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CuriousMarc Visits Cape Canaveral -- Lots of Space History (and some ham gear)

I like all the CuriousMarc videos, but I especially liked this one. Marc and company visited some of the very early launch sites and bunkers at Cape Canaveral.Β  If you thought Apollo tech was crude, take a look back at what they used in Mercury and Gemini.Β  Wow.Β Β 

I spotted two ham radio receivers.Β  Β In the first bunker at 10 minutes 28 seconds we see an old National HRO Sixty with the classic HRO dial, much like the one given to me by Armand WA1UQO. (Thanks again Armand!) Note how they attribute one of the early launch disasaters to two diodes in the power supply that shorted due to launch vibration.Β  I hate it when that happens.Β Β 

In the second bunker we see a Hammarlund HQ-140 at 19 minutes 7 seconds.Β  This was apparently being used as a Frequency Standard (or maybe a time standard?) perhaps receiving WWV at 10 MHz.Β  I note that the frequency knob shows it set for the AM broadcast band...Β 

Charlie ZL2CTM's New Receiver

It is truly a thing of beauty.Β Β 

I really like that variable capacitor.Β  (Where did that come from?Β  How can I get one?)Β  Β 

Charlie's calculations on each of the stages is -- as always -- really nice.Β Β 

I like the J-310 infinite impedance detector,Β  Charlie's use of solder wick,Β  the wooden base, and his decision to keep the circuitry visible.Β  Β 

I also like Charlie's decision NOT to put that VFO in a metal box.Β  Too often we see projects that try to convince us that the receiver just won't work unless everything is hermetically sealed in submarine-like boxes.Β  Not true!Β  And Charlie's receiver demonstates this.Β  Β 

Charlie is clearly keeping up the Kiwi tradition of fine homebrewing exemplified by the Tucker Tin 2,Β  ZL2BMI's DSB rig,Β  and many other FB HB projects from ZL. https://soldersmoke.blogspot.com/search?q=New+Zealand+DSB

Thanks Charlie!Β  Be sure to check out the rest of his YouTube channel:Β https://www.youtube.com/@CharlieMorrisZL2CTM
