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Marconi β€œT” HF Aerial Switch

One of the greatest challenges for the typical Ham QTH is squeezing-in that low-band HF aerial for 160m or 80m.Β  Loading coils, loops, creative routing of the wires around trees …

Special Event Operating

Operating (not-to-mention running) a special-event station can be daunting – Often, you are put in front of unfamiliar equipment with probably several people calling you and possibly a fair few …

RST Matters

We all like a good signal report, don’t we?Β  Sometimes I like a really bad one – It carries some meaning. If it’s R4 (or less), it means that the …

5 and 9, Thank you, Ham

Working 5 and 9, what a way to make a living – as somebody once said. Is there anything wrong with calling CQ and having short, snappy QSOs that are …

Simple Mast Pulley

It’s amazing what you find in a box, isn’t it? Often, you need to support the end of a Dipole/Doublet from a pole and need a simple solution that allows …

PZTips for /P Success

Going β€œportable” with your Ham kit should be enjoyable and productive – There are several advantages to venturing outside the confines of your Shack: A chance to operate at a …

A Shack PC

One of the integral parts of your Shack is your computer – if you choose to allow one, of course! Whatever its purpose; something to browse the internet, read forums …

TS-590SG Remote Operating

I’ve had the Kenwood TS-590SG since April 2016 but, until recently, never tried using the Remote CAT/VoIP software.Β  This allows you to control the radio as well as send/receive audio …