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Reminders of Common Sense – UK Gov, says β€œPrepare”

I found it quite interesting when the UK Government officially rolled out recommendations to residents to prepare for disaster: https://prepare.campaign.gov.uk/get-prepared-for-emergencies/ Obviously how you prepare and what you include in your provisioning varies by location and personal needs. For my location ways to keep warm in winter would be a priority that most of the UK […]

Checking out the CCRadio SolarBT

By Jock Elliott, KB2GOM The syllables coming through the headphones were unknown to me. Clearly it was a language, but not one that I knew. So I logged it: 2/18/24, 1101Z, 1660 kHz, unknown language, orchestral music. (I later found out it was a Korean language station from New Jersey.) Then I moved on down […]