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Setting up Heltec V3 868MHz on TinyGS

TinyGS, is a network system to retrieve LoRa satellite data using ESP devices, much like SatNOGS. Everything is managed via the GitHub repo and the Telegram channels.

Getting started and flashing the software on devices is very easy via their web installer. You then request a username and password via their Telegram bot. I’m not detailing much as their instructions are plain and the process is super easy. You do have to use Telegram but it’s okay.

They have a list of supported hardware, and whilst the V3 isn’t mentioned, people on Telegram says it works. Plus when I flashed mine, it came up in the dropdown to choose it. However, it only showed the 433 MHz version.

Telegram is fine and that, but like Discord, it’s not the easiest to find useful information. Compared to Discourses forum or Github issues etc., however, it does cost the project team nothing so I don’t begrudge them that. You can search posts but it takes a lot of effort to work through them and likely multiple conversations happening at the same time. Hence this post…

You can change the frequency by logging into the webadmin, which, strangely, is actually the public website and not the dashboard that runs locally on your device. You have to request a link from the TinyGS telegram bot with /weblogin and it produces a url for you. As it’s Telegram I’m using my phone for it, no doubt there’s a computer client too.

Weblogin page

You then click on your station, and a new menu appears.

Click on Operate to change frequency
Autotune 🎶

The top dropdown lets you change it to 868 (or 900+ depending on your region) MHz, and voila!

But don’t bother

Why? Because there are only four supported satellites and at ~900 MHz you’ll need a decent antenna to pick up the data and I’m not sure the device can manage the doppler shift well enough to get anything meaningful. Just get a 433 MHz device and enjoy the experience. 🛰

SOTA API and Google AI to find the Goat

After my double activation yesterday (which I’ve yet to write up), I bumped into Fraser, MM0EFI of RadioRover YouTube fame, in Tesco. He was asking when I was going to be doing some higher point summits, as mostly I’ve been doing ones near to the house which don’t score that high. There are quite a few in my region. After browsing some more, I was curious as to how long it took Fraser to reach Mountain Goat. This is the award you get when you reach 1,000 points.

MM0EFI’s stats

You can see his activation list on, and it’s clear he’s done a lot of summits and a lot of high pointers. However, the question still remained…how long did it take?

I know the SOTA database has an API, as several other sites use it and I’ve seen it mentioned in the reflector, but I hadn’t come across any documentation. Searching around I find this post which gets me started. I work out MM is associationID 03, and then querying, I can look up Fraser’s UserID.

In the past I’ve used python to query APIs, put the JSON into a pandas dataframe then calculate and plot things from there. A quick way to get going with this is in Google Colaboratory. It’s a free jupyter notebook in which many python packages are already installed and it’s quick to jump in and get going. Unsurprisingly, it now features a LLM AI assistant, where you can just type in what you want and it generates several options of code for you to run and see what happens.

My first prompt (including spelling mistakes but now corrected) was:

retreive JSON from api url: and create a plot of “Total”

Option #2 of Gemini spat out some commented code, I tweaked the date column name, as it just guessed it was called Date not ActivatorDate, and tah-dah ✨

import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

url = ""

# Define the ID you want to retrieve data for
activator_id = "46844"

# Construct the full URL
full_url = url + activator_id

# Send the GET request
response = requests.get(full_url)

# Parse the JSON response
data = json.loads(response.text)

# Create a Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# Convert the "ActivationDate" column to datetime
df["ActivationDate"] = pd.to_datetime(df["ActivationDate"])

# Plot the cumulative sum of "Total"
df.plot(x="ActivationDate", y="Total", kind="line", figsize=(10, 6))
plt.title("Cumulative Sum of Total for Activator ID: {}".format(activator_id))
The result!

Certainly the trend of a mountain goat! Although I’d say once he reached 1,000 the pressure was off and you can see that gradient relax.

But how long did it take?

The actual question that was asked

So I asked Gemini some more questions and we find the answers:

# prompt: duration in activationdate between start and when total=1000

# Find the first row where Total is greater than or equal to 1000
first_1000_row = df.loc[df["Total"] >= 1000].iloc[0]

# Calculate the duration between the first activation date and the date when Total reached 1000
duration = first_1000_row["ActivationDate"] - df["ActivationDate"].iloc[0]

# Print the duration
print("Duration until Total reached 1000:", duration)

Plus question #2:

# prompt: what row of df has total = 1000

# Find the index of the first row where Total is greater than or equal to 1000
first_1000_row_index = df.loc[df["Total"] >= 1000].index[0]

# Print the index
print("Row index with Total equal to 1000:", first_1000_row_index)

🥁633 days and 172 activations 🎉

I’m at 16 points right now 😅⛰️🐐

Strathfinella Activation

Another hill, this time to the south of Aberdeen. The weather was wet and windy in the morning, particularly so inland, so thought I’d stick to the coast. The two options were Strathfinella or Hill of Garvock. Reports of angry cows from Garvock, plus the sheltered nature of the wooded summit of Strathfinella made the decision for me.

Consulting Fraser, MM0EFI, the local SOTA expert, I was going to climb it from the south, following forestry roads and mountain bike paths. Looked to be fairly short route and a quick claim to the top. It’s only a one pointer, so never going to be that far.

Route from the south

The weather was pretty good, breezy but some sun and mild. The route was straightforward- literally. There were a few bikers around who I met just before the turn off to the summit.

Left or right? Nope. Straight on.

I had a chat with some of the mountain bikers but just said I was out for a walk. Too much effort to get into the real reason! They pointed me towards the trig point which was off to the side of the main path. I almost missed it whilst walking along! It’s right in the trees, and reminded me of the portal stones from the Realm of the Enderlings book series!

I set up 2m first and got a guy down in Brechin, unfortunately he was the only 2m QSO. I spent a long time calling and then decided to move to HF.

The summit is a bit of a black spot for mobile reception and I wasn’t prepared for that. I use my phone for 2m spotting and for SOTA spotting or looking up other activators. I’ve signed up and registered for APRS to SOTA, and SOTAMAT, a FT8 spotter, and maybe even a SMS one, but do I know how to use them?! 😅

I eventually managed to spot myself on 40m and got a few contacts. 20m spot did work but no one ever came back to me…even though I’d had a few contacts with other callers.


I managed two S2S contacts in Germany. One was an exchange of 11-31 each way but we managed to get my callsign and SOTA reference communicated.

On the way down I thought about doing Hill of Garvock but I hadn’t packed lunch and still had to get back home. Maybe a double activation next time!

Brimmond Hill Activation

A lovely sunny day, and time for another activation. Hopefully better than the last – certainly the weather was better. 🌞

Quite a close summit to home, Brimmond Hill overlooks Aberdeen and the airport to the east and then Aberdeenshire to the west. There’s a walk up and over it which is popular with dog walkers, and so I met more people than I usually do on this summit. The hill also features several commercial towers which make a bit of noise on 2m. Usually a pip every so often and then a huge blast of rf that completely wipes anything out, interestingly around the 2m and 70cm calling frequencies but not so bad away from them.

Looking towards the sea
Mast up and ready

Noise machine

I tried 2m first, with the Slim G on the pole and made a couple of contacts locally. There’s a bench that looks out over Aberdeen that I was going to setup on, but the aforementioned dog walkers came by and sat on the bench, so I decided to move off and find a spot in the heather. MM7RVC recorded me calling at his house somewhere to the west, showing off his pole and slim G – so we got a SG2SG QSO.

For HF I went with the EFHW for 40m, with the 49:1 (keep meaning to write up making that but not got round to it yet! Nothing special mind), setup on the 6m carbon pole. Generally running north-south. The weather was lovely, there was a breeze but it wasn’t too cold, and so for most of the time I tried chasing other summit activators. This worked well, as I ended up with five summit-to-summit (S2S) QSOs across England, German, Austria and Poland. I then put out spots for myself and got a few more contacts.

I think the battery was low in the radio as it was only outputting 5W, not that 10W would’ve made a huge difference, but I still find it impressive what 5W can do.


It was time to pack up, and I thought I’d see if I could catch anyone else on VHF/UHF. There’s a local lunchtime net, although I can never remember if its 12:30, 1 or 1:30pm that it starts. I got my Slim G back out and on the mast and this time I did sit on the bench. The net was going on and after a long over I managed to break in and say hello. We also did a quick QSO on 70cm. I’m not sure if the Slim G is suitable for 70cm. It worked but at what SWR? I should measure it and see. Another couple with their dog came up and wanted to come to the view point but one look of me and they decided to keep going! 😅 At this point my HT ran out of battery too!

Slim G in the wind
Action shot!

If I was YouTubing myself, everyone would think it normal! I ended up overtaking the couple walking back to the car. I said “Hi” but no QSL on that contact.

QSL cards time

It’s always slightly confusing getting a letter with your own handwriting on it, but that means it’s bureau delivery time!

Today’s selection

Interesting to get a SWL (shortwave listener) card confirming they heard me make a contact with someone else. It was a QSL with PB37EUDXF, which I remember having a hard time copying as I wasn’t expecting their callsign to be so long!

I laughed out loud at this guy’s card:

Swimwear edition

Amateur radio is about the experimentation and education of radio, and politics and world affairs aren’t part of the hobby. I’m sure he doesn’t want the war as much as any other regular person. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

SOTA saved by 2m

It’s been a few weeks since my last activation and I wanted to go out. I didn’t have much time as I was meant to be sorting out the garage, so I picked a summit close to home, Cairn-Mon-Earn (GM/ES-080).

SSE working on one of the towers

It’s quite an easy walk following the loggers roads up to the summit. There are multiple towers there for mobile phones and other networks. The local repeater, GB3GN, is also here. The weather was dry, and I had the occasional blue sky, but showers were forecasted.

It was windy too, so I hunkered down by the cairn, however, this probably wasn’t the best place being so close to the towers. I setup my slim G 2m on the mast and called CQ. I didn’t get any response so setup on HF. The ground slopes away with heather and bushes, so I decided just to go for the random wire vertical. It has a 5.5m radiator and 2 counterpoises. I started on 20m, and two stations replied, Spain and Finland. This turned out to be my lot on HF. I tried other bands and calling other stations but no one could hear me. It was a shame as there were several other summits I could hear.

Slim G on the carbon 6 mast

I managed to get MM0EFI on the HT, and so I was at 3 contacts. A SOTA summit needs 4 to activate. It had been about an hour and the rain started to come down heavily. I dashed across to some nearby trees and setup underneath one of them. After trying all the bands I came back to 20m, put out another spot and the same Spanish station came back to me…well at least I knew it wasn’t operator error with the radio or antenna!

Under the tree

This was meant to be a quick activation and I’d now been there for over and hour, and so decided to pack up HF. I could see the TV mast in the clouds and so walked over to get a better look. I then found what would be a great spot to activate (if it wasn’t raining) as it had clear views all around. I thought I might as well call on 2m and see if I could get anyone.

I spoke to Fraser again, MM0EFI, now /M as he was driving to work. We made a contact with his intermediate callsign, 2M0EFI/M, so technically I’d activated the site. However, I was determined to get four different people, and in my next CQ, George, MM0SAX/M, replied.

View across the to TV mast

George was driving up from Glasgow on the A90 and has a radio in his work van. We had a nice chat for about 15 minutes, and that turned my “this has been a waste of time 🤬” attitude into a “that wasn’t so bad 🙂” one!

I enjoy HF and setting up different antenna, but if I could reliably activate with just 2m/70cm I’d love to go up the hillside with just my HT.

Before I knew what the activation would entail

It was back down and back home. The kids were soon home from school and the garage didn’t get sorted out. I’ll try again next week…

Building a tiny mic 🎙️

In an effort to slim down my travel kit, I decided that a tiny mic was in order. I’ve seen several people on YouTube use small mics and I’ve seen some for sale on eBay but when I found this design, I knew I had to build one.

Testing, testing, 123

The site has a list of what you need and most of the components can be found on aliexpress for a very low price. You just have a wait a bit for delivery. You end up with 10 or more of each and my total was around £5 delivered.

It is very small! First I connected it up with what I thought was thin hook up wire but it was too big and difficult when I tried to squeeze it into the case.

Full of wires

I used some of the sotabeams thin wire I’d made an antenna from and this was much better. I also placed each component inside the 3D print and measured out the wire more precisely. It was fiddly but meant there wasn’t too much extra wire to squeeze in.

Neatly tucked in

The top half of the case clicks together but does need a fair amount of force to get it on. The nut for the 3.5mm socket holds that in place and we’re ready to go.

Side by side with MH3

I might make one for the G90 next.

First SOTA Activation

I’ve chased a few SOTA activators before, it’s quite a fun thing to do, you watch the spotting website and then see if you can get them. Once someone posts a spot it’s pretty quick for them to get a pile up. I’ve kept thinking about doing it, and I do live in an ideal place where there are plenty of summits to chose from. I’ve not been on the radio much this year and I ended up taking a day off today to drop off and pick up the kids from school, so I decided I should make the most of it and go up a mountain!

Using the great SOTA map website, Sotlas, I had a look around to see where I should go first. As I was doing the school run, I was limited on time to about 6 hours all in. I also thought I shouldn’t try too much on my first attempt, in both walking and radio setup. I noticed that some summits get bonus points during the winter (between about December and March), and one of those was near me so I thought that would be ideal. The place is called Bennachie, and one of its highest peaks is Oxen Craig. The peaks are call a ‘tap’. This is the summit GM/ES-061, which is worth two points and five in the winter.

As you can see from this photo taken by MM7MWL, it’s a beautiful view.

Photo by Mike Lowson, MM7MWL, 5th December 2022


Radio-wise, I still have my Xiegu G90, which was my first radio, that is portable enough – certainly when compared to the Yaesu FTDX10! It’s got a bit of heft to it (2.5 kg 😰), but is 20W, has a great ATU and a nice waterfall.

For the antenna, I wanted to keep it as simple as possible and to make use of my carbon 6m mast. I found MM0EFI’s random wire suggestion and it looked ideal. This is 5.5m radiator, with two 4.25m counterpoises. They’re attached via bananaplugs to a BNC, then a short piece of coax with a common mode choke into the radio.

The battery situation isn’t ideal. I’m using an ultramax 18 Ah LiFePO4 battery, which has loads of capacity and much better than a lead acid or a LiPo one but it’s still around 2.5 kg. I use it when out in the garden, but have never had to carry it very far. I do have a few 18650 lithium cells which I’m meaning to make my own portable battery but I’ve not got round to it yet. So the ultramax had to do.

I also brought my Boafeng 2m/70cm radio to try some 2m FM. I have a Kenwood TH-D72, which I thought of bringing for APRS, but it’s too complex for my liking. Plus I could’ve just used my phone for APRS if I really wanted to.

All in, with lunch and water, my backpack was over 6 kg. Fine, but plenty of room for optimisation next time.

The Activation

With the kids dropped off at school, and backpack packed, I set off about 0915 to drive to the car park behind the summit.

sign showing map of the summit and routes
At the car park

I wasn’t sure how long everything was going to take, so I opted to find the shortest and most direct route to the summit. There are quite a few walks you can do in the area via various taps and approach from different sides, but starting at the “back” looked the quickest. It was basically a straight up.

I had looked at doing two activations in one trip, as Millstone Hill, GM/ES-077, isn’t that far away. However, when I worked out a couple of routes they were 4-5 hours of walking and I decided that was trying to do too much in one day.

Route planned on OS Maps
Straight up 350m over 2.2km (or 1,150 ft over 1.4 miles)

I paid my parking at 0953, and was being blown away on the summit by 1040, which was a bit quicker than the 1:08 hrs OSMaps suggested it would take to walk up. I was pretty hot and sweaty by the time I got to the top, and had taken off my hat, but once exposed in the wind, I was glad to have it.

Looking North
Up we go

It was quite nice weather on the way up, I could see the summits were under cloud cover, and when I reached the top the wind was howling and the air was very cold.

View from the top

I looked around for a nice place to setup, and ate my sandwich. Another guy came up and we said hello. I tried a few calls on 145.500 MHz, but I think I would’ve needed to organise this ahead of time with the locals. I found a nice outcrop to shelter behind that was in front of the summit, and setup the pole and radio on a rock. I had a little nook to crouch in and there I started to see if I could make any contacts.

Radio Setup

I started on 40m, had a listen to 10m, but it seemed dead, then moved to 15m and then finally 20m. I managed 37 contacts, with 14 countries, two summit to summit QSOs, and one parks on the air contact. My furthest contact was with Z36T in The Republic of North Macedonia at 1501 miles.

Map (partial) from SOTA database

I’d been on the air 50 minutes and my logging hand was getting cold! Plus I was getting stiff in my funny crouching position, and concious of getting back in time to pick up the kids. I was using Cloudlogoffline app to log, which is handy as it can then sync to my cloudlog database but I don’t like that it doesn’t keep the frequency from the previous QSO as the default entry. [update: you can under the settings, so set it there before starting to add QSOs.] It’s also fiddly to add another SOTA reference due to the iOS keyboard coming up when you select an input box and not being able to scroll. I might just do ‘Fast Log Entry’ (FLE) next time in an Apple note file. I’ll see what else there is too. VK port-a-log seems to be a favourite for SOTA but it’s Android only.

I was back in time for a nice cup of tea and sit down before it was school pick up. I look forward to the next one. It’s fun being the DX! 📻⛰

CQWW SSB Contest 2023

If ever there’s a time when the bands are busy, it’s the huge contest of CQWW.

My certificate

12th in Scotland isn’t bad for 3.9 hours of operation. Least I don’t think so.

Here’s my log summary

************************** Summary ***************************

94 Raw QSO before checking (does not include duplicates or missing exchanges)
93 Final QSO after checking reductions

108 Raw QSO points
105 Final QSO points

17 Raw zones
17 Final zones

56 Raw countries
56 Final countries

73 Raw mults
73 Final mults

7884 Raw score
7665 Final score

1.1% error rate based on raw and final qso counts
2.8% score reduction
1 (1.1%) not in log
0 (0.0%) incorrect calls
0 (0.0%) incorrect exchanges
0 (0.0%) missing exchanges
0 (0.0%) duplicates removed
0 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)

********************** Results By Band ***********************

Band QSO QPts Zone Cty Mult

Raw 160M 0 0 0 0 0
Final 160M 0 0 0 0 0

Raw 80M 0 0 0 0 0
Final 80M 0 0 0 0 0

Raw 40M 36 38 4 19 23
Final 40M 35 35 4 19 23

Raw 20M 33 39 5 21 26
Final 20M 33 39 5 21 26

Raw 15M 3 3 3 3 6
Final 15M 3 3 3 3 6

Raw 10M 22 28 5 13 18
Final 10M 22 28 5 13 18

Raw All 94 108 17 56 73 7884
Final All 93 105 17 56 73 7665

************************* Not In Log *************************

7061 PH 2023-10-29 2102 GM5ALX 14 IZ1OSP 15

******************* Multipliers by Band ********************

40M multiplier total 23


14 15 18 20

20M multiplier total 26


14 15 16 20 33

15M multiplier total 6


14 15 16

10M multiplier total 18


15 16 20 21 33

************ Stations Copying GM5ALX Incorrectly *************

14209 PH 2023-10-29 1320 HA2KMR 15 GN5ALX 14
14205 PH 2023-10-29 1322 HG5A 15 M5ALX 14
7198 PH 2023-10-29 1957 YT1A 15 GM5ALE 14
7163 PH 2023-10-29 2018 SP8R 15 GM5DLX 14

One year on

The 7th December 2022 I passed my foundation exam online. My invigilator, Bob G0OCB, would also become my full exam invigilator. I had done the Essex ham foundation course in August/September but then put off the exam for a while. I actually only just passed, and probably should’ve just read the manual instead of doing the course. I’d told a friend I was going to do it, and he ended up passing his exam first, so that spurred me on to take mine.

So what have I done in this time? Well my licence didn’t actually arrive until the beginning of January due to the Christmas holidays and also the postal strikes at the time. That didn’t really matter as other than my Boafeng handheld, I didn’t get a radio until April. I was also mic shy and put off speaking to anyone on the handheld, think I listened once or twice to the local nets, but often couldn’t hear them that well.

I eventually picked up a Xiegu G90 from the ham radio deals forum, and a 40m EFHW antenna kit, set it up in the garden and overcame my mic shyness to speak with GB2CC, a special event station for HQ Coastal Command. Although looking it up now on QRZ, I see it’s a new special event for something else. I was just another entry in his log and nothing of significance, whereas for me this was an incredible experience of all these pieces coming together and successfully speaking to someone else. I only managed a since QSO that lunchtime as was meant to be looking after the kids and had left them watching TV for hours. Later that evening I went back on the radio and my second QSO was with Croatia, 9A1CCY, and then my third of the day with someone in England. My first day on the air!

I then proceeded to go on the air every evening for the following week, even managing a contact with Canada with my 10W. The G90 could tune up the EFHW to any band from 160-10m, and I tried them all out.

The following week, I figured out how to get ft8 working on the G90 and all the software and found it interesting seeing who could hear me around the world, even if we didn’t have a QSO. Although did get some good countries like Angola and Brazil.

Things continued in a similar fashion as I upgraded to my intermediate. I remember the first few days of getting my callsign all mixed up, between foundation (MM7RVP) and Intermediate (2M0RVM). Around this time I did visit the local club, Aberdeen amateur radio soceity, and knew a very seasoned ham (Allan, GM4ZUK) via a work colleague. The club is…okay…mostly it’s tricky for me to go to the sessions and the few events they do have, so it’s hard to break in if you’re not present. I’ve renewed my membership for 2024 and will see how it goes. I invited myself around to Allan’s house and he showed me his setup and lovely tower he’d just had installed. We chatted for a long time and enjoyed the sunny day in his garden in mid-June.

He convinced me to get a Diamond V-2000 white stick which does 2m/70cm and also 6m. It was the RSGB 50 MHz Trophy competition the following weekend and Allan was going up the mountain with his trailer mast and big yagis and suggested I have a go. I managed to make four contacts, Allan, plus two Portgual and one Spain. This actually won me the Leading Intermediate Station in the competition, but I think there were only two or three others in the category! My first contest prize!

I’ve taken part in other contests, mostly just dipping in and out for an hour or so at a time, as I never really had the availability to be there for hours. It’s quite the endurance activity though, and those operators who do 1000+ QSOs are very impressive.

Somewhere about this time, I found the ham radio matrix group and have been learning a lot and making new friends via this group. I also joined the OARC Discord and met several great people that way. Whilst I do still want to connect with the local radio enthusiasts, it is just so much easier to do it online.

It was only about 2 months of operating as an intermediate before I upgraded to full. I just pushed on and studied for it as I knew I’d forget some of the things if I didn’t. I actually found the full exam easier than the intermediate, but maybe the step between the stages isn’t quite as much, or I was just lucky with the questions. I spent quite a while debating what my final callsign should be, and ended up going with what I first thought of…my name!

After some more HF operation, I became intrigued with QO-100, and eventually pulled the trigger on all the parts to build a station for it. That was my first real project, and it was quite involved! Took me a few months to put it together, mount the dish and get the software going (I’m still to write up the software setup as part of my blog series on it). However, it’s been very enjoyable to use and I’m glad I did it. Although it opened the doors to more potential projects and builds that I want to do!

This whole time my radio was setup in the kitchen, with the coax through the window. This was fine during the summer but by about September/October, it was getting too cold to have this setup. I setup a workbench in the garage and now have the radio sat through there with a computer as well. The coax runs around the side of the house and goes in via an air vent. Whilst the beanbag in the corner of the kitchen was quite nice, this proper setup is much better. Although if it’s windy or very cold outside, the garage can get down to about 8-10°C.

I had started to try and do LEO satellite operation, and got the radio and handheld yagi setup, but now that it’s winter, I’ve eased off really doing much outside. I’ve not managed to make a contact this way yet but maybe in the new year.

I’ve looked at digital radio on and off over the whole time, and generally decided it wasn’t something I was interested in. However, I do now have a small project ongoing to setup an allstar node but with a tiny Dell Wyse computer and fist mic, so that it’s like using a real radio but minising the computer part. I didn’t want to get a digital handheld and a hotspot as I suspect I’ll get bored of it quickly and then have no use for them. At least this way, I can repurpose the computer and the fist mic is always handy to have as a spare. I need to spend some time to figure out the software and configuration, plus find some groups to listen in to.

Some stats

According to my log…

  • I’ve had 1365 QSOs, worked 108 countries
  • of which 667 QSOs in 91 countries have been confirmed on LoTW (98 on – so close to the DX 100 award!).
  • 72% of my contacts have been via digital modes, the remaining is SSB (just 2 on FM!)
  • 20m and 40m are my top two bands, with QO-100 coming in as my fourth most popular band.
  • My furthest contact was with ZL3HAM on 40m via FT8, with the distance of 11,453 miles one September morning
  • My furthest HF SSB contact was with PY2VM on 10m, at 6,142 miles away in October. A close second was ZS3Y at 6,080 miles, also on 10m.
  • I’ve worked 140 stations on QO-100, across 44 DXCCs, including Coco Keeling Island.
  • I’m not sure how to find the details, but my europe grid square chasing via FT8 is looking reasonable, picture below
All the grids, green confirmed via LoTW

Year Two

Year one has been packed, and I’ve pretty much done nothing else. I think I’d like to take things a little easier and not try and do everything in one go! I’d also like to get back into some of my other hobbies that I’ve left standing!

For 2024, I’d like to get some LEO satellite QSOs, and maybe even give Greencube MEO a go. I’ve recently bought a 3D printer, and so building my own rotator would be fun to do. Recently, I’ve been chasing SOTA activators at the weekend, and would like to do some activations myself. There are a few summits nearby and would give me a good excuse to try out different wire antenna. Speaking of which, I’d still like to try and setup something else at home, perhaps a vertical, or some hexbeam/yagi/moxon arrangement for a few of the higher bands to see if the bit of gain helps get some further contacts via SSB vs. just ft8. This summer, during our holiday away, I did do about 10 days of LCWO, and got up to copying 10 letters of CW. I immediately stopped when I came home again. Learning CW is on my list, will it be in 2024? I suspect not, but we’ll see.

Well that list is already starting to seem like a lot of things, and having some balance is already starting to tip towards amateur radio! Not that it’s a bad thing. 😅

Get a G in the UK

If you pass your full licence today, you can apply online to get a M0 callsign but you can also apply and get any previously issued prefix. Well, nearly every one. However, it’s not entirely obvious how to do this. In fact, when I spoke to ofcom about reserving a call or putting a hold on it, the guy said “oh don’t worry about it, hardly anyone knows how to apply for a G callsign anyway”. 😅

You can get all the G# except G2, and they also no longer give out 2 letter callsigns, e.g. G3DX1. You can only get a two letter callsign one is given to you. This is typically if a relative of the original holder (who is now sk) writes a letter or does something that convinces ofcom to give it to you. The original holder doesn’t necessarily need to be a relative of yours, but perhaps the story has to be somewhat more convincing.

The process is fairly simple, but it will cost you a one off fee of £20 (compared to free if you get a M0). You fill in the form, email ofcom, wait for a reply in which an invoice is added to your ofcom account (that you’ll have as you’d have needed it for foundation and intermediate….unless you never bothered getting those or you did the direct to full exam). You pay the invoice online and your licence is generated immediately! This method can also be used if you want a club callsign that doesn’t start M0.

The form is pretty self-explanatory, but an important thing to note is that you only get to enter three choices of callsign, with the order of preference stated. If those ones aren’t available, then they’ll assign you a M0 callsign randomly. They don’t contact you to say those three aren’t available and would you like to try again. So I’d recommend calling them (020 7981 3131) before you send in your form to check the availability. Surprisingly, there’s virtually no wait and they’re happy to check a few calls, I tried three but sensed more than five and they might get annoyed – depends on who you get. You could of course call back another day and try some more.

The online application for M0 is great as it immediately tells you if the callsign is available or not, whereas the form you have to call to check. Now there are ways you can check yourself to try and screen things out.

What’s available?

Every so often someone does a freedom of information request to ofcom for all the amateur radio licences issued, and they produce a spreadsheet. Searching for this is a quick way to find it, or using the whatdotheyknow website and a search, such as this one against ofcom. This will show you what’s been taken, and then you can see if someone already has the call you want or not. Plus you can use Excel filtering and formula to check or test calls you are thinking of. Personally, I found these lists to be full of errors, so I’d recommend a second way to filter down your list of potential calls.

This would be via I think the majority of UK amateur radio operators make an account on QRZ. Even if they have absolutely nothing in their profile they probably have one. If you’re registered, then you can use the wildcard search and then look for profiles to see if someone has the call already. You can use a question mark (?) to match a single wildcard character or star (*) to match multiple characters. The thing to remember is the regional locator in the UK, so whilst G5ALX might look available, I actually have that callsign but my profile is under GM5ALX. Also, ofcom make available sk callsigns after two years…assuming they know the person is silent.

Of course, phoning them up and asking is the final test, but it’s best if you’ve got a shortlist prepared already. Assuming they say it’s available, then away goes your form and welcome to the full licence!

Future upgrades to the online system were part of the recent consultation, and so in time this process won’t be necessary and you can select all the prefixes and see immediately if it’s available or not. The consultation also suggested they would let people change their callsigns every so often, so maybe you’ll get another shot at it and you whole amateur radio career won’t all be resting on this decision!

How to pick a callsign?

This is all well and good, but how do you choose a callsign in the first place! In some ways the old style of “you get what you’re given” takes the pain out of it but it’s nice having a choice. It’s a personal preference, but there are a couple of things you might want to consider:

  1. How does it sound phonetically?
  2. How does it sound and what’s the weight via CW?

Say it out loud a few time, and see if you like the ring of it. There might be some words you don’t like, or you might want to avoid as in your accent they sound like other words. I find people think I’m saying papa when I say alpha, which can get annoying, so I might say “America” instead. Mike and Golf are only one syllable, which might seem good but the point of phonetics is to help the listener understand and one syllable only gives them one chance vs. two/three.

CW wise, I think it’s worth thinking about even if you don’t do CW now. You can’t change you callsign again, and even if we do get the ability later, will you really want to? You get used to things, and sorting out logbooks and QSL cards or even friends you’ve made, all rely on the same callsign. I think it’s worth considering, even if you still pick you call with a “terrible” CW factor.

I picked up that letter that end with dit ( . ) aren’t great as they might get missed, and particularly avoid your callsign ending in B or K or E. If you search about for advice, it seems like there aren’t any letters left that you should use! You can also calculate the weight of a call, such as on FISTs website, which is a measure of how long it takes to send. Given that we’re all G(RSL)# and three letters, I don’t think there’s a huge variation but maybe it helps differentiate some calls for you.

Think about when you’ve been on the air and heard others’ callsigns. I’m sure you’ve come across some that you think sound good. If you can’t remember them now, then try and make a note in your log when you do, and see what it is about them you like. I think repetition of letters makes things easier to copy. I’ve heard the DX call out “the delta delta call”, because it sticks out and instantly memorable.

This guy made some slides and a spreadsheet to help you decide. If you’re an analysis person then you might like it, but try not to spend too long!

  1. If you got your full licence between 2018 and 2020 you could’ve got a G2 or a two letter callsign. ↩

First attempts at LEO 🛰️

My previous attempt ended with just listening to the astronaut, and whilst fun, it wasn’t what I was actually meant to be doing. I’ve since read the manual and, mostly, figured out the D72. As the radio is quite old there is both lots of info online and also a lack of it, depending on where you like looking. By that I mean there’s info in email lists but virtually nothing on YouTube! Anyway, with combination of the manual and the Kenwood TH-D72, I’ve worked out the essentials.

The summary of it all is, you must transmit from VFO B and receive on VFO A, and you have to enable DUP mode through the F(function) button and 0 (zero).

I’ve got Gpredict on my computer and also ISS Detector app (with the amateur satellites extra) so it was easy to see what was coming up when I had a bit of time this past weekend. Next up was SO-50. My radio already had frequencies stored for SO-50, so I felt confident that I could do this. I keep meaning to add frequencies for most of the FM satellites but I’ve not got round to it yet.

I realise I never took any pictures of my setup, mostly as I had about 8 minutes before the satellite started its pass, so I was in a hurry. The equipment is the D72 radio, my Sony voice recorder, the Arrow antenna and a rats nest of cables. I wanted to record the audio on the voice recorder, I also wanted to use headphones. The D72 has a 2.5mm headphone socket and I don’t have a 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapter. However, the fist mic has a 3.5mm headphone out on it, and so I had that plugged into the side, the splitter out the mic with cables to the recorder and my headphones. Phew, what a mess.

I did find it hard to figure out how to do everything at once. I was using my phone to try and see where the satellite was, I was holding the arrow yagi, I had the radio in my pocket, but also needed to hold the mic, had the voice recorder in my other pocket and headphones on my head.

Like most people, I only have two hands so I was juggling between everything and couldn’t find a good process, and struggled to track the satellite very well. I did eventually copy some calls and QSOs on the satellite for a brief period during its 14 minute pass. I’ve edited my recording to just the best parts.

Best parts of the pass

At one point I had a lovely clear copy on OH1ON calling, but then it degraded into static and I was only getting weak signals as I mis-aimed the yagi.

A call I heard was G6UST, and looking at his QRZ page was interesting from satellite tracking. He has a nice picture of a homebrew tracker with PVC pipe and yagis mounted at an angle. Although looks like he’s moved on since then to a lovely G-5500 az/el rotator.

Overall some progress, but lots of room for improvements. Even though I didn’t transmit, I am thinking about how I manage the VFOs and changing frequency to manage doppler on the 70cm side. This means I’ll have to press buttons on the radio to do so, and that’s not feeling very practical with the fist mic. One option is to skip the mic, get a 2.5 to 3.5mm adapter for the headphones and use the PTT on the radio. This keeps it in my hand and then I can hit the A/B and up/down to manage the frequencies using the memories. Alternatively, Kenwood make a mic with three buttons on the top, the SMC-34, and you can use MCP-4A program to set these buttons. The idea being I can hit A/B, then press up or down, and A/B again ready for transmitting, or just up and down depending on what link 70cms is on.

Configure mic keys from the computer software, MCP-4A

The other factor is seeing where the satellite is. The ISS detector app has the AR mode, but I don’t have a hand left to use it. Thinking either mounting the phone to the arrow antenna, or mounting the antenna on a tripod, and maybe still mounting the phone to the antenna. The tripod also saves me having to hold the antenna the whole time. It is quite light but be nice not to have to hold it, plus it’s better at keeping still than I am.

So a few more improvements and plenty of practice needed. Not sure when I’ll next get out to try, and the weather doesn’t help. Still interested in building a rotator for satellite work, with elevation as well. Trying to avoid having to buy a G-5500 or equivalent as they’re very expensive, even used. They’ve been kits over time but they’ve all stopped and probably something like the SatNOGS rotator is a good build but it’s quite involved for me, plus a lot of 3D printed parts. It would be nice to set something up on the roof, so when it is dark and raining, I can sit inside and still try them out.
