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Forty Years of Personal Computing - Gimix 256 KB Static RAM

256 KB Gimix Static RAM board, sans battery.
In 1991, my employer moved to a new building. Before the move, we cleaned out storage closets containing old equipment. Much of this was obsolete gear. Things like pairs of "twiggy" disk drives removed from early Apple Lisa systems upgraded to 3 1/2" disks in 1985.

In one closet, we discovered something unusual. It was a complete Gimix III "Ghost" system. This was a Β 2 MHz 6809 system sporting a fifteen-slot SS-50 motherboard and eight SS-30 slots and floppy disks: a top-of-the-line 6809 system from the early 1980s.Β 

By 1991, the company had no use for this equipment. I had the impulse to take the entire system home, but I didn't have room. My wife and I were living in a small house and the garage was already packed. She would not have been happy if I brought home a bunch of equipment.Β 

Instead, I salvaged exactly one board -- a Gimix 256K CMOS Static RAM board. It sported 256 KB of memory, with several options, including battery backup. The rest was scrapped by an electronics recycler.Β 

Obtaining the board, I tried it out in my system. I was able to map in 4 KB blocks of memory and test them. They all worked. I might use the additional memory as part of a virtual disk drive.Β 

In 1994, I moved, and the entire system was stored away for over 25 years. Looking at it recently, I found it needed repair. Over the years, the backup battery failed and leaked electrolyte on the board and motherboard. Several Molex connectors are damaged, and need to be replaced. Some of the components show signs of corrosion from the battery electrolyte.Β 

I removed the failed battery. I do hope the rest of the board still works once the repairs are complete. Perhaps I'll fix it in my retirement.

Forty Years of Personal Computing - MC6809 V2

MC6809 CPU card, version 2.
By March 1988, the MC6809E V1 cardΒ I designed in 1983 needed updates. I built an entirely new card with new features intended to run OS-9 more effectively.Β 


A MC6809 chip simplified things with the on-chip clock oscillator. The chip handled M.RDY without extra logic, and the rising edge of the Q clock did not need delay.


The MC6809E V1 card had no on-board RAM. There wasn't room. By 1988, a number of manufacturers had 32 KB static RAMs in 28-pin packages. 64 KB of memory is realized with a couple of chips.Β 

For the V2 board, I allowed for eight chips, totaling 256 KB of memory. This was a good compromise between cost and the space available. The memory is logically separate from the rest of the card -- decoding from the physical address and data bus, using appropriate buffers. In this way, the memory can be accessed by a bus master other than the CPU. It responds to physical addresses C0000-FDFFF or FEFFF, jumper selectable. For years, it held two chips -- 64 KB on the board -- with only 56 KB accessible. The six remaining chips were added recently, making 248 KB or 252 KB accessible.Β 


20-pin bus driver chips reduced the chip count, even with two sets of bus drivers, one for the CPU, and one for the memory array.

Program ROM

The design allows for a much larger ROM. The MC6809E V1 card originally had two 2KB 2716-compatible sockets -- one for a ROM and another for ROM or RAM. To make swapping OS-9 and BBUG easier, I changed this to a single 4 KB 2732-compatible ROM socket

For the MC6809 V2 board, the ROM can be a 2764, 27128 or 27256-compatible device, holding 8 KB, 16 KB or 32 KB, respectively. The larger ROM permitted more OS-9 modules to reside there, if desired.Β 

As built, a 2764-compatible EPROM is used, containing a BBUG image in one 4 KB half, and the OS-9 ROM image in the other 4 KB half. A jumper selects which half is active. This is much easier than swapping chips to go between BBUG and OS-9.

Accessing the correct amount of the ROM requires clever decoding.Β 


A hard-wired decoder would limit the flexibility of the system, and it would be complex and difficult to change. Rather than discrete logic, the decoder consists of a Cypress Semiconductor CY2C291 2Kx8 EPROM. This is a fast device with a 70ns access time. The CPU address lines A5 to A15 are connected directly to A0 to A10 on the chip. The decoder is enabled with the logical OR of E and Q, which asserts during three quarters of the memory cycle. This way, the eight data output pins can be used as decoder selects programmable on every 32-byte segment of memory.

Three select lines are used: one for bus access (including the on-board memory array), one for the program ROM, and one for the DAT. Each select line is pulled up to +5v. Placing a 0 bit in the decoder ROM data array makes the select line active for that 32-byte memory segment.Β 

Modifying the memory map becomes a simple matter of programming the decoder ROM. I programmed the following logical memory map:
  • 0000-EFFF - Bus
  • F000-F77F - Program ROM
  • F780-F7FF - Bus
  • F800-FFFF - Program ROM
  • FFE0-FFFF - DAT (writes only)
This configuration is compatible with the existing ROMs for BBUG and OS-9, which require I/O at E000-E07F. It has 4KB of program ROM, except for the hole at F780-F7FF. This hole deserves a bit of explanation.Β 

I/O Port Address Migration

BBUG occupies the top 2 KB of ROM. The OS-9 ROMs take up nearly 4KB. However OS9p2 doesn't use the last 128 bytes of that space. This unused space became an alternate location for the I/O ports. If the I/O ports moved from E000-E07F to F780-F7FF, the MC6809 could use RAM in the logical E block (E000-EFFF), for a total of 60 KB of RAM, up from 56 KB.Β 

Moving the I/O address requires motherboard decoder changes and software changes to the BBUG and OS-9 ROMs, as well as revision to Flex09 and OS-9 I/O configurations. The V2 board decoder ROM would work with the existing motherboard, or with the motherboard and ROMs altered for the new I/O addresses.

Larger ROM

Once the I/O addresses are moved, the decoder can be reprogrammed to allow for more ROM space. This opens the option of moving OS-9 modules into ROM. The decoder allows the lower limit of the ROM to be changed in 32-byte increments. This allows an OS-9 system to be entirely in ROM. OS-9 would start from the reset button without requiring a boot disk.


Back side of MC6809 V2 card.

The DAT configuration is similar to the MC6809E V1 board, with one important difference. In the SWTPc MP-09 board, as well as my V1 board, the outputs of the DAT are inverted on the lower four bits (A12-A15), but non-inverted on the higher four bits (S0-S3).Β 

This means that values programmed into the DAT must be one's complemented on the lower four bits (A12-A15), with the higher four bits (S0-S3) not complemented.Β 

For the V2 board, all eight bits of the DAT are inverted on the bus. Thus, the value programmed into the DAT is the one's compliment of the highest eight physical address bits (A12-A15, S0-S3).Β 

Which makes programming correct DAT values simpler, since the entire byte is complemented.

I introduced a hardware bug in the DAT decoder. More on this later.


Rather than wirewrap, I opted to try something new. A technician from work gave me a couple of 3M Scotchflex Breadboarding kits. This breadboarding system was brilliant. Chip sockets connected to IDC pins. Wiring is accomplished by forcing wire-wrap wire between the IDC pins with a special tool.Β 

It is way Β easier than wire-wrap, because there's no tedious cutting, stripping, threading and winding of wire. One lays the wire down and pushes it on to the pins. Wiring several connections in succession, such as with a bus, is a breeze. The results also look great. The IDC pins are low profile, so there's less chance of shorting a connection than with wire-wrap.

It's sad 3M discontinued this product. It was great. 3M has since re-used the Scotchflex brand on three other products.

Fixing the Bug

The MC6809 V2 board worked great. There were no wiring errors. I did find a problem with the DAT.

In the default BBUG and OS-9 configuration, the DAT is written once during reset and never touched. And that seemed to work just fine.

Then I started playing with an OS-9 driver called VDisk. It created a virtual disk from selected extended memory blocks. At the time, I had 56 KB of memory from the MC6809 V2 card, plus another 60 KB from the Digital Research Computers / Tanner card. That made possible a 60 KB virtual disk.

Every time I tried to access the virtual disk, the computer would crash. This took a while to track down.Β 

I eventually realized the new decoder did not take into account the clock cycle when accessing the DAT. Transients on the R/W* line early in the clock cycle could cause bad data to be written to the DAT. After I added the missing gate, the Disk driver worked perfectly.Β 


Like the MC6809E V1 board, this V2 board was exactly how I wanted it. There are only two jumpers.Β 

The jumper at the top edge of the board selects the 4KB portion of the EPROM. This makes it easy to switch between OS-9 and BBUG. No more hassle of changing out chips - just move a jumper.

The jumper in the middle of the board, just above the decoder ROM enables the FE000-FEFFF block of on-board memory. This would be installed once the motherboard I/O addresses are moved out of the E-block of memory and would allow 60 KB of RAM to be used.


Moving the I/O addresses out of the E-block gains 4KB more usable memory for OS-9. Perhaps I'll try that in my retirement.

Another fun project would be to put a full OS-9 Level I system into ROM. Unfortunately, all of the essential modules take up just over 16 KB of memory, so the division doesn't fall on a natural 4 KB boundary. This might cause a conflict accessing extended memory with the DAT. Β I'd also have to figure out how to program the decoder ROM. There are not many EPROM programmers that can program the Cypress Semiconductor CY2C291 devices, and I no longer have access to the ones I originally used.Β 

OS-9 Level II

This design works well for OS-9 Level I. To run OS-9 Level II, which allows each process to have a full 64 KB address space, requires more hardware. First, a second set of DAT memory chips allows the user and supervisors states to have separate memory maps. Second, a means of switching between those maps automatically -- like when servicing and returning from interrupts. Third, would require ROM to be accessible from an extended memory address, and then mapped into the supervisor space.Β 

Those requirements go beyond the scope of this design. Perhaps there's room for a V3 board. All of this assumes access to a copy of OS-9 Level II, which may be difficult to find.Β 

    Forty Years of Personal Computing - Tanner/Digital Research 64KB Memory Board

    Digital Research Computers 64 KB SS-50 Board
    I graduated from Georgia Tech in the fall of 1983 and got a full-time job. By 1984, 20 KB of memory didn't seem like enough for the MC6809E V1 board. My attempt to expand the Β 8 KB MP-8M to 16 KB didn't work. And I never built the dynamic RAM circuits I designed. I wanted more memory.

    Digital Research Computers marketed an SS-50 card designed by Tanner Computers in the early 80s. It sported thirty-two sockets for 2 KB RAM or ROM chips. These 2716-compatible chips were quite popular at the time.

    I bought a kit for about $225 with a full 64 KB of RAM in June 1984.

    Assembling the kit was straightforward, along the lines of the SWTPc kits. The board worked right away, with no soldering issues -- largely due to the excellent solder mask on the board.

    For SS-50 systems, this board has several flexible options. The first 48 KB presents as three 16 KB banks that are enabled individually. Each 2 KB segment in the top 16 KB is enabled individually, allowing one to navigate conflicts in the C, D, E and F blocks of memory. This allowed for I/O on the motherboard, or perhaps RAM or ROM on the CPU board.

    The board supports extended addressing on the S0-S3 pins. When enabled, the entire board responds as one 64 KB block. Each socket can contain either RAM or ROM chips, selectable by the jumper next to each chip.

    Initially, I used this board without extended addressing as a 56 KB board. I later enabled extended addressing to access the full 64 KB, after modifying the MP-B motherboard to decode the 20-bit address for the I/O slots. This allowed me to use that 8 KB of RAM for a virtual disk drive, briefly.

    I discovered some Β extended memory issues between BBUG/Flex09 and OS-9, so I disabled the MP-B decoding.

    As pictured, the board has the E000 and E800 blocks disabled, with F000 enabled, and F800 disabled. This configuration was appropriate for the MC6809E V1 CPU board and MP-B motherboard without the 20-bit address decoding, although, technically, the E800 block could be enabled, and the F000 block would not be accessible after I modified the MC6809E V1 CPU board for a 4K ROM.

    Forty Years of Personal Computing - MC6800 Years - Hardware Accessories

    MP-8M sans modifications.
    During the summer of 1978, I ordered more parts for my SWTPc 6800 computer.Β 


    I ordered an 8KB memory board, the MP-8M. The board used 4Kx1 chips, compared to the 1Kx1 chips on the MP-M. Even though it held twice as much memory, the MP-8M looks barely populated by comparison. It also drew far less power. Notice the LM7805's have no heat sinks. The kit came with them, but they really aren't needed.

    The original MP-M boards drew about 1.5 amps from the 8 volt supply for each board. SWTPc recommended running a maximum of four MP-M boards to avoid exceeding the capacity of the power supply. With the MP-8M, the machine could be populated to the 32 KB of continuous memory the MIKBUG memory map allowed.Β 

    At some point, I tried expanding the 8 KB board to 16 KB. I did this by buying 16 more 4Kx1 RAM chips and piggy-backing them on the original devices. All the pins were soldered except for the CE - Chip Enable (pin 10), which was raised to the side and wired together in two groups of eight. A couple of additional chips were used to drive the CE pin for the upper and lower 4 KB banks.Β 

    In theory, it should have worked. When the CE pin was high, the chips were unselected and all their outputs were in a tri-state mode. The decoder should select only one set of 8 chips at a time (or none at all, depending on the memory address).

    I never could get it to work. The original 8KB worked fine, but the additional 8KB never responded properly. I suspect there was something incorrectly wired in my additional decoder. I removed the decoder circuits and left the piggyback chips. Eventually, I removed those as well.

    One feature of the MP-8M was the write-protect switch. Flipping the switch made the memory unwritable. I never found a use for this feature, so I removed the switch.


    Two other purchases I made in the summer of 1978 -- SWTBUG and the MP-LA. SWTBUG was a MIKBUG-compatable ROM with several extra features. Perhaps the most important feature was that it supported the MP-S serial interface, and not just the MP-C serial interface. More on this in a later article.


    MP-LA board.
    The MP-LA was a parallel interface card using a 6821 PIA. I didn't have anything to hook this up to, but I wanted to experiment with parallel interfaces. So I built something.

    The Kreepie-Peepie

    I cobbled together a small aluminum box that contained 8 red LEDs, plus a small audio amplifier. The amplifier design was taken from the May 1977 Kilobaud article, "Adding 'Plop' to Your System" (page 98).

    Kreepie Peepie - says so with dry-transfer letters.
    The original amplifier design used a 7406 hex inverter with open-collector outputs. One inverter buffers the input, the next creates a 180 degree phase difference, and the rest are hooked in pairs to drive either side of a 500:8 ohm transformer. The 500 ohm winding is center-tapped and fed through a 1 k ohm potentiometer as a volume control.

    For some reason, I used two 7400 NAND gate chips. Probably because it was what I had one hand. This did not work the same, since the 7400 does not have open-collector outputs. But it worked despite my error.Β 

    The 8 LEDs connected to the B port of the MP-LA, and the audio amplifier was hooked to the CB2 control pin. The whole unit was powered by stealing 5 volts off the MP-LA's LM7805 regulator.

    While it sounds simple, this tiny box was fascinating. I spent the next several weeks writing and modifying small assembly language programs to exercise it. Programming different patterns of the 8 LEDs was easy and fun. Animating the lights at different speeds required mastering delay loops in the code. Β 

    Inside the Kreepie Peepie.
    Even more challenging was the audio interface. Whenever the CB2 pin was changed, it would make a "tick" sound in the speaker. Making sounds required one to constantly change the state of the CB2 pin. By toggling CB2 rapidly, one could create tones, the frequency of which was controlled by the speed of toggling. Experimenting, I found that I could create more than one tone simultaneously by using two numbers and computing the delay loop. Changing the delays algorithmically produced weird rising and falling sounds.

    I spent a lot of time hand-modifying machine language programs and running them to see what new sound or LED pattern I could produce. One Saturday, my mother got really annoyed that I was playing with the computer instead of coming to dinner. She complained that I was spending "too much time with the kreepie peepie." And thus the little box was dubbed the Kreepie-Peepie. I even applied rub-on letters to the box with this name.

    Forty Years of Personal Computing - SWTPc 6800

    Old computer veteran from November 1977,
    showing a few front-panel modifications.
    After I completed the SWTPc CT-64, I ordered the SWTPc 6800 computer system in November of 1977. How much memory to order was a consideration. The original kit had the MP-M board with only 2 KB of memory. SWTPc changed this earlier that year to add an MP-MX expansion for a total of 4 KB.Β 

    I wanted to run BASIC, plus the co-resident Assembler / Editor (called Co-Res), and this required 8 KB, plus space for programs. To basic kit, I added two MP-M boards. But, I did not order the MP-MX 2K expansion kits. I figured I could purchase the 2102 1Kx1 static RAM chips cheaper somewhere else.Β 


    The design of the SWTPc 6800 Computer System results from the MIKBUG ROM. Motorola developed MIKBUG to run a MC6800 evaluation kit. The essential features of the SWTPc system are drawn from this evaluation kit. The ROM resides at address E000, 128 bytes of RAM at A000, and a serial device at address 8004.Β 

    The serial device is worth mentioning. For the original evaluation kit, the MC6850 serial device wasn't ready, so Motorola shipped the MC6820 parallel interface adapter (PIA), a bit of divider logic and used software to "bit-bang" all serial communications. SWTPc offered two serial port boards, the MP-C and the MP-S. The MP-C uses a MC6820, while the MP-S uses the MC6850 asynchronous communications interface adapter (ACIA). MIKBUG requires the PIA, so that's what the MP-C uses. This means that the original 6800 computer system cannot receive any characters from the console terminal unless the CPU is actively polling the MP-C I/O board.

    The resulting memory map makes perfect sense for an evaluation kit, but left something to be desired as the system grew:
    • 0000-7FFF - available for RAM (32 KB)
    • 8000-9FFF - 32 bytes for the 8 I/O slots (4 bytes per slot) repeated
    • A000-BFFF - 128 bytes of ram repeated
    • C000-DFFF - available for RAM (8 KB)
    • E000-FFFF - 512 bytes of MIKBUG ROM repeated
    Back in 1975, 32KB of memory space seemed enormous. SWTPc recommended only four 4K boards be installed, based on power supply considerations, which topped out at 16 KB. Later, it would become a serious constraint.


    The 6800 computer system kit consisted of several sub-kits:
    • MP-B Motherboard
    • MP-P Power Supply
    • MP-A CPU Board
    • MP-M + MP-MX 4K Memory Board
    • MP-C Console Serial Port Board
    • Metal chassis and case to house the computer
    After my experience with the CT-64, I was prepared for SWTPc's minimalist assembly instructions.

    MP-B Motherboard
    The MP-B was straightforward, although there are nearly 600 connections to solder the bus pins to the heavy bus traces. That was a lot to ask for my 25 watt Weller soldering pencil. The motherboard design has some decoding and buffering logic to separate the seven 50-pin main slots from the 30-pin I/O slots.

    (In the picture, you'll note that I have replaced the original nylon spacers with #8 screws. SWTPc used nylon spacers that clipped into chassis bottom and allowed the MP-B to snap in. Those goofy nylon spacers never worked well and often would come loose from the chassis bottom. There's also some additional logic that enhances decoding -- more on that in a future article)


    I struggled a bit with the MP-P power supply. It had a lot of heavy wiring and board traces. But it is simple and went togetherΒ quickly.


    MP-A CPU board
    The heart of the whole computer system is the MP-A board. Compared to later CPU boards, there's quite a few discrete components on this board, related to the clock drivers and 555 reset timer. Given my experience with SWTPc kits, it wasn't difficult.

    (You might notice my board is missing a few things - like the MC14411 chip and its associated crystal as well as the heatsink on the 7805. These components moved to other projects when the board was retired)

    MP-M / MP-MX

    MP-M 4KB memory
    The MP-M boards with the MP-MX expansion were the most dense. They have 32 total memory chips, plus seven other integrated circuits, two voltage regulators and a handful of discrete components, all on a 5 1/2" by 9" board. It was a lot of soldering. I did this twice, using parts from the second MP-M kit to act as the MP-MX kit.Β 

    A few weeks later, I built the third MP-M/MP-MX, using 2102 chips I ordered by phone. It was cheaper, but not by a lot. There were a few other components for the MP-MX I either obtained from my junk box, or bought locally. You can tell that board by the yellow disc ceramic 0.01 uF capacitors.Β 

    (In the photo, these boards are missing components, too. The molex connectors are missing from the center board, and the two top boards have donated their heatsinks as well. If you look closer, you'll find a few memory chips that are socketed or are mounted on socket pins. All these chips failed in the first couple of years of use and had to be replaced)


    MP-C board, modified
    The MP-C was easy to build by comparison. Generally the I/O boards are really simple. The MP-C had nine integrated circuits, but three of these are six-pin opto-isolators.Β 

    This board was designed to support RS-232 connections, as well as 20 mA current-loop interfaces that were typical of mechanical teletypewriters.Β 

    (In the photo, the MP-C card has been modified into an MP-S type card using a MC6850 ACIA. The components related to the 20 mA current-loop interface have been removed, as well as the clock divider circuits)


    The big challenge for this kit was making it all work. Yes, I had a few solder-bridge problems with the CT-64 kit, but I managed to puzzle them out. It was easier where I could see things on the screen.

    For the SWTPc 6800, this was harder. A lot of the system had to work to get the MIKBUG asterisk "*" prompt to show up. How as a kid who is not even 17 years old and owns no test equipment other than a cheap Volt-Ohm Meter going to do this?

    I was lucky my father worked for a local college and they allowed me to borrow a dual-trace oscilloscope for a few weeks. This allowed me to track down my problems. I was experienced in building enough that I managed to avoid obvious problems like putting components in backwards, or putting the wrong components in a spot.Β 

    You'll note most of the integrated circuits in the SWTPc kits are not socketed. Sockets were considered optional for most components. The MP-A board has sockets for four chips: MC6800, MC6810, MC6830 (MIKBUG), MC14411. The MP-C board has a socket for one chip: MC6820. There were no sockets supplied for the MP-B or MP-M/MX boards. Some builders opted to supply their own.Β 

    Without sockets, it was important to place components correctly. Unsoldering misplaced components was not a pleasant experience, and it risked damage to the board.

    That said, virtually every problem I encountered was either due to a solder bridge, or an unsoldered connection. The SWTPc boards had no solder mask (another cost-saving measure), so making accidental bridges was easy. I found solder bridges on the MP-A board, on the MP-B board, and several on the MP-M boards.Β 

    Indeed, getting the memory boards to work correctly was enough of a challenge that it made me appreciate memory test programs. Some simple tests won't find memory convergence problems.

    The SWTPc 6800 computer would function with only the MP-A and MP-C boards plugged in. The MIKBUG ROM monitor could be used to enter short machine language programs into the 128 bytes of scratch memory at A000.Β  This made it easy to test the other components, such as the MP-M boards.

    The Unit

    The resulting unit is a smart-looking turnkey box without any flashing lights. (Mine has been modified with 16 LEDs and a few other holes on the front panel, but I'll tell that story later) It came with aluminum angle trim, but I tended to leave it off. I generally had my hands in and out of the box so often I didn't even screw the lid on.

    On the original kits, the back panel had four large holes which passed all I/O cables. In later units, SWTPc added punch-outs for DB-25 connectors for serial devices. Mine has four punch-outs arranged in two horizontal groups just inside the two outermost holes. Other units have four punch-outs in a line above the holes. Other builders have modified their back panels to add other connector types.Β 
