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Station 2021

Looking only at the content of this blog you might think there was not much going on here recently.  That is true to a degree.  I was working 160m pretty regularly late last year and recently I've managed to get on the 17m and 30m bands enough to confirm DXCC on both.  That just leaves 12m and 160m to complete 9-Band DXCC.  I still need 9 more all-time-new-ones on any band to make DXCC Honor Roll but that's just a waiting game.  Only the much-cursed Burundi is not at the top of the most-wanted list but still not confirmed in my log.  It will likely be years before the rest of the rarest-of-the-rare are ever on the air at all.  The time has come, however, to make some big changes.

Somewhat by design and some by coincidence, I have always changed things up along with the progress of the 11-year solar cycle.  I built my first high-performance HF station for contesting and DXing back in 2013 at the beginning of Cycle 24.  As the cycle began to wane in 2017 I optimized the station for working the lower HF bands and I cruised through the sunspot minimum over the past few years without skipping a beat, earning the 5-Band DXCC award and DXCC Challenge.  Now that the sun is starting to awaken again it is time to make changes.

I've been dreaming of building a 2m EME station for 25 years now.  I've built huge imaginary antenna arrays in my head and even started building a tube-type VHF kilowatt amplifier once (it was a fail).  Back in 2015 I started to get more serious about the whole idea.  I completed the hardware and software for the azimuth/elevation tracking equipment.  I found W6PQL's web page and started planning for a solid-state LDMOS amplifier.  Most importantly, I started collecting all the little bits and pieces that I would need to put everything together.  I found a 2000W 50V power supply on eBay for $30.  I scavenged coaxial relays, hardline cable and connectors, aluminum tubing and rod for antennas, and a huge assortment of other odds-and-ends that will all have their place in the final product.  I'm even planning to repurpose the 50W UHF amplifier module that I build a few years ago.

For HF I had wanted to put up my DMX tower and the TH6DXX again but concluded that a more sensible option would be a smaller tower with a 10/12m duoband yagi (built from old TH3JRS parts) and a re-worked 6m yagi.  I really hadn't given too much thought to six meters but then I had a good idea for a small linear amplifier to use on that band and with the optimized yagi it should be good for making EME contacts on the horizon (at least with the "big guns") and working the infrequent band openings, possibly even over the north pole.

In the past my plans had always included my venerable Kenwood TS-2000.  It was the only radio I owned with VHF/UHF capabilities but it had long ago succumbed to the endemic TS-2000 filters failure, ostensibly caused by overheating the ceramic filters when production first changed to lead-free solder.  A couple of years ago however, I was considering a new radio to put in my boat and came across the first information about the then-unreleased Icom IC-705.  It was only a 10 watt QRP radio but I thought that maybe with some outboard amplifiers it might be okay for marine use.  The more I thought about that the more I realized that I'd rather have the IC-705 in the shack and just fix the old Kenwood to use in the boat.  I already had an HF amplifier that only required 50mW drive power and a VHF LDMOS amplifier would likewise require only a few watts of drive.  The 705 also boasted an astonishing array of features like a direct-sampling DSP receiver, touch screen, bluetooth, GPS, DStar, and on and on and on.  The only thing it lacked was full-duplex cross-band receive which I required for working satellites.  That was easily fixed by including a dedicated SDR receiver in my plans.  The FunCube Dongle Pro+ that I already had would work perfectly for this.

Over the past few months I got more serious about getting this all done THIS YEAR.  I relentlessly completed all the detailed design drawings for the controls, feedlines, and antennas.  The concept is a simplified design that will make everything happen with the flexibility to work HF and 6m, satellite, and 2m EME, provide high performance and low-loss, while also protecting the expensive amplifier components.  After innumerable iterations and revisions, all the details have now been finalized and I have almost completed obtaining all the remaining parts required to make everything happen.  Only the IC-705 is waiting to join the party.

This is how it will all go together.  Blue is RF and red is control lines.  I'm very excited to finally get on with the new build and look forward to blogging about all the individual elements as they come together.  Stay tuned!

K1IR Repeater Upgrade – Major Coverage Improvement!

For about two years, K1IR has been home for a ham radio repeater. It’s part of the NEDECN DMR network. The repeater is on the 2 meter band and is accessible with these settings:

  • Callsign: K1IR
  • Frequency: 146.47000MHz
  • Offset: -1.5MHz
  • ColorCode: 0

The Challenge

The coverage area for the repeater has not been the best. That’s because we have been using a two-antenna system. The receive antenna is a Diamond vertical located at about 105 feet on top of the tower. That antenna works quite well. But, we’ve been using a second antenna only about 30 feet above ground level for transmitting. This antenna, another Diamond vertical, simply doesn’t perform very well at this low height. The result has been a very unbalanced coverage area for the repeater. Not very attractive to potential users. We needed to make a change.

The high repeater antenna at K1IR. We are looking in E-S-E direction.

Our first effort to improve the coverage was to put up a new vertical at about 70 feet on the tower. But, that project was never completed because getting a second low-loss feedline in place to feed that antenna proved quite difficult.

Adding a Duplexer – A Real Solution

Using a duplexer is another way to solve this problem. What is a duplexer? It’s a three-port device where the feedline to the antenna is connected to one port, a second is connected to the repeater receiver input, and the third is connected to the transmitter. The duplexer creates two low insertion-loss paths that have extremely high isolation from each other.

  • Antenna port to receiver port
  • Transmitter port to antenna port
Duplexer creates high-isolation paths to the antenna from both transmitter and receiver.

The duplexer that has some great advantages. It allows you to use the same coaxial feedline and antenna for both transmitting and receiving, with no compromise in performance.

Here we see the two paths through a typical duplexer. Each of the curves represents a path. At the lower frequency, one curve (path) has minimum insertion loss and the other has very high rejection. At the higher frequency, the profile is reversed.

To achieve these high-Q curves and deep isolation nulls, the long-proven approach is to build filters with resonant cavities. These cavities must be carefully tuned with specialized test equipment.

Duplexers are fairly expensive – and not in the K1IR repeater budget! But, they do become available on occasion as repeaters are upgraded or decommissioned. So, I put the word out to my network to be on the lookout for a surplus duplexer. That was at least a year ago.

A typical set of cavities setup as a duplexer. These are for the amateur 2 meter band. The exact frequency of each cavity is adjusted using the tuning rods on top.

About a month ago, long-time friend, Dom Mallozzi N1DM, told me he might just have a lead on a VHF duplexer coming out of service following a repeater upgrade in a public safety application. The frequencies for VHF public safety are close to the 2 meter band, so retuning would work just fine. That duplexer – a Sinclair Q201 – was made available as surplus just this week, so Dom got his hands on it as quickly as possible and we did the installation this morning.

Assembly and Tuning

Here’s Dom N1DM running preinstallation tests prior to installation.

Tuning is easy when you have the right gear. And, Dom came fully equipped. He pulled out his Rigol DA815-TG Spectrum Analyzer with built-in tracking generator. It didn’t take more than a few minutes to ensure that the tuning was within spec on the new frequencies.

This is the antenna-to-receiver path through the duplexer. Notice the low insertion loss at about 144.970 MHz and the deep notch at 146.47 where the repeater transmitter is set.

With the cavities pre-tuned, we built up a couple of cables and connected the duplexer in line with the repeater and antenna, and started our final testing.

Two-way radio master, N1DM, hard at work tweaking up cables and cavity tuning.

Initial tests showed low power output from the repeater. With a little micro-adjustment of one cavity on the transmitter side, power came up to exactly what it should be – and we were in business!

Coverage Testing – It’s a Big Win!

Final testing was a coverage area test. Dom packed up his stuff and headed south back towards his home QTH in Natick. I got my HT setup in the car, connected to a trunk lip mounted 5/8 wavelength whip. As we drove in opposite directions, it quickly became clear that coverage was greatly improved.

Great success! HT level coverage extended north into Littleton, MA (10.7 miles) and south to Framingham, MA (6.2 miles).

Again . . . huge thank you to Dom Mallozzi for finding and making the duplexer available and for his skills in getting it running on the Sudbury, MA 146.47 DMR machine.

The post K1IR Repeater Upgrade – Major Coverage Improvement! appeared first on The Driven Element.

Selbstorganisierende Ad-hoc-Netze mit „babeld“

Beim Vernetzen von Computern via Funk kann sich die Anzahl und Auswahl der direkt erreichbaren Gegenstellen im Verlaufe der Zeit ändern: Neue Knoten können hinzukommen, bestehende entfallen oder vorübergehend unerreichbar sein. Zeitgemäße Netzwerk-Protokolle, z.B. das Internet-Protokoll (IP), in Verbindung mit geeigneten Routing-Protokollen, z.B. Babel, können die Erreichbarkeit aller Knotenpunkte eines vermaschten Funknetzes (und ggf. weiterer angeschlossener Teilnetze) ermöglichen.

Insbesondere für uns Funkamateure ist ein solcher Ansatz deshalb interessant, weil einige Stationen nicht dauerhaft zur Verfügung stehen (z.B. weil sie nur besetzt betrieben werden), sich die Anzahl von Knotenpunkten jederzeit ändern kann und Überreichweiten oder experimentelle Aufbauten bestimmte Teilnetze verbinden könnten, die ansonsten isoliert voneinander sind.

In diesem Artikel möchte ich einen Lösungsansatz zur IP-Adressvergabe und Vernetzung via IP-Routing vorstellen, der

Die das Netz aufspannenden Stationen sind hierbei in einem vermaschten Netzwerk (Mesh-Netz) miteinander verbunden. Wie die dazu notwendigen Direktverbindungen aufgebaut werden können, soll nicht Teil dieses Artikels sein, wird jedoch z.B. von DL1PZ in einem anderen Beitrag behandelt. Stattdessen beschäftige ich mich hier mit der Einrichtung des Routings, so dass eine Funkstation A, die Kontakt mit einer Funkstation B hat, auch die Funkstation C erreichen kann, falls die Stationen B und C eine Verbindung haben. Auch eine Weiterleitung über mehr als eine Zwischenstation (genannt: „Hop“) ist so möglich.

Dezentrale IP-Adressvergabe

In einem IP-Netzwerk werden die Teilnehmer mittels sogenannter IP-Adressen angesprochen. Im Falle von IPv4, der älteren Version des Internet-Protokolls, sind dies vier Zahlen von 0 bis 255 getrennt durch Punkte, also z.B. „“. Bei IPv6 kommen längere Adressen zum Einsatz, die in hexadezimaler Schreibweise notiert werden, z.B. „fdb7:5c3c:1e90:e4c1:0000:0000:00d5:85ed“. Die Punkte bzw. Doppelpunkte dienen nur der Lesbarkeit bei Darstellung in Textform und werden bei einer binären Übertragung nicht mitgesendet. Zur Vereinfachung besteht bei IPv6 die Möglichkeit, mittels eines doppelten Doppelpunktes „::“ die Auslassung mehrerer 0000-Blöcke zu kennzeichnen. Außerdem ist es möglich, führende Nullen innerhalb eines Vier-Zeichen-Blockes wegzulassen, so dass vorstehende Adresse auch verkürzt als „fdb7:5c3c:1e90:e4c1::d5:85ed“ geschrieben werden könnte.

Um eine zentrale Adressvergabe zu vermeiden, aber gleichzeitig jedem Teilnetz (einschließlich vorübergehend isolierter Netze) permanente Adressen zuweisen zu können, die dennoch mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit im Rahmen des Einsatzzweckes eindeutig sind, wird IPv6 genutzt. IPv6 ermöglicht es aufgrund der vergleichsweise langen Adressen, einfach einen zufälligen Adressbereich zu wählen, der dann mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit eindeutig ist. Genau dies ist bei IPv6 im Rahmen der sogenannten „Unique Local Addresses“ (ULA) auch vorgesehen: Jede Person oder Organisation, die einen Adressbereich benötigt, erzeugt einfach eine 40 Bit lange Zufallsfolge. Wird dieser noch die Bitfolge 11111101 (hexadezimal „fd“) vorangestellt, ergeben sich 48 Bit, die den sogenannten „Präfix“ für den Adressbereich bilden. Die Person bzw. Organisation, die sich diesen Adressbereich zufällig ausgesucht hat, kann nun alle damit beginnenden Adressen beliebig verwenden, ohne große Gefahr zu laufen, mit den Adressen zu kollidieren, die andere Personen oder Organisationen verwenden. Ein solcher Präfix wird z.B. als fd4a:eeb2:7cea::/48 notiert, wobei 48 die Präfixlänge in Bits in dezimaler Schreibweise darstellt.

Die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Kollision, d.h. die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass in einem Netzwerk der gleiche Präfix zweimal vergeben wird, steigt zwar vergleichsweise schnell mit der Anzahl der vergebenen Präfixe (vgl. Geburtstagsparadoxon), allerdings beträgt z.B. bei 10.000 solcher miteinander vernetzten Präfixe die Kollisionswahrscheinlichkeit aufgrund der vielen Möglichkeiten (2 hoch 40 = 1.099.511.627.776) immer noch weniger als 0,05 Promille, also etwa 1:20.000. Verglichen mit anderen potentiellen Störungsursachen scheint dies vernachlässigbar klein zu sein. Die Berechnungsformeln für die Kollisionswahrscheinlichkeit sind identisch mit denen der sogenannten Geburtstagsangriffe, wobei wir hier vom wohlwollenden Verhalten aller Teilnehmer ausgehen.

Sobald ein 48-Bit langer IPv6-Adress-Präfix per Zufall ermittelt wurde, können, wie zuvor erwähnt, aus dem sich ergebenden Bereich beliebige IP-Adressen gewählt werden, z.B. die Adresse


welche in verkürzter Schreibweise als fd4a:eeb2:7cea::1 geschrieben werden kann. Auch ist es möglich ganze Netzbereiche unterzuverteilen.

Unter Linux lässt sich dann beispielsweise diese Adresse einem Funk-Interface (hier im Beispiel tun0) wie folgt zuweisen:

ip -6 addr add fd4a:eeb2:7cea::1/128 dev tun0

Die 128 steht hierbei für eine Präfixlänge von 128 Bit, d.h. wir teilen dem Betriebssystem mit, dass zunächst keine andere Adresse via Funk erreichbar ist. Welche anderen Adressen wir tatsächlich erreichen können, wird dem Betriebssystem vom Routing-Dienst mitgeteilt, der im Folgenden beschrieben werden soll.

Der Routing-Dienst „babeld“

Sofern die Installation von „babeld“ in aktueller Version nicht durch das Paketmanagement des Betriebssystems erfolgen kann, finden sich Hinweise zum Download der Software auf der Homepage des Babel-Projektes.

Die folgenden Beschreibungen beziehen sich auf die zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung dieses Artikels aktuelle Version 1.9.2 der Software. Es gibt auch andere Routing-Software, z.B. BIRD, die das Babel-Protokoll ebenfalls umsetzen kann. Diese sollte ebenso eingesetzt werden können, ist aber anders zu konfigurieren.

Die Einrichtung von „babeld“ gestaltet sich sehr einfach. Wir legen dazu die Konfigurationsdatei /etc/babeld.conf an. Für den Fall, dass wir unseren Präfix wie im vorhergehenden Abschnitt als fd4a:eeb2:7cea::/48 festgelegt hätten (in der Praxis muss dies natürlich ein eigener, zufälliger Präfix sein), sähe die Datei wie folgt aus:

in ip fd00::/8 allow
in deny
out ip fd00::/8 allow
out deny
redistribute ip fd4a:eeb2:7cea::/48 local
redistribute ip fd4a:eeb2:7cea::/48 metric 256
redistribute local deny
redistribute deny

Den Routing-Dienst können wir dann z.B. mit folgendem Kommando starten:

babeld -c /etc/babeld.conf wl3sp0

Hierbei wäre wl3sp0 das Funk-Interface, mit dem die Vernetzung erfolgt. (Mit „ip link show“ lassen sich alle verfügbaren Interfaces anzeigen.) Wird, wie in diesem Beispiel, ein WLAN-Interface (wl3sp0) verwendet, kann babeld anhand der Hardwarekonfiguration selbst erkennen, dass eine Funkverbindung vorliegt. Wird stattdessen eine Vernetzung mittels einer schmalbandigen Verbindung über ein herkömmliches Funkgerät vorgenommen, kommt oft ein generischer TUN-Gerätetreiber zum Einsatz, bei dem die automatische Erkennung nicht möglich ist. Hier sollten wir nachhelfen, z.B. mit:

babeld -c /etc/babeld.conf -C "interface tun0 type wireless channel interfering hello-interval 60"

So sagen wir dem Routing-Dienst, dass es sich bei der verwendeten Netzwerkschnittstelle um eine Funkverbindung handelt („type wireless“), die sich ggf. mit anderen Funkverbindungen einen Kanal teilt („channel interfering“) und das Kommunikationsintervall für eine schonendere Bandbelegung reduziert wird („hello-interval 60“). Anstelle der Option „-C“ lässt sich der auf diese Option folgende Text („interface tun0 […]“) auch als eigene Zeile in die Konfigurationsdatei schreiben. (Details hierzu in der Anleitung von babeld.)

Falls wir Pakete für andere Funkknoten weiterleiten wollen (was ja Sinn und Zweck eines Mesh-Netzes ist), müssen wir unserem Betriebssystem noch mitteilen, dass Packet-Forwarding (also Routing) aktiviert werden soll. Dies lässt sich z.B. für IPv6 unter Linux bis zum nächsten Neustart mit folgendem Kommando einschalten:

sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

Soll Packet-Forwarding dauerhaft aktiviert bleiben, so ist die Datei /etc/sysctl.conf entsprechend zu bearbeiten.


Sobald wir Routing auf unserem Computer aktivieren, wird dieser beliebige Pakete weiterleiten. Es wäre dann also auch möglich, via Amateurfunk auf ein ebenfalls angeschlossenes privates Heim- oder Firmennetz (oder das Internet) zuzugreifen, was in der Regel nicht erwünscht sein wird. In einem solchen Fall ist also unbedingt eine Firewall einzurichten, deren Konfiguration hier nicht weiter behandelt werden soll und vom konkreten Szenario abhängt.

Ebenso sollte verhindert werden, dass der Routing-Dienst über Funk Einträge für unser privates Netz akzeptiert. Liegt unser privates Netz außerhalb des ULA-Adressbereiches (beginnt also nicht mit hexadezimal „fd“), dann sorgt die oben vorgestellte Konfiguration bereits automatisch dafür, dass entsprechende Routing-Informationen abgelehnt werden. Verwenden wir bei unserem privaten Heim- oder Firmennetz jedoch ebenfalls ULAs, dann müssen wir dem Routing-Dienst noch mitteilen, dass für diese Adressen keine Informationen aus dem Funknetz angenommen werden sollen. Dies lässt sich, z.B. wenn fdf2:c215:20a4::/48 unser privates Netz sei, mit der Zeile

in ip fdf2:c215:20a4::/48 deny

an oberster Stelle in der /etc/babeld.conf erreichen.

Einen zusätzlichen Filter für die ausgehende Richtung benötigen wir nicht. Wir haben bereits vermerkt, für welche Netzwerke wir Routing-Informationen einspeisen wollen („redistribute ip fd4a:eeb2:7cea::/48 […]“). Für alle anderen Netzwerke haben wir festgelegt, dass diese von babeld nicht eingespeist werden („redistribute local deny“ und „redistribute deny“).

Anbindung von weiteren angeschlossenen Geräten über den selben Funkknoten

Der Zugriff auf bestimmte lokale IP-Adressbereiche kann aber durchaus auch erwünscht sein, denn vielleicht möchten wir nicht nur ein einzelnes Gerät an das Funknetz anbinden, sondern ein ganzes Netzwerk. Die bereits erwähnte Konfigurationszeile „redistribute ip […] metric 256“ (ohne die Option „local“) ermöglicht die Einspeisung von IP-Adressen, die nicht dem eigenen Endgerät, sondern anderen Endgeräten zugehörig sind.

Die Zahl 256 gibt hier die sogenannte Metrik an, die ein Maß für die Güte der Anbindung eines Netzwerks ist. Dieser Wert ist dann von Bedeutung, wenn ein Netzwerk auf verschiedenen Wegen erreichbar ist, z.B. weil es mit mehreren Funkknoten direkt verbunden wird. Dann kann bei jedem dieser Funkknoten ein unterschiedlicher Wert für dieses Netzwerk festgelegt werden, wobei ein niedrigerer Wert für eine höhere Güte der Anbindung steht. In einfachen Fällen, also bei Netzwerken ohne Mehrfachanbindung, können wir einfach 256 festlegen.

Für die lokale Vernetzung können wir nun einen Unterbereich des Adressraumes ausweisen, z.B. fd4a:eeb2:7cea:5555::/64. Unserem eigenen Netzwerk-Interface (also z.B. unserer Netzwerkkarte) weisen wir eine IP aus diesem Unteradressraum zu und geben mit der Präfixlänge /64 an, dass weitere Adressen aus dem gleichen Unteradressraum (beginnend mit den 64 Bits fd4a:eeb2:7cea:5555) direkt zu erreichen sind. Heißt unser Netzwerk-Interface für kabelgebundenes Ethernet z.B. „enp0s25“, so wäre das Kommando hierfür:

ip -6 addr add fd4a:eeb2:7cea:5555::1/64 dev enp0s25

Andere Geräte am gleichen Ethernet-Segment können dann z.B. die Adressen mit der 2, 3, 4 usw. am Ende zugewiesen bekommen, also z.B. die fd4a:eeb2:7cea:5555::4, und sind dann aus dem Funk-Mesh-Netz erreichbar. Diesen Geräten muss jetzt nur noch mitgeteilt werden, dass Pakete an fd00::/8 (also Adressen beginnend mit „fd“) über unseren Funkknoten mit der IP fd4a:eeb2:7cea:5555::1 geroutet werden müssen, sofern für diese keine andere Route existiert. Hierzu ist das Routing der Geräte entsprechend einzustellen oder ggf. eine Default-Route zu setzen. Wie dies funktioniert, hängt vom Betriebssystem des jeweiligen Endgerätes ab. Auch ließe sich ein DHCPv6-Server verwenden, dessen Konfiguration jedoch den Rahmen dieses Artikels sprengen würde.

IPv6 und die Paketgröße (MTU)

Leider sieht IPv6 vor, dass auf jeder Verbindung mindestens Pakete der Größe 1280 Byte übertragen werden können. Dies ist die minimal mögliche Einstellung der sogenannten „Maximum Transmission Unit“ (MTU). Eine Fragmentierung, d.h. Aufteilung in kleinere Pakete, ist durch Router auf dem Transportweg bei IPv6 im Gegensatz zu IPv4 nicht vorgesehen (siehe RFC 8200, Sektion 5). Das kann zu Schwierigkeiten z.B. bei bestimmten Hardware-TNCs führen, die Pakete dieser Größe nicht handhaben können. Umgehen ließe sich dieses Problem mit einer zusätzlichen Fragmentierungsschicht, die aus Sicht von IPv6 unsichtbar sein müsste. Die von DL1PZ vorgestellten Programme ermöglichen keine zusätzliche Fragmentierung, jedoch sind die dort vorgestellten Software-TNCs Dire Wolf und pktfec-tnc ohne Probleme in der Lage, größere Pakete auf’s Band zu senden.


Da jeder Knoten in regelmäßigen Abständen Informationen zu allen erreichbaren Adressbereichen mit allen direkten Nachbarknoten austauschen muss, skaliert das hier vorgestellte Verfahren nicht beliebig. Mit wachsender Knotenanzahl wird die Menge an zu übertragenden Informationen ebenfalls wachsen. Bei langsamen Packet-Radio-Verbindungen dürften bereits bei einer zweistelligen Anzahl von Netzknoten Probleme auftreten. Weniger problematisch wäre dies bei einer Vernetzung mit schnellerer Technik.

Um dieses Problem zu lösen bzw. zu umgehen, sehe ich verschiedene Alternativen:

  • Mesh-Netze bleiben lokal begrenzt und werden mit anderen Mesh-Netzen ausschließlich manuell verbunden. Routing-Informationen zu anderen Mesh-Netzen werden nur für das gesamte jeweils andere Mesh-Netz in das eigene Mesh-Netz eingespeist, so dass jedes andere Mesh-Netz nur mit einem einzigen Präfix in den Routing-Tabellen auftaucht, was die Routing-Tabellen kleiner hält. Damit dies funktioniert, müssten die einzelnen lokalen Mesh-Netze jedoch jeweils einen gemeinsamen Präfix verwenden und sich dann auf eine Vergabemethode von IP-Adressen innerhalb ihres jeweiligen Präfixes einigen.
  • Mesh-Netze bleiben lokal begrenzt und werden untereinander über sogenannte Border-Router und ein Backbone verbunden. Routing-Informationen zu anderen Mesh-Netzen werden gar nicht im eigenen Mesh-Netz verbreitet. Stattdessen werden die Border-Router als zuständig für den Bereich fd00::/8 angegeben.
  • Das Routing-Protokoll wird erweitert (bei Babel grundsätzlich vorgesehen), oder ein anderes, zukünftiges Routing-Protokoll wird benutzt, das solche Szenarien noch besser abbilden kann.

Fazit und Ausblick

Es macht Spaß, mit Ad-hoc-Vernetzung zu experimentieren. IPv6 ermöglicht es, ohne zentrale Koordinierung feste IP-Adressen zu verwenden. Mit dem Routing-Protokoll Babel bzw. der Software „babeld“ und IP-Packet-Forwarding können wir eine automatische Vernetzung vornehmen lassen. Inwieweit sich diese Verfahren im größeren Maßstab in der Praxis, insbesondere bei langsamen Packet-Radio-Verbindungen, einsetzen lassen, bleibt zu erforschen.

Marine Mobile

Some of my fondest childhood memories are of camping out on the water in our family's big cabin cruiser.  My dad would bring along a Heathkit receiver that he built and while we relaxed and fished he would listen to interesting stuff like hams and marine HF-SSB ship-to-shore traffic.  I would marvel at the fact that we were on a boat out in the middle-of-nowhere in the Arctic and listening to cruise ship passengers phoning home from the Caribbean.

After languishing under a tarp at my dad's place for 20-odd years, the old boat eventually followed me home and in 2015 I did a complete restoration on it.  Ham radio was in the plan from day-one.  During the refit I made sure to install all of the antennas and cabling that would be required.  The HF antenna is a 19-foot long two-piece fiberglass vertical mounted on the gunwale with a counterpoise of 2-inch aluminum foil tape run along the inside of the hull right at the waterline.  On the roof I installed an MFJ-1436 tri-band whip for VHF/UHF and 6m.  I used the aluminum tape again under the fiberglass to form a suitable ground plane for the whip which I intended to use mostly for working satellites.  Summers up here are quite short and it was already August that year before the boat was finally ready to go in the water.  The installation of the radios had to wait until the next season.

Back on the water after all those years.

My plan for the radios got somewhat complicated.  What I really wanted was an SDR version of my venerable old Kenwood TS-2000.  My Kenwood was gathering dust, having fallen victim to the dreaded "ceramic filters failure", and there was nothing available in my price range that did 100-watt HF, full-duplex all-mode VHF/UHF for satellites, and was SDR-based.  The closest I could come up with back then was a Flex-1500 QRP radio with an HF amplifier and transverters and amplifiers for VHF/UHF.  I'd mount all the gear in a portable travel case and bring along my laptop to operate with.  To make it all work the way I wanted would take a lot of homebrewing.  The HF part was easy, or so I thought.  In the junk pile I had an old commercial HF transceiver.  I pulled the 100-watt amplifier off of it and added connectors and a T/R relay.  Since I planned to operate into a non-resonant antenna, I bought a cheap manual antenna tuner which would also take care of harmonic filtering.

The VHF/UHF part was even more complicated.  The little Flex radio had a separate transverter output so I built a pair of switchable transverters and brick amplifiers for each band.  Since I needed full duplex for satellites, I opted for a separate receiver using an RTL USB dongle built into the transverter box.  With everything bench tested in the shop and mounted on a plastic board in a carrying case I was ready to go.  Or at least I thought I was.  I took all the gear and put the VHF/UHF whip on my truck to see how it worked.  It didn't.  I couldn't seem to hear anything.  I pulled out my Arrow dual-band yagi and that seemed to receive ok but, despite my best efforts at shielding when I built the transverters, there was significant desense when I was transmitting on the opposite band.  I had a FunCube Pro SDR dongle which I pressed into service to replace the RTL stick (thereby bypassing the 10m IF chain) and it worked but obviously
some re-engineering was needed.  With the 2017 boating season fast approaching I decided to just focus on getting the HF setup going.

As I mentioned before, the summers here are short.  If time and weather cooperates I can
maybe get the boat in the water a dozen times between mid-June and Labour Day.  Over the next couple of summers I'd bring the radio case and the laptop out with me every once in a while but getting it to work on HF proved surprisingly frustrating.  The manual antenna tuner was very finicky and the laptop running the PowerSDR software would frequently lock up from RF on the USB cables before I could get the tuner adjusted.  I'd spend a half-hour or so and then give up until next time.  More ferrites.  Different cables.  Oops, the amp blew up, need another one.  Maybe an auto tuner?  Nope, won't tune with so many unattenuated harmonics.  Oops, blew up another amp. After the summer 2019 season I officially gave up.  That winter, I sold off the Flex radio and the auto tuner and decided to just fix up the old TS-2000 and use that.  A handful of new ceramic filters and a couple hours of delicate solder surgery was all it took.

With the repaired TS-2000 in the boat this summer, I got the HF working right away in June.  I had initially assumed that the auto tuner in the radio would be able to load the big fiberglass vertical but alas it would only tune up on 30m.  Before the next trip I put the old manual tuner from the previous iteration in and was then able to operate across the HF bands.  I also gave up on the big laptop and opted to use the Pipo X8 that was already mounted on the dash.  The little nav computer was a bit slow but would run WSJT-X without much difficulty.  I still wasn't having much luck with VHF/UHF though.  The MFJ antenna didn't seem to work at all.  After checking all the cables I started to think that there might be something wrong with the antenna itself.  Since by this time it was long out of warranty, I decided to just buy a new one.  At the same time, I also opted for another automatic antenna tuner.  The manual tuner did work but was still finicky and the longer this project dragged on the less patient I was becoming.  After scouring the marketplace I found that HRO in Anaheim had stock on both an MFJ-939 auto-tuner with the Kenwood cable AND a replacement antenna.  Being so close to everything finally getting sorted out, I also opted for express shipping.  Even here in the far north, Priority Express mail from the USA gets here in about a week.  HRO shipped them out the same day and I followed the tracking as the package passed through LAX and landed in Vancouver two days later.  Then, nothing.  No more tracking updates.  USPS said it arrived in Vancouver, Canada and Canada Post said it was waiting to receive it.  I thought maybe it fell off a truck or something!  After 21 agonizing days (yes, THREE WEEKS!) Canada Post finally received the package and sent it to clear customs.  It was out of customs the same day and arrived here a week later.  I have no idea what it was doing all that time at the airport in Vancouver but I did see anecdotal reports of mail backed up at the border for weeks on end so I was just happy to have it eventually arrive here intact.

The HF station mounted at the helm.  The radio on the left is a marine VHF.

I installed the new tuner right away (works great!) and a couple of weeks ago I got around to replacing the VHF/UHF antenna.  Unlike the HF (which only works on the water), I could do this part in the driveway.  Armed with my SWR meter, antenna analyzer, cables, and the HF/VHF/UHF triplexer, I pulled the boat out from under the carport and put up the new antenna.  After checking everything and hooking up all the cables and the triplexer, I made a satellite contact on AO-91.  After four years of monkeying around I finally had it all working!  I gathered up all of my tools and test gear, closed up the boat, and put it back under the carport awning, eagerly anticipating the next boat trip. 
I paused as I walked into the house and a sinking feeling came over me.  I went back outside to look and, sure enough, I forgot to fold over the antenna after I was done and broke it off backing under the carport. $@#%!^@#$!!!

Actually, this story does have a happy ending.  All that broke was the brass NMO mount and I was able to quickly rustle up a replacement and install it.  I loaded fresh Keplerian elements into Orbitron and set up WiSPDDE to handle the radio tuning.  In between fishing and relaxing last weekend I made over a dozen satellite contacts as we swung on the hook in a beautiful local lake.  Life is good!

Amateur Radio Tower Safety – Western Washington DX Club

Many thanks to Rusty Epps W6OAT and the senior leadership of the WWDXC for inviting me to present on the important topic of tower safety. I presented to the group via Zoom at it’s on-line August meeting on Tuesday, August 11, 2020.

Following the presentation, I received this note:

Tnx again for a magnificent presentation to WWDXC. Folks stayed on line for almost another hour, discussing and sharing horror stories. YOU WOKE US ALL UP!

Stay vigilant; learn what you need to know to be safe . . . and spread the word. Visit for more information.

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Amateur Radio Tower Safety – Northern Illinois DX Association (NIDXA)

Coronavirus is driving change across everything we do. With it’s April 2020 meeting The Northern Illinois DX Association (NIDXA) went to an online meeting format for the first time in its history. I did the keynote presentation from my home QTH in Massachusetts this past Friday evening April 10, 2020.

We used Zoom, the videoconferencing application that’s taken off in a big way as a result of mandatory social distancing and travel restrictions. As we kicked off the presentation, we took advantage of one of the in-built tools that Zoom offers – polling – to learn a little bit about the audience. Of the nearly 50 participants, we found that all but three – almost 95% – have some kind of regular interaction with amateur radio tower work. Clearly, this was an audience that should care about the topic.

The best indication of whether an online presentation has been successful may be the percent of participants who remain at the end of the talk . . . in this case, we had nearly 100% staying on to the end. It was also a pleasure to receive a few private emails after the meeting expressing appreciation for the information provided. We even got one email asking for an immediate purchase of one of the climbing kits.

The post Amateur Radio Tower Safety – Northern Illinois DX Association (NIDXA) appeared first on The Driven Element.

CBS Reports: What Can Hams Learn from the Expanding Commercial Tower Industry?

A nationwide 5G cellular network is being built out now. The major network infrastructure owners and operators are taking this seriously. As they build up a force of expert tower installers and maintainers, they are committed to safety. Tower climbing can be risky – or it can be safe. The pros know how to make it safe – proper equipment and training are core requirements. Every ham who wants to work with antennas and towers should be paying attention.

The post CBS Reports: What Can Hams Learn from the Expanding Commercial Tower Industry? appeared first on The Driven Element.

Listen to the Audio Clips WBZ Rejected!

In a previous post, I told you about the fun, no-jargon ham radio interview we did with Bradley Jay on Boston-based clear channel station WBZ. It was a basic amateur radio introduction.

During the short time we had to prepare for the show, we planned extensively in collaboration with the show’s producer. At one point, I asked if we could liven up the hour with some audio clips to allow listeners to really experience the sounds of amateur radio. “Sure!”, she said.

We assembled a set of clips that represent a broad range of amateur radio pursuits. But, just two hours before air time, our producer emailed me to say that Bradley didn’t want to use the clips. Ugh!

We were disheartened because we think we really captured sounds that effectively convey the wide range of on-the-air ham radio experiences.

Let’s not allow these clips go to waste!

WBZ and their listening audience did not get to hear these little gems. But, their loss need not be yours, too! Here are the clips we had all ready to go. They’re all pretty short. Enjoy. Don’t miss the last one – contact with the International Space Station.

History: Spark Transmission from Point Judith
Public Service: Boston Marathon Communications
Emergency Communications: Hurricane Dorian
Casual Radio: K1IR Contact with Ukraine on 20 meter band
Radiosport: Hope KM4IPF contacts Morocco during international competition
Where does ham radio take place? Not just in the basement . . . everywhere!
The new ham radio is digital.
In this clip: ionospheric FT8, moon bounce JT65, meteor scatter MSK144
Student-built satellite with Morse code beacon . . . and Doppler shift!
Small, battery-powered handheld kit used to make many voice satellite contacts.
International Space Station talks to school students in Hudson, NH.

The post Listen to the Audio Clips WBZ Rejected! appeared first on The Driven Element.

Ham Radio on WBZ!

Ham radio got a nationwide boost from Boston-based clear channel station WBZ. Tom Walsh, K1TW, our Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Section Manager contacted me to see if I could help satisfy a short-term request from Jay Talking a WBZ talk show hosted by veteran radio personality Bradley Jay. How could I refuse?

I partnered with Bruce Tinkler N9JBT to fill the hour with some great content. We wanted to convey a broad view of ham radio that captures both its historic roots and current advanced technology and relevance to modern-day STEM initiatives. Cameo appearance by Marty Sullaway NN1C!

How did we do?

The post Ham Radio on WBZ! appeared first on The Driven Element.

10 Years On

It seems hard to believe but its been 10 years since I first started my little blog here.  So much has changed over the years.  Ham radio still has its exciting moments but I don't seem to feel the same urge to prattle on about things as I used to.  Whenever something new and unusual happens I do try to write something about it but the past few years have mostly been just working DX and incremental improvements to the station.  What strikes me most looking back is how my interests have evolved along with my station improvements and, mostly, the progress of the 11-year solar cycle.

Beginning back at the last solar minimum it was so difficult to make contacts here.  I just couldn't understand how a single station could make thousands of contacts during a weekend radio contest when we struggled up here just to get a hundred into the log.  Boy, that sure changed as the cycle ramped up and we finally started to have some decent propagation.  I nearly lost my mind the first time operating in a contest where the signals never got snuffed out by the aurora: (ARRL DX - Life is Like a Box of Chocolates...)  Only a few years later as the cycle peaked I was setting records and hanging contest award plaques on my wall.  Unfortunately, after the highs of the solar maximum I seem to have completely lost interest in radio contesting.  Going back to the huge disparity between the conditions up here and "down south" after seeing what I was able to do on a more-or-less level playing field kind of saps one's enthusiasm for that sort of activity.

Some things just got left behind as the cycle ramped up.  I really enjoyed working amateur radio satellites and had hoped to one day build an EME-capable station.  One of my all-time most popular blog posts is the story of the capture here of telemetry from a wayward NASA satellite: (NanoSail-D: Sailing the New Sea)  As HF conditions improved, however, I spent most of my time building out that part of the station and the VHF/UHF stuff was put aside for another day.

Other things were left behind for different reasons.  Several extremely rare IOTA island groups were nearby and I invested a huge amount of time and treasure in "activating" them.  The culmination of my efforts was a 5-day stay on Greens Island in the NA-182 group: (CK8G - The Perfect Storm)  I made almost 5000 contacts from there in April 2010 but after that the novelty started to fade.  The next year VE8GER and I traveled to Tent Island in the NA-193 group.  Propagation was lousy and we ended up getting chased home by some unexpected bad weather: (XK1T - Snake Eyes)  It made for good stories but I haven't really had the urge to go back to any of these places yet and, thanks to my efforts, they are no longer considered that rare.

I had always been a bit of a DXer but once conditions had improved I realized that if I paid attention to what countries were active I could generally work anything that was on the air.  Between the countries I had worked as a beginner back in the nineties and the new ones that came along regularly, I did a pretty good job of getting everything in the log that was available, at least on one band or mode: (The Verdict is In)  By the time we slid into the current solar minimum I was needing only a couple of dozen more to have "worked them all".  The new ones keep trickling in and I try to make sure I don't miss any.  I still need a few that have been around sporadically (like SV/A and VK0M) but sooner or later I'm sure they'll find their way into the log.

The biggest shocker of all was the low bands.  When solar minimum conditions returned in 2017 I knew that was time to concentrate on trying to work new ones on 80m.  I thought that maybe if I focused my attention it might be possible to work 100 countries there and be eligible for the 5-Band DXCC award before I passed on.  I figured I might have four years now and at least four years at the bottom of the next cycle.  After that I wasn't so sure but if I worked at it then maybe it would happen.  What I didn't count on was how the new FT8 digital mode would take the ham radio community by storm.  Released in mid-2017 it allowed contacts to made under very marginal propagation conditions.  The instant popularity combined with being able to "see" all the stations that were active meant that instead of taking a lifetime it only took me 13 months to work those last 70 countries I needed to earn DXCC on 80m.  Now I think that DXCC is possible from up here even on 160m (and I'm well on my way already!)

I intend to keep writing here, perhaps not as often as I used to, but certainly whenever something noteworthy happens.  I don't know how many people out there actually read what I write but I love being able to go back myself and take a little walk down memory lane once in a while.  Maybe someday I'll turn it all into a book.

John VE8EV

The Big Stick (Part 1)

Things were very different here seven years ago. In 2010, the sunspots were finally starting to return after one of the more lengthy solar minimums. Our fledgling ham radio “club” boasted a record four members and we were planning to build a big club station. That year, after a bit of an unexpected windfall, I picked up a Mosley S-33 tribander. This 3-element 17/20/40m yagi was to be one of the main antennas for the club station, along with my venerable TH6DXX but, before we could even get started, everything changed. Our club evaporated when half the members (VE8DW and VE8NE) moved away and VE8GER retired, preferring to spend most of his time out of town. I had a snazzy portable ham shack that worked fine but dragging it up to our club site to operate was also starting to get old. The time was ripe for a new plan.

In 2012 the real estate market here collapsed and I ended up moving into a house that I had been renovating for resale. It had a fairly large lot and neighbours on all sides but it also had one feature that was unusual in these parts: there were no high-voltage power lines bordering the property. All the local utilities are above ground and most everywhere there are 2400V AC lines distributing power to transformers that step it down to 120/240V for residential use. For some reason, the high tension lines stopped up the street and only the lower voltage wires were extended to feed the last three houses on the block. As a ham, this meant two things. First, the background noise would be somewhat quieter, and second, I could put up a tower or two without having to stress about proximity to high voltage wires.

My (somewhat) ambitious plans from 2012.  The receiving antennas never worked well enough to keep them up but eventually everything else got done except the tower for the S-33.

It took me a while but eventually, in 2013, I put up a 64-foot DMX tower for my TH6DXX yagi. It was all I could manage at the time. I knew that for the S-33 to perform on 40 meters it would need a much larger tower so it remained stacked on the ground while I tried to figure out how to do that on my meager budget. For a 40m yagi you need at least a 70 foot tower and, although I had found the space to run guy wires for my other tower (a TH6 is a bit much for an un-guyed DMX tower), I knew that the only way to fit in a second tower of that height would be with one that was free-standing. This posed several huge challenges.

For starters, even though the S-33 is rather small for a 40m yagi, it is still a big chunk of aluminum. It weighs 100 pounds, has a 24-foot boom, and the elements are almost 50 feet each. It was going to require a substantial tower. My first inclination was a 72-foot Titan tower from Trylon. These are the ‘standard’ heavy-duty towers around here (made in Canada) but they start at about $3000 and go up from there depending on your wind loading requirements. As might be expected, they are also very heavy which means they are difficult to move, install, and ship. For a long time I also had my eye on an aluminum tower from Universal Manufacturing in Michigan. Much lighter and with a convenient tilt-over base, these looked attractive for a while when the US and Canadian dollar were at par but as the American dollar went up and up they rapidly became prohibitively expensive.

As anyone who has ever bought a tower knows, one of the other big expenses is shipping. Even knocked down and with the sections nested together, towers are bulky and heavy and shipping them all the way up here to the edge of the world costs twice as much as shipping them anywhere else in the country. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find a way to get the shipping cost from the East (where all the towers come from) to the far North under $2000.

Then there is the issue of the foundation. Everything here is built on permafrost so a standard concrete foundation was out of the question. The constant freezing and thawing of the “active layer” would more than likely shift the concrete and we can’t have that. The simplest solution is to use steel pilings drilled into the permanently frozen subsoil. Once they’re frozen in below ground they usually don’t move and even if they do, it is vertical motion. There are several ways to ensure they don’t do that and almost everything up here is now built on “adfreeze piling” foundations despite their enormous cost. The price for suitable pipe can range between $800 to $3000 each, depending on the size and length. Add to that about $1000 per pipe for a drill rig to bore the hole, drop the pipe in, and backfill with a wet sand slurry to freeze it in place. Yikes! At one point I seriously considered buying a decrepit old bulldozer and just using that as a tower base…

Staring at a $10,000+ price tag to put the big Mosley in the air, suffice to say that it remained on the ground for a very long time. The XYL had no problem (more or less) with me putting up another tower but there was no way the money was going to come out of the family coffers. If I wanted to make it happen I was going to have to find a way to substantially lower the cost and I was going to have to raise the money “off the books”.

On to Part 2

The Big Stick (Part 2)

I wasn’t really bothered by not having the big 40m yagi up. The sun was blasting the ionosphere throughout 2013/2014/2015 as we enjoyed the “second peak” of the solar cycle. The high bands were in great shape and the DX was rolling in. I finally managed to put contest plaques on the wall here for my two favorite contests (ARRL DX and Sweepstakes), earned DXCC on 10 meters, and pushed my total number of DXCC entities confirmed past 300. However, as the sands of time through the hourglass, I knew the good times were running out. This had been my first time being active through a solar maximum but it was going to be my third minimum coming up so I knew what we were in for. I wasn’t about to do it with a 40m yagi lying on the ground beside the house. Since 2013 I had slowly been parlaying an initial nest egg by buying and selling things here and there and was one sale away from turning it into $5000. Not enough for the whole project yet but getting there.

One day in late 2015 I happened to come across an ad on Kijiji (Canada’s version of Craig’s List) from a guy in Saskatchewan selling a lightly-used 96-foot Titan tower for about a third the cost of a new one. I knew that leaving off the top two sections would be the same as Trylon’s heaviest-duty 80-foot Titan and we exchanged several emails over the course of a few months while I tried to figure out how I could get it here. It was the dead of winter and the tower was still partially assembled in pairs of sections which greatly complicated having it shipped. I was talking to several trucking companies and the seller, trying to put together a package that I could be fairly certain would get the tower here at a reasonable price without any surprises. In the end, though, I couldn’t make it happen. It was going to require a huge effort just to get it ready to ship and, owing to the 16-foot long pieces, the shipping itself was going to be well over $2000 and could even balloon higher than that if something went wrong. I was almost ready to tell the guy I had to pass but at the last minute I decided to offer him a small deposit to hang on to it for me until the new year and maybe we’d figure something out then.

Over the holidays that year I had found a buyer for my latest project (
a 6kW diesel generator) so with $5000 soon to be in the “tower fund” I took a closer look at what could be done. In my earlier dealings with the trucking companies I had remarked in frustration that for the price they were asking I could drive down there and pick it up myself. The more I thought about that the more it seemed like a better idea. We had been planning a bathroom renovation at the same time and were running into the same issues with shipping large items (a big tub and one-piece shower). If I drove down with my truck and trailer I could bring back the bathroom fixtures, a couple of new appliances, and the tower, all for the same amount as shipping the tower would cost. As an added bonus, I could bring the XYL along and we could visit our relatives in Saskatchewan to turn it into a bit of a mini-holiday. I closed the deal on the tower and told the seller I’d be down to get it at the beginning of June.

We hit the road as soon as the summer ferry service started on the river crossings just south of here. It's a 10-day round trip from here to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (via Calgary, Alberta) with the first (and last) 750km on a gravel road through the Arctic wilderness. I had spent the previous couple of weeks making sure the truck and the trailer were ready to go and, thankfully, the entire drive was uneventful. After stopping in Calgary to visit with family and arrange for all our supplies, we dropped the trailer and set off for Saskatchewan, visiting long-lost relatives on the way. I arrived in Saskatoon and picked up the tower without incident but I was sure glad I didn’t try to have it shipped. Paying people to try and dig it all out of the snow and take it apart in the winter would have been a calamity! As it was, it took an hour in the warm summer sunshine but only because someone with extensive Titan tower experience was helping (he could tell just by looking at it which sections were which and which pieces nested together) and especially due to the timely assistance of a helpful onlooker who ran and grabbed his battery-powered impact wrench which removed the remaining bolts in a flash. One of these was immediately added to my Christmas wish list!

I was sure I'd be able to fit the whole tower in the back of my pickup but I was still pretty relieved once it was all in and the tailgate was latched.
Living way North of the middle-of-nowhere means you don’t often get the opportunity to go shopping without paying a huge premium for shipping costs. Maybe, if you’re travelling by air, you have to worry about how much stuff you can fit in your suitcase. When we got back to Calgary and picked up the trailer, after all the bathroom reno materials and some new appliances were loaded, we still had plenty of room left over. We gleefully filled the remaining space with everything from sacks of flour to pails of motor oil. We even wound up with a pair of patio loungers strapped to the tower in the back of the truck! The trip home was grueling but we made it safe and sound. It took a lot of work and planning but there it was: I finally had my tower sitting in the driveway. All-up, including a substantial contribution out of my tower fund towards the fuel expenses, it had cost me only $3000. Now I just had to figure out how to get it to stand at attention…

9000 kilometers and 1800 litres of diesel later I was very happy to be home!

On to Part 3

The Big Stick (Part 3)

Every year it’s the same plan. In late September there is a brief window after all the firewood is split and stacked but before the full force of winter hits. This is when I try to schedule all my antenna work. “Spring” up here is really just about two more months of winter. Summer is chock full of other activities (like boating and fishing!) and has its own perils for outdoor projects (like rain and bugs). Once we run out of summer, fall is all about getting ready for winter, and the last thing on that list is antenna work. I generally try to avoid outdoor projects in the winter. It’s usually just too cold for doing much outside work. Last year I knew I had a big slate of projects for antenna season so I wanted to get an early start. The boat got put away on Labour Day and I dove right into the firewood. Unfortunately, it rains a lot in September and this year was no exception. In between the rains and early snows I managed to get the wood done and started on antennas but then I kept having to travel, both for business and personal stuff. I lost a week here and a week there. Time kept slipping away, the snow had already started to stick to the ground (early!) and things progressed painfully slowly.

For various reasons I decided that the best place to erect the new tower was at the same location as the existing one. I was lucky to be able to borrow a 60-foot lift to
take down the old tower and antennas before it got too cold. It was my intention to immediately put it back up in a different spot but doing that was one of the first fall projects to get rescheduled for next year.

I had been contemplating for a while whether it was better to use three small steel pilings for the tower base (one for each leg) or a single large piling with some kind of structure on top to hold the tower. After eventually determining that a single piling would be cheaper (one hole to drill in the ground instead of three) I contacted a friendly acquaintance of mine who happens to own a drilling company. When I pointed out an old, orphaned 30-foot length of 12-inch steel pipe in his yard (likely the result of a change to a large, multi-pile building foundation job) and promised I’d do all the grunt work (like leveling and backfilling) he agreed to put the piling in for me the next time he had his rig out. I had to promise not to disclose how much it cost me because it was so far below the going rate but even then it was still at the upper end of what I could afford.

The drill hit ice-rich permafrost at about 12 feet down and drilled all the way to 27 feet so I’d have 3 feet left sticking up out of the ground.  It’s frozen into 10,000 year old ice and even with global warming it won’t be moving any time soon.

I was fortunate to find a chunk of scrap 12-inch I-beam which I cut up to make a T-shaped support frame for the tower base section. I also rounded up some short pieces of 2-inch sched-80 steel pipe to use for support struts although they’re probably not really necessary. A real bonus was finding some 1/2” thick steel angle brackets with pre-drilled holes that were a perfect match for the holes on the bottom of the tower. I probably could have got one of the guys from work to do all the welding for me but decided instead to hire a licensed welder. I had everything cut and tacked in place but it still took him three hours of near continuous welding to get it all done. The bill for the welding was twice what I was expecting but the base is plenty strong and when the wind is howling I won’t have to be at all worried about that part.

How do you lift a 500-pound chunk of steel onto the top of a piling?  You don’t lift it at all!

With the base ready to go I didn’t think it would take long to put the tower together and get it ready to stand up. I started in earnest getting all the pieces joined together. I had a full set of brand new hardware for it and once it was together I meticulously went over everything. All the splice bolts were set with a torque wrench and I hand tightened every one of the little bolts on each cross member. It took hours!

The only way to have enough room to put everything together on the ground was to lay out the tower beside the house with the antenna hanging over the back fence.
The yagi had been lying around on the ground for years and needed to be completely gone over before I put it in the air. One piece of tubing on the driven element had been damaged when a log fell on it (don’t ask) so an exact replacement was ordered up from Mosley. Then I brought the whole antenna out to the shop one evening and completely disassembled it, checked and cleaned everything, and put it back together. It was a good thing, too, because three of the six traps were damaged from having water freeze inside them. Fortunately, they were easily repaired. The next weekend I put the whole thing together in the front yard on top of a 12-foot step ladder, installed the new choke balun and checked it all with the antenna analyzer. It was spot on. I took it apart again and set it aside, all ready to install.

By this point it was already the end of November. I’d missed my original completion date (the CQ World Wide contest at the end of October) and now I’d even missed the absolutely-can’t-miss-this ARRL Sweepstakes contest. To make matters worse, the later it got, the darker it got. It was too dark to work in the evenings now and with only a couple of weeks to go until the sun disappeared altogether for a month, even the weekends were only good for a few hours a day. It just kept getting darker and colder and now that I’d missed Sweepstakes I reluctantly decided to throw in the towel until after Christmas. We’d be out of town over the holidays and planned to be back around the same time as the first sunrise in early January. With any luck, I’d finally be able to get it up then.

The Big Stick (Part 4)

Back in November I started looking to make arrangements for a crane. My first stop was the same outfit that put up my tower in 2013. Unfortunately, they were busy with other projects and had no interest in digging their crane out of the snow, thawing it out, and getting it running, just for my little one hour tower job. They did say they might have some other crane work coming up early in the new year and to check back with them then. I wasn’t thrilled with their response but at the time there wasn’t much I could do about it and things weren’t exactly skipping along at my end either. I decided to just press on and deal with the crane situation when it was time, which was already starting to look increasingly distant.

When the holiday season arrived I was driving home one day and something caught my eye. It was a bright red star made of Christmas lights hanging forty feet in the air above a house. When I took a closer look I realized it was hanging off the boom of a little crane parked in the driveway of a local contractor. I just happened to bump into him that weekend and inquired about his crane. Apparently, he had just brought it to town in the summer and would be more than happy to put it to work for me. I didn’t get too excited though. It seemed awfully small to do what I needed to do but the price was right and at that moment I didn’t have a lot of other options. I downloaded a copy of the specifications for his crane and started crunching the numbers. It had a 55-foot boom (fully extended) and that would just barely reach to the middle of the tower. It could lift the relatively light tower and antenna at maximum reach but it would still be much too far away from the tower mount to set it in place. Then I noticed in the load chart there was a column of weights for a “pick-carry”. I wasn’t exactly sure what that was but when I Googled it I realized it was exactly what it sounded like. It had a rating for travelling while holding a suspended load. That meant as long as it could raise the tower nearly vertical it could walk it over to the mount and set it down! We were in business, as long as I could get the tower ready to go.

I obsessed over every detail of the crane operation until I was convinced it could be done safely.

After Christmas I got back from my holiday and the sun returned right on schedule but it was typical January weather. Cold, cold, cold! Every weekend that it warmed up above -30C I’d be outside trying to finish all the final details. Antenna boom and first two elements on (the last element would go on when the crane lifted the tower a few feet more). Choke balun installed. Coax and rotor cables installed and terminated. 80m half-sloper wire installed and ready to deploy. I’d cross a few items off the list and then have to hunker down and wait whenever the mercury plunged into the low minus thirties and forties. January soon turned into February but with the couple of additional hours of sun each day I managed to get the last few things done in the evenings after work. Finally, after months of fits and starts, it was ready to go!

We had to wave off a couple of times due to weather but eventually, on a bright sunny morning at -26C, the crane rolled into my yard. I carefully reviewed my plan with the crane operator and Gerry VE8NT (ex-VE8GER) who had kindly volunteered to give me a hand. I'd come this far and I didn't want any last minute surprises to spoil all my hard work. My XYL even agreed to take a few pictures and video out the windows to document the event for posterity.

Even for a little crane it was a tight squeeze to get it close enough to the tower.

Gerry and I getting things rigged and ready.

Up, up, and away!

The little crane performed flawlessly.

That tower isn’t going anywhere.

Bring on the DX!

Bonus feature: Here's a little video I put together of the tower raising operation...
