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More F2 Skip Cesium Development Notes

Β Here's the query I'm using for Burr Trail



Β  tx_lng,

Β  tx_lat,

Β  rx_lng,

Β  rx_lat,

Β  rm_rnb_history_pres.timestamp,

Β  rm_rnb_history_pres.dB,

Β  rm_rnb_history_pres.Spotter,

Β  haversine(tx_lat, tx_lng, rx_lat, rx_lng) as total_path,

Β  gis_partial_path_lat(tx_lat, tx_lng, rx_lat, rx_lng, 200) as el_lat,

Β  gis_partial_path_lng(tx_lat, tx_lng, rx_lat, rx_lng, 200) as el_lng,

Β  id,

Β  strftime('%Y%m%d', timestamp) as date,

Β  strftime('%H%M', timestamp) as time,

Β  'US-4399' as park,

Β  'KD0FNR' as call,

Β  1770.829467773438 as elev_tx


Β  rm_rnb_history_pres


Β  dB > 100

Β  and timestamp > '2024-05-27'

Β  and timestamp < '2024-05-28'

order by

Β  rm_rnb_history_pres.timestamp desc


At some point I'll add an ionosonde field using this map for each QSO. For the Boulder, CO ionosonde, the query will look like



Β  tx_lng,

Β  tx_lat,

Β  rx_lng,

Β  rx_lat,

Β  rm_rnb_history_pres.timestamp,

Β  rm_rnb_history_pres.dB,

Β  rm_rnb_history_pres.Spotter,

Β  haversine(tx_lat, tx_lng, rx_lat, rx_lng) as total_path,

Β  gis_partial_path_lat(tx_lat, tx_lng, rx_lat, rx_lng, 200) as el_lat,

Β  gis_partial_path_lng(tx_lat, tx_lng, rx_lat, rx_lng, 200) as el_lng,

Β  id,

Β  strftime('%Y%m%d', timestamp) as date,

Β  strftime('%H%M', timestamp) as time,

Β  'US-4399' as park,

Β  'KD0FNR' as call,

Β  'BC840' as ionosonde,

Β  1770.829467773438 as elev_tx


Β  rm_rnb_history_pres


Β  dB > 100

Β  and timestamp > '2024-05-27'

Β  and timestamp < '2024-05-28'

order by

Β  rm_rnb_history_pres.timestamp desc

limit 1


The extra ionosonde field works!!!Β 


Ionosonde Data

This was made possible with data collected byΒ 
