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Getting Ready For Field Day Satellite

I haven’t made a satellite contact in a few years as another club member was nice enough to step up.Β  However, he had to back out this year, and I was left flat footed when everyone else took a step back; it looked like I had stepped forward to volunteer.

I spent a few hours today updating my satellite laptop with all the latest Windoze stuff, and figuring out why my IC-9700 didn’t power up (12VDC power supply had a loose AC plug).Β  My next shock was that, for the most part, the birds I used a few years back were no longer active (bye bye CAS-x and XW-X).Β  AO-7 is still sort of working, as was RS-44.

I was able to adjust the transmitter calibration and hear myself on RS-44, but had no responses to a CQ.Β  That bird seemed to have very good doppler correction throughout the last half of the pass.

I also heard a few SSB calls on AO-73, so gave that a try.Β  As usual the transmit doppler correction was about 7000 Hz off.Β  I did make a partial SSB contact with N2FYA, but I don’t think he had the last letter of my call correct.Β  AO-73 has always been a challenge for me due to its unpredictable frequency offsets.

I need to setup FO-118, JO-97, HO-113 and XW-4, which are all new birds for me, then get the transmit uplink calibrated for them and AO-7.

Field Day 2024 rules are clear that multiple QSOs count now, but only one FM contact may be counted per FM bird:

7.3.7. Satellite QSO:Β 100 bonus points forΒ successfully completing at least one QSOΒ via anΒ amateur radio satellite during the Field Day period. β€œGeneralΒ Rules for All ARRL Contests” (RuleΒ 3.7.2.), (the no-repeater QSO stipulation) is waived for satellite QSOs. Groups are allowed oneΒ dedicated satellite transmitter station without increasing their entry category. Satellite QSOs alsoΒ count for regular QSO credit. Show them listed separately on the summary sheet as a separateΒ β€œband.” You do not receive an additional bonus for contacting different satellites, though theΒ additional QSOs may be countedΒ for QSO credit unless prohibitedΒ under Rule The QSOΒ must be between two Earth stations through a satellite.Β Available to Classes A, B, and F. Stations are limited to one (1) completed QSO on any single channel FM satellite.
