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Bob shares a 1968 off-air recording of Radio Australia

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bob Purse, owner and curator of the excellentΒ Inches Per Second audio archive and blog, who recently posted a 1968 recording of Radio Australia. This recording is in the queue to be published on the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive, but I thought I’d share it here first since I know […]


Carlos’ Shortwave Art and recording of ZP-30 (June 27, 2024)

Many thanks toΒ SWLing PostΒ contributor and noted political cartoonist,Β Carlos Latuff, who shares his recording andΒ illustrated listening report of the news, in German, from broadcaster ZP-30 on June 27, 2024. Carlos notes: ZP-30, Christian radio station in Paraguay broadcasting News in German. Listened in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Click here to view on YouTube. Impressive work! I’m impressed […]