the antenna due to high SWR being present over the length of the coaxial feed.

Modelling my Inverted-L Antenna

Since I put together my Inverted-L antenna and Pi-Network ATU I’ve been having a lot of fun on the low bands.

Getting back onto 160m has been most enjoyable and I’ve now had over 100 β€˜Top Band’ contacts with distances covered as far as 3453 Miles into Sosnovoborsk Asiatic Russia.

I must admit I am amazed at the distances achieved on the 160m band as the antenna isn’t very high above ground level when compared to a single wave length on 160m.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna View
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna View

The Inverted-L antenna at the M0AWS QTH was designed purely around the size of the back garden. Using a couple of 10m Spiderpoles the vertical section of the antenna is 10m tall and the horizontal section is 28m long. Naturally the antenna resonates around 2.53Mhz but, can be tuned to resonate anywhere on any band using the Pi-Network ATU I built that is situated at the base of the vertical section of the antenna.

Looking at the far field plots for the antenna on each band we see that as we move higher in frequency the radiation pattern becomes more complex and the radiation angle gets lower, exactly what we would expect from such an antenna. The antenna runs pretty much North/South in the garden ( X axis on the diagram above) and so we would expect the antenna to radiate East/West (Y axis on the diagram above) however, this isn’t always the case.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 160m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 160m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 160m 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 160m 2D Far Field Plot

(Click Far Field Plots for full screen view)

On 160m the antenna favours the South (-X Axis) and presents some usable high angle gain although, from using the antenna you would never know this to be the case as it seems to have pretty good all round coverage. With the best distance of 3453 Miles being covered to the East into Asiatic Russia the antenna performs well even though the far field plot is slightly biased to the South.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 80m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 80m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 80m 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 80m 2D Far Field Plot

On the 80m band the Inverted-L antenna becomes a cloud warmer and exhibits very high angle radiation. On 80m the antenna is ideal for NVIS Inter-G propagation and is great for rag chewing with other UK/Near EU stations.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 60m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 60m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 60m 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 60m 2D Far Field Plot

Looking at the far field plots for the 60m band once again the antenna provides lots of high angle gain however, there is also some very useable lower angle gain that has proven to be excellent for working long hauls into North America and east into Central Asia. On the 60m band during the day the antenna is excellent for Inter-G chatting, using just 20w-40w I can very easily chat with other UK HAMs even when the band is noisy.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 40m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 40m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 40m 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 40m 2D Far Field Plot

Moving on up to the 40m band we find the far field plot starts to get a little more complex. Looking at the 3D plot you’d think that the antenna favoured the South (-X Axis) however, in reality it favours the NorthWest with both some high and low angle gain. This antenna has proven to be excellent for DXing into North America on 40m but, has also been great for DXing into South America getting great signal reports from stations in Panama at a distance of 5415 Miles. During the day NVIS propagation is excellent and I find I can chat with other UK and near EU stations with ease using just 25w.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 60m/40m Global Coverage
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 60m/40m Global Coverage

Above is a screen shot from PSKReporter showing stations that have heard me on the 40m and 60m bands. As you can see, global coverage is excellent with stations as far as Australia and New Zealand hearing me on the 40m band and stations on the West Coast USA hearing me on the 60m band. I was also pleased to see I was heard in Africa on both bands, a region of the world I would like to get more contacts from.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 30m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 30m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 30m 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 30m 2D Far Field Plot

On the 30m band the Inverted-L antenna starts to exhibit two lobes with gain to the NorthEast and NorthWest. This makes the antenna ideal for working into the USA and Australia/New Zealand over the North Pole. Working US stations is a breeze with relatively low power and I almost got a contact with New Zealand during the evening greyline but, unfortunately the DX station dropped out before I managed to get my signal report back to him. As time goes on I’m sure the antenna will more than prove itself on the 30m band.

So far I’ve not ventured above the 30m band with the Inverted-L antenna as I’ve really been enjoying access to Inter-G chats on 80m, 40m and 60m and chasing DX on 160m, 60m, 40m and 30m. I need to venture up onto the higher bands before the long winter nights settle in and the higher HF bands close for the winter season.

Looking at the far field plots on the higher HF bands the antenna has huge potential as it provides some nice low angle radiation in useful directions.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 20m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 20m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 20m 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 20m 2D Far Field Plot

On the 20m band the far field plot starts to get much more complex with lobes at many different angles. The main gain lobe is to the NorthEast towards the USA and is at a fairly low angle and so this antenna should be great for working stateside on the 20m band. There are also lobes to the NorthEast and so hopefully working VK/ZL over the pole should also be possible. As I said above I’ve not yet used the antenna above the 30m band and so at this time cannot confirm performance but, it looks promising.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 17m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 17m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 17m 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 17m 2D Far Field Plot

The 17m band also looks promising with a similar far field plot as the 20m band but, with lower angle of maximum radiation and more gain. It will be very interesting to test this antenna on 17m especially since the noise level is below S0 and I can very easily hear the weakest of stations on this band.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 15m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 15m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 15m 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 15m 2D Far Field Plot

Once again the 15m band looks very similar to the 17m band, low angle radiation but, with a slightly more complex far field plot.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 12m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 12m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 12m 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 12m 2D Far Field Plot

The 12m band far field plots continue the theme with the angle of maximum radiation slightly lower than on the 15m band and slightly more gain. This antenna should be great for chasing the DX on the very quiet 12m band.

M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 10m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 10m 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 10m 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS Inverted-L Antenna 10m 2D Far Field Plot

Finally the 10m band is very similar to the 12m band in that the far field plots show low angle gain albeit with an even more complex radiation pattern.

I originally put this antenna up so that I could work Inter-G on the low bands but, it has proven to be a much more worthy antenna than I originally thought it would be. I need to spend more time with this antenna on the bands above 30m to really see how it performs on the higher HF bands but, so far I’m really pleased with it’s overall performance on all the bands tested to date.

I can highly recommend using FT8 to test new antennas. With PSKReporter and my own NodeRed World Map WSJT-X interface I can see realtime the antenna performance on each band. FT8 is an extremely useful tool when it comes to testing antennas to see if they perform as per the modelling and can often provide some performance surprises!

More soon …

Making my 160m Inverted-L into a Multi band Antenna

I recently put up a 38m Inverted-L antenna (10m vertical/28m horizontal) and tuned it on the 160m band using a home-brew Pi-Network ATU. It’s working great on top band and I’m really pleased with performance so far.

I decided today that it would be good to try the inverted-L out on some of the other low bands too. Since my other HF antenna is a large vertical that’s great for DXing but, terrible for Inter-G I thought perhaps the Inverted-L would fill the inter-G gap.

M0AWS Pi-Network ATU using my JNCRadio VNA to find the ATU setting for each band
M0AWS Pi-Network ATU using my JNCRadio VNA to find the ATU setting for each band

Having recently purchased a JNCRadio VNA from Martin Lynch and Sons it made tuning the ATU for each band really easy. When it comes to antenna resonance I like my antennas to have an SWR of less than 1.2:1. With the VNA connected it is really easy to tune the antenna for a 1:1 SWR on a particular frequency, make a note of the tune information and then move to the next frequency and start again.

M0AWS Pi-Network ATU Inductor with turns count
M0AWS Pi-Network ATU Inductor with turns count
M0AWS Pi-Network ATU Capacitor 1 and 2 settings
M0AWS Pi-Network ATU Capacitor 1 and 2 settings

I marked up each turn on the large copper inductor so I could record the position of the input wire onto the inductor. I then added some markings on the two capacitors of the Pi-Network ATU for the resonance points on each band/frequency I wanted to resonate the antenna on.

M0AWS Pi-Network ATU settings noted for each band
M0AWS Pi-Network ATU settings noted for each band

After about 40mins I had all the settings recorded on a pad ready for testing from the shack end of the coax run. Connecting my Yaesu FTDX10 to the coax I ran through each band setting checking the SWR as I went. All bands tuned up perfectly 160m through 30m and receiving of Inter-G on the bands that were active was excellent.

Wanting to test the antenna on 40m for the first time I found Nick, M7NHC calling CQ and gave him a call using just 5w output. He came straight back to me and we had a quick chat.

Nick was using an Icom IC-7300 using just 10w into an end-fed long wire from Eastbourne down on the south coast so, we were both QRP. Nick was a 5/7 with QSB and he gave me a 5/8 with QSB, not bad at all consider how much power we were using.

I’m hoping to have a chat with some of the guys from the Matrix this evening on 60m SSB so, it will be interesting to see how the antenna performs on 5Mhz.

More soon …

20m Band Delta Loop Antenna

I’ve had this antenna model for ages now but, never got round to putting it onto the website until Alex, GM5ALX was talking about making one the other day whilst chatting on the QO-100 satellite.

The 20m band delta loop follows exactly the same design principles as all the other delta loop designs I’ve already put on the website. They are designed such that they present a 50 ohm impedance at the feed point and thus have no requirement for complex impedance matching circuits/transformers.

M0AWS 20m Band Delta Loop Antenna - Antenna View
M0AWS 20m Band Delta Loop Antenna – Antenna View

The dimensions for the antenna are as follows:

Wire 1 – Horizontal exactly 1m above the ground for its entire 10.2m length.
Wires 2 & 3 are exactly 6.18m long each with the top being 4.5m above the ground.

M0AWS 20m Band Delta Loop Antenna - 3D Far Field Plot
M0AWS 20m Band Delta Loop Antenna – 3D Far Field Plot

The 3D far field plot shows a typical delta loop radiation pattern with the maximum radiation through the loop and a deep null in the centre.

M0AWS 20m Band Delta Loop Antenna - 2D Far Field Plot
M0AWS 20m Band Delta Loop Antenna – 2D Far Field Plot

The 2D elevation plot shows that the antenna will give a maximum gain of -0.79dBi at 30 degrees when used over average/poor soil types. If like me you use your Delta Loop antennas on the beach then the antenna will present considerably more gain as it will benefit from the salt water reflection.

If you want to lower the angle of maximum radiation and increase the gain over average ground just raise the antenna up so that the top is around 7m above ground. This will give a much lower angle of radiation and improve the gain figure by 2-3dBi. Don’t forget that if you raise the antenna the point of resonance will also rise in frequency and so you may need to shorten the wires a little to get the point of resonance back to where you want it.

The SWR plot shows that the antenna will have a fairly wide bandwidth and match to 50 ohm coax extremely well. The antenna is designed to be fed in one of the lower corners via a 1:1 balun for best results.

M0AWS 20m Band Delta Loop Antenna - SWR Curve
M0AWS 20m Band Delta Loop Antenna – SWR Curve


Total Wire Length: 16.38m
Horizontal Wire Length: 10.2m @ 1m above ground
Diagonal Wire Lengths: 6.18m
Wire Dia: 2.5mm
Height at Centre: 4.5m
Feed Type: 1:1 Balun in bottom corner (Can use coax if necessary)
Impedance: 50 Ohm
SWR: <1.5:1 at resonance

Getting back onto 160m β€œTop Band”

Since setting up the new HAM station here in the UK the one band I’ve not yet got back onto is 160m, one of my most favourite bands in the HF spectrum and one that I was addicted to when I live in France (F5VKM).

Having such a small garden here in the UK there is no way I can get any type of guyed vertical for 160m erected and so I needed to come up with some sort of compromise antenna for the band.

Only being interested in the FT4/8 and CW sections of the 160m band I calculated that I could get an inverted-L antenna up that would be reasonably close to resonant. It would require some additional inductance to get the electrical length required and some impedance matching to provide a 50 Ohm impedance to the transceiver.

Measuring the garden I found I could get a 28m horizontal section in place and a 10m vertical section using one of my 10m spiderpoles. This would give me a total of 38m of wire that would get me fairly close to the quarter wave length.

For impedance matching I decided to make a Pi-Network ATU. I’ve made these in the past and found them to be excellent at matching a very wide range of impedances to 50 Ohm.

M0AWS Homebrew Pi-Network ATU
M0AWS Homebrew Pi-Network ATU

Since I still had the components of the Pi-Network ATU that I built when I lived in France I decided to reuse them as it saved a lot of work. The inductor was made from some copper tubing I had left over after doing all the plumbing in the house in France and so it got repurposed and formed into a very large inductor. The 2 x capacitors I also built many years ago and fortunately I’d kept locked away as they are very expensive to purchase today and a lot of work to make.

Getting the Inverted-L antenna up was easy enough and I soon had it connected to the Pi-Network ATU. I ran a few radials out around the garden to give it something to tune against and wound a 1:1 choke balun at the end of the coax run to stop any common mode currents that may have appeared on the coax braid.

Connecting my JNCRadio VNA I found that the Inverted-L was naturally resonant at 2.53Mhz, not too far off the 1.84Mhz that I needed. Adding a little extra inductance and capacitance via the ATU I soon had the antenna resonant where I wanted it at the bottom of the 160m band.

M0AWS 160m Inverted L Antenna SWR Curve
M0AWS 160m Inverted L Antenna SWR Curve

With the SWR being <1.5:1 across the CW and FT8 section of the band I was ready to get on 160m for the first time in a long.

Since it’s still summer in the UK I wasn’t expecting to find the band in very good shape but, was pleasantly surprised. Switching the radio on before full sunset I was hearing stations all around Europe with ease. In no time at all I was working stations and getting good reports using just 22w of FT8. FT8 is such a good mode for testing new antennas.

As the sky got darker the distance achieved got greater and over time I was able to work into Russia with the longest distance recorded being 2445 Miles, R9LE in Tyumen Asiatic Russia.

In no time at all I’d worked 32 stations taking my total 160m QSOs from 16 to 48. I can’t wait for the long, dark winter nights to see how well this antenna really performs.

M0AWS Map showing stations worked on 160m using Inverted L Antenna
M0AWS Map showing stations worked on 160m using Inverted L Antenna

The map above shows the locations of the stations worked on the first evening using the 160m Inverted-L antenna. As the year moves on and we slowly progress into winter it will be fun to start chasing the DX again on the 160m band..

UPDATE 6th October 2023.
Been using the antenna for some time now with over 100 contacts on 160m. Best 160m DX so far is RV0AR in Sosnovoborsk Asiatic Russia, 3453 Miles using just 22w. Pretty impressive for such a low antenna on Top Band.

More soon …

15m Band Delta Loop Antenna

This is a 15m band delta loop design that I’ve put together as requested by Wim, PE1PME.

The 15m band delta loop follows exactly the same design principles as all the other delta loop designs I’ve already put on the website. They are designed such that they present a 50 ohm impedance at the feed point and thus have no requirement for complex impedance matching circuits/transformers.

15m Band Delta Loop Antenna View
15m Band Delta Loop Antenna View

The dimensions for the antenna are as follows:

Wire 1 – Horizontal exactly 1m above the ground for its entire 7m length.
Wires 2 & 3 are exactly 4.12m long each with the top being 3.18m above the ground.

15m Band Delta Loop Antenna 3D Far Field Plot
15m Band Delta Loop Antenna 3D Far Field Plot

The 3D far field plot shows a typical delta loop radiation pattern with the maximum radiation through the loop and a deep null in the centre.

15m Band Delta Loop Antenna 2D Far Field Plot
15m Band Delta Loop Antenna 2D Far Field Plot

The 2D elevation plot shows that the antenna will give a maximum gain of 1.5dBi at 26 degrees with useful gain at lower angles.

The SWR plot shows that the antenna will have a fairly wide bandwidth and match to 50 ohm coax extremely well. The antenna is designed to be fed in one of the lower corners via a 1:1 balun for best results.

15m Band Delta Loop Antenna SWR Curve
15m Band Delta Loop Antenna SWR Curve


Total Wire Length: 15.24m
Horizontal Wire Length: 7m @ 1m above ground
Diagonal Wire Lengths: 4.12m
Wire Dia: 2.5mm
Height at Centre: 3.18m
Feed Type: 1:1 Balun in bottom corner (Can use coax if necessary)
Impedance: 50 Ohm
SWR: <1.5:1 at resonance

Use a Griffin Powermate with SDR via Node Red

I’ve been gradually building my QO-100 ground station over the last few months and have had the receive path working for some time now. One of the things I really miss with the Funcube Dongle Pro+ (FCD) SDR is a real VFO knob for changing frequency.

My QO-100 Node Red dashboard is configured so that I can have the FCD track the uplink frequency from the IC-705 but, sometimes I use the FCD without the IC-705 in the shack and so a physical VFO would be handy.

Many years ago when I lived in France (F5VKM) I had a Flexradio Flex-3000 SDR, a great radio in it’s time and one that gave me many hours of enjoyment. One addition I bought for that station was a Griffin Technology Powermate VFO knob. It worked extremely well with the PowerSDR software for the Flex-3000 and I used it for many years.

Many years later I’m back in the UK and much of my equipment is packed away in the attic, including the Griffin Technology Powermate VFO.

I decided to dig it out and see if I could get it working with GQRX SDR software. Sadly I couldn’t get it working with GQRX however, I did find a way of getting it working with Node Red and thus could add it to my QO-100 Node Red Dashboard and then control GQRX with it via a simple Node Red flow.

Griffin Technology Powermate VFO
Griffin Technology Powermate VFO

Plugging the Powermate VFO into my Kubuntu PC it wasn’t immediately recognised by the Linux O/S. After a little searching I found the driver on Github. I added the PPA to my aptitude sources and installed the driver using apt.


Once installed the default config for the Powermate device is to control the default audio device volume. To make the device available for use as a VFO knob you need to change the configuration so that the default setting is disabled. To do this is relatively easy, just edit the config file using your favourite command line editor (Vi/Vim in my case) and add the following entry.

vi /etc/powermate.toml

# Entry to control HDMI volume with Powermate
#sink_name = "alsa_output.pci-0000_01_00.1.hdmi-stereo"

# Set powermate not to work with volume control
sink_name = ""

As shown above, comment out the default β€œsink_name” entry (Yours may be different depending on audio device in your PC) and add in the Powermate β€œsink_name” entry that effectively assigns it to nothing.

Once this is done, save the file and exit your editor and then reboot the PC.

Next you’ll need to install a small program called evtest.

sudo apt install evtest

To check the evtest program has installed correctly, plugin your Powermate VFO to any available USB port and run the following command in a terminal.

evtest /dev/input/powermate

Turning the Powermate knob you should see output on the screen showing the input from the device. You should also see BTN events for each press of the Powermate device.

Input driver version is 1.0.1
Input device ID: bus 0x3 vendor 0x77d product 0x410 version 0x400
Input device name: "Griffin PowerMate"
Supported events:
  Event type 0 (EV_SYN)
  Event type 1 (EV_KEY)
    Event code 256 (BTN_0)
  Event type 2 (EV_REL)
    Event code 7 (REL_DIAL)
  Event type 4 (EV_MSC)
    Event code 1 (MSC_PULSELED)
Testing ... (interrupt to exit)
Event: time 1685816662.086666, type 2 (EV_REL), code 7 (REL_DIAL), value -1
Event: time 1685816662.086666, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 1685816662.318638, type 2 (EV_REL), code 7 (REL_DIAL), value -1
Event: time 1685816662.318638, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 1685816662.574615, type 2 (EV_REL), code 7 (REL_DIAL), value -1
Event: time 1685816662.574615, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 1685816663.670461, type 2 (EV_REL), code 7 (REL_DIAL), value 1
Event: time 1685816663.670461, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 1685816664.030421, type 2 (EV_REL), code 7 (REL_DIAL), value 1
Event: time 1685816664.030421, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 1685816664.334389, type 2 (EV_REL), code 7 (REL_DIAL), value 1
Event: time 1685816664.334389, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 1685816665.334255, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 256 (BTN_0), value 1
Event: time 1685816665.334255, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 1685816665.558230, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 256 (BTN_0), value 0
Event: time 1685816665.558230, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 1685816666.030161, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 256 (BTN_0), value 1
Event: time 1685816666.030161, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------
Event: time 1685816666.182151, type 1 (EV_KEY), code 256 (BTN_0), value 0
Event: time 1685816666.182151, -------------- SYN_REPORT ------------

At this point you’re ready to stop evtest (CTRL-C) and then create the following little BASH shell script that Node Red will run to collect the O/P from the Powermate USB device.


# Griffin Technology Powermate control script #
# for Node Red.                               #
#                                             #
# 04/06/23 - M0AWS - v0.1                     #
#                                             #

echo "STEP-1Hz"

/usr/bin/evtest /dev/input/powermate | while read LINE 
   case $LINE in

      *"(REL_DIAL), value 1") echo "$VAL"

      *"(REL_DIAL), value -1") echo "-$VAL"

      *"(BTN_0), value 1") case $VAL in

                              "1") VAL="10"
                                   echo "STEP-10Hz"

                             "10") VAL="100"
                                   echo "STEP-100Hz"

                             "100") VAL="1000"
                                    echo "STEP-1Khz"

                             "1000") VAL="10000"
                                     echo "STEP-10Khz"

                             "10000") VAL="1"
                                       echo "STEP-1Hz"

Once the BASH script is copied and pasted into a file called powermate.sh you need to make it executable by using the following command.

chmod 700 ./powermate.sh

If you now run the shell script in a terminal you’ll see a similar output to that shown below from the device when used.


As you can see above the shell script outputs a positive or negative number for VFO tuning and changes the VFO step size each time the Powermate is depressed.

Getting this output from the BASH shell script into Node Red is really simple to achieve using just 3 or 4 nodes.

In the Node Red development UI create the following nodes.

Griffin Powermate Node Red Nodes
Griffin Powermate Node Red Nodes

The first node in the flow is a simple inject node, here I called it trigger. This sends a timestamp into the next node in the flow at startup to set the flow running.

The Griffin Powermate node is a simple exec node that runs the script we created above.

M0AWS Powermate exec node
M0AWS Powermate exec node

Configure the node as shown above and connect it to the inject node that’s used as a trigger. Note: Change β€œuser” in the Command field shown above to that of your username on your Linux PC)

Once done create the third node in the flow, a simple switch node and configure as shown below.

Switch Node for Powermate
Switch Node for Powermate

The switch node has two outputs, the top one is a text output that is fed into a text field to show the current step size of the Powermate device and the lower output is the numeric output that must be fed into your VFO control flow so that the VFO value is incremented/decremented by the amount output by the Powermate device.

I’ve found the Griffin Technology Powermate USB device works extremely well with Node Red and GQRX that I use for controlling the FCD SDR radio and it’s now part of my QO-100 ground station build.

M0AWS QO-100 Dashboard with Powermate Step Display at bottom
M0AWS QO-100 Dashboard with Powermate Step Display at bottom

As shown above you can see the Powermate Step size at the bottom of the dashboard, this text changes each time the Powermate device is depressed and will set a step size of 1Hz, 10Hz, 100Hz, 1Khz, 10Khz in a round-robin fashion.

The next stage of the build is the 2.4Ghz transmit path. I now have all the necessary hardware and so this part of the build can finally commence.

More soon …
