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Technological Unintended Consequences

Technology is certainly a double-edge sword. For every advantage technology also has a disadvantage. Often we call these adverse impacts “unintended consequences” despite being part of the design of the technology from the get go. “There are three categories of unintended consequences. The unexpected benefit, which is a positive but unplanned outcome, The unexpected drawback, […]

Ham Radio Operator confesses to FT8 Sins and Proud of it

At Fish n Chips Cheap Ham Lunch Club (we share an order across 3 hams) and order a single X large coffee to share to keep it cheap they confessed:

>We are operating on FT8 right now while we break bread (flashing the biggest grin ever!)

How so?

>The auto robot mode on FT8

So this is an unattended station operating without AI but use of software controls? Don’t you need to be Advanced for that? I think you may be in violation.

>Yeah, its awesome. It just fills my log with contacts even when I am watching TV with my partner

Partner? Sorry what is that Partner. I hear that all the time ? that’s not morse code…… Aren’t you married?

>So I find this mode fascinating and has really got me back into the hobby again. I spend a lot of time listening to nets so this is interesting to me.

Yeah, its gotten very interesting as I see many Freebanders are also using FT8. There was some guy in Belgium sending SSTV on 27.580 and I caught the bottom third of the transmission so couldn’t get his Freeband callsign or number. Do you listen to the OMISS net on 7185? (How do I know?)

>Yes I do every night and I enjoy that. I heard a guy from PEI and everyone wanted to work him.

Do you check in to that net as they are always looking for VE3s? It could be fun

>Oh NO I would never check in to the net

Your killing me here as you just said you never Chicken into the net.

>Hold on let me ask the counter staff for some more Tartar sauce

So guys I was floored the other day when Ten opened up and there was all kinds of EU signals coming in and I made a bunch of contacts with a vertical with 10 watts. Just like the old days in CB when we had 12 watts and a Hustler antenna in the car. Cycle 25 is hear

>What frequency is that I would love to listen

Try 28.400 and then looking at the waterfall you can move the mouse to the drip and click. If you have a Drake TR4cw then move the dial left or right until you hear a signal.

I learned 2 things today:

  1. A partner is a person with whom someone is in a romantic or sexual relationship. The term is often used to refer to individuals who are not married, but who are in a committed relationship. Partners may live together, share financial responsibilities, and support each other emotionally. In some cases, partners may also have legal agreements that define their relationship, such as cohabitation agreements or domestic partnership agreements. The term “partner” is often used in LGBTQ+ communities as a gender-neutral alternative to “husband” or “wife.”. However, many married to the opposite sex are staying to use this term as well due to Identity and Gender ideology shaping everything. The extreme left will tell you this is the way we should explain our marriages to avoid being considered anti-DEI. OK I use partner in a business sense but there is nothing wrong with using wife or husband even if it considered bad politics or incorrect. Who cares about sexuality since its 2024. This is Gender Neutral Language.

2. Some Hams are enjoying the Hobby their own way and they are Happy listening and being a robot .

FT8 has become increasingly popular in amateur radio in recent years, and for a good reason.

This digital mode removes conversation and allows for fast contacts over long distances, even in low power mode and under challenging band conditions.



And so it goes in this hobby that has a thousand hobbies even if you sin you will be forgiven by Marconi and Hiram (maybe even Tesla – the ham not the car)

A new study suggests that having one conversation with a friend (Ham) per day can have a significant effect on a person’s mental health. The study published in Communication Research.

However, for some making FT8 contacts in robot mode can be very uplifting. Whatever floats your boat but please wear a life jacket as the water is getting frothy and deep.

Technological Unintended Consequences

Technology is certainly a double-edge sword. For every advantage technology also has a disadvantage. Often we call these adverse impacts “unintended consequences” despite being part of the design of the technology from the get go. “There are three categories of unintended consequences. The unexpected benefit, which is a positive but unplanned outcome, The unexpected drawback,… Continue reading Technological Unintended Consequences

Ten with 9 using James Watt




James Watt

As some of you know I do some QRPp Parks on the Air activations using the QRP Labs QCX Mini. For the past couple of years I've had GREAT results using my 40 and 20 meter QCX Mini with what I call, "My Smoke Detector Battery" setup

This spring and so far this summer I've used both 40 and 20 meter QCX minis with a 9 volt/200mW battery for WSPR operations.  And most recently I've used the 9 volt/200mW battery with my 40 meter QCX Mini for for early morning CW Parks on the Air activations.

While using my YouKits HB-1B during a POTA activation on April 29th, 2024, I set up another vertical antenna with my 20 meter QCX Mini to use as a WSPR station with a 9 volt/200mW battery. I ran this setup for almost an hour and was amazed with the distance and how many beacons picked up my less than a watt signal from Kentucky, USA. 

QRP Labs QCXX Mini 20 Meters


A few days later on May 1, 2024; I decided to give it another try but this time on 40 meters when conditions were not quite optimal. And again, I was amazed with the number of stations picking up my signal with "My Smoke Detector Battery"

QRP Labs QCX Mini 40 Meters

As most of you may know, during the month of June 2024, the sun has presented several Earth facing regions which have been quite active with solar storms, solar flares, large sunspot regions, CME's and HF radio blackouts. These conditions have not been favorable for QRPp communications. Living in Kentucky, USA this time of year also represents days and weeks of hot, humid weather with potential for almost daily thunderstorms. So far in June 2024; we've seen record low morning temperatures of 82 degrees and several days of temperatures exceeding 95 degrees with heat indices well over 100 degrees.

Finally the Solar Space Weather forecast for the first few days of July 2024 looked like an excellent opportunity to try some Parks on the Air CW activations using QRPp. However, terrestrial weather was another issue. Heat advisories were forecasted for the last few days of June 2024 and first few days of July 2024.  It was time to take advantage of this brief window to do some QRPp operating.

QRPp Equipment Set Up

The antenna I was going to use was the Tufteln 40 / 20 Linked EFHW. I made this antenna specifically for my QRP Labs 40 & 20 Meter QCX Minis.

Tufteln 40 / 20 Meter Linked EFHW

As for a keyer, I was going to use the American Morse Equipment Ultra Porta Paddle. 

American Morse Equipment
Ultra Porta Paddle

Upon awaking before daybreak, I checked the NOAA Space Weather Predication Center's website for Space Weather conditions. It all looked favorable. Terrestrial weather had a Heat Advisory forecasted for July 2, 2024, so I decided to head out for a near sunrise Parks on the Air activation at Beargrass Creek State Nature Preserve US-7956 which is less than 4 miles from my QTH.

Not knowing who would be hunting at 1130 UTC, I arrived on site; throw up my arborist line about 45 feet into a tree and pulled up my antenna in a sloper configuration, set up my 40 meter QCX Mini and was ready to go.

At 1142 I started sending CQ and 'BEHOLD" within a minute or two the hunters responded top my calls and kept me busy for the next 50 minutes. Below are the results of what a QRPp CW Parks on the Air activation yielded me.

The highlight of this day's activation was a QSO with Greg / VE3GSS  Port Carling, ON, Canada. A little over 920 km from my Kentucky POTA site with less than 1 WATT.

At 1235 UTC the temperature had risen to 84 degrees. It made no sense in pushing it as I had already achieved more than I expected. To say I walked away with a HUGE grin on my face is an understatement. It was a GREAT Parks on the Air activation.

On July 3, 2024 my internal clock woke me at 0900 UTC with basically the same Space and Terrestrial conditions that were in play as the day before.  So why not make this "Ground Hog Day in July.  Same time, same set up on July 3, 2024. One difference; today I would try 20 meters.

Within less than a minute after my CQ on 40 meters at 1143 UTC, my activation began with hunters eagerly wanting to be acknowledged.  I didn't disappoint and neither did they.  QSOs were rapid fire for almost an hour.

 At 1240, I switched over to my 20 meter QCX Mini to see what I could garner, knowing that at time time of morning in the U.S., the likelihood of getting any action on 20 meters was suspect.   I did manage one 20 meter QSO.  Here was my catch for a July "Ground Hog Day"

The highlight of this day was as try for a Park-to-Park QSO with a station in Japan. I tirelessly tried for several minutes to make a 40 meter contact with a Parks on the Air station JJVAS at JP- 0128. The QSB was pronounced and the strongest I could get was a 229.  The operator was kind enough to send AGN? a few times but I was just trilled for that reply with less than 1 WATT.

This day like many others brought greetings from people who have become familiar with my operations as they get in their daily walks, runs and cycling before the heat sets in.  Today though I met Dr. Tamekka Cornelius, Ph. D, who was out on her daily walk. She, like others are inquisitive about seeing a man sitting in a mostly open field connected to some wires, a bicycle close by and some weird equipment strapped to his legs.   Dr. Cornelius and I had a nice chat about Amateur Radio, brief history of my broadcast career and my bicycling activities.


Operating QRPp reminds me of the country music singer Kenny Rogers' song: 
"The Gambler"

You've got to know when to hold 'em
Know when to fold 'em
Know when to walk away
And know when to run

Once in your ham radio journey, try operating QRPp.
You might be surprised with YOUR results.

"Ham on a Bike"




Shocking Underfoot

Underfoot Electrical charges is an interesting phenomena. While I wrote this post nearly two months ago, somehow it didn’t actually get published. — Across the USA on May 10th and 11th, sky watchers marveled at bright displays of aurora borealis during the biggest geomagnetic storm in decades. Little did they know, something was also […]

13 Colonies update

If you remember my previous post where I commented:

“Onwards and upwards so…. Happy 4th of July to my American Friends…. I’ve already gotten 7 of the 13 Colonies station in the log and I started chasing them today.

Check out their website for more information.”

So it would seem that last evening I was lucky/skillful enough to get the remaining 6 colony stations in the log along with the WM2PEN Bonus Station in the log.

Last night I did hear the GB13COL Bonus Station on 20m ssb and could not break the pile up.

This morning I did hear the TM13COL Bonus on 15m cw but once again was unable to break the pile up.

So far out of the 14 contacts ( 13 colonies and 1 Bonus station) 3 contacts were made in CW and 11 were made using SSB.

Power levels are 90w for SSB and 40W for CW.

I’m (foolishly) feeling confident that before the event ends on July 7th I should be able to complete the SWEEP including the 3 bonus stations.

After all I only need 2 more…..

The last time I was able to do this was in 2022.

Once again Happy 4th of July to my Neighbors to the South


RAC Canada Day Contest-report

Well the RAC Canada Day Contest is over for another year.

As with all the RAC Contests I set certain goals for my self and for this one was no different.

The goals were as follows:

HAVE FUN- This is a must. I am a casual operator and not a “dyed in the wool” contester. The main thing is to have fun and keep it friendly… This was not an issue and I had a blast working across Canada.


Well almost… I had contacts in:VE1, VE2, VE3, VE4, VE5, VE6, VE7, VE8, VE9 and VO1. East Coast to the West Coast and the North West Territory.

Unfortunately this time VO2,VY0, VY1 and VY2 escaped me.

HAVE A SCORE IN THE TOP 50% OF MY CATAGORY. Needless to say that this time its not going to happen. I made contacts on 15m, 20m and 40m and they were good contacts…. I just needed more of them.

After about 9 hours of radio stretching it out over a 24 hour period it was all over. One of the lowest scores I will not be submitting but it was still fun.

Onwards and upwards so…. Happy 4th of July to my American Friends…. I’ve already gotten 7 of the 13 Colonies station in the log and I started chasing them today.

Check out their website for more information.


Then it looks like its back to “Playing Pota” again ….


Chameleon PRV Heavy POTA Kit Review

A great add on to the MPAS kit or just as a stand alone.

I do find the counterpoise wires o be too thin and prone to breakage and want Chameleon to go back to the #16 Kevlar wire they are known for

Also the short length of the whip on20m is a bit finicky due to the ground I had but a grassy ground is usually pretty good but the radiation resistance was kind of low.

The kit adds items I dont have in my MPAS kit making for a well rounded deployment kit similar to this:


The core component of the CHA PRV antenna, known as the CHA MCC (Multi Configuration Coil), serves as its foundation. The CHA PRV antenna is skillfully engineered and built to withstand rugged conditions, making it particularly suited for demanding portable applications such as Parks On the Air (POTA), Summits On the Air (SOTA), and other outdoor radio pursuits that necessitate an antenna that’s both efficient and easily transportable. This antenna is also an excellent choice for radio enthusiasts who reside in environments like RVs, apartments, or condos, where space is limited to a small balcony or patio.

Chameleon Antenna has designed the CHA PRV to perfectly complement the latest generation of compact multi-band/multi-mode QRP transceivers, including models like the Icom IC-705, Xiegu G90 or X6100, LAB 599 TX500, and the Yaesu FT-817/818.


Power Handling: 500W SSB 300W CW 200W DATA

Materials: Anodize Aluminum OD Green, White Delrin, Stainless Steel and Silver Plated Copper wire

Bands Coverage: 2M to 40M with the SS58


Diameter = 1 1/4″

Length Collapsed = 12 1/2″

Length Extended = 19 1/2″

Weight = 0.94 lb.




1 X CHA MCC (Coil)

1 X CHA SS58




4 X CHA B-RADIAL (12’6″)


1 X CHA WW RADIAL (34′) 


1 X CHA 12′ COAX w/ integrated RFI Choke


1 X CHA MCC (Coil)

1 X CHA SS58




4 X CHA B-RADIAL (12’6″)


1 X CHA WW RADIAL (34′) 




1 X CHA 12′ COAX w/ integrated RFI Choke


REZ Antenna Systems Recon 40 High Performance HF Antenna Coils RECON40

The DX Engineering box on the PO Box arrived and the antenna is a beauty

REZ Antenna Systems Recon 40 High Performance HF Antenna Coils are high-performance HF antenna coils capable of tuning 40-10 meters when paired with the REZ-Z17 17-foot telescoping whip (not included). I have the MFJ and Chameleon version.

Made with 14GA enameled copper wire, the Recon 40 is rated for use at up to 500W SSB, 300W CW, and 200W digital (50% duty cycle). The coil body is made from Delrin and 6061 anodized aluminum all CNC machined in the USA. The coil body is 100% weather resistant, thanks to its unique design which incorporates the use of O-rings and gasket seals at each joint. The coil’s machined wire groove provides mechanical support and optimal spacing to ensure a low loss coil. Switching bands is made easy with the integrated weatherproof coil bypass switch.

When you’re ready to move to the higher bands simply flip the switch and tune the telescoping whip to your desired frequency. The Recon 40 also features a rapid-deploy radial system. At the heart of this system is the radial “puck” that accepts up to eight 4mm banana plugs.

This enables quick attachment of REZ Antenna Systems’ 4-wire radial kit (not included) and leaves room to expand your radial field for increased performance. I used the radials from my Ranger 80 antenna.

I did a 3fer park activation running 50 watts off my FT-891 and a bunch of DCPower LiePO4 batteries I picked up at Liquidation Show for cheap.

There was the usual a solar storm and you could hear the band huffing and puffing in the background but we managed to also snag a couple of 2m contacts.

No adjustments were made….SWR was under 2:1 in both cases. Work 40m and then hunt the 13 Colonies on 20m…flick the switch.

The long radials make a big difference.

The QSO map shows that I was able to get a nice signal out on SSB.

This is a nice addition to the Ranger 80 antenna, although they do the same thing. If you swap out the 9 foot antenna for the 17 foot antenna on the Ranger 80, its the same story but a lot heavier. If you just wanted a quick 2 bander then the Recon 40 is a good choice (the whip can be adjusted for 20-10m and 6m as well.

The Recon 40 as its own standalone antenna is more rugged than the JNCRadio MC-750 and a lot heavier. The advantage is that the JNCRadio adds a 40m coil and uses shorter 10 foot radials but still offers a quarter wave on 20m and an 1/8 wave on 40m and a lot cheaper. Also the engraved markings on the MC-750 makes set up a breeze and its carry case is top notch. The MC-750 antenna also uses metric threading so interoperability with my antenna mounts and Buddipole stuff is impossible. I have made over a thousand contacts and very happy with it.

BUT the Recon can handle a lot more power and the whip antenna is more rugged. Its also a longer whip to try to pack. I have made about 100 contacts from the park during the RAC Contest, 13 Colonies QRMathon and POTA 3fer.

I own both and I choose the antenna I need to get the job done.

Please avoid the MFJ 17 foot whip as it likes to fall apart while using it. I am on my third so I am super careful with it but I was that way with the first two.

Happy Antennas

73s IPS


Instagram @ve3ips_portable_operator

YouTube @VE3IPS

Ham Radio is a life$$$tyle not a Hobby!

Take the radio outside and operate from the Field

Throw a wire in a tree and make a QSO

Tinfoil has many uses beyond the BBQ


  1. Buy Cheap Buy Twice – That online special that is a non-branded product may have misinformation in its marketing approach lost in translation
  2. Buy Once Cry Once – Buy the Best with a Warranty that has Teeth
  3. One is None and 2 is One – Think back up or a Modular approach

Shocking Underfoot

Underfoot Electrical charges is an interesting phenomena. While I wrote this post nearly two months ago, somehow it didn’t actually get published. — Across the USA on May 10th and 11th, sky watchers marveled at bright displays of aurora borealis during the biggest geomagnetic storm in decades. Little did they know, something was also… Continue reading Shocking Underfoot

REZ Antenna Systems Recon 40 High Performance HF Antenna Coils RECON40

The DX Engineering box on the PO Box arrived and the antenna is a beauty

REZ Antenna Systems Recon 40 High Performance HF Antenna Coils are high-performance HF antenna coils capable of tuning 40-10 meters when paired with the REZ-Z17 17-foot telescoping whip (not included). I have the MFJ and Chameleon version.

Made with 14GA enameled copper wire, the Recon 40 is rated for use at up to 500W SSB, 300W CW, and 200W digital (50% duty cycle). The coil body is made from Delrin and 6061 anodized aluminum all CNC machined in the USA. The coil body is 100% weather resistant, thanks to its unique design which incorporates the use of O-rings and gasket seals at each joint. The coil’s machined wire groove provides mechanical support and optimal spacing to ensure a low loss coil. Switching bands is made easy with the integrated weatherproof coil bypass switch.

When you’re ready to move to the higher bands simply flip the switch and tune the telescoping whip to your desired frequency. The Recon 40 also features a rapid-deploy radial system. At the heart of this system is the radial “puck” that accepts up to eight 4mm banana plugs.

This enables quick attachment of REZ Antenna Systems’ 4-wire radial kit (not included) and leaves room to expand your radial field for increased performance. I used the radials from my Ranger 80 antenna.

I did a 3fer park activation running 50 watts off my FT-891 and a bunch of DCPower LiePO4 batteries I picked up at Liquidation Show for cheap.

There was the usual a solar storm and you could hear the band huffing and puffing in the background but we managed to also snag a couple of 2m contacts.

No adjustments were made….SWR was under 2:1 in both cases. Work 40m and then hunt the 13 Colonies on 20m…flick the switch.

The long radials make a big difference.

The QSO map shows that I was able to get a nice signal out on SSB.

This is a nice addition to the Ranger 80 antenna, although they do the same thing. If you swap out the 9 foot antenna for the 17 foot antenna on the Ranger 80, its the same story but a lot heavier. If you just wanted a quick 2 bander then the Recon 40 is a good choice (the whip can be adjusted for 20-10m and 6m as well.

The Recon 40 as its own standalone antenna is more rugged than the JNCRadio MC-750 and a lot heavier. The advantage is that the JNCRadio adds a 40m coil and uses shorter 10 foot radials but still offers a quarter wave on 20m and an 1/8 wave on 40m and a lot cheaper. Also the engraved markings on the MC-750 makes set up a breeze and its carry case is top notch. The MC-750 antenna also uses metric threading so interoperability with my antenna mounts and Buddipole stuff is impossible. I have made over a thousand contacts and very happy with it.

BUT the Recon can handle a lot more power and the whip antenna is more rugged. Its also a longer whip to try to pack. I have made about 100 contacts from the park during the RAC Contest, 13 Colonies QRMathon and POTA 3fer.

I own both and I choose the antenna I need to get the job done.

Please avoid the MFJ 17 foot whip as it likes to fall apart while using it. I am on my third so I am super careful with it but I was that way with the first two.

Happy Antennas

73s IPS


Instagram @ve3ips_portable_operator

YouTube @VE3IPS

Ham Radio is a life$$$tyle not a Hobby!

Take the radio outside and operate from the Field

Throw a wire in a tree and make a QSO

Tinfoil has many uses beyond the BBQ


  1. Buy Cheap Buy Twice – That online special that is a non-branded product may have misinformation in its marketing approach lost in translation
  2. Buy Once Cry Once – Buy the Best with a Warranty that has Teeth
  3. One is None and 2 is One – Think back up or a Modular approach

Working abroad

After our trip to Europe and Japan I really want to do FT8 or other digimodes – my preferred mode because of naff hearing etc – rather than just take handhelds. But the weight of the FT818 + tuner + PSU + a laptop is prohibitive. True, the PSU and tuner would go in the checked bag but I feel that the FT818 would really need to come as carry-on. And anyway I do not own a laptop, plus the fact that we tend to travel light so there is very little room for my stuff anyway.

So it got me thinking. At home I use one PC for Linux, one for Windows 10, the Mac mini, and a Pi. Four systems, four screens, and great flexibility as all the audio is interconnected by a mixer. But the Windows PC is now playing up and is too old for Windows 11, not that I want that but I guess it is inevitable as running Windows without security patches is just about the worst thing I can imagine. Well, ok, my imagination runs a lot deeper than that, but you know what I mean.

The QRP Labs QMX+ looks most interesting, small and portable, and with the QRP Labs heritage ought to be a really useful bit of kit. So it got me thinking, is it time I invested in a small Windows laptop, junk the current Windows box and use the laptop connected to the screen for here plus simply unplug it and go portable? I mean, it’s not like I’ve not done that before and it is a pretty standard model. It’s just that, all my life I’ve used old hardware, secondhand or chucked out, cobbled together to make it do what I want. I’ve never had a new system other than the Mac Mini and its MacBook predecessor, the latter not eve being mine anyway. It is, therefore rather uncharted territory, purchasing a new or new-ish laptop which will not see a great deal of use as I really prefer the Mac. Or do I find an older MacBook and cobble that together? I have an older 11″ model with a dead battery – I changed the battery before but the replacement didn’t last. That was going to be sold but I no longer trust eBay as suitable for someone that sells very little.

So, the choice, should I go this route seems to be a new(-ish) Windows laptop that will take Windows 11, or a cobbled together old MacBook which I already have but could potentially sell to offset the cost of the Windows one.

Either way I will investigate the QMX+ first because the weight of my other HF transceivers is the killer.
