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Use APRSCube as a Tracker and I-Gate

The APRSCube is a small APRS Tracker and I-Gate based on a M5Stack Core Basic*.Β 

I use normally a Meshtastic T-Beam V1.1 ESP32* as Tracker and a LILYGO TTGO ESP32-Paxcounter* as I-Gate.Β 

Recently, I also have an ARPScube that combines both in one device.

A great piece of technology that is easy to use and can even be equipped with ENVIII sensor for weather data.

Telemetrie APRScube

I have the model with the QRO Modul (30dbm/1W). You can find it on APRS.fi.

All Information about the APRScube you can find on https://www.aprscube.de. It also has a support forum and the inventor Frank (DL3DCW) answers fast.Β 


What APRS Hard- and Software do you have and how do you use it?
