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APRSDroid and dual port Direwolf

In my mobile setup, I want to run a Direwolf instance with two ports (VHF and HF) on an Orange Pi Zero. APRSDroid is used to monitor both ports and send messages through them. Since …


Building a VHF / LoRa APRS Bridge

In this article I will expose how I built a VHF (1200bps AX25 APRS) to UHF LoRa APRS Bridge without going through APRS-IS (Internet). This is work in progress, feel free to comment and come …


Introducing DStarGateway

In december 2021 I started to work on a project β€œby accident”. This project is called DStarGateway What is it? DStarGateway is based on Jonathan Naylor G4KLX ircddbGateway. It adds some features while dropping some …


Building Xastir from sources

Most of Linux distributions have Xastir in their repositories , yet most of the time it is not the latest version or it is seriously outdated. Let’s see how we can build the latest version …

