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My Greatest Hits Playlist

Wow it’s been a long time since I’ve updated this blog! Lots of things going on but wanted to post this in case a reader or two might find it interesting.

Several years ago, I spent a lot of time uploading my entire library of 175 music CDs to iTunes. I then ripped my few remaining LPs.

As I listened to my library over the years on my PC, iPhone or iPad, I began grouping tunes into a bunch of playlists. Three playlists were especially useful for grouping favorites: 3, 4 and 5 star groups.

My β€œthree star or better” playlist now has 1,956 tunes, the β€œ4 star or better” list is 1,477 songs and my 5 star playlist has 1,050 songs (71 hours of music without repeats).

When I didn’t renew my Apple Match subscription early this year, my entire iTunes library was not available anywhere except my computer! YIKES! I had no idea Apple Match would do that.

Luckily once I renewed with Apple, my entire collection of 5,944 songs was available again on both my iPad and iPhone.

But that got me to thinking. What if I had only a single playlist of maybe 10 songs? What would they be?

Over a couple of months, I tried to get to only 10 songs but just could not do it. The list expanded to 20, then 30…. now it’s at 34 songs I can’t live without. The list has remained stable now for a couple of months.

Once I migrated the handwritten list from my iPad to Excel, I was able to sort it several ways. As a 60s boomer, most are oldies for sure. Here’s the breakdown by decades, not exactly what I expected:

  • 1960s: 8
  • 1970s: 6
  • 1980s: 3
  • 1990s: 6
  • 2000s: 9
  • 2010s: 2

It was a fun exercise!

Okay, here’s my list. Perhaps this might trigger a fun musical memory for you.
