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Weird question . . . from the old retrocrank

Like some others of my age (roughly) who have posted here, I vastly prefer radios that do NOT mute between tuning steps . . . that provide smooth, continuous tuning. So, does anyone know of any true, new, currently in production, radios with an analog receiver? Could be AM, FM, and/or shortwave? And, if there […]

Deep Dive: My Mountain Topper MTR-3B Watertight SOTA Field Kit

Last week, in response to a reader’s question here on QRPer.com, I was reminded that I hadn’t yet made a video specifically about my Mountain Topper MTR-3B SOTA field kit. Yesterday, I made a short video (see below) where I show what I pack in my MTR-3B field kit and why I choose to house … Continue reading Deep Dive: My Mountain Topper MTR-3B Watertight SOTA Field Kit β†’

Checking out the XHDATA D-808

By Jock Elliott, KB2GOM Size matters . . . especially when it comes to antennas. In general, the more aluminum or wire you can get up in the air (presuming, of course, that it is properly designed), the more signal you are going to pull in. A radio friend has a 560-foot loop erected on […]

Eternal Keypad for the IC-705? Shane is visually-impaired and seeking advice.

Many thanks to Shane who writes with the following question: I really need some advice. I know you have produced many videos on the Icom IC-705, and I am wondering if there is a way to directly enter frequencies on this rig, without using the touchscreen. Being totally blind, I really need to know this … Continue reading Eternal Keypad for the IC-705? Shane is visually-impaired and seeking advice. β†’

Xiegu X6200 SSB Field Test: A Morning POTA Activation at Lake James

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, I needed to make a morning trip to Hickory, NC, to take care of some family business and visit my father. I started my day early because I also wanted to be back in the Asheville area by noon. Some quick calculations over morning coffee and I decided I had … Continue reading Xiegu X6200 SSB Field Test: A Morning POTA Activation at Lake James β†’

From Customs to Summits: Steve’s KH1 journey into Wales and onto summits!

Many thanks to Steve (MW0SAW) who shares the following guest post: Getting a KH1 into Wales and activating a couple of SOTA summits by Steve (MW0SAW) I suspect like many QRP enthusiasts, when the brochure of the KH1 surfaced on the Elecraft FTP site, and the YouTube videos appeared, I worked myself into a frenzy … Continue reading From Customs to Summits: Steve’s KH1 journey into Wales and onto summits! β†’

Xiegu X6200: Second POTA activation with rough propagation, but CW saves the day!

On Tuesday, June 11, 2024, I took my production run Xiegu X6200 (on loan from Radioddity) to the Blue Ridge Parkway for its first POTA activation. The activation was a success, with good band conditions on 40 and 30 meters. You can read that field report by clicking here. Later that day, I had a … Continue reading Xiegu X6200: Second POTA activation with rough propagation, but CW saves the day! β†’

Sam’s Thunderbird Mk 1 Takes Flight: A Homebrew Radio Field Report from the American Southwest

Many thanks to Sam (WN5C) for sharing the following guest post: Homebrew in the Field by Sam (WN5C) What a week it’s been! I have the opportunity to spend a month traveling through and camping in the American Southwest (specifically, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado) doing archaeological work. And of course, that means the prospect … Continue reading Sam’s Thunderbird Mk 1 Takes Flight: A Homebrew Radio Field Report from the American Southwest β†’

The New Xiegu X6200: First POTA activation in CW with a production unit!

If you’re following the new Xiegu X6200 closely, you might recall that I took a prototype version of the radio out two weeks ago for a POTA activation. Propagation was so challenging–as in, a complete radio blackout in North America due to an X-Class flare–it took about 90 minutes of calling CQ POTA to snag … Continue reading The New Xiegu X6200: First POTA activation in CW with a production unit! β†’

XHDATA Weather Radio D-608WB

Review By Robert Gulley, K4PKM This is my first experience with an XHDATA radio, and my initial impressions are quite positive. This weather radio has an impressive set of features and appears to be built quite solidly. I say β€œappears” because I have not done (nor intend to intentionally do) a drop test! But my […]

NI1Q’s Long-Awaited Elecraft KH1: Worth the Wait?

After 126 Days, A Long-Awaited Unboxing: The KH1 Arrives! by Emily (NI1Q) If there was one thing being in a physical rehab facility for 4 months taught me it was friends and families were a comfort.Β  They brought encouragement, broke the boredom and were helpful in bringing hope when I wasn’t sure if I would … Continue reading NI1Q’s Long-Awaited Elecraft KH1: Worth the Wait? β†’

Adi spots two rare receivers on eBay. What are they?

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Adi, who writes: Hi Thomas, I was just browsing eBay when I decided to see what was β€œnew” in the receivers section. These popped up: https://ebay.us/iRSC87 [eBay partner link] RH1-1? [See photo above] Google doesn’t know much about it. https://ebay.us/RNQEy3 [eBay partner link] The seller from Poland writes, β€œThe […]

Mike’s 2024 Four Days In May (FDIM) Photo Gallery

It’s hard to believe that Four Days in May (FDIM) took place two weeks ago! What a blast it was! If you’re a QRPer, and you’ve never attended FDIM, you’re in for a treat when you finally do. This gathering is truly my favorite thing about the Dayton Hamvention weekend. It’s a truly QRO event … Continue reading Mike’s 2024 Four Days In May (FDIM) Photo Gallery β†’

Xiegu X6200 Trial by Flare: Answering your questions and sharing my field notes

Update as of May 31, 2024: I’ve just learned that the prototype unit I used for this activation has been superseded by a production model Xiegu X6200. While many of my initial impressions remain valid, some of the bugs and quirks I noted have likely been addressed in the production model. When I published this … Continue reading Xiegu X6200 Trial by Flare: Answering your questions and sharing my field notes β†’

Calling all radio enthusiasts, calling all radio enthusiasts

FastRadioBurst 23 letting you know of a forthcoming project from DJ Frederick called The Radio Enthusiast e-APA. It looks very interesting and will cover subjects we all love radio-wise! As the flyer above states the main purpose of the project is β€œfor fun, to connect with other radio enthusiasts, to share information & creativity.” It’ll […]

Elecraft KH1 in Motion: Proper Pedestrian Mobile Activation in an Ohio State Nature Preserve

I arrived back at the QTH late yesterday afternoon after an amazing week of travels. I’ve got (no kidding) more than 100 emails in the inbox that require attention, so if you’ve written to me recently, my apologies in advance for the late reply. I’m spending the next few days catching up with my family. … Continue reading Elecraft KH1 in Motion: Proper Pedestrian Mobile Activation in an Ohio State Nature Preserve β†’