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Guest Post: Preparing radio and trail gear for a once-in-a-lifetime, epic through-hike

We’re excited to welcome Bryce Bookwalter (KD9YEY) as a guest contributor on QRPer.com! I had the pleasure of meeting Bryce at the 2024 Hamvention, where he shared his plans for an ambitious hiking adventure next year. Knowing he wanted to incorporate radio into his journey, I asked if he’d be willing to bring us along … Continue reading Guest Post: Preparing radio and trail gear for a once-in-a-lifetime, epic through-hike β†’

New to Morse Code? Embrace Your β€œFist”! A message to budding CW operators

Are you a new CW operator, fresh on the airwaves? Do you find yourself worrying about what your Morse code β€œfist” sounds like to others, or about making mistakes on the air? If that’s you, then this message is for you: Public Service Announcement: Stop worrying about how you sound on the air! Several times … Continue reading New to Morse Code? Embrace Your β€œFist”! A message to budding CW operators β†’

Special Event Operating

Operating (not-to-mention running) a special-event station can be daunting – Often, you are put in front of unfamiliar equipment with probably several people calling you and possibly a fair few …

PZTips for /P Success

Going β€œportable” with your Ham kit should be enjoyable and productive – There are several advantages to venturing outside the confines of your Shack: A chance to operate at a …