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I have deliveries!

I love it when the courier comes. In the last few days I’ve received both my new SteppIR and the NN4ZZ tilt plate from Degen Designs. Now all I need to do is wait until the weather improves and I can start the process for replacing the hexbeam and coax. Exciting times ahead.

The post I have deliveries! first appeared on QSO365.

New aerial – I’ve decided!

After much research, I’ve decided what I’m going to replace the Hexbeam with. I’m aiming to put up a SteppIR UrbanBeam which will give me the same coverage as the Hexbeam with the addition of a folded dipole on 30m. At the same time, I’m going to replace all the coaxial cable with Messi & […]

The post New aerial – I’ve decided! first appeared on QSO365.