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Why 20 Watts John Why?

I often get asked, “Why use 20 watts when my radio can do 100?”

Here’s why:

First, it’s about battery and power management. As a QRP enthusiast, operating at 20 watts simplifies my life, especially for SSB (Single Sideband) communication. While CW works great at 5 watts or lower, when readability is crucial, my park activations are at 20 watts. Yes, I operate at 5 or 10 watts SSB when the band permits or when I’m feeling adventurous.

The maximum power output of 20 watts is the sweet spot for effective SSB communications. The difference between a 20-watt and a 100-watt transmission is about 1 to 2 S-units on the receiving end, according to the Collins Radio standard of 6 dB per S-unit.

Most military and Australian bush HF manpacks are rated at 20 watts maximum output power. This level balances communication effectiveness with the practicality of how many batteries you need. Adding compression also provides a 6 dB boost in the modulation envelope, effectively enhancing your output power.

At 20 watts, I use 9 amps instead of 15, which translates to almost double the battery life. I can use a smaller and lighter 9aH battery instead of my heavier 18 or 30 aH battery pack.

I found two 6aH LifePO4 batteries at a liquidation store for $5 each. Wow!

I can pull 10aH out of the battery with no problem on SSB, giving me about an hour of run time, which is fine for a park activation.

73s IPS

I need a table for all this stuff

Go Back In Time – Vintage Film

Turning back time to virtually witness a critical historic method of shortwave communication using the fundamental mode of continuous wave modulation. This is a film from 1944, teaching the basics of Morse code, for military comms. What is the proper (and most efficient) technique for creating Morse code by hand, using a manual Morse code […]

QO-100 Satellite Ground Station Complete Build

I get quite a few emails from readers of my blog asking how my QO-100 satellite station is put together and so, I thought perhaps now is a good time to put together an article detailing the complete build.

My QO-100 satellite ground station is built around my little Icom IC-705 QRP transceiver, it’s a great little rig and is ideal for the purpose of driving a 2.4Ghz transverter/up-converter.

Of course all the software used for the project is Opensource and freely available on the internet.

M0AWS QO-100 Ground Station Build Visual
M0AWS QO-100 Ground Station Build Visual (Click to Enlarge)

The station comprises of the following building blocks:

  • Icom IC-705 Transceiver
  • DXPatrol 28/144/433Mhz to 2.4Ghz Up-Converter
  • DXPatrol GPSDO Reference Oscillator
  • DXPatrol 2.4Ghz 5/12w Amplifier
  • Nolle Engineering 2.2 turn 2.4Ghz IceCone Helix Antenna
  • 1.1m (110cm) Off-set Dish
  • Bullseye 10Ghz LNB
  • Bias-T to feed 12v to LNB
  • NooElec SmartSDR Receiver
  • PC Running Kubuntu Linux Operating System
  • GQRX SDR Opensource Software
  • Griffin Powermate USB VFO Knob
  • QO-100 Ground Station Dashboard developed using Node-RED
  • LMR400-UF/RG58 Coax Cable
M0AWS QO-100 1.1m off-set Dish and IceCone Helix antenna ground station
M0AWS QO-100 1.1m (110cm) off-set Dish with IceCone Helix antenna and Bullseye LNB.

To get a good clear view of the QO-100 satellite I have the dish mount 3.2m above the ground. This keeps it well clear of anyone walking past in the garden and beams the signal up at an angle of 26.2 degrees keeping well clear of neighbouring gardens.

The waterproof enclosure below the dish houses all the 2.4Ghz equipment so that the distance between the feed point and the amplifier are kept to a minimum.

The DXPatrol amplifier is spec’d to run at 28v/12w or 12v/5w, I found that running it at 28v produced too much output for the satellite and would cause the LEILA alarm on the satellite to trip constantly. Running the amp at 12v with a maximum of 5w output (average 2.5-3.5w) is more than enough for me to have a 5/9+10 signal on the transponder.

The large 1.1m dish gives me quite an advantage on receive enabling me to hear the very weak stations with ease compared to other stations.

2.4Ghz ground station enclosure ready for testing
2.4Ghz ground station enclosure ready for testing

The photo above shows the 2.4Ghz equipment mounted in the waterproof enclosure below the dish. This photo was taken during the initial build phase before I rewired it so, the amplifier is shown connected to the 28v feed. To rewire the amp to 12v was just a matter of removing the 28v converter and connecting the amp directly to the 12v feed instead. This reduced the output from a maximum of 12w down to a maximum of 5w giving a much better (considerate) level on the satellite.

It’s important to keep all interconnects as short as possible as at 2.4Ghz it is very easy to build up a lot of loss between devices.

For the connection from the IC-705 to the 2.4Ghz Up-Converter I used a 7m run of
LMR-400 coax cable. The IC-705 is set to put out just 300mW on 144Mhz up to the 2.4Ghz converter and so it’s important to use a good quality coax cable.

Once again the output from the 2.4Ghz amplifier uses 1.5m of LMR-400-UF coax cable to feed up to the 2.2 turn Icecone Helix Antenna mounted on the dish. This keeps loss to a minimum and is well worth the investment.

Bullseye 10Khz High Stability Unversal Single LNB for 10.489-12.750Ghz
Bullseye 10Khz High Stability Unversal Single LNB for 10.489-12.750Ghz

The receive path starts with a Bullseye LNB, this is a high gain LNB that is probably one of the best you could use for QO-100 operations. It’s fairly stable frequency wise but, does drift a little in the summer months with the high temperature changes but, overall it really is a very good LNB.

The 12v feed to the LNB is via the coax and is injected by the Bias-T device that is in the radio shack. This 12v feed powers the LNA and associated electronics in the LNB to provide a gain of 50-60dB.

Bias-T to inject 12v feed into the coax for the Bullseye LNB
Bias-T to inject 12v feed into the coax for the Bullseye LNB

From the Bias-T the coax comes down to the NooElec SmartSDR receiver. This is a really cheap SDR device (<£35 on Amazon) based on the RTL-SDR device but, it works incredibly well. I originally used a Funcube Dongle Pro+ for the receive side however, it really didn’t handle large signals very well and there was a lot of signal ghosting so, I swapped it out for the NooElec SDR and haven’t looked back since.

The NooElec SmartSDR is controlled via the excellent Opensource software GQRX SDR. I’ve been using GQRX SDR for some years now and it’s proven itself to be extremely stable and reliable with support for a good number of SDR devices.

To enhance the operation of the SDR device I have added a Griffin Powermate VFO knob to the build. This is an old USB device that I originally purchased to control my Flex3000 transceiver but, since I sold that many moons ago I decided to use it as a VFO knob in my QO-100 ground station. Details on how I got it working with the station are detailed in this blog article.

Having the need for full duplex operation on the satellite this complicates things when it comes to VFO tracking and general control of the two radios involved in the solution and so I set about creating a QO-100 Dashboard using the great Node-RED graphical programming environment to create a web app that simplifies the management of the entire setup.

M0AWS QO-100 ground Station Control Dashboard built using Node-RED.
M0AWS QO-100 ground Station Control Dashboard built using Node-RED.

The QO-100 Dashboard synchronises the transmit and receive VFO’s, enables split operation so that you can transmit and receive on different frequencies at the same time and a whole host of other things using very little code. Most of the functionality is created using standard Node-RED nodes. More info on Node-RED can be found on the Wiki or from the menu’s above.

I’ll be publishing an article all about the QO-100 Dashboard in the very near future along with a downloadable flow file.

I’m extremely pleased with how well the ground station works and have had well in excess of 500 QSO’s on the QO-100 satellite over the last last year.

More soon …

German Teletype (RTTY) Weather on HF (Shortwave) Radio

This is a video of the German Weather Broadcast from DWD, Hamburg, on shortwave (HF), using teletype (RTTY). I demonstrate two decoding software options: JWcomm32 (older), and, FLdigi. Note the in FLdigi, the “Reverse” feather is selected to properly decode the signal (in either USB or LSB, you still need to select, “Reverse”). The radio […]

Modern Amateur Radio Hobby – An Introduction

This video is an introduction to an international public-service and technology hobby known as ‘amateur radio’ (or ‘ham radio’). Amateur radio (also called ham radio) describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication. The term “amateur” is used to […]

1939 Film: Morse Code on HF in New Zealand (Historical)

Before modern radio broadcasting, the trails were being blazed both in public broadcast, but also critical links out of the local area. Here’s a side-look back in time…. in this 1939 Film: New Zealand Shortwave Communications; Morse code (CW) The romance of the radiotelegraph service (in this video, the service in New Zealand) is a […]

New to Amateur Radio? What is a Repeater?

If you have not yet explored ham radio repeaters, this might be interesting to you. What is an amateur radio repeater and how do they work? In this video, with a non-amateur-radio viewer in mind, I chat about the very basic concepts of a repeater. It is filmed in a relaxed, “ride along with me,” […]

German Teletype (RTTY) Weather on HF (Shortwave) Radio

This is a video of the German Weather Broadcast from DWD, Hamburg, on shortwave (HF), using teletype (RTTY). I demonstrate two decoding software options: JWcomm32 (older), and, FLdigi. Note the in FLdigi, the “Reverse” feather is selected to properly decode the signal (in either USB or LSB, you still need to select, “Reverse”). The radio […]

Modern Amateur Radio Hobby – An Introduction

This video is an introduction to an international public-service and technology hobby known as ‘amateur radio’ (or ‘ham radio’). Amateur radio (also called ham radio) describes the use of radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication. The term “amateur” is used to […]

1939 Film: Morse Code on HF in New Zealand (Historical)

Before modern radio broadcasting, the trails were being blazed both in public broadcast, but also critical links out of the local area. Here’s a side-look back in time…. in this 1939 Film: New Zealand Shortwave Communications; Morse code (CW) The romance of the radiotelegraph service (in this video, the service in New Zealand) is a […]

New to Amateur Radio? What is a Repeater?

If you have not yet explored ham radio repeaters, this might be interesting to you. What is an amateur radio repeater and how do they work? In this video, with a non-amateur-radio viewer in mind, I chat about the very basic concepts of a repeater. It is filmed in a relaxed, “ride along with me,” […]

More details on the Xiegu X6200

Well as you know the bands have been fairly poor so I have no stories to share with you about “Rare DX” and even my Parks on The Air (POTA) activities have been less than usual.

A while back I did post about the “New” Xiegu X6200 and how it looked impressive “on paper” and was waiting to get more info before making any opinions (good or bad) on the unit.

Here is a link to that post.

Above picture from Xiegu website.

Well the X6200 is now available for sale and from some actual dealers rather than the usual Chinese companies…

The information I comment on today is from the Waters & Stanton website who are selling the unit in the UK….

The prices I quote are from their website including their estimation of Duties and Taxes in Canadian $$$.

The price of the radio is 795.00 in Pound Sterling and from there the websites calculates the following…

So if you take in the above sub totals it looks like the converted price of the radio is $1389.70 (CDN) then you add the Duties and taxes of $226.73 (CDN) giving a total of $1616.43 (CDN)

But remember the disclaimer from above:

The estimated duties and taxes are based on CA$1,389.70 of product and may fluctuate due to changes in currencies, shipping costs, clearance fees or how the items are classified by customs. Duties and taxes may be collected upon delivery of the items.

So at this point I am guessing (yes guessing) that the retail North American Price will be fairly close to the above price in the range of $1600 -$1700 (CDN) but remember that is my “Best Guess”.

From what I can see of the details of the 6100 they will be in competition with the ICOM IC705 and the ELECRAFT KX3.

Lets see the reviews that should be available on YouTube very soon and then make your decisions from there.

If it is as good as it seems… It still could be a contender in the upper end of the QRP rigs.


Disclaimer: This post is me thinking out loud. I am not recommending or endorsing any of the products listed above. I believe that you if you are thinking of purchasing one…. That you should do all your research and draw your own conclusions before you buy one from whatever source you choose.

Its all up to you.

Meshtastic: Empowering Off-the-Grid Communication

Meshtastic is an open-source project enabling long-range, off-grid communication using inexpensive LoRa radios. It offers encrypted, decentralized messaging with excellent battery life and optional GPS. Utilizing LoRa, it supports up to 100 devices concurrently and provides resilience, privacy, and community building. Meshtastic empowers communication beyond traditional boundaries, ideal for adventurers and those seeking reliable off-grid connectivity.

Update! The Xiegu X6200, What Makes It Different?

The Xiegu X6200, an upcoming ham radio, incorporates DRFS architecture, eliminating limitations of traditional IF design and reducing analog components. This promises enhanced performance and wider radio spectrum access. The implementation distinguishes X6200 from previous models, potentially making it attractive to portable QRP ham radio operators. Expected release is in early 2024.

Back on the Net: dits and bits

It’s been quite a while since I updated this blog, so a great time to post an update on some projects and interesting items I’ve bumped into on the Internet.

First, an update on a concept called White Rock Hams that we started over three years ago with a mention on this blog. It’s since turned into a real club with many activities and a pretty good following with over 30 members. We’re using for all of our messages and files, and for official club stuff. Both of these tools have been extremely useful in keeping members informed and active. You can follow all of our exploits at which is the vanity call sign we were able to snag from the FCC.

In Internet news, I am just about ready to pull the plug on Twitter. I was a very early adopter personally and helped get my Fortune 500 employer back then on board. Since Musk has taken it over, it’s become quite a dumpster fire and I’m not sure how much longer I can stand it.

I’m spending more of my time now on Mastodon. I like that it’s federated and non-centralized. Sort of feels more like the way the Internet was supposed to be in the first place. It’s not owned and run by a tight group of billionaires. If you’d like to join us, take a look at Scroll though the servers and pick an interesting one, or just use like many folks do. You’ll find a lot to like, including authors you’ve probably seen previously on Twitter. And, if you’re a ham, choose! Don’t sweat about the server choice, though, since they all connect together. Once you’re on, you can find me at @n5csu.

I’m getting a kick out of my hamclock running on a little inovato computer. This device has become a must-have for active hams that use the high frequency bands.

I’d like to give a shout out to the website, a great place to find updated blogs by ham radio operators.

That’s about it for now. I’m composing this using Word on my iPad via microphone for the first time, then pasting into WordPress. It’s so much better than my two finger typing.

