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QRP SOTA: Lee pairs the KH1 and MPAS 2.0 to activate High Willhayes (G/DC-001)

Many thanks to Lee (M0VKR) who shares the following field report and video: SOTA CW Activation on High Willhayes Dartmoor by Lee (M0VKR) It was an overcast and breezy morning when wife Joanne and myself Lee, M0VKR set out on our latest SOTA (Summits on the Air) activation adventure. Our destination was High Willhays, the … Continue reading QRP SOTA: Lee pairs the KH1 and MPAS 2.0 to activate High Willhayes (G/DC-001) β†’

From the Activation Archives: Pairing the Elecraft KX2 and MPAS 2.0 at Babcock State Park

In May 2022, my buddy Eric (WD8RIF), his son Miles (KD8KNC), and I opted to skip Hamvention that year and, instead, plan an extended weekend POTA campout in West Virginia. Although attending the 2022 Hamvention was a tempting idea, I had already committed to a two-month family camping trip to QuΓ©bec, Canada, scheduled to begin … Continue reading From the Activation Archives: Pairing the Elecraft KX2 and MPAS 2.0 at Babcock State Park β†’