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Fall Weather Offers Ideal Opportunity for Outdoor Fun! 10 Reasons to Give Parks on the Air® a Try.

Parks on the Air (POTA) has taken the ham radio community by storm. According to POTA’s website, there are more than half a million unique “hunter” call signs participating in this volunteer program that was “first inspired by the outstanding work of Sean Kutzko, KX9X, and Norm Fusaro, W3IZ, from the American Radio Relay League in 2016.”

The POTA phenomenon sprung from the ARRL’s one-year National Parks on the Air program, which gave legs to today’s soaring interest in park activations. Earlier programs such as Ohio State Parks on the Air, which celebrated its 17th year in September 2024, provided inspiration and operating details for the National Parks event. 

As of this posting, the list of available POTA locations includes 11,668 parks in the U.S., 5,915 in Canada, and 8,523 in Australia, with new spots being added weekly. At any given time, scores of parks around the world—from North Carolina’s Blue Ridge National Parkway to Sweden’s Kungsbro Nature Reserve—are ripe for keen park hunters (click here to see what parks are on the air right now).

Since its founding, Parks on the Air has captured the imagination of young and seasoned operators, both park activators and hunters, to the tune of several million QSOs. Activators have embraced both the challenges and sheer enjoyment of making contacts amidst views you simply can’t get from inside a shack:

small portable ham radio station near a wooded lake shore
(Image/Thomas Witherspoon, K4SWL)

“Parks on the Air combines a few of my favorite things—ham radio, the outdoors, and, if the conditions are right, the occasional pileup,” DX Engineering’s John Miller, KJ3X, told OnAllBands back in 2019 when the program was getting its foothold.

“Parks on the Air brings publicity to amateur radio, and amateur radio brings publicity to parks that normally might be overlooked. I’ve made contacts with people who never knew a particular park existed and have since visited that location.”

man working at small portable ham radio station
Jeff, KB8ZWT, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, during his first POTA activation in 2019. He used a Chameleon MPAS portable antenna system during his activation at West Branch State Park in Portage County, Ohio. (Image/Jeff, KB8ZWT)

POTA Resources

The ARRL’s 144-page reference guide, “The Parks on the Air Book“, is an excellent source to launch your POTA pursuits. Available at, the paperback features a look at how 14 operators, representing a range of skill levels and backgrounds, set up and handle their park activations, including gear lists of each. The book also covers satellite operating, QRP, urban backpack portable, wire antennas for POTA, and more.

“Just a very informative book,” in the words of one customer.

Parks on the Air POTA guide book from ARRL
(Image/DX Engineering)

We also highly recommend visiting POTA’s website to read “Getting Started with POTA.”

Still not convinced to add POTA to your list of ham radio activities? OnAllBands put together the following list.

10 Reasons to Give POTA a Try

  1. POTA activations are an easy way to hold your own mini-DXpedition. Ever wanted to be a station in demand without having to traipse halfway around the globe? POTA is your answer.
  2. It doesn’t require a mega-station to make contacts. For a modest investment you can start making QSOs from a park on day one.
  3. With thousands of qualified sites, finding one within a reasonable driving distance shouldn’t be too difficult (this, of course, depends on where you live). How about picking a new spot every couple of months for a weekend getaway with the family or significant other?
  4. While you may experience pileups, it’s still low pressure. Handle what you can based on your capabilities and improve your skills the more activations you take on.
  5. Even if you don’t set the airwaves on fire, you’ll get to enjoy the foliage, an infusion of vitamin D, and perhaps some curious wildlife observing you from behind a tree.
  6. Become an ambassador for ham radio. “Hey, what’s all this stuff you’ve got here? Looks like a blast,” someone—or perhaps dozens of folks—will undoubtedly inquire. It’s your chance to show them (without overdoing it) why ham radio is the greatest hobby in the world.
  7. Like a personal Field Day adventure every time you set up, POTA is a great opportunity to experiment with a new antenna, QRP operation, and alternative power sources as you free yourself from the confines of the shack.
  8. POTA offers plenty of achievable operating milestone awards for hunters and activators.
  9. It will help you become a better operator, especially from an EMCOMM perspective. From the POTA website, the program is meant to encourage “amateur radio operations that promote emergency awareness and communications from national/federal and state/provincial level parks.”
  10. The best reason of all—POTA operations are fun. After all, isn’t that why you spend hours thinking about refining your stations, getting on the air, and filling your logbooks?

In addition to “The Parks on the Air Book”, DX Engineering carries the gamut of POTA-friendly gear you’ll need to assemble the portable station that best fits your goals and budget, including:

ham radio portable station kit contents
(Image/DX Engineering)

Yaesu FT-891 HF+50 MHz POTA Kit (DXE-POTA-1)

Watch Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering CEO, interview Jeff, KB8ZWT about DX Engineering POTA kits, the SOTAbeams Bandhopper portable dipole antennas, and SOTAbeams compact mini-masts.

Check out these related POTA articles from OnAllBands:

The post Fall Weather Offers Ideal Opportunity for Outdoor Fun! 10 Reasons to Give Parks on the Air® a Try. appeared first on OnAllBands.

Guide to October 2024 Ham Radio Contests

While contesters the world over await the SSB portion of the CQ World Wide DX Contest at the end of the month, don’t forget that there’s plenty to do on the air leading up to this mega-event.


With college football frenzy in the air, we’d like to give a special shout out to collegiate competitors this October who will be more concerned with hamming than pigskins…gray lines than goal lines…station grounding than intentional grounding. All of us at OnAllBands wish the best of luck to the students, faculty, and alumni who will be participating in the Collegiate QSO Party October 5, 0000Z to October 6, 2359Z.

From the contest website, “The Collegiate QSO Party is an operating event focused on amateur radio clubs at colleges and universities around the world. Each Fall, the Collegiate QSO Party provides an opportunity for clubs to demonstrate amateur radio to new members, engage with alumni, and promote activity throughout college and university communities.”

This year’s roster of competitors who will be trying to mitigate interference (a 15-yard penalty in the gridiron world, but even a bigger annoyance in radiosport!) includes teams from Missouri University of Science and Technology, University of Central Florida, University of South Florida, University of Florida, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Oregon State University, Michigan State University, Virginia Tech, St. Louis University, University of Cincinnati, Irvine Valley College, and others.

“This event is open to all radio amateurs,” per the event’s website. “Points can be earned by individuals, clubs, and collegiate stations. The Collegiate QSO Party encourages alumni to connect with their alma mater and students to network with other schools. New hams are welcome and stations are encouraged to be accommodating to new radio amateurs.”

A Halloween Reminder: Beware of the Wouff-Hong!

In this season of ghosts, goblins, and things that go kerchunk in the night, it behooves contesters everywhere to be wary of the most sinister, medieval —and, frankly, hilarious—of all ham radio legends. Of course we could only be referring to the dreaded Wouff-Hong—a device imagined (with tongue firmly in cheek) by Hiram Percy Maxim, W1AW, to remind amateurs that shoddy operating that runs afoul of accepted etiquette should not be tolerated.

While the first article about the Wouff-Hong, penned by The Old Man himself, appeared 100 years ago, its relevance today in light of DQRMers and other ne’er-do-wells hasn’t waned.

Read more about the Wouff-Hong in this OnAllBands article and about the sharp-pointed, Harry Potteresque-named Rettysnitch (another tool for enforcing decency on the air) in the article, “The Five Types of Operators You Don’t Want to Be.”

For information on the kind of bad actors for which the Wouff-Hong and Rettysnitch were devised, read “Deliberate QRM (DQRM): What is it and What Can be Done About it.”

Finally, enjoy some spooky yarns about spectral transmissions in “DX Files: Tales of the Radio Paranormal” by Mark, K8MSH.

Halloween Operating Event

If you’re looking for something to do on Halloween that doesn’t involve dressing in blue tights and a cape, the Anoka County Radio Club of Anoka, Minnesota, is hosting a Halloween Special Event Station, W0YFZ, October 31, 1400Z-2000Z, 14.250 7.250 7.056 ft8.

Anoka—a northern suburb of the Twin Cities—“is believed to be the first city in the United States to put on a Halloween celebration to divert its youngsters from Halloween pranks,” according to Today, its 17,000 residents proudly call their hometown “The Halloween Capital of the World®.”

The town’s first Halloween celebration was in 1920. The good-natured merriment lives on today with parades and other activities, including the special event station: “Anoka residents can watch their grandchildren or great-grandchildren continue the tradition they started so many years ago,” per the website.


Sufficiently scared? Make October the month you shake off your “mic fright,” get on the air, and make some QSOs. Here are a few contests to put on your calendar:

  • Oceania DX Contest, Phone: October 5, 0600Z to October 6, 0600Z. The CW portion of the contest runs from October 12, 0600Z to October 13, 0600Z. The contest promotes HF contacts to and from stations in the Oceania region as well as contacts between stations in Oceania. Find complete rules here.

    The Oceania DX Contest website offers these words of encouragement to get on the air: “This is the 79th running of the Oceania DX Contest, and with the solar conditions the way they are, we are expecting some big things from all of our contestants this year! Solar conditions are the best they have been in more than a decade, so your opportunity to make contact with stations in Oceania has never been better! We look forward to seeing you all on the air on both weekends and expect many stations from Oceania to be calling CQ Contest looking for your calls!”
  • QRP ARCI Fall QSO Party: October 12, 0000Z to 2359Z. The QRP Amateur Radio Club International kicks off autumn in their usual manner—by doing more with less! This club for low-power enthusiasts worldwide sponsors various contests and events that promote QRP operating and related activities, such as building minimalist radios, portable ops, and antenna experimentation. Like much of the club’s activities, its Fall QSO Party (HF CW only) is a test of ingenuity and skill, as operators make QSOs using anywhere from 55 mW or less to 5W.
  • Stew Perry Topband Challenge: October 19, 1500Z to October 20, 1500Z. Here’s a popular event 160M fans won’t want to miss. Point value of QSOs depends on the distance between the two stations. Participants are given one point plus another point for each 500km of distance. Points are also multiplied for lower power categories—for both the sending and receiving station. Looking to boost your top band capabilities? Read this article on the effectiveness of the DX Engineering 160M THUNDERBOLT Vertical Antenna.
  • ARRL’s EME—50 to 1296 MHz: October 19, 0000Z to October 20, 2359Z. Work as many amateur stations as possible via the earth-moon-earth path on designated frequencies. This portion of the ARRL EME event continues on November 16-17.
  • ARRL School Club Roundup: October 21, 1300Z to October 25, 2359Z. This bi-annual event is designed to foster contacts with and among school radio clubs. Participants can exchange QSO information with any amateur radio station, so non-school clubs and individuals are encouraged to participate as well. All amateur bands except 60, 30, 17, and 12 meters are permitted.
  • CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB: October 26, 0000Z to October 27, 2359Z. This is why they call this time of year Contesting Season! The CQ Worldwide DX Contest is the largest amateur radio contest in the world with over 35,000 participants. The challenge is to make as many contacts with as many DXCC entities and CQ Zones as possible, while competing against the world’s elite contesters. Not into SSB? The CW portion of the contest is November 23-24.

Also check out these State QSO Parties:

  • California: October 5, 1600Z to October 6, 2200Z
  • Nevada: October 12, 0300Z to October 13, 2100Z
  • Arizona: October 12, 1500Z to October 13, 0500Z
  • Pennsylvania: October 12, 1600Z to October 13, 0400Z, and October 13, 1300Z to 2200Z
  • South Dakota: October 12, 1800Z to October 13, 1800Z
  • New York: October 19, 1400Z to October 20, 0200Z
  • Illinois: October 20, 1700Z to October 21, 0100Z


Ready to upgrade your station for better contesting results? Visit for everything you could possibly need to boost your scores:

The post Guide to October 2024 Ham Radio Contests appeared first on OnAllBands.

It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Réunion Island

Réunion Island QRV in September/October 2024

The TO2DX DXpedition from Réunion by OM2DX is scheduled to run until October 7 from this overseas department and region of France in the Indian Ocean, 422 miles east of Madagascar. The HF operation from the 970-square-mile island (slightly smaller than Rhode Island) is scheduled to be active on CW, FT8, and RTTY. TO2DX, operating from the island’s far west side in the commune of St.-Paul, was QRV for the just-completed CQ WW DX RTTY Contest.

The volcanic island of Réunion (part of the Mascarene Islands) is the 219th Most-Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog as of September. Originally named Bourbon, Réunion has a population of around 885,000 and is home to a rich diversity of flora and fauna. There are more than 230 plants only found on the island, as well as endemic birds such as the Réunion cuckooshrike, which, if you’re lucky, can be observed in two mountain forests in the northern part of Réunion. The island’s marine biodiversity is even more impressive. Its waters feature 1,000-plus species of fish and 500 crustaceans. You’ll also find a variety of shark species, whales, and sea turtles.

QSL Cards

The active hams at DX Engineering have had great success contacting Réunion over the years (a good reason to contact them for help with your gear if you’d like to do the same). Here are a few of the QSL cards from their collections.

Scotty, KG9Z, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, earned this card from FR7ZD back in April 1984.

FR7ZD QSL Card from Réunion Island
(Image/DX Engineering)

Wayne, K8FF, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, provided us with this card from the TO3R November 2008 Réunion DXpedition.

TO3R QSL Card from Réunion Island
(Image/DX Engineering)

Mark, W8BBQ, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, produced three Réunion QSL cards from his collection: FR5DZ (December 2010, 20M SSB), FR5FC (October 2010, 20M SSB), and FR/DL1YAF (October 2012, 17M SSB).

FR5DZ QSL Card from Réunion Island
(Image/DX Engineering)
FR5FC QSL Card from Réunion Island
(Image/DX Engineering)
DR/DL1YAF QSL Card from Réunion Island
(Image/DX Engineering)

Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, reached FR/DJ7RJ in October 2013. This spectacular card displays the shield volcano known as Piton de la Fournaise—one of the world’s most active volcanos and a major tourist attraction. Located on Réunion’s eastern side, Piton de la Fournaise, known to islanders simply as “le volcan” (The Volcano), last erupted from July to August 2023, per The Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism website.  

“More than 150 eruptions, a majority of which have consisted of basaltic lava flows, were recorded since the 17th century,” the website noted. The volcano lies within Réunion National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site which covers 40% of the island. The dormant volcano Piton des Neiges marks the island’s highest point at 10,070 feet above sea level.

FR-DJ7RJ QSL Card from Réunion Island
(Image/DX Engineering)
FR-DJ7RJ QSL Card from Réunion Island, back
(Image/DX Engineering)

Geography Question of the Day

While Réunion has a single World Heritage Site (France has 53 total), can you name the top three countries based on number of these sites? Read much more about Réunion’s “pitons, cirques, and remparts” at the World Heritage Convention website.

Scott, N3RA, DX Engineering sales manager, made contact with FR5CB on FT8 in November 2019.

FR5CB QSL Card from Réunion Island
(Image/DX Engineering)

I’ll take “World Heritage Sites” for $1,000, Ken.

Can you name the top three countries based on number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites? As of July 2024, here’s the answer:

  • Italy, 60
  • China, 59
  • Germany, 54

The United States has 26 such sites, including the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, Independence Hall, and Redwood National and State Parks. The only World Heritage Site in Ohio (home of DX Engineering) is the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks, which was named the 25th U.S. World Heritage Site in 2023.


For all your DXing, contesting, or rag-chewing needs—whether you’re a Big Gun, Little Pistol, or somewhere in between, visit  for transceiversamplifiersantennas, headsets, and so much more.

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!

The post It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Réunion Island appeared first on OnAllBands.

Amateur Radio and Morse Code in Popular Culture: From Hardcore Punk to Wireless History

One of our favorite pursuits at OnAllBands is discovering ham radio and Morse code references that have found their way into television, movies, books, and music—everything from Paul McCartney’s inspiration for the song “Morse Moose and the Grey Goose” to the plaintive transmission at the end of Orson Welles’ “War of the Worlds” broadcast. We’re pleased to report, despite multiple posts on the subject, that the tank isn’t dry when it comes to our favorite hobby and popular culture. Here’s the latest we’ve found:


Also known as Zero Defex, this Akron, Ohio, hardcore punk band used the very first Morse code transmission, “What hath God wrought?” in their song “Target Earth.”

The message—sent May 24, 1844 by Samuel F. B. Morse in Washington, D.C. to Alfred Vail forty miles away in Baltimore—can be heard at the beginning and ending of the 58-second scorcher. The biblical quote (Numbers 23:23) was handed to Morse by Annie Ellsworth, the daughter of a close friend, who had written down the line as suggested by her mother.

John M. Harris wrote on the Tippecanoe County Historical Association blog, “Quickly Morse sent the words using the dot and dash code which bears his name. It was received in Baltimore and repeated back. As the words were decoded in Washington, the room erupted with cheers.”

We reached out to 0DFX drummer Mickey Hurray about why the band chose this seminal moment in communications history for their song:

“We included the first telegraph message in our song ‘Target Earth’ because Morse code was essentially the seed to the advent of whole Earth mass communication. As the seed blossoms the answer to that question (What hath God wrought?) is revealing itself globally every day. Stand by for the exciting conclusion.”


Erik Larson, master of page-turning nonfiction, followed up his gruesomely captivating 2003 book “The Devil in the White City” with the story of Guglielmo Marconi’s development of wireless juxtaposed against the saga of one of Britain’s most infamous criminals—Hawley Harvey Crippen.

Marconi’s and Crippen’s stories run parallel in the book, finally merging to reveal how Marconi’s work played a role in the chase to apprehend the unlikely villain, who had done away with his wife and fled. In interviews, Larson has called the two stories “an amazing confluence of invention and murder.” Amateurs will certainly enjoy the technical details in the Marconi chapters.

Thunderstruck” comes highly recommended by my lovely YL, who, like Scotland Yard from the story, is in hot pursuit of something that takes dogged effort to achieve—in her case, a Technician license.


Premiering September 2003, “NCIS” is still going strong. In April, the military police procedural and CBS high-ratings staple was renewed for its 22nd season. With more than 460 episodes under its well-armored belt, you would think that Morse code and ham radio may have been written into a script or two. And you would be correct!

However, as we’ve mentioned in this column before, sometimes ham radio and Hollywood can offer up a mixed bag.

In the “NCIS” episode 6 “Trapped” from Season 15, an investigation into a murder on a golf course leads senior field agent Timothy McGee and special agent Nicholas Torres to discover a ham radio setup in the victim’s home. On the good end of the spectrum, the episode includes mentions of the value of ham radio in emergencies—the “if all else fails, ham radio is there” scenario that has saved countless lives. For some viewers—many of them longtime fans of “NCIS”—that’s where the “good” ended.

While ham radio is used to solve the murder, many operators were not pleased at all the things the show got wrong.

The general sentiment: If you’re going to focus an entire episode on a service that’s been around since the early 1900s, take a few hours and do your research. Objections included the stereotyped portrayal of hams as socially awkward loners, display of a “data only” band on the Yaesu rig used in the episode, the operator’s powerful HF setup being only able to reach “80 square miles,” and, most egregious to many, a not-even-close-to-correct callsign that included a “handle.”

You can find the episode on YouTube and judge for yourself. Next time we’ll look at “NCIS” and how the show handled Morse code.

The post Amateur Radio and Morse Code in Popular Culture: From Hardcore Punk to Wireless History appeared first on OnAllBands.

It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Tanzania

All images courtesy of DX Engineering.

Republic of Tanzania QRV in September 2024

The 5H1WX Tanzania DXpedition by OK2WX is scheduled to run from September 18 to October 6 from Mafia Island (IOTA-AF-054) on 80-10M in CW, SSB, and Digital modes. Mafia Island, known as Chole Shamba in Swahili, is the third largest in Tanzania’s ocean territory (152 square miles) and has a population of more than 66,000.

Before we discuss some of the Tanzania QSL cards from the DX Engineering team, let’s take a closer look at this unique East African nation—one of the oldest continuously inhabited areas on the planet.

At 365,756 square miles in area, Tanzania is larger than Texas (261,914 square miles) but smaller than Alaska (570,641 square miles), ranking it as the 13th largest African nation and the 30th largest in the world. Per one source, its population of over 67.4 million ranks it as the 23rd most populated country in the world, sandwiched between South Africa and Thailand. It stands as the fifth most-populated African country behind Nigeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, and Egypt. Its population density of 180 inhabitants per square mile places it at 147th among nations of the world. The highly biodiverse country contains one-fifth of the species of African warm-blooded animals, including the world’s largest population of lions.

More than 100 languages are spoken in the heavily agriculturally based country, which is dependent on harvesting maize, cassava, beans, bananas, rice, and other crops. Travel and tourism also contribute a healthy portion to the country’s economy. While the country has no official language, 10% of Tanzanians speak its national language of Swahili as a first language and 90% speak it as a second language. Its name is a combination of the two states that merged to form the country in 1964: Tanganyika and Zanzibar (see QSL cards).

As detailed in this article about the Yasme Foundation, Tanganyika was part of the seminal “Mountains of the Moon” DXpedition in 1948. Tanzania (5H) ranks as the 164th Most-Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog.

QSL Cards

The active hams at DX Engineering have had great success contacting Tanzania over the years (a good reason to contact them for help with your gear if you’d like to do the same). Here are a few of the QSL cards from their collections.

Mark, W8BBQ, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, made contact with 5H1Z in January 2011 on 20M SSB. The DXpedition was from Zanzibar Island (IOTA AF-032).

Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, reached 5H8TL from Tabora, Tanzania, the capital of the country’s Tabora region (population 227,000). With its streets lined with mango trees and markets brimming with local produce, Tabora is known as the Fruit Capital of Western Tanzania.

George, K3GP, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, reached 5I3A from Yambe Island in July 2000 and 5H1HS from Zanzibar in 2009. Yambe Island is a protected, uninhabited island east of the city of Tanga in Tanzania. It is the largest island in the Tanga Region and home to medieval Swahili ruins—hidden in its forests—that have yet to be excavated.

Dave, K8DV, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, reached 5H3RK in November 2008 on 30M CW.

Both Dave, N8NB, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, and Tom, KB8UUZ, made contact with 5H3EE from Dar es Salaam (the name comes from the Arabic for “Abode of Peace”). It is Tanzania’s largest city (population 7.4 million) and financial center, the sixth-largest city in Africa, and one of the fastest-growing cities in the world.

Wayne, K8FF, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, produced this vintage card from 5H3JR when Tanzania was known as Tanganyika.

For all your DXing, contesting, or rag-chewing needs—whether you’re a Big Gun, Little Pistol, or somewhere in between, visit for transceiversamplifiersantennas
headsets, and so much more.

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!

The post It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Tanzania appeared first on OnAllBands.

It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from the Pitcairn Islands

DX Engineering Sponsors September 2024 Activation of Pitcairn Island

Pitcairn Island QRV in September, 2024

One of the world’s most intriguing locations is scheduled to be on the air from September 5-15 thanks to the VP6WR DXpedition by Bill Rothwell, G0VDE. The 80-10M operation will be, per his website, on “SSB, FT8, and some RTTY” from the small volcanic island—the least populous national jurisdiction (less than 50 people) in the world and the spot where, in 1790, mutineers from the H.M.S. Bounty settled after famously burning the ship.

G0VDE will follow up the Pitcairn Island DXpedition with an operation from Mangareva as FO/G0VDE (Gambier, IOTA OC-63) from September 17-21. Look for updated details at the VP6WR website.

DX Engineering is a proud sponsor of VP6WR, providing the following equipment to help DXers around the world nab this 66th Most Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog:

ham radio antenna add-on kit coil
(Image/DX Engineering)

Other Hustler BTV upgrades available at include the DX Engineering Direct Coax Feed Add-On Kit; BTV Series Antenna Packages, which come with OMNI-TILT™ Base, DX Engineering patented Radial Plate, clamps, and hardware; and the DX Engineering Vertical Antenna Matching Network.

Ham Radio QSL Cards from the Pitcairn Islands

The avid DXers at DX Engineering have made several contacts with operators on Pitcairn Island, as well as Ducie Island (one of the uninhabited coral atolls of the Pitcairn Islands), over the years. Here are a few of the QSL cards from their collections.

Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, reached the 2019 VP6R Pitcairn Island DXpedition on 20/17/15M SSB. The VP6R DXpedition team battled muddy trails, challenging propagation, lightning, gale force winds, torrential rains, and even feral cats pouncing on keyboards to log more than 82,000 QSOs during their successful stay on this much-coveted DXCC entity in the South Pacific.

VP6R Ham Radio QSL Card from Pitcairn Island DXpedition
(Image/DX Engineering)
VP6R Ham Radio QSL Card from Pitcairn Island, back
(Image/DX Engineering)

As the card shows on the front, VP6R received strong support from DX Engineering, which supplied the operating team with a range of DX Engineering branded equipment:

RF-PRO-1B Active Magnetic Loop Antenna
(Image/DX Engineering)

Also going along for the trip to Pitcairn Island was DX Engineering’s custom-designed 90-foot top-loaded 160M vertical antenna, featuring heavy-duty hinged pivot base (a “work of art,” according to VP6R’s Nodir, EY8MM) with custom base insulators to accommodate a 40-foot falling derrick made with three-inch diameter pipe. Originally built to handle the high winds of Bouvet Island, the antenna’s modular design allowed it to be easily downsized if weather conditions made it difficult to install at full size on the island. The crew sent us this photo of the antenna poised against a starlit sky.

dark photo of ham radio shack & antenna against starry night
(Image/The VP6WR DXpedition)

Mark, W8BBQ, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, did some serious band-filling during the five-operator VP6T Pitcairn Island DXpedition in January 2012. He made contact on 80M, 40M, 30M, 17M, 12M, and 10M CW, and 20M, 17M, 15M, 12M, and 10M SSB.

Organized by Jacques F6BEE, the VP6T DXpedition made 56,300 QSOs in 11 days.

VP6T Ham Radio QSL Card from Pitcairn Island
(Image/DX Engineering)

George, K3GP, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, received three different QSL cards from the January 2008 VP6PR DXpedition, each one featuring a different photo from Pitcairn Island. Dave, N8NB, DX Engineering technical support specialist, reached VP6PR on 17M RTTY.

VP6PR Ham Radio QSL Card from Pitcairn Island
(Image/DX Engineering)
VP6PR Ham Radio QSL Card from Pitcairn Island, front
(Image/DX Engineering)
VP6PR Ham Radio QSL Card from Pitcairn Island, boat shed
(Image/DX Engineering)

George, K3GP, joined thousands of DXers around the world by earning this QSL card—actually, a 32-page booklet—from the 2008 DX Engineering-sponsored VP6DX Ducie Island DXpedition. The VP6DX crew logged a whopping 183,584 QSOs.

VP6DX Ham Radio QSL Card from Ducie Island
(Image/DX Engineering)

For all your DXing, contesting, or rag-chewing needs—whether you’re a Big Gun, Little Pistol, or somewhere in between, visit for transceiversamplifiersantennas
headsets, and so much more.

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!

The post It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from the Pitcairn Islands appeared first on OnAllBands.

Guide to September 2024 Ham Radio Contests

There’s a lot to do on the air in September, 2024!

It’s a great month to sharpen your skills for some of the upcoming major events on the amateur radio calendar. We’ve listed a few highlights below, including the ARRL EME and VHF contests, a premier RTTY event, a couple of excellent park activation opportunities, and a bevy of State QSO Parties that let you operate from your home, as a fixed portable station, or as a “rover” operating from multiple counties in your vehicle.

Chevy El Camino parked in desert plain next to radio antenna
RJ Bragg, WY7AA, took his Rovermobile (a 1972 Chevy El Camino) to the line of Platte and Goshen counties in Wyoming for the 7-Land QSO Party in May 2018. A bit of military surplus mast, dipoles for 20 and 40 meters, and an Icom 7000 were all he used to make 540 SSB contacts and hand out two juicy counties. (Image/RJ Bragg, WY7AA)

Here’s a rundown of September’s QSO Parties (note: Tennessee’s party ran prior to this posting):

  • Texas: September 21, 1400Z to September 22, 0200Z, and September 22, 1400Z to 2000Z
  • Iowa: September 21, 1400Z to September 22, 0200Z
  • New Jersey: September 21, 1400Z to September 22, 0159Z
  • New Hampshire: September 21, 1600Z to September 22, 0400Z and September 22, 1200Z to 2200Z
  • Washington State Salmon Run: September 21, 1600Z to September 22, 0700Z, and September 22, 1600Z to 2400Z (find more details on the Salmon Run official website)
  • Maine: September 28, 1200Z to September 29, 1200Z

Read more about State QSO Parties in these excellent OnAllBands articles:

You’ll find everything you need at to get maximum fun out of State QSO Parties, including transceivers, antennas, CW keys and paddles, and more.

Check Out These Other September 2024 Events:

NRAU (Nordic Radio Amateur Union) 10M Activity Contest: September 5, 1700Z to 1800Z (CW); 1800Z to 1900Z (SSB); 1900Z to 2000Z (FM); and 2000Z to 2100Z (Digital). Here’s a great chance to take advantage of 10M openings compliments of Solar Cycle 25. Looking for gear to maximize your 10M capabilities? Click to read about some of these 10M antenna upgrades available at

Ohio State Parks on the Air: September 7, 1400 UTC to 2200 UTC (10 am to 6 pm Eastern Time). With DX Engineering proudly rooted in the Buckeye State, this annual event is near and dear to our ham radio hearts. Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, is a member of the contest committee for this 17th edition of this outdoor operating event that highlights Ohio’s beauty and diversity.

If you’ve never activated a park, here’s an OnAllBands POTA article on what you’ll need for successful portable operations, including these suggested items:

Also, don’t miss the flora, fauna, frequencies, and fun of Wisconsin Parks on the Air, September 21, 1600Z to 2300Z (11 am to 6 pm local/CDT), sponsored by the Fox Cities Amateur Radio Club, W9ZL.

IARU Region 1 Field Day, SSB: September 7, 1300Z to September 8, 1259Z. This annual event presents an excellent opportunity for clubs to test their low-power portable operating capabilities; experiment with design, construction, and deployment of antennas; and use alternate means of power.

All Asian DX Contest, Phone: September 7, 0000Z to September 8, 2400Z. Sponsored by the Japan Amateur Radio League, this annual event is for both Asian and non-Asian stations making SSB QSOs on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters.

WAE DX Contest, SSB: September 14, 0000Z to September 15, 2359Z. The German Amateur Radio Club (DARC) invites amateur operators worldwide to participate in this Worked All Europe contest. The RTTY portion of the contest is scheduled for November 9-10. Read complete rules here.

ARRL September VHF Contest: September 14, 1800Z to September 16, 0300Z. Amateurs in the U.S. and Canada will be trying to work stations in as many 2 degree x 1 degree Maidenhead grid squares as possible using authorized frequencies above 50 MHz. Stations outside the U.S. and Canada may only work stations in the U.S. and Canada. All legal modes are permitted, including CW, SSB, FT8, MSK144, FM-Only, PSK31, FSK441, and JT65.

QRP Afield: September 21, 1500Z to 2100Z: Hosted by the QRP Club of New England, this low-power event rewards operators based on power levels and location (e.g., 10 points per contact for QRP operation from a field or mobile location).

ARRL EME Contest: September 21, 0000Z to September 22, 2359Z. The object of this annual event is to work as many amateur stations as possible via the earth-moon-earth path on any authorized amateur frequency above 50 MHz. Effective in 2024, the contest exchange is now a station’s four-digit Maidenhead grid square locator. September 21-22 is designated for 2.3 GHz and up. October 19-20 and November 16-17 are for 50 to 1296 MHz.

ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest: September 21, 0900Z to September 23, 0759Z. North American amateurs will attempt to contact as many stations in as many different locations as possible in North America on bands from 10 GHz (3-centimeter) through Light. Amateurs are encouraged to operate from more than one location during this event. Contesters may enter in either “10 GHz Only” or “10 GHz and Up” categories.

For those interested in 10 GHz operation, you’ll find the Icom IC-905 VHF/UHF/SHF All Mode Base/Portable Transceiver at The rig boasts operating capability up to 10 GHz with the optional CX-10G Transverter (sold separately).

CQ World Wide DX Contest, RTTY, September 28, 0000Z to September 29, 2359Z. This annual event attracts more than 15,000 RTTY enthusiasts from around the world.

4th Annual Masonic Lodges on the Air, September 28, 1400Z to 2200Z. “The idea for the Masonic Lodges on the Air Contest grew out of the realization that many Freemasons have a love for Amateur Radio,” the event’s official website reads. The idea is to see how many Masonic Lodges you can contact in a day on 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters SSB. You do not need to be a Mason to participate, but organizers ask that you get permission from your local lodge to contest from their property.

AWA Amplitude Modulation QSO Party: September 28, 2000Z to September 29, 2400Z. Sponsored by the Antique Wireless Association, this event is designed to “promote and encourage the use of amplitude modulation on the amateur radio bands” and to “enjoy the friendly atmosphere and pleasant audio quality of AM communication,” per the AWA website. Participants will try to make contacts using the amplitude modulation mode on 160, 75, 40, 20, and 10 meters. From its website, the vision of the AWA is to “preserve and share the history of technology used to communicate and entertain from the first telegram to today’s wireless text messaging.”

The post Guide to September 2024 Ham Radio Contests appeared first on OnAllBands.

Jarvis Island N5J Team Delivers ATNOs for Hams Around the Globe

DX Engineering Gear Plays an Important Role

The historic Rig in a Box N5J DXpedition from the Jarvis Island National Wildlife Refuge is in the books. Jarvis was the 18th Most Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog when the activation was fully underway on August 9, 2024.

Thanks to countless hours of planning, technical advancements in the hobby, amazingly skilled offshore and worldwide remote operators, sponsors including DX Engineering, and an active community of DXers, the #18 ranking will certainly take a precipitous fall when the next most-wanted list is released.

N5J marked the first activation of Jarvis Island (a dual entity with Palmyra Island) since the April 1990 AH3C/KH5J DXpedition, which logged 55,000 QSOs over ten days. The only other time Jarvis has been QRV was AD1S/KH5 in November 1983—the first time this 1.7-square-mile coral island in the South Pacific was on the air. 

Along with remote CW and FT8 stations, the N5J at-island operating team of Don Greenbaum, N1DG; Mike Snow, KN4EEI; Tomi Pekarik, HA7RY; Rig in a Box innovator George Wallner, AA7JV; and Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA recorded more than 100,000 QSOs on 160-6M in SSB, CW, and FT8 after 11 days of operation. Additionally, 3,000 operators qualified for an N5J special award by making FT8, CW, and SSB contacts and logging QSOs on five bands.

As noted by Ann Fried on the N5J Facebook page, “All the hard work and planning did a great service to hams worldwide.”

Pierre Leroy wrote, “Keep on doing good work. Conditions are not easy but ATNO from ON6PL.”

“Thanks to the whole team for outstanding work,” wrote Tor Langvand. “Challenging propagation from time to time. Nevertheless, >100K QSOs in the book is fantastic. Great job, all.”

Gerry Hull, W1VE, posted on the N5J Facebook page the day the DXpedition went QRT, “The Magnet team is busy taking down everything and preparing for the trip back to American Samoa. They are the real heroes who powered this operation! As the Team Lead for the CW Remote Crew, I couldn’t be happier about the outcome. As an advocate of remote DXing and contesting, I’m extremely pleased how everything worked.”

From the N5J website, the team wrote, “Thank you for all the QSOs. It was a blast.”

dxpedition team holding dx engineering banner at jarvis island
(Image/N5J Jarvis Island)

The Impact of RIB Operations

The Rig in a Box concept, which allows self-contained amateur radio stations to be placed on land while operators work remotely, is proving to be a game-changer for DXpeditioners as well as hams trying to check off the remaining rare entities on their DXCC scorecard.

ham radio operator working on a portable station on beach
George, AA7JV, member of the offshore crew of the N5J DXpedition, sets up a Rig in a Box station on Jarvis Island. AA7JV and the rest of the local team conducted the DXpedition from the MV Magnet, a vessel that was just offshore of Jarvis Island. (Image/N5J Jarvis Island)

RIB-centered ventures dramatically increase the chances that decision-makers governing wildlife protected areas will grant permission for these operations. RIB DXpeditions ensure that boots will only be on land to set up, tear down, and maintain the RIB stations, reducing environmental impact and eliminating a stumbling block that has kept many entities off the air for decades.

n5j jarvis island qsl card, front
(Image/N5J Jarvis Island)

Get up close and personal with the N5J team in this video featuring DX Engineering CEO Tim Duffy, K3LR, interviewing operators aboard the MV Magnet on August 9, 2024.

 “In addition to us being here there are three Fish and Wildlife scientists that are currently on the island,” explained George, AA7JV, in the video. “They’re conducting research and working on the island. This is really the result of Don (N1DG) having worked with the Fish and Wildlife Service to convince them that amateur radio can be not just a user but a partner. And as a partner we can contribute to their efforts, and in return for that, they let us operate from these very highly protected reserves where normally they do not let anybody.”

DX Engineering Equipment on Jarvis Island

In DX Engineering’s ongoing mission to stand beside hams who are putting rare DXCC entities on the air, the company contributed a range of gear to complement the RIB setups:

The teams at DX Engineering and OnAllBands salute everyone involved in making the N5J DXpedition to Jarvis Island possible. Look for posts about more DX Engineering-sponsored DXpeditions in the days ahead.


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It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha on the Air (Hopefully) Soon

Hams looking to add Tristan da Cunha —a collection of volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean—to their list of DXing conquests may get an opportunity in the days ahead.

W7GJ reported that he would be operating from IOTA AF-029 the last week of August and into September, but a check of the DXpedition’s website, as of this posting, now has the dates as September 26 to October 25, depending on shipping schedules and very limited space availability on ships sailing from Cape Town, South Africa. The 6M ZD9GJ operation will mainly focus on EME, with some SSB and FT8 activity.

As of August, Tristan da Cunha/Gough Islands ranked as the 56th Most Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog’s Most Wanted List.

About Tristan da Cunha

Only accessible by boat (about a six-day trip from Cape Town), the British Overseas Territory of Tristan da Cunha is the world’s most remote inhabited archipelago—about 1,700 miles off the coast of Cape Town, 1,500 miles from Saint Helena, 4,000 miles from Argentina, and 2,500 miles from the Falkland Islands. It lies 1,400 miles northwest of Bouvet Island—the most remote uninhabited spot on the planet. This makes Tristan da Cunha the closest inhabited land to Bouvet.

The archipelago, which experiences mild temperatures, little sunshine, and lots of rain, is made up of 38-square-mile Tristan da Cunha; the wild reserves of Gough Island and Inaccessible Island; and uninhabited 1.5-square-mile Nightingale Island.

A travel article from Business Insider placed the population of volcanic Tristan da Cunha at around 230. Inhabitants of Edinburgh of the Seven Seas (the only settlement on Tristan da Cunha, below) were forced to flee in lobster-fishing boats to neighboring Nightingale Island after an eruption of Queen Mary’s Peak in 1961 destroyed their settlement. They were resettled in England, but most returned two years later to rebuild on the island.

The island features a school, churches, the Tristan Thatched House Museum, a supermarket, administration building, and an invasive mice and rat population that nightly feeds, without natural predators to stop them, on seabird eggs and chicks. A community tradition known as “Ratting Day,” which began as a way to reduce the island’s rodent population, has evolved into a competition in which teams compete to catch the largest number of critters, with honors also being given to the team who produces the rat with the “longest tail.” One academic article noted that “Black Rats…reached the island from a shipwreck in 1882.” 

A single road connects Edinburgh of the Seven Seas with the island’s communally owned potato farms. Transportation is provided by a few privately owned vehicles and a bus.

small seaside village photographed from a mountain top
(Image/Surroundings of Infrasound Station IS49 Tristan de Cunha, UK by The Official CTBTO Photostream | CC BY 2.0)
small seaside village photographed from the ocean
(Image/Edinburgh of the Seven Seas 01 | CC BY-SA 2.0)

QSL Cards

The avid DXers at DX Engineering have made several contacts with operators who have received permission to operate on Tristan da Cunha over the years. Here are a few of the QSL cards from their collections.

Wayne, K8FF, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, received this card from the ZD9W DXpedition.

zd9w ham radio qsl card from Tristan Da Cunha
(Image/DX Engineering)

Scotty, KG9Z, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, provided us with this QSL card from ZD9CC.

ZD9CC ham radio qsl card from Tristan Da Cunha
(Image/DX Engineering)

Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, received the QSL card below from ZD9ZS.

ZD9ZS ham radio qsl card from Tristan Da Cunha
(Image/DX Engineering)
ZD9ZS ham radio qsl card from Tristan Da Cunha, back
(Image/DX Engineering)

George, K3GP, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, received the QSL card below from ZD9AH. It features the island’s main road, a yellow nosed Tristan albatross, and Tristan da Cunha’s coat of arms. Look closely. The coat of arms includes two Tristan rock lobsters, mainstays of the island’s economy.

DZ9AH ham radio qsl card from Tristan Da Cunha
(Image/DX Engineering)
ZD9AH ham radio qsl card from Tristan Da Cunha, back
(Image/DX Engineering)

Dave, K8DV, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, contacted ZD9T in November 2010 on 30 and 12M CW. The QSL card shows a drawing of a northern rockhopper penguin (known by islanders as “pinnamin”). The flightless birds breed on all islands in the Tristan da Cunha group. Read much more about the northern rockhopper penguin and everything else you’d want to know about this fascinating archipelago at the Tristan da Cunha website.

ZD9T ham radio qsl card from Tristan Da Cunha
(Image/DX Engineering)

For all your amateur radio needs—whether you’re trying to contact the remotest spots on the planet or your local repeater, visit for transceiversamplifiersantennas
headsets, and so much more.

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!

The post It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Tristan da Cunha appeared first on OnAllBands.

The Paris Olympics Has Us Thinking Ahead to the Ham Radio Olympics in 2026

DX Engineering Becomes 2026 WRTC Sponsor

With the 2024 Paris Olympics past the halfway point, OnAllBands thought it would be appropriate to give a shout out to what’s been dubbed the Olympics of Amateur Radio—the quadrennial World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC).

The next WRTC—a test of supreme operating skill, strategy, endurance, and teamwork—is scheduled for 2026 in the United Kingdom, following up the 2023 Italy competition which was delayed a year due to the pandemic.

WRTC 2026 Great Britain Logo
(Image/WRTC UK 2026)

In July 2026, 50 elite two-operator teams from around the world will compete from comparable stations set up in Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridgeshire counties during the 24-hour IARU 2026 Contest. To qualify for WRTC 2026, teams must rank highly in a series of amateur radio contests held between October 2023 and March 2025.

Beyond the competitive nature of the high-profile competition, the event—like the traditional Winter and Summer Olympics—is meant to stand as a model of global cooperation. It also serves as an ideal opportunity for young amateurs to grab the torch lit by their predecessors.

“WRTC is a means to demonstrate international goodwill and friendship in the true ham spirit. It also allows youth operators to demonstrate their skills within this highly competitive event. WRTC UK 2026 will focus not only on providing a fair and enjoyable event for those who qualify either as a competitor or referee but will also provide engagement to spectators all over the world.”

The WRTC UK Website

DX Engineering and the WRTC

DX Engineering has a strong connection with the WRTC. OnAllBands blogger and member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame Ward Silver, N0AX, was a founder of the WRTC, which had its inaugural competition in Seattle in 1990. Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering CEO and member of the CQ Contest Hall of Fame, competed in five WRTCs (San Francisco 1996, Finland 2002, Brazil 2006, Russia 2010, and Germany 2018). Scott Jones, DX Engineering sales manager, competed in the San Francisco WRTC. Jeff Steinman, N5TJ, three-time WRTC champion (San Francisco, Slovenia 2000, and Finland), is a member of the DX Engineering sales/technical support team. (Note: Just a few more good reasons to get your amateur radio gear—and the best advice anywhere for upgrading your stations—from the folks at DX Engineering.)

WRTC 2026 chairman Mark Haynes, M0DXR, and the event’s director of hospitality Georgina Haynes, M6YGL (husband and wife), stopped by DX Engineering headquarters last year to present their roadmap for a memorable event, which will require untold hours of volunteer work and intelligent planning to handle the thousands of details while creating a level playing field for the 100 competitors.

To support this important gathering on the ham radio calendar, DX Engineering has signed on as a silver sponsor of WRTC 2026. Other sponsors include Icom, Mastrant Antenna Guying, OM Power Amplifiers, and Vibroplex.

a group of people standing next to WRTC 2026 banner
WRTC 2026 chairman Mark Haynes, M0DXR, and director of hospitality Georgina Haynes, M6YGL, with Tim Duffy, K3LR, at DX Engineering headquarters. (Image/DX Engineering)

Watch Tim, K3LR, interview Mark, M0DXR, and Georgina, M6YGL, at the DX Engineering Showroom in Tallmadge, Ohio.

“WRTC UK 2026 is a complex and challenging project to plan and execute,” the contest website noted. “This is a fantastic opportunity for domestic and international hams to get involved with one of the most exciting projects that our hobby has to offer. We are so fortunate to be holding this event in the UK and this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you or your club can help as a volunteer, please get in touch.”

Visit the WRTC UK 2026 website for up-to-date information and details on how you can get involved.

The post The Paris Olympics Has Us Thinking Ahead to the Ham Radio Olympics in 2026 appeared first on OnAllBands.

It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia QRV in August

Located in the eastern Caribbean, the West Indies island country of Saint Lucia will be in play this month for DXers (August 10-17) thanks to N4XTT, who will be operating as J6/N4XTT from this popular tourist spot and 230th Most Wanted DXCC Entity per Clublog.

The holiday-style operation and POTA activation (J6-0001) will be on 40-10M in CW, SSB, and FT4/FT8.

The mountainous, volcanic island of Saint Lucia has an area of 238 square miles (about the size of El Paso, Texas) and a population of around 180,000. It has the distinction of being the world’s only sovereign state named after an actual woman—Saint Lucy of Syracuse (AD 283-304), also known as Saint Lucia, a venerated saint in Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Her traditional feast day is observed by Western Christians on December 13—the date, according to legend, that French sailors were shipwrecked there and named the island in her honor.

There are a number of other islands—not sovereign states—named after women, including Greenland’s Princess Dagmar Island, Australia’s Lady Julia Percy Island, Ecuador’s Isabela Island, and Canada’s Lady Franklin Island. This list also includes another DXCC entity, Saint Helena, named after St. Helena of Constantinople.

Wait a sec, there’s one more country named after a woman, right?

We wrote “actual” woman above because there is another sovereign state named after a mythological goddess. Can you name the country and the goddess? See answer below. Need a hint? Sorry. We don’t want to make it too easy. You’ll EIther get the right answer or you won’t.

QSL Cards

The avid DXers at DX Engineering have made several contacts with operators on Saint Lucia over the years. Here are a few of the QSL cards from their collections.

Wayne, K8FF, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, received the card below from J6/DK1RP.

J6-DK1RP Ham Radio QSL Card from St Lucia
(Image/DX Engineering)

Scotty, KG9Z, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, provided us with this QSL card from the J6LCV DXpedition in October 1981.

J6LCV Ham Radio QSL Card from St Lucia
(Image/DX Engineering)

Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, received the QSL cards below from J68RI (20/15M QSOs) and J69DS from Babonneau, Saint Lucia. Babonneau is a region in the northern part of the island known for its extensive rain forests.

J68RI Ham Radio QSL Card from St Lucia
(Image/DX Engineering)
J69DS Ham Radio QSL Card from St Lucia
(Image/DX Engineering)
J69DS Ham Radio QSL Card from St Lucia, back
(Image/DX Engineering)

Dave, K8DV, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, reached J68V in November 2008 on 15M CW. The bottom left corner of the card shows the St. Lucia flag—a cerulean blue field with a golden triangle in front of a white-edged isosceles triangle. The flag has undergone several minor modifications since it was adopted in 1967, but it remains largely the same as the one designed 57 years ago.

The J68V card also shows St. Lucia’s most recognizable natural landmark. Called “Gros Piton,” the canine-tooth-shaped volcanic plug majestically towers over the southwest coast of Saint Lucia, 2,619 feet above sea level. The island’s other famous volcanic plug, “Petit Piton,” lies to the north of its more prominent brother. Both Pitons are popular attractions for hikers.

J68V Ham Radio QSL Card from St Lucia
(Image/DX Engineering)

George, K3GP, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, received the QSL card below for reaching J6/SP7VC on 80M SSB in January 2015.

SP7VC Ham Radio QSL Card from St Lucia, front
(Image/DX Engineering)
SP7VC Ham Radio QSL Card from St Lucia
(Image/DX Engineering)

Scott, N3RA, DX Engineering sales manager, made an FT8 QSO with J68HZ on 6M.

j68hz qsl card from st lucia
(Image/DX Engineering)

I’ll take “Countries Named After Goddesses” for $1,000, Ken.

Now back to our OnAllBands Geography Question of the Day. While Saint Lucia is the only sovereign state named after a woman, what country is named after a mythological goddess? If you said “Ireland” (DXCC prefix EI), you would be correct. The names Ireland and Éire come from the Old Irish Ériu, a goddess in Irish mythology.


For all your DXing, contesting, or rag-chewing needs—whether you’re a Big Gun, Little Pistol, or somewhere in between, visit for transceiversamplifiersantennas
headsets, and so much more.

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!

The post It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Saint Lucia appeared first on OnAllBands.

August 2024 Guide to Ham Radio Contests

While not including any of the heavy hitters on the ham radio calendar, August is one of our favorite months at OnAllBands because it showcases the great diversity of amateur operating—everything from bouncing signals off the ionized trails produced by meteors to making two-way QSOs via the moon (both pursuits open to even Technician license holders).

You’ll also find ARRL’s Super High Frequency challenge and RTTY Rookie Roundup, along with State QSO Parties and another island chaser/activator opportunity for those who didn’t get their fill during July’s RSGB IOTA contest. Enjoy!


NRAU (Nordic Radio Amateur Union) 10M Activity Contest: August 1, 1800Z to 1900Z (CW); 1900Z to 2000Z (SSB); 2000Z to 2100Z (FM); and 2100Z to 2200Z (Digital). Here’s a great chance to take advantage of 10M openings compliments of Solar Cycle 25. Looking for gear to enhance your 10M capabilities? Click to read about some antenna upgrades available at 


European HF Championship: August 3, 1200Z to 2359Z. This contest organized by the Slovenia Contest Club offers three additional categories added in 2023: Single-Op-Unlimited, Single-Op QRP, and One-Band (160M-6M). Access the latest rules here.


ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest: August 3, 1800Z to August 4, 1800Z. Work as many stations as possible on the 222 MHz through 241 GHz bands using any allowable mode. A station in a specific grid locator may be contacted from the same location only once on each band, regardless of mode.


MMMonVHF/DUBUS 144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest: August 10, 2200Z to August 12, 2159Z. MMMonVHF, in cooperation with the magazines DUBUS and Funk-Telegramm, invites you to take part in the 2024 edition of the “144 MHz Meteorscatter Sprint Contest.” Per the contest website, the Perseid meteor shower will be active until August 24. Its maximum is estimated to occur on Monday, August 12, between 1300 UTC and 1600 UTC. The contest site also notes that on August 12 around 0900 UTC, Earth will pass an old dust trail. Five more old trails, four of which are more than 1,300 years old, will be passed between 0400 UTC and 1100 UTC.

Called one of the “best shooting star displays of the year” by, the Perseid meteor shower is the result of the Earth passing through ice and rock left behind by the comet Swift Tuttle, which takes 133 years to orbit the Sun and had its closest approach to the Sun in 1992. It won’t return until 2125.

From the NASA website, “When comets come around the sun, the dust they emit gradually spreads into a dusty trail around their orbits. Every year the Earth passes through these debris trails, which allows the bits to collide with our atmosphere where they disintegrate to create fiery and colorful streaks in the sky.”

This is a great chance to take a crack at one of the coolest aspects of the hobby. Better yet, it’s an activity that’s open to Technician license holders. For other ideas on getting the most from punching your ticket, check out this article by OnAllBands blogger Sean Kutzko, KX9X, on 15 Things to Do with a Technician License.

Here’s another way to get involved in the excitement. Founded in 1988, the International Meteor Organization is a collection of meteor observers from around the world who ensure “the comprehensive study of meteor showers and their relation to comets and interplanetary dust,” per the group’s website. Check out how to become a member.


YB Bekasi Merdeka Contest: August 10, 1200Z to August 11, 1159Z. This SSB-only, single-operator 80/40/10M contest commemorates the anniversary of Indonesian independence from Japan (August 17, 1945). The event is sponsored by the Indonesian Amateur Radio Organization.


Kentucky State Parks on the Air: August 10, 1400Z to 2200Z. The Murray State University Amateur Radio Club (MSUARC) is sponsoring its annual Kentucky State Parks on the Air event. Activators will have an opportunity to operate from the Bluegrass State’s 50 parks and nine national sites, while chasers can make CW, SSB, and Digital QSOs with hams enjoying the diversity of the state’s outdoor areas.


Keymen’s Club of Japan Contest: August 17, 1200Z to August 18, 1200Z. Formed in 1976, the Keymen’s Club of Japan is devoted to promoting CW operation on the amateur bands. Find club history and contest rules at the KCJ website.


SARTG WW RTTY Contest: August 17, 0000Z to 0800Z and 1600Z to 2400Z; August 18, 0800Z to 1600Z. This annual RTTY-only event is sponsored by the Scandinavian Amateur Radio Teleprinter Group.


ARRL 10 GHz and Up Contest: August 17, 0900 to August 19, 0759. If you’re a fan of operating on the Super High Frequency (microwave) spectrum, this is your chance to shine. North American amateurs will attempt to contact as many stations in as many different locations as possible in North America on bands from 10 GHz (3-centimeter) through Light. Amateurs are encouraged to operate from more than one location during this event. Contesters may enter in either “10 GHz only” or “10 GHz and Up” categories. The second weekend of the contest will be September 21-22.

For those interested in 10 GHz operation, you’ll find the Icom IC-905 VHF/UHF/SHF All Mode Base/Portable Transceiver at The rig boasts operating capability up to 10 GHz with the optional CX-10G Transverter (sold separately).


North American QSO Party, SSB: August 17, 1800Z to August 18, 0559Z. All amateur licensees are eligible to work as many North American stations as possible during the 12-hour contest period. The CW portion of the contest runs August 3, 1800Z to August 4, 0559Z.


ARRL Rookie Roundup, RTTY: August 18, 1800Z to 2359Z. From the ARRL, the Rookie Roundups “encourage newly-licensed operators (“Rookies”) in North America (including territories and possessions) to operate on the HF bands and experience competitive Amateur Radio operating. Experienced operators (“Non-Rookies”) are strongly encouraged to participate and help new operators—either on the air or in person.”


ARRL EME Contest: August 24, 0000Z to August 25, 2359Z. The object of this annual event is to work as many amateur stations as possible via the earth-moon-earth path on any authorized amateur frequency above 50 MHz. August 24-25 and September 21-22 are designated for 2.3 GHz and up. October 19-20 and November 16-17 are for 50 to 1296 MHz.


ALARA Contest: August 24, 0600 to August 25, 0559Z. The Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association will be hosting the 44th ALARA Contest, an SSB/CW event in which YLs may contact anyone while OMs may only contact YLs on all HF bands except 160M and WARC bands. Formed in 1975, ALARA boasts a membership of more than 200 operators, with many members sponsoring operators overseas. ALARA’s mission is to “encourage women’s interest in and active participation in amateur radio.”


The U.S. Islands QSO Party: August 24, 1200Z to August 25, 0300Z. Previously known as the W/VE Islands QSO Party, the U.S. Islands QSO Party “promotes verifiable amateur radio contacts with stations located on islands in the United States and its Territories and Protectorates.” This 15-hour SSB/CW/Digital event offers two classes (QRP, 5 watts or less) or QRO (greater than 5 watts), and several categories: Island Fixed, Island Rover, and Non-Island.

Now in its 30th year, the U.S. Islands Awards Program centers around activating and chasing U.S. river, lake, and shore islands. Thinking about activating an island? Here’s a state-by-state U.S. island directory.


Also check out these state QSO parties:

  • Maryland-DC: August 10, 1400Z to August 11, 0400Z
  • Hawaii: August 24, 0400Z to August 26, 0400Z
  • Ohio: August 24, 1600Z to August 25, 0400Z
  • Kansas: August 24, 1400Z to August 25, 0200Z; August 25, 1400Z to 2000Z
  • Colorado: August 31, 1300Z to September 1, 0400Z

The post August 2024 Guide to Ham Radio Contests appeared first on OnAllBands.

2024 YDXA Youth Team to Visit DX Engineering Before Heading to K3LR for the RSGB IOTA Contest

Watch YDXA team members give live presentations on DX Engineering’s Facebook page July 26 at 12:30 pm EST.

For the second straight year, the young amateurs chosen to participate in the Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure (YDXA) will be operating in the United States from one of the world’s premier contest stations—K3LR, owned and operated by Tim Duffy, K3LR, CEO of DX Engineering.

When plans for the youth team to travel to an international location had to be canceled, Tim, K3LR, agreed to once again offer his contest superstation in western Pennsylvania for the annual adventure, which has sent young operators ages 12-17 to remote locations—including Costa Rica, Saba Island, and Curaçao—since its founding in 2010.

This year’s Dave Kalter adventure is sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association, K3LR Contest Superstation, and DX Engineering. The goal of the program is to give young hams the chance to hone their abilities while creating unforgettable experiences that will foster a lifelong passion for amateur radio. The program was named for founding YDXA member Dave Kalter, KB8OCP, who became a silent key in November 2013.

The 2024 team, which will be operating as K3Y during the RSGB IOTA Contest, is comprised of Ian Alkema, KI8AN; Lilly Colón, W8LIL; Katie Campbell, KE8LQR; and Grace Papay, K8LG. Katie and Grace took part in the 2023 YDXA at K3LR and are returning to provide mentorship to the first-time participants. Rising stars in the amateur radio world, Katie and Grace were also speakers at Contest University 2024 in Dayton, Ohio discussing the topic, “How to Integrate Youth Operators in Multi-Op Contesting.”

You can watch their Contest University presentation in this video starting at 1:32:40.

young ham radio operator working at a keyboard
Katie, KE8LQR, at K3LR operating during the 2023 RSGB IOTA Contest. (Image/DX Engineering)

The K3Y foursome, along with parents (Tim Alkema, K8LK; Karl Colón, KC2GTR; Colleen Campbell, KB8VAQ; and Doug Papay, K8DP) will be visiting DX Engineering headquarters in Tallmadge, Ohio, on July 26 for lunch with the DX Engineering team and a tour of the company.

From there they’ll travel to K3LR where the group will be chasing island stations during the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 27, 1200Z to July 28, 1200Z). The group will be active on July 27 only.

two ham radio operators at a keyboard
Grace, K8LG, with Doug, K8DP, at K3LR operating during the 2023 RSGB IOTA Contest. (Image/DX Engineering)

Watch the Youth Participants Live

While at DX Engineering, each YDXA participant will be giving a presentation about how they got involved with ham radio, their experiences on and off the air, and goals for future involvement. These will be broadcast live on DX Engineering’s Facebook page at 12:30 pm EST. We encourage you to tune in. Based on last year’s presentations, we guarantee you’ll walk away feeling inspired about the future of the greatest hobby in the world.

“We’re thrilled to have these bright and talented young operators visiting DX Engineering and then operating at K3LR,” Duffy said. “At DX Engineering, we feel it’s more important than ever for the ham radio community to give young and enthusiastic amateurs these life-changing experiences. Last year’s RSGB IOTA operation at K3LR was such a huge success for everyone involved. It was exciting to watch the level of skill on display as well as see how the young operators benefited from mentorship provided by longtime hams.”

Last year’s team of Katie, KE8LQR; Grace, K8LG; Agnes Wagner, AD8IR; and Ben Wagner, AD8FQ, took full advantage of the opportunity to operate from this powerful station, making 2,283 SSB QSOs on five bands during the event. They made contacts with amateurs in all 50 states, six continents, and 60 DXCC entities, while bonding as a team and impressing other IOTA participants with their on-air abilities.

DX Engineering Plays a Part

DX Engineering’s support of young operators aligns with the theme of the 2024 DX Engineering Amateur Radio Products Catalog—Giving Back.

“The idea of giving back to the ham radio community by encouraging young operators, sponsoring DXpeditions, and promoting amateur radio in our communities is a significant part of what DX Engineering is all about. We encourage everyone to help out when they can. The lessons that come from being an amateur operator—effective communication, problem solving, and the many technical aspects of the hobby—last a lifetime.”

Tim Duffy, K3LR, CEO of DX Engineering

Be sure to check out OnAllBands in early August for our follow-up post on the K3Y team.   

The post 2024 YDXA Youth Team to Visit DX Engineering Before Heading to K3LR for the RSGB IOTA Contest appeared first on OnAllBands.

Glorioso Islands DXpedition Wraps Up. More Rare DXing Opportunities on the Horizon.

All of us at OnAllBands and DX Engineering would like to offer our hearty congratulations to Marek, FH4VVK, and his support team for the successful one-operator activation (FT4GL) of the Glorioso Islands.

This French-controlled atoll in the Indian Ocean near Madagascar ranked as the 7th most-wanted DXCC entity per Clublog when the DXpedition began from Grande Glorioso Island in May. When it wrapped up on June 18, FH4VVK had logged more than 60,000 QSOs, with HF contacts made in all modes used (only 160M was “not satisfactory,” per the FT4GL blog). QSOs included ATNOs for smaller stations who were given preference in the latter stages of the operation.

Among those vying for this rare contact were the avid DXers from DX Engineering, including customer/technical support specialist and DXCC Honor Roll member (first place, mixed modes) Wayne, K8FF. He reached FT4GL on 20/15/12M FT8, adding to his growing list of digital contacts.

Scotty, KG9Z, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist and owner of the Nine-Band DXCC, 160M WAS, and other honors, also filled multiple bands on FT8 in Fox/Hound mode. He called FT4GL a “great one-man operation.”

“We warmly and from the bottom of our hearts thank all the people who have shown their gratitude and trust in us throughout this adventure. Numerous messages and emails of encouragement helped Marek and the whole team to continue so that this activity went as smoothly as possible, and the pilots who were very responsive in informing the community of the correct news.”

The FT4GL team from the FT4GL Facebook page
Gloroiso Islands DXpedition Logo with turtle
(Image/The Gloroiso Islands DXpedition)

Here’s a sampling of the outpouring of positivity from online posters:

“Absolutely outstanding, Marek. The DX community is forever grateful for activating a very rare entity for us, and for such an extended period of time. 73 and safe travels from all of us at K4TOR.”

Tor Langvand


“Glad that Marek was able to activate FT4/G. ATNO for me and many others. Great job mate!”

Wesley Beck


“He did a fantastic job. I met my goal, which was an FT8 and SSB contact. As for the lids that interfered: Those who can, do, those that can’t try to take out their lack of ability and knowledge on those that can. These people are a special kind of lid.”

Steve Fetter


Not sure what constitutes a “lid” in the ham radio world? Read this article from Mark, K8MSH, “The Five Types of Operators You Don’t Want to Be.”

Unfortunately, as the comment above and the FT4GL team noted, Marek was not immune to some of the bad actors who have become all too commonplace during rare activations. Pirate stations, music broadcasters, and other interference turned this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity into an “intense and sometimes difficult experience” not representative of “the OM spirit,” per the FT4GL blog.

Read this OnAllBands article on the DQRM (Deliberate QRM) that plagued 3Y0J Bouvet Island 2023 and other high-profile DXpeditions.

Sharing in the Glory

DX Engineering was proud to supply Marek with VA6AM 150W PEP HF Band Pass Filters for 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10M to help make more QSOs possible. These high-quality, multi-stage inline passive band pass filters are specifically designed to limit the transmitting and receiving RF passband to a single amateur band. 

Next Up—Jarvis Island and St. Paul Island DXpeditions

DX Engineering was also pleased to provide two August 2024 DXpeditions with mission-critical gear:

  • The 100% RIB (Rig in a Box) N5J operation from the Jarvis Island National Wildlife Refuge, one of the rarest DXCC entities on the planet, is scheduled for August 5-20.

Going along for the trip will be DX Engineering DXE-ATK65A Telescoping Aluminum Antenna Tubing Kits, DX Engineering 400MAX Type N Low-Loss 50-Ohm Coax Assemblies,  Mastrant-R Support and Guy Line Rope, and more.

  • The 10-operator CY9C DXpedition team is scheduled to put St. Paul on the air August 26 to September 5 from the windswept and treeless Northeast Island site, just off the coast of Nova Scotia.

DX Engineering has contributed equipment for a beverage antenna: DX Engineering Beverage Antenna System, DX Engineering RPA-2 Modular Receive Preamplifier, and DX Engineering Beverage Termination Resistors.

The post Glorioso Islands DXpedition Wraps Up. More Rare DXing Opportunities on the Horizon. appeared first on OnAllBands.

It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from St. Paul Island

St. Paul Island QRV in August and September

It is one of the great ironies of DXing that it’s most often the smallest of places that are the biggest deals in the ham radio world. Evidence of this is tiny St. Paul Island, located about 15 miles northeast of Cape Breton Island along the boundary between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Cabot Strait.

At three miles long and one mile wide, the uninhabited, frequently fog-bound island—once named the “Graveyard of the Gulf” by sailors whose ships met their fate on its granite cliffs—will be the hot ticket for DXing enthusiasts when the DX Engineering-sponsored CY9C DXpedition team puts this 50th Most Wanted DXCC Entity (as of July) on the air from August 26 to September 5, 2024. 

Today, the island’s automated, solar-powered lighthouse—built in 1962 as a replacement for a lighthouse constructed in 1917—welcomes the handful of visitors who arrive at St. Paul, including the Canadian Coast Guard, SCUBA divers, and amateur radio adventurers like the 11-operator CY9C team. CY9C will be using two helicopters to transport gear and team members to the windswept and treeless Northeast Island site.

The team will be employing six FlexRadio station setups for CW, SSB, RTTY, and FT8. The stations will include the FlexRadio Power Genius (PGXL) Amplifier (below), now available at A seventh FlexRadio station will be devoted to UHF/VHF/EME and satellites.

flex radio power genius rf amplifier
(Image/DX Engineering)

The team of experienced hams, which includes members of the CQ DX Hall of Fame and participants in the CY0S Sable Island DXpedition in March 2023, plan to be active on 160-6M, employing Yagis on 20-6M and elevated sloping dipoles and verticals on the low bands. The team notes that at any given time, a minimum of three stations will be using the new SuperFox FT8 mode. Lighthouse chasers will be hoping to add this to their conquests (STP-002), as well as POTA (CA-0122) and IOTA (NA-094) enthusiasts.

You can get the latest news and read more about frequencies, the CY9C band plan, and 6M/2M/70cm/23cm operation details at the DXpedition’s official website.

DX Engineering is once again showing its commitment to high-profile DXpeditions by supporting CY9C 2024. The company provided the following equipment:

In August 2016, DX Engineering supported the St. Paul Island CY9C DXpedition by providing a range of DX Engineering-manufactured gear, including:

Back in September 2016, CY9C DXpedition members Jay Slough, K4ZLE, and Wayne McKenzie, K8LEE (SK), stopped by DX Engineering headquarters in Tallmadge, Ohio, to chat with Tim Duffy, K3LR, DX Engineering CEO, about the challenges and rewards of this successful “tent and generator” operation (in Jay’s words) from St. Paul Island, in which the team braved capricious weather while manning camps on the island’s Atlantic Cove and Northeast Island sites.

“That island, in my opinion, experiences all four seasons in one day,” noted Wayne, K8LEE, who served as the DXpedition’s dedicated RTTY operator. “It can be very, very rainy with high winds—30, 35 knots—and very cold and damp in the evening, and then in the morning it’s extremely hot.”

Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, received the QSL card below from the 2016 CY9C DXpedition. The card’s back provides an excellent view of the Northeast Island site.

cy9c ham radio qsl card from st paul island 2016
(Image/DX Engineering)
cy9c ham radio qsl card from st paul island 2016, back
(Image/DX Engineering)

KB8UUZ earned the QSL card below by reaching CY9AA on six meters in June 1997.

cy9aa ham radio qsl card from st paul island
(Image/DX Engineering)

Mark, W8BBQ, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, received this QSL card from the July 2014 CY9M DXpedition. He worked CY9M on 160, 80, 40, 15, 12, and 10M CW; and 40, 20, and 17M SSB.

cy9c ham radio qsl card from st paul island 2016
(Image/DX Engineering)

For all your DXing, contesting, or rag-chewing needs—whether you’re a Big Gun, Little Pistol, or somewhere in between, visit for transceiversamplifiersantennas
headsets, and so much more.

Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!

The post It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from St. Paul Island appeared first on OnAllBands.

It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Jarvis and Palmyra Islands

Jarvis Island QRV in August 2024

The Rig in a Box (RIB) N5J DXpedition to uninhabited and infrequently visited Jarvis Island (a dual DXCC entity with Palmyra Island) is only about a month away. If Jarvis/Palmyra is one of the few remaining locations standing in the way of your goal of “working the world,” N5J—scheduled to run from August 5-17, 2024—presents an excellent opportunity to check off this ultra-rare entity from your list.

Jarvis/Palmyra ranks as #18 globally and #9 in Europe on Clublog’s Most Wanted List. For up-to-date details about Jarvis Island N5J, visit their official website.

n5j ham radio qsl card from Jarvis Island, front
(Image/Jarvis Island N5J)

The N5J at-island (local) operating team of Don Greenbaum, N1DG; Mike Snow, KN4EEI; Tomi Pekarik, HA7RY; Rig in a Box innovator George Wallner, AA7JV; and Adrian Ciuperca, KO8SCA will be joined by remote CW and FT8 teams from around the world who will be active via Starlink. Chasers will be able to reach operators on 160-6M in SSB, CW, and FT8.

N5J members have been working with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) officials for several years to obtain permission to operate from the Jarvis Island National Wildlife Refuge. The Rig in a Box concept, which allows hams to operate remotely through self-contained stations (radio, antenna, and power) set up on land, helped to make this activation possible. The local team will be conducting the DXpedition from the MV Magnet, a vessel that will be just offshore of Jarvis Island.

About Jarvis Island

Located in the South Pacific Ocean halfway between Hawaii and the Cook Islands, 1.7-square-mile Jarvis Island is an unincorporated, unorganized territory of the United States. It is administered by the USFWS as part of the National Wildlife Refuge system. Jarvis was declared part of this system in 1974. In 2009, President George W. Bush designated Jarvis Island as part of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument.

OnAllBands Geography Question of the Day

Jarvis Island is one of a handful of U.S. territories that have the distinction of being both “unincorporated” (not fully incorporated under the U.S. Constitution) and “unorganized” (directly administered by the federal government). Several rare DXCC entities are included among this list (e.g., Baker Island/Howland Island, Johnston Atoll, Wake Island, Midway Islands, and Navassa Island).

Can you name the only unincorporated, unorganized U.S. territory that is populated? Answer below. Can’t wait? Find the entity in question in this OnAllBands article.

DX Engineering Gear to be Employed on Jarvis Island

In DX Engineering’s ongoing mission to stand beside hams who are putting rare DXCC entities on the air, the company contributed a range of gear to complement the RIB setups:

QSL Cards from Jarvis and Palmyra Islands

The avid DXers at DX Engineering have made several contacts with operators on Jarvis and Palmyra islands over the years. Here are a few of their QSL cards, from the oldest to the latest.

Wayne, K8FF, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, worked the K1AZA/KP6 Palmyra Island DXpedition in May 1962 when his callsign was K8WOT.

K1AZA ham radio qsl card from Jarvis Island, front
(Image/DX Engineering)

Scotty, KG9Z, DX Engineering customer/technical support specialist, provided us with QSL cards from Palmyra W0RLX/KH5 1988 and Jarvis Island AH3C/KH5J 1990—the last time Jarvis was activated. The ten-day AH3C/KH5J operation, which employed Butternut Vertical Antennas (acquired by DX Engineering 25 years later) netted 55,000 QSOs. Among the operating team was Martti Laine, OH2BH, one of the most accomplished amateurs of all time. AH3C/KH5J marked only the second time that Jarvis Island had been put on the air.

The 1988 W0RLX/KH5 activation was the first to Palmyra since the ill-fated 1980 K6LPL/KH5 DXpedition, which began with a crash landing in a Palmyra airfield, severely injuring one team member who was medevacked off the island. The DXpedition was later aborted due to another operator injury.

W0RLX ham radio qsl card from palmyra atoll
(Image/DX Engineering)
W0RLX ham radio qsl card from palmyra atoll, back
(Image/DX Engineering)
AH3C ham radio qsl card from Jarvis Island, front
(Image/DX Engineering)
AH3C ham radio qsl card from Jarvis Island, back
(Image/DX Engineering)

Tom, KB8UUZ, DX Engineering technical writer, received the QSL card below for contacting the DX Engineering-supported K5P January 2016 DXpedition to Palmyra Atoll. Read this fascinating article by K5P operator Hal, W8HC, about some of Palmyra’s history and the team’s DXpedition that recorded more than 75,000 QSOs.

DX Engineering provided the K5P operation with a range of equipment, including RG-8X Coaxial Cable Assemblies and its Ultra-Grip 2 Crimp Connector Cable Prep Kit.

K5P ham radio qsl card from palmyra atoll, front
(Image/DX Engineering)
K5P ham radio qsl card from palmyra atoll, back
(Image/DX Engineering)

I’ll take “Unorganized and Unincorporated” for $1,000, Ken.

So, were you able to name the only populated U.S. territory that is both unorganized and unincorporated? If you said “American Samoa” (population 44,600), give yourself a pat on the back! While American Samoa is self-governing, it is technically considered “unorganized” because the U.S. Congress has not passed an Organic Act for the territory that specifies how it is to be governed. American Samoa is one of two U.S. territories south of the Equator. The other? Today’s featured entity, Jarvis Island.

For all your DXing, contesting, or rag-chewing needs—whether you’re a Big Gun, Little Pistol, or somewhere in between, visit for transceiversamplifiersantennas,
headsets, and so much more.


Editor’s Note: Every month, DX Engineering features QSL cards from our team members’ personal collections. To highlight upcoming DXpeditions, we’ll be displaying a few of our favorite cards along with details about what it took to make these contacts. We’re excited to share some of the special cards pulled from the thousands we’ve received over the years. We look forward to seeing your cards as well!

The post It’s All in the Cards! QSL Cards from Jarvis and Palmyra Islands appeared first on OnAllBands.

New Product Spotlight: Soldering Tools and Accessories from Eclipse Tools

As we’ve discussed at length at OnAllBands, effective soldering can be tricky, especially if you don’t have the right tools. DX Engineering understands the importance of equipping your shack with proven equipment that makes even the most delicate jobs a lot easier.

That’s why you can find a range of reliable soldering tools and accessories from leading brands (Eclipse, ECG, Kester, Milwaukee Tool, American Beauty) at the tools & supplies section of Choose from high-quality solder wire, flux, rechargeable and wireless soldering irons, temperature-controlled soldering stations, desoldering stations and pumps, soldering tools for printed circuit boards, soldering tip cleaners, magnified alligator-clip work holders, and more.

If you’re a novice when it comes to using a soldering pen or need to brush up on your technique, read this article from Mark, K8MSH, “Ham Radio 101: Soldering Tips.” It’s also a good reminder to treat these tools with a great deal of respect by taking all necessary safety precautions to avoid injury when soldering.

Finished the article? Great! Now check out the latest Eclipse Tools soldering products available at


Economy Dual Temperature Soldering Station

Eclipse Tools Economy Dual Temperature Soldering Station
(Image/DX Engineering)

This unit features a selectable 20- or 40-watt temperature setting, making it easier to switch from general electronic soldering and repair to cable terminations or hobby and craft projects. The station is ideal for both professional and do-it-yourself projects and comes equipped with a pencil tip-style soldering iron, built-in stand, and tip cleaning sponge. Find many more soldering guns and irons at


Helping Hands Work Holder

Eclipse Tools Helping Hands Work Holder
(Image/DX Engineering)

This heavily weighted mini work stand features a universal joint for positioning your work, along with an arm and two strong alligator clamps to hold parts in place or wires for soldering. For tiny projects, the work stand includes a magnifier that will make minuscule parts look big. A great choice for amateur radio repair, RC hobbies, model railroading, crafting projects, and many other purposes.


SI-BI62 Battery-Operated Soldering Iron

Eclipse Tools SI-B162 Battery Operated Soldering Iron
(Image/DX Engineering)

Featuring a compact, cordless design for optimum portability, the seven-inch-long SI-BI62 boasts a rapid heat-up time of only 15-20 seconds, ensuring that it’s ready to use at a moment’s notice. The safety cap automatically powers down the device when it’s attached. Power consumption is only 8W, with a maximum temperature of up to 842° F. It maintains a soldering temperature of at least 600° F. Requires three 1.5V alkaline AA batteries (not included).


SI-186A Digitally Controlled Soldering Iron

Eclipse Tools SI-186A Digitally Controlled Soldering Iron
(Image/DX Engineering)

Designed for precision soldering tasks, the SI-186A features digital temperature control for accurate heat management. It’s equipped with a ceramic heater that ensures rapid heating and recovery, boasting a power consumption of only 60W and temperatures ranging between 392° to 932° F. Other features include temperature correction and a smart memory that automatically remembers the last used temperature. The SI-186A comes with a replaceable long-life tip, soft grip handle, and LED display.


Soldering Iron Tip Cleaner

Eclipse Tools Soldering Iron Tip Cleaner
(Image/DX Engineering)

This coiled-wire type cleaner doesn’t burn and won’t allow solder to stick. Since the soldering iron tip cleaner is used dry, it won’t cool your iron when you clean the tip. All it takes to provide a clean tip for smoother solder flow is a quick wipe of your iron through the steel-wool style cleaning ball.


SS-969E SMD Hot Air Rework Station

Eclipse Tools SS-969E SMD Hot Air Rework Station
(Image/DX Engineering)

This versatile station is useful for rework and soldering operations on a broad range of components, as well as for heat shrinking, drying, paint removal, pre-heating, glue soldering, and more. The SS-969E offers adjustable settings for airflow, air volume, and temperature, providing users with a high degree of control. At 700W, it delivers a wide temperature range of 212° to 842° F and features an auto cool-off process to extend the life of the heating element. Safely solder QFP, PLCC, BGA, and other temperature-sensitive components with ease.


Fine-Tipped Flux Bottles

Eclipse Tools Fine-Tipped Flux Bottles
(Image/DX Engineering)

Sold in packs of two, Eclipse Tools fine-tipped flux bottles evenly dispense flux. A gentle squeeze of the bottle allows the fine-tipped needle to deposit flux exactly where you need it for a precision application.


Desktop Inspection Lamp

Eclipse Tools Desktop Inspection Lamp
(Image/DX Engineering)

This 700 lumen, LED magnifier table lamp features 2.25X(5D) magnification, a scratch-resistant glass lens, low-temperature LEDs, standard desktop clamp mount that fits surfaces up to 2.56 inches thick, and adjustable arm for easy positioning. Find other Eclipse Tools desk inspection lamps at


Visit for the complete lineup of soldering products from Eclipse Tools plus a great selection of useful shack additions: heat shrink tubing, multimeters, volt testers, heat guns, wrap ties, and more.

The post New Product Spotlight: Soldering Tools and Accessories from Eclipse Tools appeared first on OnAllBands.

Guide to July 2024 Ham Radio Contests: Islands Edition

Okay, so Field Day is over. Hamvention 2024 is in the books. Contest Season is months away. The rare Glorioso Islands DXpedition is done. What’s a ham to do? The short answer is plenty! The long answer is, “If you can’t find a reason to get on the air, you’re not trying!”

Contesting doesn’t cool off during July, especially if you’re into operating in the great outdoors or prefer the challenge of chasing portable stations from the comforts of your air-conditioned shack (hey, you already toughed it out on Field Day, so you deserve a break). July offers one of the premier portable operating activities—the RSGB IOTA Contest: July 27, 1200Z to July 28, 1200Z.

Whether you’re a chaser or activator, the Radio Society of Great Britain’s Islands on the Air Contest is a welcome chance to celebrate the world’s well-known and lesser-traveled island groups (more than 1,200 of them) dotting the planet. The contest is based on the RSGB IOTA awards program, established in 1964 to promote amateur radio and draw attention to the “widespread mystique surrounding islands.”

If you’re new to the RSGB IOTA Contest, which has been around since 1993, click here to read a guide for novices who wish to operate from an official IOTA spot or those who seek to make contact with IOTA stations. Bands for the 24-hour contest are 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10M on CW and phone. Also for new island operators, check out this article by blogger Sean Kutzko, KX9X, “Your First Pileup, Techniques for Success.”

US Islands Award

Summer is an excellent time to hold a mini-DXpedition by activating one of America’s multitude of islands that are part of the US Islands (USI) Awards Program. Celebrating its 30th year, the program has given hams across the country the chance to activate and chase a range of river, lake, and ocean shore islands, from the ones everyone knows (Manhattan, Maui, Key West) to spots perhaps only familiar to the peripatetic amateur operator (Tonganoxie, Shuler Bend, Little Scovell).

Here’s the coolest part. Participation doesn’t require a cost-prohibitive trip to Alaska’s Kiska Island. We’ll wager that there’s an island only a few hours away begging to be put on the air. Case in point, here are a few awards-qualified islands (followed by their program number) that are not far from DX Engineering headquarters in landlocked Tallmadge, Ohio:

  • South Bass (OH007L)
  • North Bass (OH006L)
  • Kelley’s Island (OH001L)
  • Turtle Island (OH038L)
ham radio operate at portable station on dock near ocean
As part of the US Islands Award program, OnAllBands blogger Sean, KX9X, activated Outer Island in the Thimble Islands group off Connecticut in the Long Island Sound. He netted nearly 150 contacts using five watts and a simple multiband dipole in a few hours of operating. (Image/Sean, KX9X)

The program lets DXers vie for honors such as the USI Basic Honor Roll (QSOs with 100 qualified islands); Work All State Islands Award; and Work Ten Award (10 islands from one state). Find the complete list of more than 3,400 U.S. Islands here along with participation rules.

And be sure to check out, where you’ll find everything you need to activate an IOTA, POTA, or SOTA site, or increase your chances of reaching the many islands, summits, beaches, and lighthouses of the world. Not sure where to start? For activators, we recommend a complete DX Engineering POTA package that includes an Icom or Yaesu transceiver; Bioenno Power lithium-ion battery and solar panel; coaxial cable assemblies; antenna tuner; and more. Choose from four packages:

collage of ham radio portable POTA equipment
(Image/DX Engineering)

Also check out popular antennas for portable activations, including the Chelegance JPC-12 40-6M Vertical Antenna (below) featured in the DXE-POTA-1 kit and the DX Commander Expedition Portable 40-6M Vertical Antenna.

chelegance portable modular antenna kit


Beyond islands, there’s loads to do in July. We’ve showcased a few activities below. Good luck!

13 Colonies Special Event: July 1 to July 7. Already underway as of this post, this popular annual event challenges operators to make contact with stations set up in the original 13 U.S. colonies, plus three bonus stations.

Venezuelan Independence Day Contest: July 6, 0000Z to 2359Z. This annual CW/SSB/FT4 contest hosted by the Radio Club Venezolano celebrates Venezuela Independence Day (July 5), which commemorates its history of becoming South America’s first independent country in 1821.

NZART Memorial Contest: July 6, 0800Z to 1100Z and July 7, 0800Z to 1100Z. The nonprofit New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters has been proudly serving Kiwi amateur radio operators in The Land of the Long White Cloud since 1926. A founding member of Region 3 of the IARU, NZART sponsors a number of contests and activities throughout the year, including this 80M-only CW/SSB event.

IARU HF World Championship: July 13, 1200Z to July 14, 1200Z. Open to all licensed amateurs, the International Amateur Radio Union’s HF World Championship encourages operators to make as many contacts as possible, especially with IARU member society HQ stations, on 160/80/40/20/15/10M.

QRP ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint: July 14, 2000Z to 2300Z. This HF CW-only event sponsored by the QRP Amateur Radio Club International rewards stations with multipliers based on how little power you use, from 5W down to 55mW or less. Add big bonus points if operating a homebrew transmitter, receiver, or transceiver. “Homebrew” is defined as equipment that you build, kits included.

CQ Worldwide VHF ContestJuly 20, 1800Z to July 21, 2100Z. Fans of 6M and 2M operating have this annual summer event marked on their calendars long in advance, anticipating the improved propagation and challenge of working the world while collecting VHF Maidenhead grid locations for award credits. The contest features single operator, hilltopper, rover, and multi-op categories. Get all the details here.

IARU Region 1 70 MHz CW/SSB Contest: July 20, 1400Z to July 21, 1400Z. Find all the rules here. From IARU Region 1, “The main objectives are to make as many contacts as possible and to have fun. Other objectives may include improving your operating skills, testing new equipment configurations and techniques, expanding your horizons by operating on the microwave bands, and exploring radio propagation.” IARU Region 1 covers Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and northern Asia.

Amateur Radio Club of the National Electronics Museum (ARCNEM) Commemoration of the First Live TV Broadcast from the Moon: July 19, 1300Z to July 21, 2200Z. The ARCNEM (K3NEM) will be operating W3A in recognition of the live TV broadcast that allowed the world to see mankind’s first steps on the lunar surface. Operation is scheduled for 80M and possibly digital modes.

Thinking of a cool trip this summer? Exhibits at the National Electronics Museum in Hunt Valley, Maryland, include one of the remaining Westinghouse lunar TV cameras, the development of the Morse telegraph and Bell telephone, Marconi’s wireless experiments, reproduction of an early amateur radio spark gap shack, and an operational amateur radio station.

YOTA Contest: July 20, 1000Z to 2159Z. This is the second of three rounds of the annual Youngsters on the Air Contest. Per the YOTA website, the contest is designed to increase youth activity on the air, strengthen the reputation of the YOTA program, and demonstrate support for youngsters around the world.

Maidenhead Mayhem Contest: July 20, 0000Z to July 28, 2359Z. From the Maidenhead Mayhem contest website (cue Twilight Zone theme music), “Imagine if you will, a contest that is truly different from most likely any other you have ever experienced. A contest that has indeed been over 40 years in the making.” Intrigued? We sure were at OnAllBands! Per the rules page, the objective is for amateurs around the world to contact as many other amateurs in as many Maidenhead grid fields as possible on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 1o meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, FT4, and FT8. Unlike many contests, spotting is not only encouraged but amply rewarded. Find many more rules and explanations here.

North American QSO Party, RTTY: July 20, 1800Z to July 21, 0559Z. Here’s a great opportunity for both RTTY aficionados and novices. Designed for contesting beginners and veterans, North American QSO Parties are low-power-only (no amplifiers allowed) contests that are fun and challenging.

Want to learn more about RTTY? Check out these OnAllBands articles from Ed Muns, W0YK:

Alabama QSO Party: July 27, 1500Z to July 28, 0300Z.

MARAC U.S. Counties QSO Party: July 27, 0000Z to July 28, 2400Z. The Mobile Amateur Radio Awards Club (MARAC) is sponsoring the 53rd edition of this contest for county-hunting hams. The contest’s objective is to “establish radio contact with as many U.S. counties as possible in all 50 U.S. states with the emphasis on maximum scoring of mobile entries. Contacts are good toward the various MARAC awards including the initial Worked All Counties Award.”

Contacts can be made by phone, CW, and select digital modes that allow full two-way exchanges between both stations, such as FT4 with proper setup, per the rules. FT8 is not allowed since a grid square cannot define the county of operation. Find complete rules at the link above. Established in 1970, MARAC is a support group for county hunting and mobile activities with members all over the world.


Want to take your mobile activity to the next level? You’ll find everything you need at, including the latest amateur radio mobile transceivers from Alinco, Icom, Yaesu, and AnyTone, as well as mobile antennas.

The post Guide to July 2024 Ham Radio Contests: Islands Edition appeared first on OnAllBands.

DX Engineering Lends Support to Upcoming DXpedition to St. Paul Island

With permission from the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the 10-operator CY9C DXpedition team is scheduled to put St. Paul on the air August 26 to September 5 from the windswept and treeless Northeast Island site, just off the coast of Nova Scotia.

The team of experienced hams, many of whom participated in the highly successful CY0S Sable Island DXpedition in March 2023, plan to be active on 160-6M, employing Yagis on 20-6M and elevated sloping dipoles and verticals on the low bands. There should be a good mix of modes available for filling bands (CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8, EME, Satellites), with an emphasis on Morse code contacts. Uninhabited and rarely visited St. Paul Island is approximately three miles long and a mile wide.

The island features an automated solar-powered lighthouse built in 1962—the third lighthouse which has served watercrafts between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the Cabot Strait. Lighthouse chasers will be hoping to add this to their conquests (STP-002), as well as POTA (CA-0122) and IOTA (NA-094) enthusiasts.

The island is encircled by foreboding rock-faced cliffs, which will require the CY9C team to use two helicopters to transport gear and team members to the operating site.

cy9c qso card from sable island dxpedition
(Image/DX Engineering)

Find updated information at CY9C’s official website. St. Paul Island ranked as the 52nd Most Wanted DXCC Entity as of May, per Clublog.


DX Engineering was a proud sponsor of the CY9C 2016 St. Paul DXpedition. The company provided a range of gear used on the island, including the Butternut HF9V 9-Band Vertical Antenna.

cy9c qso card from sable island dxpedition with helicopter
(Image/DX Engineering)

Two operators from that DXpedition, Jay, K4ZLE, and Murray, WA4DAN, are also scheduled to operate in this latest venture. For CY9C 2024, DX Engineering has provided the following equipment for a Beverage antenna system:

DX Engineering Beverage Antenna System: This single-wire, single-direction beverage feed system (100 kHz to 30 MHz) designed by W8JI is immune to the strong signal overload and core saturation common in multi-transmitter environments, making it ideal for low-band DXers. It employs an isolated-winding matching-transformer system to significantly increase the signal-to-noise ratio in Beverage and other high-impedance antennas.

beverage feed line antenna transformer
(Image/DX Engineering)

DX Engineering RPA-2 Modular Receive Preamplifier: This preamp delivers low internal noise and is optimized for the 300 kHz to 35 MHz range. The device is designed to help you hear the weakest signals without artificially raising the noise. Robust components allow this preamplifier to withstand high signal levels while providing superior dynamic range and third-order intercept performance that equals or exceeds most receiver and transceiver front-ends.

DX Engineering RPA-2 Modular Receive Preamplifier
(Image/DX Engineering)

DX Engineering Beverage Termination Resistors

collection of electrical resistors
(Image/DX Engineering)

Check in with OnAllBands for more articles on the CY9C 2024 St. Paul Island DXpedition as the date nears.

The post DX Engineering Lends Support to Upcoming DXpedition to St. Paul Island appeared first on OnAllBands.
