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Interdigital Bandpass Filter for 1.2Ghz / 23cm

Β Part of a project on 1.2Ghz that will include this band-pass filter.

Main dimensions got online via the tool here: https://www.changpuak.ch/electronics/interdigital_bandpass_filter_designer.php

Some details of similar construction for different frequency range (ADS-B) here: https://keptenkurk.wordpress.com/2014/11/05/a-homebrew-1090mhz-ads-b-filter/


My construction:


Used FR4 double sided PCB for the sides and brass for elements, bottom and top


Online results example for dimensions:

Β And the outcome:


Regarding results; not the best optimization for attenuation but not bad either considering the dimensions and construction not to the greatest dimensional andards:

Have a nice day!
