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23cm band report ITU‑R M.2532 published

ITU LogoIARU Region 1 reports as a part of the preparatory process for WRC-23 agenda item 9.1 topic b) involving the 23cm band (1240-1300 MHz), ITU‑R Report M.2532 has been published.

This report encapsulates the outcome of resolves 1 of ITU‑R Resolution 774 that requires a detailed review of the different systems and applications used by the amateur and amateur satellite services in the 23cm band. The review forms a part of the basis for the studies required by resolves 2 to address the amateur and amateur satellite services coexistence with the radio navigation satellite service (RNSS).

The publication represents a positive outcome from a great deal of work and committment by the IARU volunteer team that has been central to its development since 2019 in ITU‑R Study Group 5.

Download ITU‑R Report M.2532 https://www.iaru-r1.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/R-REP-M.2532-2023-PDF-E.pdf

The information paper ZL23_C5_19 1.3 GHz Band – Additional Information was submitted by the RSGB to the IARU Region 1 Conference held Novemebr 1-4, 2023. It provides information on the situation in the 1240-1300 MHz and 13001350 MHz spectrum. It can be downloaded from ZL23_C5_19 1300MHz INFO

Extract from CPM report 2023-10-11-Extract CPM-Report-to-WRC-23 _2_

1240-1300 MHz – ITU-R WP5A fails to achieve consensus

ITU LogoThe Chair of IARU Region 1 Spectrum and Regulatory Liaison Committee, Barry Lewis G4SJH, writes on the IARU-R1 site that ITU‑R WP5A meeting #30 could not achieve consensus on the measures needed to protect the RNSS in the amateur 23cm band (1240-1300 MHz), (Relating to WRC-23 AI 9.1b)

Working Party 5A meeting #30 met over the period 13th to 22nd September 2023 and despite extra meeting time allocated specifically to the development of the ITU‑R Recommendation M.[AS_GUIDANCE] the meeting did not reach a consensus on the technical and operational measures required to ensure the protection of the RNSS (radio navigation satellite service) in the amateur 23cm band. The measures aim to identify parts of the frequency band with associated amateur transmitter power limits that can help protect the RNSS operations. By the close of the meeting three alternative solutions remained unresolved in the draft document.

This outcome was reported to the WP5A plenary meeting and the subsequent parent Study Group 5 meeting but despite further efforts still no outcome could be achieved. Since the recommendation will be important for WRC-23 discussions it is expected that further efforts will continue to try to find a solution.

On a positive note the Draft New Report ITU‑R M. [AS_CHARACTERISTICS] was finalised by WP5A an approved in Study Group 5.

The IARU report from the WP5A meeting can be downloaded here

The ITU-R WP5A Meeting Report can be downloaded from
Word Doc https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-r/md/19/wp5a/c/R19-WP5A-C-0837!!MSW-E.docx

IARU Region 1 2023 conference information paper ZL23_C5_19 from RSGB ZL23_C5_19 1300MHz INFO

WRC23: 23cm (1240-1300 MHz) Amateur/RNSS Coexistence

2023-04 WRC-23 AI9.1b Draft Recommendation ITU-RITU-R WRC-23 Agenda Item 9.1b: Measures to be applied in the frequency band 1240-1300 MHz to ensure the protection of the radionavigation-satellite service (RNSS) in accordance with Resolution-774.

This presentation on 23cm Amateur/RNSS Coexistence was given by the IARU Region 1 Spectrum Regulation and Liaison Committee (SRLC) Chair Barry Lewis G4SJH to the Martlesham Microwave Round Table on April 16, 2023.

Watch 23cm Amateur/RNSS Coexistence – Barry Lewis G4SJH

The French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) has posted the following on their website titled – Protection of Galileo against Amateur use.
β€œSome bands, in red in the figure, are the subject of heated debate because their use by amateur stations is likely to have a significant impact on Galileo”, see

ANFR 23cm 1240-1300 MHz Band

ANFR 23cm 1240-1300 MHz Band

Austria restricts 23cm band operation

Galileo LogoAustria has become the latest country to impose restrictions on Amateur Radio operation in the 23 cm band (1240-1300 MHz) to protect to protect ground-based receivers for the Galileo RNSS satellite constellation.

Austria’s national amateur radio society Γ–VSV say:

Changes to the legal conditions in the AFU area from 03/13/2023:

Annex 2 of the Amateur Radio Ordinance is omitted and is now regulated in the Frequency Use Ordinance Annex 4.

This results in some changes in the frequency ranges and powers.

For the KW bands 80m, 40m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m and 10m, 1KW (High-Power) can now be approved for Class 1 FA after 1 year of trouble-free operation.

  • Thus, the power limitation of 7100-7200 kHz (previously only 200W) in the 40m band is eliminated and AFU has primary status.
  • 30m band still only max. 200W if power level B or C approved (no change)
  • 160m band from 1810-1850 kHz now max. 200W if power level B or C approved and AFU has primary status.
  • 160m band from 1850-2000 kHz only max. 100W (now instead of 1950 kHz up to 2000 kHz)

2023-03-13 Austrian Regulations

  • The 6m band has been extended from 52-54MHz.Β (Limited until 31.12.2030, for research WRAN)
    • from 50-52 MHz now max. 200W if power level B or C approved and AFU has primary status.
    • from 52-54MHz only max. 100W
  • On the 70cm band now also allowed as already on 2m high-power (up to 1KW), if power level B or C approved (but only EME and MS with Yagis from at least 15dBd gain)
  • The 23cm band was kept, but the performance was severely limited
    • only 10W allowed (previously max. 200W were allowed)
    • Repeaters with more than 16kHz bandwidth must cease operation by December 31, 2024.
  • On all higher FM bands (except 10 GHz, since only 40dbW EIRB) now also max. 200W (previously only 100W) allowed.
  • on 24GHz AFU has only secondary status

Please note the new conditions.


Amateur Frequencies: https://ris.bka.gv.at/Dokumente/BgblAuth/BGBLA_2023_II_61/Anlagen_0004_CAC10589_910D_4FFE_9A8D_3839DC110654.pdfsig

Γ–VSV post: https://www-oevsv-at.translate.goog/oevsv/aktuelles/Neue-Frequenznutzungs-Verordnung-in-Kraft/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=nui
