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Winter Field Day 2024: Off-Grid Ham Radio Adventure

Joe and I head out to the off-grid cabin for Winter Field Day.

Barker and Williamson Tactical Folded Dipole Antenna: https://www.bwantennas.com/bwdi.html
Chameleon LEFS-8010 End Fed Half Wave Antenna: https://chameleonantenna.com/shop-here/ols/products/cha-lefs-8010
N3FJP Ham Radio Contest Log: https://www.n3fjp.com/
Heil Ham Radio BM-17 Dual headset: https://heilhamradio.com/product/bm-17-2/

How I record my contact audio: https://youtu.be/tOqzZPphE7k
My headset trigger switch: https://youtu.be/b5Wu8BlrSF0

As a bonus, patrons can view the unedited phone contacts for the first hour of Winter Field Day. Visit my page on Patreon for details: https://www.patreon.com/kb9vbrantennas

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The post Winter Field Day 2024: Off-Grid Ham Radio Adventure appeared first on KB9VBR Antennas.

Multi-Purpose Outing

Heading out for some portable operations yesterday, I had a few objectives in mind. First, I needed to take some pictures of an antenna mount for an article I’m working on. I also wanted to do a POTA activation, while also making some Winter Field Day (WFD) contacts. Lastly, I wanted to try out an inexpensive LiFePO4 battery I recently purchased.

I planned to do all this stuff while at Ridley Creek State Park (K-1414, KFF-1414). I started off by setting up to take the pictures for the article. After getting the shots I needed, I set up to get on the air. Today, I was using my KX3 (5 watts CW) and 12-foot loaded whip. I also had a 29-foot vertical wire fed through a 9:1 unun.

My POTA/Winter Field Day setup. The straight key was pressed into service for a Straight Key Century Club contact.
My POTA/Winter Field Day setup. The straight key was pressed into service for a Straight Key Century Club contact.

I finished setting up about 10 minutes before WFD kicked off, so I started calling β€œCQ POTA” on 30M. By the time WFD started, I had the required 10 POTA contacts in the log. After marking myself as β€œQRT” on the POTA spotting page, I started β€œsearching and pouncing” on the bands. I was hunting for WFD, POTA, or anything else that seemed interesting.Β 

After a little under two hours, I wrapped up with 25 contacts in my log. Thirteen of them were WFD contacts. I also had a park-to-park QSO with AA4XX down in North Carolina. It’s always a pleasure to work Paul. A Straight Key Century Club contact with K3Y/8 rounded out my log.

The battery I was using today was a 6 Ah LiFePO4 battery I found on Amazon for about $20 (US). My trusty Bioenno batteries are still hanging tough after more than six years of use, but I was curious to see how this cheap battery would work. It did just fine, but we’ll see how it holds up over time.

The $20 6Ah LiFePO4 battery I used for the first time today. It got the job done.
The $20 6Ah LiFePO4 battery I used for the first time today. It got the job done.

With some welcomed mild weather yesterday, this wasn’t the most wintry of Winter Field Days here in Pennsylvania. I wish I had more time for it this weekend, but life had other plans for me. Best of luck to everyone taking part in WFD.

73, Craig WB3GCK

Winter Field Day 2022

Yours truly participating in Winter Field Day. (Photo: N3JEC)

Β I've participated in the ARRL's Field Day for the past couple of years, but never Winter Field Day until this past weekend.

Held at Nockamixon State Park in rural Bucks County, Pennsylvania, this Winter Field Day operation was done under the aegis of the Young Amateurs Radio Club (YARC) of which I am a member, and was overseen by Charlie, K3NOP who coordinated the whole event.Β 

I left Massachusetts Friday morning and after a 5 hour drive, arrived in the late afternoon at the park. I helped to set up antennas as soon as I arrived. While the even didn't start till 2pm EDT the next day, I got up at 2am after failing to fall asleep and was joined by N3JEC with our respective FT-991As and started playing radio early.

W1PAC and N3JEC playing radio at 2am in the morning.

The next day the contest got underway and we were off and running doing digital and voice as a 4 India station. At some points we had 3 operators at operating at the same time. There were also technical glitches at times, such as stepping on each other when transmitting resulting in one or multiple radios getting a lot of noise on HF.

Also, we weren't the only hams in the park, it turns out, that another group was at the other end of the cabin area playing around. We happened by chance upon them when we heard my Anytone 868 which had one of the VFOs set to 146.52 simplex and heard someone calling out! We invited them down to check out our cabin at some point, which they did. We also invited other Philly areas hams to join us of which only a few did, mostly because of the snowstorm (which was a blizzard here back in Massachusetts) left the roads a little less to be desired.

Not only did we have radios operating, but we held a Volunteer Examiner session that anyone could attend. We had at least one person upgrade to Extra! Congrats KC3SAI!

Anyways, I had an awesome time, and I hope to do it again next year! Here's the list of operators:
  • K3NOP, Charlie
  • WX0A, Amelia
  • N3JEC, Johnathan
  • W1PAC, Patrick
  • KC3SAI, Sean
Also in attendance and a great help were:
  • AJ3DI, Jim
  • K3CL, Charlie
  • W4KEK, Grant
  • N1LC, Lamonte
  • W4GMN, Dan
Lastly, YARC had a claimed score of 4,020. Let's see what the final results say!
