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Simple ESR meter

 Almost a copy from here.


Only added provision for self "TEST", that is; the switch disconnects the terminals and connect internally to know resistor values via rotary switch (minimum 2 Ohm since had nothing smaller at the time). Also add zeroing via a pot on R24 place.

Diagram from the original site:




and during testing:

Works nice, handy for testing old caps.

Have a nice day!

Simple Capacitance Meter

 As title says; a simple capacitance meter.

One youtube video by VK3YE was enough to get me started building, after all, the meter that I was using before was not behaving correctly (latter found the problem).

The outcome was this:

(scale on the left switch is wrongly printed, where is x2 should be x0.5/divide by 2)

During build:

Making the scale:
The scale on the meter was changed from the original 0-50 to 0-100, the easiest way was to scan the original face-place and then edit on a image editor.

To calibrate I used a 68pF and 27pF capacitor, the idea was not to have highest precision possible only to be in a position of having certain about unmarked capacitors.

Some description/schematic from here and here:

I used different Ge diodes and the 10K pot was changed for 2 of 5K in series to give better adjustment range. The Zener was changed to 6.8v.
Ranges like this:

E: 100pF
D: 1nF
C: 10nF
B: 100nF
A: 1uF


Have a nice day!

High voltage supply for tube/valve tester

 A power supply for a future tube/valve tester

Main circuit for the positive side is similar to the one bellow (the top section),

 The filament circuit is similar to the bottom section.

 The negative supply is similar to the diagram bellow("Standard") with small adaptations to allow 2 different ranges:

 There's a separate transformer for each of the supplies; the filament the positive and the negative, also other separate on to power the voltage meters.

Was added a small relay controlled high voltage supply output so I don't get accidentally zapped, you need to constantly press enable button to have high voltage output at the terminals.

The internals:

 Finished here:

Working during testing:

Now I still need the tube socket and metering part for the full valve/tube test set, eventually something like this (only the top section):

Have a nice day!

Arduino bootloader burner

I have some spare ATmega328 chips that are not programed and can be used in some projects specially now the prices Arduino boards got some inflation.

In order to upload the program to the IC's you will need to burn first the bootloader, at least so that later you then upload via de Arduino IDE. 

Schematic and instruction are from here:

End result:

Bottom Arduino is the programmer where you upload the ArduinoISP.ino code, it connects to the Arduino on top (target) that is going to have the chip to be programmed/burn.
The zif socket on the target Arduino just facilitates the insertion of the ATmega IC.

Another view:

For uploading: select the Arduino programmer USB port and then the programmer type "Arduino as ISP", in the end just "burn bootloader".

After bootloader burn:

Have a great day!

HP 3312A small repair

 No big troubleshooting here, the HP3312A function generator had been developing small fault over time, the last time I used it was not outputting signal or with the wrong shape, so decided to see what could be done.

This was the "sinusoidal" output:


Not good! Also the frequency was not in line with the bezel markings.

Here's the offending component on top board near the front panel.

I just guessed it was the one causing the issue, the crack was easy to spot.

The reference marked in the capacitor, if needed:

TRW 8508
.5MF +/- 10%
50 VDC

Better now after replacement, I didn't had 0.5MF as originally so by mistake placed a 2.2uF, got better but still some distortion seen:


 I then replaced by a 1uF one and now it's perfect, in the future I will probably try to find the right value (0.5uF) and replace.

Have a nice day!

10Ghz downconverter for 1.5Ghz spectrum Analyser

Had this build for some time, now it's time to show. 


 I was doing some experiments on the 10Ghz band and wanted a way of looking at the signals. Because the spectrum analyser I have only good to 1.5Ghz had to find a cheap way of doing it to get this:

Here looking at the third harmonic from an ADF4351 on 3.3Ghz after a pipe cap 10Ghz filter experiment.

The diagram explanation: a dbm mixer (Watkins-Johnson M80LCA) with a local oscillator based on a FVC99 10Ghz oscillator module (cheapest VCO I could find for 10Ghz). Some preamps on the input and output using 2Ghz preamp modules and replacing the MMIC amplifiers for the ones like Corvo NLB300 or ERA-1 that are good to 10Ghz.

The basic design:

 To this diagram I added a 6db directional coupler inline with the FVC99 VCO (used a Omni Spectra PN2023, good from 8 12.4Ghz) so I could measure the LO frequency and PLL it.

There is no stability control on the FVC99 oscillator, still working on a PLL system (maybe one of these days) but in my case I have two select positions, one: VCO is controlled by a single pot (like on the diagram) and the other position controlled by an EIP371 frequency counter (from the Lo Out via directional coupler) that makes the PLL loop. With EIP371 and since the output voltage of the loop is very small the control range seats near 9.5Ghz, there is an option of extending the range like on the EIP manual:

Or with a similar diagram, a multiply by 10 of the PLL voltage out of the EIP371, that would be enough to use the full range of the FVC99.

For now I use 9.5 Ghz if using the EIP371 for more stability and around 10Ghz set by the pot ("Flo" on the panel) if it's just a quick test.

Here the EIP working as external PLL controling the FVC99 so the LO gets more stable.

On the Rigol DSA815 spectrum analyser you can set the input offset to get the display right on the band of interest

Displaying here a 10Ghz signal using the 9.5Ghz Lo frequency

If you want to just check if the signal is around there, no need to use external PLL control to the FVC99, the "stability" with a simple potentiomenter  is enough.

Inside view:

The VCO adjust pot (top right in blue) is glued directly to the front panel

Some other images during prototype development:

Here one of the firsts tests, just an input amplifier, the mixer, the VCO and VCO amplifier and the mixer IF output directly to the spectrum analyser.

Testing during early days of the prototype with a 10Ghz homemade flange to SMA adapter and a pipe cap filter:



Anyhow, not a measuring device but it serves the purpose of checking if you have any signal around the 10Ghz band and for experiments, still very happy with the outcome and sensitivity.

Have a nice day!

Linux PIC16F628 programing on the cheap

Had to program a 16F628 PIC for a frequency counter kit that let the magic smoke out.

First I tested with the PIC included on a different kit to see if would work, in fact looks like all these kits use the same code from DL4YHF.  

The programmer diagram was a re-use of one that I used in the past, see schematic:


 From here and other ideas here.

 I had some problems making it to run on the laptop but using the serial port from the desktop it worked.

Commands to use were this ones:

# picprog --device=pic16f628 --pic /dev/ttyS0  --erase
# picprog --input-hexfile=counter2.hex --device=pic16f628 --pic /dev/ttyS0 --burn
(Picprog version 1.9.1)

I did not had a serial port plug so resorted to use some terminals, for a one of, it's ok

The assembly re-using the board from another test project:

The programmer that had the PIC issue, now running:

  and the clone kit used for testing the PIC:


...eventually one day ill get a "proper" programmer but for one PIC every so often it's perfectly fine this way.

That's it, have a nice day!

Arduino Antenna Rotator for rotctld/gpredict on Linux

 I have an unused TV aerial rotator and would be good to put it, along with an motorized elevation control, for some satellite work. 

Googling around for some Arduino controller code I found from fellow ham YO3RAK at:
a nice bit of a project.

Compiled it along with some LCD library changes and noted that was not fully working with rotctld (Hamlib and gredict (1.3) on Linux. Long story short I ended up starting my own code, half way trough discovered what looks like a different implementation or EasyComm II protocol on hamlib in Linux depending on version.

At some point trough my code I reverted to do changes on YO3RAK code to accommodate my setup, a mix of hamlib and 3.1 along with gpredict 1.3 and 2.0-4. Now works fine on both implementations in Linux.

Since I've seen some posts with similar issues here's what I got while testing regarding behaviour:

hamlib 1.2.15:

Query position: "!"
Return: "TM0 AZ<AZIM>0.0 EL<ELEVATION>0.0"
See "0.0" appended, that sends 10x more angle, else gpredict will receive angle/10

hamlib 3.1:

Query position: "AZ EL ."
Return: "AZ<AZIM>.0 EL<ELEVATION>.0"
Here only appending the decimal point and works correctly on gpredict 2.0-4.

To start the process, besides having the the Arduino rotator controller you need to  start rotctld similar to:
rotctld -m 202 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 9600 -T -t 4533

where will be your computer IP address, rotctld will listen on port 4533 for rotator commands from gpredict. /dev/ttyUSB0 will be the virtual USB port of the Arduino/rotator controller device. So, in simple terms, rotctld connects to the Arduino and listens on IP commands that gpredict sends to control the rotator.

Some images of gpredict and rotctld in action along wiht the Arduino code:


 To configure gpredict will be similar to this:

To connect to the rotator, this way:

I still don't have the hardware, will update when done.

The code bellow, since blogspot breaks a bit on the formating send me and email if you need a file with the code, file is: original_ant_rotator_easycom2_aug2021_mod_ct2gqv_v3.ino

/// code start

/*  AZ/EL Antenna Rotator controller for Arduino - DC motors
 *  ========================================================
 *  Uses EasyComm protocol for computer - Tracking Software
 *  Manual command by means of two rotary encoders AZ - EL
 *  Viorel Racoviteannu
 * I cannot take any responsibility for missuse of this code
 * or any kind of damage it may occur from using this code.
 * dec 2020 v2 - improved serial comm stability
 * january 2021 - improved near target dead-zone, for which antenna won't move
 * apr 2021 - improved serial comm stability
 * jun 2021 - error proportional power for tracking movement
 * aug 2021 - faster USB update, cold switching Az/El direction, small optimizations in the code
 * Mods by CT2GQV bellow
 * 2021-10-31 added code to accept AZ EL as query since Hamlib 3.1 sends it, while Hamlib sends the "!"
 * 2021-10-30 Original code moded to acept the "!" from Hamlib  using gpredict in 1.3 Linux
 * to include parsing of rotctld commands from Linux via gpredict.
 *  gpredict will connect to "rotator" (rotctld) with IP (example)
 *   and rotctld will listen to IP and send commands for the arduino rotator
 *   controler (from YO3RAK with mod CT2GQV) *   via serial USB
 *   ex: rotctld -m 202 -r /dev/ttyUSB0 -s 9600 -T -t 4533.
 *   ex: rotctld -m 202 -r /dev/<arduino usb> -s 9600 -T <your IP address to listen> -t <port to listen>
#include <Wire.h> // Library for I2C communication
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // Library for LCD
// Wiring: SDA pin is connected to A4 and SCL pin to A5.
// Connect to LCD via I2C, default address 0x27 (A0-A2 not jumpered)
// LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); // address, chars, rows.

// CT2GQV mod
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,2,1,0,4,5,6,7); // 0x27 is the default I2C bus address (this could be different for some modules)
// how much serial data we expect from rotctld before a newline
const unsigned int MAX_INPUT = 14;  // "AZ360.0 EL90.0", that is: 14 char's
int soft_az,soft_el ; // to hold the azimuth and elevation values sent from the gpredict via rotctld software
// end mod CT2GQV

// declaring custom symbol for up/down arrow
 byte DownArrow[8] = {
 byte UpArrow[8] = {

/***********************************THIS IS WHERE YOU REALY TWEAK THE ANTENNA MOVEMENT***************/
// ANTENNA potentiometers CALIBRATION
  int AzMin = 1;        //begining of the potentiometer
  int AzMax = 1023;     //end of the potentiometer
  int ElMin = 1;
  int ElMax = 1023;

// Allowed error for which antennna won't move. Minimum 1 degree
  int AzErr = 9;
  int ElErr = 4;

// Angle difference where soft stop begins
  int Amax = 25;        //azimuth
  int Emax = 15;        //elevation

// min and max power for motors, percents;
  int PwAzMin = 40;     //minimum power for which the motor doesn't stall and starts under load
  int PwAzMax = 100;    //full power for the fastest speed
  int PwElMin = 30;
  int PwElMax = 100;
  int PwAz = 0;         //calculated power to be transmitted to motor (percents);
  int PwEl = 0;

// Azim encoder variables
  enum AzPinAssignments {
  AzEncoderPinA = 2,    // encoder right
  AzEncoderPinB = 3,    // encoder left
  AzClearButton = 4};   // encoder push
  unsigned int lastReportedPos = 1;   // change management
  static boolean rotating = false;    // debounce management
  // interrupt service routine vars
  boolean A_set = false;
  boolean B_set = false;
//Elev encoder variables
  enum ElPinAssignments{
  ElEncoderPinA = 6,    // encoder right
  ElEncoderPinB = 5,    // encoder left
  ElClearButton = 7};   // encoder push
  int aState;
  int aLastState;
// other variables
  int AzPotPin = A0;   // select the input pin for the azim. potentiometer
  int AzRotPin = 12;   // select the out pin for rotation direction
  int AzPWMPin = 11;   // select the out pin for azimuth PWM command
  int TruAzim = 0;     // calculated real azimuth value
  int ComAzim = 0;     // commanded azimuth value
  int OldTruAzim = 0;  // to store previous azimuth value
  int OldComAzim = 0;
  char AzDir;          // symbol for azim rot display
  int AzEncBut = 1;    // variable to toggle with encoder push button
  int ElPotPin = A1;   // select the input pin for the elev. potentiometer
  int ElRotPin = 13;   // select the out pin for elevation rotation direction
  int ElPWMPin = 10;   // select the out pin for elevation rotation PWM command
  int TruElev = 0;     // calculated real elevation value
  int ComElev = 0;     // commanded elevation value
  int OldTruElev = 0;  // to store previous elevation value
  int OldComElev = 0;
  char ElDir;          // symbol for elev. rot display
// flags for AZ, EL tolerances
  bool AzStop = false;
  bool ElStop = false;
  int ElUp = 0;                  // 1 = Elevation Dn, 0 = Elevation STOP, 2 = Elevation Up
//averaging loop
  const int numReadings = 25;
  int readIndex = 0;             // the index of the current reading 
  int azimuth[numReadings];      // the readings from the analog input
  int elevation[numReadings];
  int totalAz = 0;               // the running total
  int totalEl = 0;

// variables for serial comm
  String Azimuth = "";
  String Elevation = "";
  String ComputerRead;
  String ComputerWrite;
  bool AZser = false;
  bool ELser = false;
  bool ANTser = false;

/*************** END VARIABLE DECLARATION  ************/

void setup() {
  Serial.setTimeout(50);          // miliseconds to wait for USB sata. Default 1000
// Initiate the LCD:
//  lcd.begin(16,2);
//  lcd.init();
//  lcd.backlight();

  // LCD initialization
  lcd.begin(16, 2);                           // LCD set for 16 by 2 display
  lcd.setBacklightPin(3,POSITIVE);            // (BL, BL_POL)
  lcd.setBacklight(HIGH);                     // LCD backlight turned ON

//creating custom symbol for up/dwn arrow
  lcd.createChar(1, DownArrow);
  lcd.createChar(2, UpArrow);
// pin declaration
  pinMode(AzRotPin, OUTPUT);       //declaring  azim. rotation direction Pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(AzPWMPin, OUTPUT);       //declaring  azimuth PWM command Pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(ElRotPin, OUTPUT);       //declaring  elev. rotation direction Pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(ElPWMPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AzPotPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElPotPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(AzEncoderPinA, INPUT);
  pinMode(AzEncoderPinB, INPUT);
  pinMode(AzClearButton, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElEncoderPinA, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElEncoderPinB, INPUT);
  pinMode(ElClearButton, INPUT);

// AzEncoder pin on interrupt 0 (pin A)
  attachInterrupt(0, doEncoderA, CHANGE);
// AzEncoder pin on interrupt 1 (pin B)
  attachInterrupt(1, doEncoderB, CHANGE);
// Reads the initial state of the ElEncoderPinA
   aLastState = digitalRead(ElEncoderPinA);

// write on display name and version
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);           // Set the cursor on the first column first row.(counting starts at 0!)
  lcd.print("EasyCom AntRotor"); // display "..."
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);           // Set the cursor on the first column the second row
// changed to reflect mod by CT2GQV
  delay(2000);                   // keep for 2 seconds

// display Azim. and Elev. values
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Azm.---" + String(char(223)) + "=Cd.---" + String(char(223)));  // char(223) is degree symbol
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("Elv. --" + String(char(223)) + "=Cd. --" + String(char(223)));

/* initialization of the averaging loop */
// this is to set azim-command the same value as real, not to jerk the antenna at start-up
  TruAzim = (map(analogRead(AzPotPin), AzMin, AzMax, 0, 359));      // azimuth value 0-359
  if (TruAzim<0) {TruAzim=0;}
  if (TruAzim>359) {TruAzim=359;}  // keep values between limits
  TruElev = (map(analogRead(ElPotPin), ElMin, ElMax, 0, 90));       // elev value 0-90
  if (TruElev<0) {TruElev=0;}
  if (TruElev>90) {TruElev=90;}    // keep values between limits

// initialize all the readings
  for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++) {
    azimuth[thisReading] = 0;
    elevation[thisReading] = 0;
  ComAzim = TruAzim;
  ComElev = TruElev;
  OldTruAzim = TruAzim;
  OldComAzim = ComAzim;
  OldTruElev = TruElev;
  OldComElev = TruElev;
  DisplAzim(TruAzim, 4,0);
  DisplElev(TruElev, 5,1);
// end SETUP

// here to process incoming serial data after a terminator received
void process_data (const char * data) // ct2gqv
   char data1[3]="", data2[3]="";  // to hold azimuth and elevation sent by gpredict/rotctld
   int j = 0, k = 0 ; // for counters to insert in data1 and data2
   int select = 1; // holding which data to insert the character
   // for AZxxx ELxxx command but will also try to parse something like "AZ EL." so we don't do it if data[3] == 'E'
   if (data[0] == 'A' && data[1] == 'Z' && data[3] != 'E'){  // we wait for the AZ command, it comes similar to AZ3599.0 EL900.0

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_INPUT; i++)
      char x = data[i];
      if (x == ' ') {select = 2;}; // we are done, we had the first space and means we are on to the second value for azimuth
      if (x == '.') {select = 3;}; // we have a dot so we don't parse the data1 until we have the previous wich is a spce then we do data2
      if (isdigit(x) == 0)
      // do nothing only if needed to get AZ or EL string's
      else // it's a number
        if (select == 1) {  // holds the azimuth characters until the dot      
        data1[k] = x;        
        k++; };     
        if (select == 2) {  // holds the elevation     
        data2[j] = x;  
        j++; };       
    }; // end of if loop to separate AZ and EL from the rotator command software
    soft_az = atoi(data1);
    soft_el = atoi(data2);
    // we need to send now the data to the original code
    ComAzim = soft_az;
    ComElev = soft_el;
   // for "AZ EL ." command of query position on gpredict 2.0-4 since it's diferent from gpredict 1.3 (we only care about knowing if "AZ EL" was received)
   if (data[0] == 'A' && data[1] == 'Z' && data[3] == 'E' && data[4] == 'L'){
      // removed the "TM0" (ComputerWrite = "TM0 AZ...") on the ComputerWrite string for gpredict 2.0-4 , also on gpredict 2.0-4 the x10 of the el/az looks fixed so removed
      // the adding of "0.0" to the sent position and elevation, now only decimal dedgrees is send ".0"
      ComputerWrite = "AZ"+String(TruAzim)+".0 EL"+String(TruElev)+".0"; // need to be x10 (add 0.0) or gpredict 1.3 will read divide by 10 (might be rotctld causing it also).
  // for "SA SE ." command of stop azimuth and stop postion.... blank for now.. need to study betther the code
   if (data[0] == 'S' && data[1] == 'A' && data[3] == 'S' && data[4] == 'E'){
     // how should we stop here ? and should we report something ? Should we apply breaks on rotator ?
     // for now we do be continued...
 } // end void process_data
void processIncomingByte (const byte inByte) // CT2GQV
  static char input_line [MAX_INPUT];
  static unsigned int input_pos = 0;
  switch (inByte)
     // for gpredict 1.3 w report the position here, there is also a factor of 10 that needs to be send, so it's "0.0" apended
     // this is on  Hamlib but diferent on Hamlib 3.1 where it sends "AZ EL"
     case '!':  // rotctld when sending "!" is asking rotator position so let's send it
      ComputerWrite = "TM0 AZ"+String(TruAzim)+"0.0 EL"+String(TruElev)+"0.0"; // need to be x10 (add 0.0) or gpredict 1.3 will read divide by 10 (might be rotctld causing it also).
    case '\n':   // end of text
      input_line [input_pos] = 0;  // terminating null byte   
      // terminator reached! process input_line here ...
      process_data (input_line);   
      // reset buffer for next time
      input_pos = 0; 
    case '\r':   // discard carriage return
      // keep adding if not full ... allow for terminating null byte
      if (input_pos < (MAX_INPUT - 1))
        input_line [input_pos++] = inByte;
    }  // end of switch
  } // end of processIncomingByte 

void loop() {
/************** FYI, this loop repeats 500 times per second !!! **************/
  // subtract the oldest value
  totalAz = totalAz - azimuth[readIndex];
  totalEl = totalEl - elevation[readIndex];
  // read from the sensor:
  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(analogRead(AzPotPin), AzMin, AzMax, 0, 359));
  elevation[readIndex] = (map(analogRead(ElPotPin), ElMin, ElMax, 0, 90));
  // add the reading to the total:
  totalAz = totalAz + azimuth[readIndex];
  totalEl = totalEl + elevation[readIndex];
  // do the average
  TruAzim = totalAz / numReadings;
  TruElev = totalEl / numReadings;
  // keep values between limits
  if (TruAzim<0) {TruAzim=0;}
  if (TruAzim>359) {TruAzim=359;}
  if (TruElev<0) {TruElev=0;}
  if (TruElev>90) {TruElev=90;}
  // advance to the next position in the array:
  readIndex = readIndex + 1;
  // if we're at the end of the array, wrap around to the beginning:
  if (readIndex >= numReadings) {readIndex = 0;} 

// this is to read the command from encoder
// original code
// if (Serial.available()) {SerComm();}          // read USB data

while (Serial.available () > 0) // CT2GQV
    processIncomingByte ( ()); 

// update antenna position display only if value change
  if ((millis()%500)<10){                       // not to flicker the display
    if (OldTruAzim!=TruAzim) {
      OldTruAzim = TruAzim;
    if (OldTruElev!=TruElev) {
      OldTruElev = TruElev;

// update target position display only if value change
  if (OldComAzim != ComAzim) {
    OldComAzim = ComAzim;
  if (OldComElev != ComElev) {
    OldComElev = ComElev;

// this is to rotate in azimuth
  if (TruAzim == ComAzim) {                   // if equal, stop moving
    AzStop = true;
    analogWrite(AzPWMPin, 0);
    lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
    else if ((abs(TruAzim - ComAzim)<=AzErr)&&(AzStop == false)) {  // if in tolerance, but it wasn't an equal, rotate
    else if (abs(TruAzim - ComAzim)>AzErr){   // if target is off tolerance
      AzStop = false;                         // it's not equal
      AzimRotate();                           // rotate

// this is to rotate in elevation
  if (TruElev == ComElev) {                   // if equal, stop moving
    ElStop = true;
    analogWrite(ElPWMPin, 0);
    lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
    ElUp = 0;                                 // flag for elevation STOP
  else if ((abs(TruElev - ComElev)<=ElErr)&&(ElStop == false)) {  // if in tolerance, but it wasn't an equal, rotate
  else if (abs(TruElev - ComElev)>ElErr){     // if target is off tolerance
    ElStop = false;                           // it's not equal
    ElevRotate();                             // rotate
// this is to interpret Az encoder x10 multiplication
  while (AzEncBut == 10) {                    // while toggled to x10
    analogWrite(AzPWMPin, 0);                 // STOP antenna rotation
    analogWrite(ElPWMPin, 0);
    lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
    if (OldComAzim != ComAzim){               // update display only if numbers change
      DisplAzim(ComAzim, 12, 0);
      OldComAzim = ComAzim;
    delay (100);
// end main LOOP

// ___________procedures definitions__________________

void DisplAzim(int x, int y, int z) {
  char displayString[7] = "";
  sprintf(displayString, "%03d", x);  //outputs a fixed lenght number (3 integer)
  lcd.setCursor(y, z);                // for no leading zeros "__7" use "%3d"
// ************** FOR CALIBRATION PURPOSES **************
//  Serial.print ("Az ");
//  Serial.println (analogRead(AzPotPin));

void DisplElev(int x, int y, int z){
  char displayString[7] = "";
  sprintf(displayString, "%02d", x);  //outputs a fixed lenght number (2 integer)
  lcd.setCursor(y, z);                // for no leading zeros "_7" use "%2d"

// ************** FOR CALIBRATION PURPOSES **************
//  Serial.print ("El ");
//  Serial.println (analogRead(ElPotPin));

void ReadElevEncoder() {
  aState = digitalRead(ElEncoderPinA); // Reads the "current" state of the ElEncoderPinA
   // If the previous and the current state of the ElEncoderPinA are different, that means a Pulse has occured
   if (aState != aLastState){    
     // If the ElEncoderPinB state is different to the ElEncoderPinA state, that means the encoder is rotating clockwise
     if (digitalRead(ElEncoderPinB) != aState) { ComElev ++;}
      else { ComElev --;}
     if (ComElev <0) {ComElev = 0;}
     if (ComElev >90) {ComElev = 90;}
   aLastState = aState; // Updates the previous state of the ElEncoderPinA with the current state

void ReadAzimEncoder() {
  rotating = true;  // reset the debouncer
  if (lastReportedPos != ComAzim) {
    lastReportedPos = ComAzim;
  if (digitalRead(AzClearButton) == LOW )  {      // if encoder switch depressed
    delay (250);                                  // debounce switch
    if (AzEncBut == 1){
      AzEncBut = 10;
      ComAzim = int(ComAzim/10)*10;               // ComAzim in 10deg. steps
    else {
      AzEncBut = 1;
} //end ReadAzimEncoder()

// Interrupt on A changing state
void doEncoderA() {
  // debounce
  if ( rotating ) delay (1);  // wait a little until the bouncing is done
  // Test transition, did things really change?
  if ( digitalRead(AzEncoderPinA) != A_set ) {   // debounce once more
    A_set = !A_set;
    // adjust counter + if A leads B
    if ( A_set && !B_set )
      ComAzim += AzEncBut;
      ComAzim = ((ComAzim + 360) % 360);         // encoderPos between 0 and 359 deg.
    rotating = false;  // no more debouncing until loop() hits again
// Interrupt on B changing state, same as A above
void doEncoderB() {
  if ( rotating ) delay (1);
  if ( digitalRead(AzEncoderPinB) != B_set ) {
    B_set = !B_set;
    //  adjust counter - 1 if B leads A
    if ( B_set && !A_set )
      ComAzim -= AzEncBut;
      ComAzim = ((ComAzim + 360) % 360);         // encoderPos between 0 and 359 deg.
    rotating = false;

void AzimRotate() {
    if ((ComAzim-TruAzim) > (TruAzim-ComAzim)) {      // this to determine direction of rotation
// cold switching - stop motor before changing direction - to protect mechanic and electric parts
        if (AzDir == char(127)) {                     // if previously rotating in the oposite direction
          analogWrite(AzPWMPin, 0);                   // STOP the motor
          delay(400);                                 // pre-switch delay
          digitalWrite(AzRotPin, LOW);                // deactivate rotation pin - rotate right
          delay(200);                                 // post-switch delay
        else {                                        // same directin, no Stop, no delay
          digitalWrite(AzRotPin, LOW);                // deactivate rotation pin - rotate right
          AzDir = char(126);                          // "->"
      else {
        if (AzDir == char(126)) {                     // if previously rotating in the oposite direction
          analogWrite(AzPWMPin, 0);                   // STOP the motor
          delay(400);                                 // pre-switch delay
          digitalWrite(AzRotPin, HIGH);               // activate rotation pin - rotate left
          delay(200);                                 // post-switch delay
        else {                                        // same directin, no Stop, no delay
          digitalWrite(AzRotPin, HIGH);               // activate rotation pin - rotate left
        AzDir = char(127);                            // "<-"
    lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
 // this activates azim PWM pin proportional with angle error
    PwAz = PwAzMin + round((abs(ComAzim-TruAzim))*(PwAzMax-PwAzMin)/(Amax-AzErr));   //formula which outputs a power proportional with angle difference
    if (PwAz > 100) {PwAz = 100;}
    analogWrite(AzPWMPin, round(2.55*PwAz));          // activate Azim drive PWM pin

void ElevRotate() {
// this to determine direction of rotation
    if ((ComElev-TruElev) > (TruElev-ComElev)) {
      if (ElUp == 1) {                                // if previously rotating in the oposite direction
        analogWrite(ElPWMPin, 0);                     // STOP the motor
        delay(400);                                   // pre-switch delay
        digitalWrite(ElRotPin, LOW);                  // deactivate rotation pin - rotate UP
        delay(200);                                   // post-switch delay
      else {                                          // same directin, no Stop, no delay
        digitalWrite(ElRotPin, LOW);                  // deactivate rotation pin - rotate UP
      lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
      lcd.write(2);                                   // arrow up
      ElUp = 2;
     else {
      if (ElUp == 2) {                                // if previously rotating in the oposite direction
        analogWrite(ElPWMPin, 0);                     // STOP the motor
        delay(400);                                   // pre-switch delay
        digitalWrite(ElRotPin, HIGH);                 // deactivate rotation pin - rotate UP
        delay(200);                                   // post-switch delay
      else {                                          // same directin, no Stop, no delay
        digitalWrite(ElRotPin, HIGH);                 // deactivate rotation pin - rotate UP
        lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
        lcd.write(1);                                 // arrow down
        ElUp = 1;
 // this activates elev PWM pin proportional with angle error
    PwEl = PwElMin + round((abs(ComElev-TruElev))*(PwElMax-PwElMin)/(Emax-ElErr));   //formula which outputs a power proportional with angle difference
    if (PwEl > 100) {PwEl = 100;}
    analogWrite(ElPWMPin, round(2.55*PwEl));           // activate Elev drive PWM pin

/* removed by CT2GQV
void SerComm() {
  // initialize readings
  ComputerRead = "";
  Azimuth = "";
  Elevation = "";

  while(Serial.available()) {
    ComputerRead= Serial.readString();  // read the incoming data as string
//    Serial.println(ComputerRead);     // echo the reception for testing purposes

// looking for command <AZxxx.x>
    for (int i = 0; i <= ComputerRead.length(); i++) {
     if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'A')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+1) == 'Z')){ // if read AZ
      for (int j = i+2; j <= ComputerRead.length(); j++) {
        if (isDigit(ComputerRead.charAt(j))) {                                // if the character is number
          Azimuth = Azimuth + ComputerRead.charAt(j);
        else {break;}
// looking for command <ELxxx.x>
    for (int i = 0; i <= (ComputerRead.length()-2); i++) {
      if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'E')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+1) == 'L')){ // if read EL
        if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i+2)) == '-') {
          ComElev = 0;                  // if elevation negative
        for (int j = i+2; j <= ComputerRead.length(); j++) {
          if (isDigit(ComputerRead.charAt(j))) {                               // if the character is number
            Elevation = Elevation + ComputerRead.charAt(j);
          else {break;}
// if <AZxx> received
    if (Azimuth != ""){
      ComAzim = Azimuth.toInt();
      ComAzim = ComAzim%360;          // keeping values between limits(for trackers with more than 360 deg. rotation)

// if <ELxx> received
    if (Elevation != ""){
      ComElev = Elevation.toInt();
      if (ComElev>180) { ComElev = 0;}
      if (ComElev>90) {               //if received more than 90deg. (for trackers with 180deg. elevation)
        ComElev = 180-ComElev;        //keep below 90deg.
        ComAzim = (ComAzim+180)%360;  //and rotate the antenna on the back

// looking for <AZ EL> interogation for antenna position
  for (int i = 0; i <= (ComputerRead.length()-4); i++) {
    if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'A')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+1) == 'Z')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+3) == 'E')&&(ComputerRead.charAt(i+4) == 'L')){
    // send back the antenna position <+xxx.x xx.x>
      ComputerWrite = "+"+String(TruAzim)+".0 "+String(TruElev)+".0";
// end SerComm()

/// code end

Have a nice day!

ADF4351 signal generator with sweep

Nothing major here, needed a small signal generator to test in the 10Ghz range (using harmonics from 3.3Ghz), decided to go with the ADF4351 module available everywhere. This is an improvement over the previous iteration here.
After the initial testing on 3.3Ghz made some changes on the software in order to set some common frequencies for future testing with QO-100 satellite equipment and also added provision to sweep around the frequency currently set in order to test some filters. Output on 3.4Ghz:
And testing the third harmonic:
The Rigol is not a 10Ghz version, I'm using a down converter before the input, that will be another post... The diagram, at this stage I still didn't added the two extra buttons (look on code for mode and band), to change band and to change mode between set frequency and sweep.
Inside on the almost final interaction (waiting SMA's to connect to front pannel):
And the front panel view working:

The code on the current version, keep in mind might still have some bugs, reach me for latest version if there is one: If blogger breaks formatting ask me a copy by email. 

   ADF4351 signal generator
   CT2GQV 2020

   Based on code from: ADF4351 example program

   VFO with 100Khz steps starting from a predifined frquency (UL frequencia) using 2 buttons for up and down.
   Display on 16x2 I2C LCD of the frequency set and the third harmonic value
   Also serial output of the main frequency set.
   Possibility to sweep for filter testing.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "adf4351.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

#define SWVERSION "1.4" // 2021-09-11
#define PIN_SS 9  ///< SPI slave select pin, default value
ADF4351  vfo(PIN_SS, SPI_MODE0, 1000000UL , MSBFIRST) ;
//unsigned long frequencia = 3333320000UL ; // 3.333.334 (10 Ghz n=3)
unsigned long frequencia = 3496500000UL ; // 3.496.000 (10.489 Ghz n=3)
unsigned long maxfrequencia;
unsigned long minfrequencia;

// unsigned long frequencia = 2000000000UL ; // 2.000.000 (10 Ghz n=5)
// unsigned long frequencia =    414000000UL ; //    414.000 (10.368 Ghz n=25)
// for 442Mhz use the bellow and comment the above
//   unsigned long frequencia =  442000000UL ; // 442Mhz or 1.326 Ghz , tird harmonic

// I2C LCD virtual pinout
#define I2C_ADDR    0x27  // I2C Address for my LCD, found with I2C scanner
#define BACKLIGHT_PIN     3
#define En_pin  2
#define Rw_pin  1
#define Rs_pin  0
#define D4_pin  4
#define D5_pin  5
#define D6_pin  6
#define D7_pin  7
LiquidCrystal_I2C       lcd(I2C_ADDR, En_pin, Rw_pin, Rs_pin, D4_pin, D5_pin, D6_pin, D7_pin);

// buttons for up/down in frequency, puleed up from 5v with a 10K resistor, analog pin will be short to ground for button press

int button0 = 0; // mode
int button1 = 1; // up
int button2 = 2; // down
int button3 = 3; // select / band / step

int opmode = 0; //
int tempopmode = 0; //
int band = 0;
// Band 0 - 10Ghz (3.3Ghz harmonic) - 10489.550 to 10489.795MHz ->
// Band 1 - 2400.050 frequencia = 2400500000UL
// Band 2 - 1969.5Mhz (-2400 = 431Mhz )
// Band 3 - 2256 (2400-144Mhz) - 2400.050 to 2400.295MHz
// band 4 - 739.55 - LNB out

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600) ;
  Serial.print("adf4351 VFO CT2GQV "); Serial.println(SWVERSION) ;

  pinMode(button0, INPUT); // mode
  pinMode(button1, INPUT); // up
  pinMode(button2, INPUT); // down
  pinMode(button3, INPUT); // band

  lcd.begin (16, 2, LCD_5x8DOTS); lcd.setBacklightPin(BACKLIGHT_PIN, POSITIVE); lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); // 20x4 lines display LCD
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("Signal Generator  ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Ver: "); lcd.print(SWVERSION);

  Wire.begin() ;
     setup the chip (for a 10 mhz ref freq)
     most of these are defaults
  vfo.pwrlevel = 3 ; // measured at 3.3Ghz after 1m cable >> "0" = -8 dBm / "1" =  -5.8dbm / "2" = -3.3dbm / "3" = -0.4dbm
  vfo.RD2refdouble = 0 ; ///< ref doubler off
  vfo.RD1Rdiv2 = 0 ;   ///< ref divider off
  vfo.ClkDiv = 150 ;
  vfo.BandSelClock = 80 ;
  vfo.RCounter = 1 ;  ///< R counter to 1 (no division)
  vfo.ChanStep = steps[2] ;  ///< set to 10 kHz steps

     sets the reference frequency to 10 Mhz
  if ( vfo.setrf(10000000UL) ==  0 )
    Serial.println("REF.SET: 10 Mhz") ;
    Serial.println("ERROR: reference freq set error") ;
     initialize the chip
  vfo.init() ;

     enable frequency output
  vfo.enable() ;


  if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 ) {
    Serial.print("VFO.SET:") ; Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);
  } else {
    Serial.println("ERROR: Set init Frequency") ;

vfo.ChanStep = steps[4] ; ///< change to 100 kHz

void loop()
  int buttonState0 = analogRead(button0); // mode
  int buttonState3 = analogRead(button3); // band
  int buttonState1 = analogRead(button1); // up
  int buttonState2 = analogRead(button2); // down
  // serial debug for the button for +/- frequency
  // Serial.print("B1,B2:"); Serial.print(buttonState1); Serial.print(",");  Serial.println(buttonState2);

// band / start/stop sweep
  // button pin is puled down to ground...or close to it (100) as long as lower than 2049
  if (buttonState3 <= 100) {

   if (opmode == 1 ){  
       /////// start stop start procedure
       if(tempopmode == 1) // started
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("SWEEPING starded ");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Stop---------->  ");   
        tempopmode = 255;
        maxfrequencia=frequencia+10000000; //compute the max frequency so we start from the one now and 100Mhz down and up
        minfrequencia=frequencia-10000000; //compute the min frequency so we start from the one now and 100Mhz down and up
        else // is stoped
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("SWEEPING stoped ");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Start---------->");
        tempopmode = 1;
    // we are in band mode
    if (opmode == 0 ){            
      Serial.print ("BAND: ");
      if (band > 4){band=0;};
      if(band == 0){
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);  };
      if(band == 1){
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("TX QO100         ");   };
      if(band == 2){
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("+430Mhz QO100 TX");  };
      if(band == 3){
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("+144Mhz QO100 TX");  };

      if(band == 4){
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("LNB OUT 10.48955");  };

        Serial.println(band) ;
     }; // let's change band
// end band up  

// mode  
  if (buttonState0 <= 100) {
      if(opmode == 0)
        opmode=1; tempopmode = 1;
        Serial.print ("SWEEP MODE:"); Serial.print(opmode);  Serial.print(","); Serial.println(tempopmode) ;
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("SWEEPING MODE   ");
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("START/STOP----->");   
        opmode=0; tempopmode =0;
        Serial.print ("BAND MODE:"); Serial.print(opmode);  Serial.print(","); Serial.println(tempopmode) ;
        lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
        lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("BAND MODE       "); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
  } // end if (buttonState0 <= 100) {

// if we are sweeping
if (opmode==1 && tempopmode == 255){lcd.print(" .");};
if (opmode==1 && tempopmode == 255){lcd.print("  o");};
if (opmode==1 && tempopmode == 255){lcd.print("   O");};

if (opmode==1 && tempopmode == 255){
  frequencia += vfo.ChanStep; // increase frquency by step
  if (frequencia >= maxfrequencia){frequencia=minfrequencia;}; // if we are on the limit then go to lower value
   Serial.print ("F:"); Serial.println(frequencia) ;

// up frequency
  // button pin is puled down to ground...or close to it (100) as long as lower than 2049
  if (buttonState1 <= 100) {
    frequencia += vfo.ChanStep;
    if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 )
      Serial.print ("VFO.SET: "); Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
      if (band == 0 ){lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);};
// end up frequency  

// down frequency
  if (buttonState2 <= 100) {
    frequencia -= vfo.ChanStep;
    if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 )
      Serial.print ("VFO.SET: "); Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
      if (band == 0 ){lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);};
// end down frequency  

 // button software debounce if we are not sweeping
 if (opmode == 0) {   delay(150); };
} // end code




 Have a great day!

Fan/temperature control for Agilent/HP6621A

 This power supply is a bit noisy with the fan being constantly on. 

Decided to change the fan status to come on only when temperature rise since it will be mostly used for small loads. 

The approach decided was the simplest one without much changes internally, a temperature activated switch for 30C inline with the fan supply (110V).

The switch was bolted to the heat-sync in the small available space and tested before drilling so it would not touch the lid after closing.

For example it would not fit on the following position:

The end result:


No schematic here, just placed the switch inline/series with one of the fan power cable line.

keep in mind that the thermal switch used is a normally open one (NO) and not like the most common ones, normally closed (NC), used in home appliances, like toasters and grills, also called thermal cut out switch.  It closes on reaching 30C.

The switch is just on the heath sync of power supply A, that will be the most used output. For output B would be just a matter of paralleling another thermal switch. The power supply it self has temperature control for thermal shutdown, that will be the second "line of defense" in case anything to go wrong and also the transformer itself resonates so it will be not a full quiet power supply.

Have a nice day!

Microphone amplifier for signal generator external modulation input

 Needed a small microphone signal amplifier to connected to the external modulation input of the Wavetek 3001 signal generator so I can test an AM de-modulator.

Nothing fancy here, just basic electret microphone amplifier. Microphone is of the basic type sold for computers voice calls.

 The diagram/schematic:


The result:

Works OK for basic testing, maybe in the future will join a noise and dual tone generator.

Have a nice day!

ADF4351 Signal Generator

 Not much here, just a simple signal generator based on ADF4351 module from "fleebay". PS: there is an improvement over this code at this new post.

 I just needed to generate one single frequency that can go up or down in 100Khz steps via two push buttons. Added an optional LCD to display the main frequency and the third harmonic since I'm using it to verify some equipment on 10Ghz.

Test board:

On the frequency counter:

Schematic based on an Arduino Nano controler:

Spectrum output on lower frequencies (414Mhz) and output level at "0" (add 20db attenuation at the spectrum input):

and the third harmonic:

Power at "3" (second harmonic now visible)

 3rd harmonic as seen on a 10Ghz adapter for a 1.5Ghz spectrum analyzer:
(not calibrated):


 /// code start
   ADF4351 signal generator
   CT2GQV 2020

   Based on code from: ADF4351 example program

   VFO with 100Khz steps starting from a predifined frquency (UL frequencia) using 2 buttons for up and down.
   Display on 16x2 I2C LCD of the frequency set and the third harmonic value
   Also serial output of the main frequency set.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include "adf4351.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

#define SWVERSION "1.3"
#define PIN_SS 9  ///< SPI slave select pin, default value
ADF4351  vfo(PIN_SS, SPI_MODE0, 1000000UL , MSBFIRST) ;
unsigned long frequencia = 3333320000UL ; // 3.333.334 (10 Ghz n=3)
// unsigned long frequencia = 2000000000UL ; // 2.000.000 (10 Ghz n=5)
// unsigned long frequencia =    414000000UL ; //    414.000 (10.368 Ghz n=25)
// for 442Mhz use the bellow and comment the above
//   unsigned long frequencia =  442000000UL ; // 442Mhz or 1.326 Ghz , tird harmonic

// I2C LCD virtual pinout
#define I2C_ADDR    0x27  // I2C Address for my LCD, found with I2C scanner
#define BACKLIGHT_PIN     3
#define En_pin  2
#define Rw_pin  1
#define Rs_pin  0
#define D4_pin  4
#define D5_pin  5
#define D6_pin  6
#define D7_pin  7
LiquidCrystal_I2C       lcd(I2C_ADDR, En_pin, Rw_pin, Rs_pin, D4_pin, D5_pin, D6_pin, D7_pin);

// buttons for up/down in frequency, puleed up from 5v with a 10K resistor, analog pin will be short to ground for button press
int button1 = 1;
int button2 = 2;

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600) ;
  Serial.print("adf4351 VFO CT2GQV "); Serial.println(SWVERSION) ;

  pinMode(button1, INPUT);
  pinMode(button2, INPUT);

  lcd.begin (16, 2, LCD_5x8DOTS); lcd.setBacklightPin(BACKLIGHT_PIN, POSITIVE); lcd.setBacklight(HIGH); // 20x4 lines display LCD
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("Signal Generator  ");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("Ver: "); lcd.print(SWVERSION);

  Wire.begin() ;
     setup the chip (for a 10 mhz ref freq)
     most of these are defaults
  vfo.pwrlevel = 3 ; // measured at 3.3Ghz after 1m cable >> "0" = -8 dBm / "1" =  -5.8dbm / "2" = -3.3dbm / "3" = -0.4dbm
  vfo.RD2refdouble = 0 ; ///< ref doubler off
  vfo.RD1Rdiv2 = 0 ;   ///< ref divider off
  vfo.ClkDiv = 150 ;
  vfo.BandSelClock = 80 ;
  vfo.RCounter = 1 ;  ///< R counter to 1 (no division)
  vfo.ChanStep = steps[2] ;  ///< set to 10 kHz steps

     sets the reference frequency to 10 Mhz
  if ( vfo.setrf(10000000UL) ==  0 )
    Serial.println("REF.SET: 10 Mhz") ;
    Serial.println("ERROR: reference freq set error") ;
     initialize the chip
  vfo.init() ;

     enable frequency output
  vfo.enable() ;


  if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 ) {
    Serial.print("VFO.SET:") ; Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);
  } else {
    Serial.println("ERROR: Set init Frequency") ;

vfo.ChanStep = steps[4] ; ///< change to 100 kHz

void loop()
  int buttonState1 = analogRead(button1);
  int buttonState2 = analogRead(button2);
  // serial debug for the button for +/- frequency
  // Serial.print("B1,B2:"); Serial.print(buttonState1); Serial.print(",");  Serial.println(buttonState2);

// up frequency
  // button pin is puled down to ground...or close to it (100) as long as lower than 2049
  if (buttonState1 <= 100) {
    frequencia += vfo.ChanStep;
    if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 )
      Serial.print ("VFO.SET: "); Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);
// end up frequency 

// down frequency
  if (buttonState2 <= 100) {
    frequencia -= vfo.ChanStep;
    if ( vfo.setf(frequencia) == 0 )
      Serial.print ("VFO.SET: "); Serial.println(vfo.cfreq) ;
      lcd.setCursor(0, 0);  lcd.print("F   :"); lcd.print(frequencia/1000);
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);  lcd.print("F(3):"); lcd.print((frequencia/1000)*3);
// end down frequency 

// button software debounce
/// code end

Some other signal generators based on similar modules and also the ADF4355: (for the ADF4355)


Have a nice day!

EIP-371 Source Locking Microwave Counter repair

 I've done a previous repair on this device because I got it without being working on the 18Ghz range. I suspect this will not be the last one given it's age.

Anyhow, one of this days I turned it on to check the output frequency of a FVC99 module and it was displaying all entrance selector LED's on (should be one at a time) and no change on the input by pressing the band selector. Also there was no activity on the display for the source locking.

I suspect the usual bad contacts (it's slot based construction) or power supply, more to the power supply side since the equipment hadn't been moved (it's a bit sensitive on moving/vibrations and that had been the cause of the first repair).

 First thing I did was removing and inserting all the boards one by one trying to find the one responsible for the selector LED's, I have the manual but didn't feel like to read it. In the end, had no luck. Then I realized there's another board that does not slide, instead is attached to the side panel. So I moved that one to the side and checked all the connections. 

 Image, now, after connecting back, started working, I can now select the input and have the digits lit:

I can measure again but I'm preparing a home made counter in case this one fails again in the future.

Have a nice day!

Return loss bridge

 Small project made last year (4 days ago) just for fun and to try out the SWR feature of the spectrum analyzer.

Design is based on this one to the exception of the ferrite material, I used 43 instead of 77.

RF source will be the tracking generator, load will be device under test and detector the spectrum analyzer RF input.

For the 50 Ohm resistors (R1,R2,R3) I used two leaded 100 Ohm in parallel, SMD and shorter leads between components would help more on the high frequency side of the spectrum.


 Some data taken:

With no load connected in one direction and then the opposite one (cable swap), if all is perfectly balanced it should show equal lines, in this case....almost there, in any case the return loss line is all but flat...

Now measuring a 50 Ohm load, ideally should give the lowest possible result and a flat line for all the frequency range:

At 1.6Mhz: 1.22, so not very usable at the low range, probably due to lack of inductance on the core.

At 10.8 Mhz, 1.05, much more inline with and expected result (very low VSWR).

At 152 Mhz looks like it starts to break the measurement again.

And forget it at 433 Mhz since it's too off.

The load used was a Narda 370 BNM, 5W and good to 18Ghz.

Basically it's very usable on the HF range or just as general curve tracer for antenna VSWR at VHF frequency ranges.

You can also take the same info without the SWR measurement option on the Spectrum Analyzer, just use the tracking generator, normalize in the open position (no device under testing connected) and then look for the SWR from the return loss measured, you can use this table or calculate it yourself.


Have a great Year!

Wavetek 3001 signal generator repair - II

 Following the first repair of the Wavetek 3001, I knew that there was another issue with the 400Hz modulation oscillator, it was doing some "FM" oscillations so in practice I could only use the 1Khz tone.

Troubleshooting and comparing with the 1Khz oscillator, it was visible the waveform at C6/CR2 junction oscillating/FM'ing a little. Interesting enough by probing with the scope at the drain of Q2 it disappeared. I tried first to swap C6 to no effect, then swapped CR2 and it stopped but trying with the diode in and inverted polarization it would continue the same so it was either wrong assembled at the factory or it's for the moment just masking any other situation, probably Q2.
Before the previous testing I replace IC2 with IC1 (for the 1Khz) to no good effect so decided the issues was not the opamp.

I left like that, with the diode replaced (used a 1n4148 for the moment, didn't  even checked the exact spec in the manual)

After demodulation on an envelop detector it's now fine:

..envelope detector circuit and input signal (-25dBm) without the 56 ohm input load resistor connected on the circuit:

..I might start an AM receiver from here...

Since it's a bit of a pain to take and access the modulator/modulation board I opted to solder the diode from the pcb track side and leave it for the moment, also left the original diode in place with one leg open:

Since some times the unleveled light still comes on I suspect further recapping at the internal modules might be needed in the future.

Have a great day!

Ferranti 5820-99-795-7922 Noise Generator Coupler

 If anyone know the exact specification for this device I appreciate some comments.

Got this from the usual flee bay expecting to have a cheap noise source capable of 10Ghz since they are normally a bit on the expensive side.


Separating the two parts:

This is the power supply side:

And here the noise generator (underneath), a common noise source diagram:

Some similar Ferranti references, so this could be part of the same set:

Im assuming this is a 10 Ghz capable noise generator because of the waveguide and because Ferranti was involved in earlier radar set's at around the 10Ghz range.

End up doing an adapter/transition to SMA using just the noise module part, separating it from the waveguide:

Since I am a bit limited on 10Ghz test equipment the most I could do was connect it to an LNB and checking the level on an DVB-T USB dongle.

Bellow with power on at around 11Ghz (given the LNB offset of 9.750Mhz)

With the generator OFF: I know that there's some noise, anyhow could also be 1.7Ghz noise leaking on the SDR dongle.

I also tested using one LNB as amplifier for the noise (getting the signal before mixing) and then connected the output to the conversion LNB.

The results with the noise generator OFF (on the left) and ON (on the right):

Anyhow since I have no spectrum analyzer capable of 10Ghz, for now I assume it kind of works. I plan to do a filter around 10.3GHz and run noise trough it and then use the LNB and connect to an 1.5Ghz spectrum analyzer (or similar) for better conclusions.

Have a great day!

DCF 77 Clock controller (hopf - HKW - clock mouse)

 I had a past test on this device but didn't touched it for around two years. Was convinced that it was a software or serial port situation. In the end nothing more than the antenna coil wire broken beneath the enamel (at the coil side) and one other that I had fixed previously at the PCB side. Because I tested continuity from the PCB to the antenna terminals only at that time I didn't realized the second situation until returning to it this last week.

Bellow the device:

And the antenna coil details:

After that sorted it works receiving the DCF 77 transmiter time. It's just a little picky in the direction and placement since I'm currently on the actual range limits. I used "vocap" site for  the actual direction of the signal.

There is a long thread on this device (in German) here. Also has a link for the "RCCD" software if you don't have original DOS software diskette provided with the device, it also runs under "dosemu" in Linux:

A native build for Linux can be found here (thanks to Guntram). I tested under Linux Mint 32 Bit. Bellow the debug output.

In the format HHMMSS and then day of week date year (better visible on the source code).

For 64 Bit Linux Mint you will probably get when running the hopf binary: "No such file or directory" when running "./hopf -d /dev/ttyS0" , you need to install the following lib32 "sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6"

Inside the box:



The main chip for the RF reception is marked U2900, I could not find the datasheet for it but did found one that could be similar in terms of connections, as far as I reverse engineering it; the U2775B :



..still not sure if the same or not. 

Anyhow, I'm happy that the device is confirmed working and will go now to the box of the finished stuff without immediate use...!

Have a nice day!
