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Well I never! A podcaster who I know was telling me that they asked ChatGPT to describe them and they were amazed at how the AI platform generated an incredibly accurate description of them in relation to their podcasting activities and achievements, so I gave it a go and this is what ChatGPT said about me...

Tom McQuiggan, known by his callsign M7MCQ, is a prominent figure in the amateur radio community in the UK. He has made significant contributions through his activities, achievements, and mentorship efforts:

Activities and Achievements

  1. Amateur Radio Operations: Tom actively participates in various amateur radio activities, including contests, where he showcases his operating skills. He often explores different modes, particularly digital modes like FT8 C4FM and DSTAR.

  2. Community Engagement: He is involved in local amateur radio clubs and events, helping to foster a sense of community among operators. His presence at field days and outdoor events encourages others to participate and learn.

  3. Content Creation: Tom creates content, including YouTube videos and blog posts, where he shares his experiences, technical tips, and insights into the world of amateur radio. This helps demystify the hobby for newcomers and provides valuable resources for seasoned operators.


  1. Support for New Operators: Tom is known for his approachable demeanor and willingness to help newcomers. He often provides guidance on obtaining licenses, setting up stations, and understanding operating procedures.

  2. Workshops and Training: He may organize or participate in workshops aimed at educating new hams about various aspects of amateur radio, from basic theory to advanced operating techniques.

  3. Online Presence: Through social media and forums, Tom engages with the amateur radio community, offering advice, answering questions, and creating a supportive environment for learning.

Overall, Tom McQuiggan (M7MCQ) exemplifies the spirit of amateur radio through his dedication to promoting the hobby, supporting fellow operators, and sharing knowledge with the community. His mentorship and active involvement continue to inspire others in the field.


I'm a bloody ham angel and should be getting my knighthood very soon.

73, Sir Tom, M7MCQ.


After another miserable fortnight of Covid, I was looking forward to my week off work so that I could spend some quality time playing radio in the great outdoors. Originally, I had planned to take my dog Betty out with me, but with all the antenna wire and counterpoises I though it would be better to leave her behind and so I took her for a good walk before heading out for the day.

Today's destination was a local highpoint close to my holiday home (static caravan) called Nicky Nook in the beautiful Forest Of Bowland. It's a lovely walk, with plenty of space to setup antennas with little risk of impacting other walkers. The climb is a surprisingly steep one, made all the worse by a set of high steps that sap your strength. There’s also some gravel paths inbetween. The elevation is about 750ft above sea level and it overlooks the Bay Of Morecambe, out to the Irish Sea and beyond.


Normally, I walk up to the Trig Point of Nicky Nook without a second thought, but within two minutes of starting the uphill walk, I was knackered and my heart was POUNDING!! I was obviously suffering the after-effects of Covid and I had to seriously make an effort to slow my heart rate.

It seemed like I had to pause for a break every few steps and I must admit that although I wanted to ‘soldier on’, it made sense to take my time and keep stopping to catch my breath. Crazy!

I was regretting leaving Betty behind - she would have provided some useful pulling power, LOL. Every time I saw someone coming down the track, I pretended to be taking in the views instead of looking like a frail old man with some sort of lung problems.

About 2/3rds of the way up, I spotted a little oasis. A small pond off to the right of the footpath, with some small tress which offered great shade from the increasingly hot sun. Normally I’d walk all the way up to the trig-point, but today wasn’t normal and I didn’t feel like going much further, so I hopped over the fence and sat under one of the trees.

A previous visit to Nick Nook 
My KX3 doesn't have a built-in ATU - I use the amazing Elecraft T1 tuner which is a match made in Elecraft Heaven! The beauty of investing in a T1 instead of spending the same amount on an internal tuner, is that you can use the T1 with any of your qrp radios. It's a fabulous tuner with a very compact form factor - light and easy to operate. The unit runs off a PP3 9V battery and this will typically last for around a year before needing replacement.

However, when I was sorting out my gear to go on a radio-outing recently, I decided to leave the T1 behind and take my  Emtech ZM-2.  The ZM-2 is a fully manual tuner, requiring no power source which means that one needn't worry about the battery state or failure of relays, etc.

It's a 2-mile hike from the caravan to the peak of the hill, so I used my trusty RuckShack which (on this occasion) holds the following gear...

  • KX3 Transceiver HF/4M
  • HandHeld 2M Transceiver
  • SotaBeams 20/40 Linked Dipole
  • Sotabeams BandSpringer Multiband
  • Hawkins Vipers 2/4/6M
  • Emtech ZM-2 Tuner
  • 13.2V LifePO Battery
  • Headphones
  • Bits & Bats!

Before long, I had my BandSpringer Midi erected which provides coverage on 8 bands, but requires the use of a tuner, so out came the ZM-2. The BandSpringer is a long wire with a counterpoise and is easy to erect using the telescopic mast.

Although I normally stick to my BandHopper when out and about, I really should use this BandSpringer more often! It gives you access to all those bands which makes it far more versatile than the dipole and gives you more chance of bagging contacts.

The first band to be worked was trusty old 20M and it was surprisingly quiet!! I found a few very strong European stations who were using mega-power, but I couldn’t hear who they were talking to and I couldn’t get through to most of them either.  


I started to use the KX3's memory keyer to call CQ on 14.285MHz until I got a response. It took an awful long time before I had my first QSO. I tried the other bands but only had any luck on 17M with a contact from UA3QKA in Russia. Following that, I switched to 40M and conditions weren’t much better to be honest. I managed to speak with DL8ECA/P and no one else. I moved to the QRP frequency 7.090MHz to call CQ, but unfortunately (as is often the case) there were a couple of QROOOO Italians chin-wagging, making it unusable - even a few k either side!

I'm fully aware that 14.285 and 7.090 are designated as the "Centre of QRP Activity" and not owned by QRP operators - yes - anyone can operate there. But surely it's just common decency (not to mention good practise) to avoid these frequencies when you know that people using low power look to that part of the band to stand a chance to be heard - especially when others are chucking out 1000W! 😲 It's a similar situation on FT8 frequencies, where you can frequently hear Italian accents blasting over .074MHz. Surely to god they must know how their massive signals are impacting adjacent frequencies? Or maybe that's what FT8 haters do??

Anyway, I'm digressing. Back to my lovely day spent outdoors.

After giving up on HF, I was keen to see if I could catch anyone on 70MHz, so I erected the 4M Hawkins Viper and gave it a go. Now bear in mind that the KX3 only puts out about 3W on 4M, but I figured that my location might provide some much needed 'gain'.

I started with some AM shouts on 70.260 and got no response, so I moved up to 70.450 FM. Sadly, no one was around, so before giving up I tried some SSB down at 70.200 - nothing.

Ah well, the day wasn’t wasted - I was sat in a glorious spot with the sun shining, fabulous views and beautiful bird song. This day was also the day (26yrs ago), that my wonderful son Michael died, so it was nice to sit in this peaceful spot and remember how lucky we are to just enjoy these simple pleasures and to remember to make the most of every beautiful day we have.

73 my friends!

Tom, M7MCQ.


Hello and welcome to my latest post. 
I have a few QRP ATU's ranging from the mighty (costly) Elecraft T1 to a (cheap) Kanga TransMatch kit which I built myself. All of them perform well and so I didn't really need another, but the fact is, I always wanted an EMTECH ZM-2 and for months I've had saved searches on Ebay, Facebook and many other sales platforms in the hope of finding one.

The ZM-2 is a Z-Match type tuning unit and is known by virtually every ham on the planet - whether they've seen one in person or in a magazine or on the internet. It's an American based company and the product is available in kit form or prebuilt. You can also opt for BNC or SO-239 connectors.

The only issue with buying a new ZM-2 (if you live in the UK) is the shipping costs - they're astronomical at the time of writing.  That's the same for anything that you buy from the US unfortunately, so what starts out at £75 might end up costing you £125 😲 Makes you wonder how China can do it all for pennies! Someone's taking the pi$$. If you do order one, email them immediately after and ask them to give you some options - I'm sure they will!

If you ever see a used one for sale in the UK, grab it with both hands!!

So, onto the device. It weighs about 8oz and is about 130mm wide, 67mm deep, 40mm high. The outer case is made from a tough plastic and there are two large rotary dials for tuning around. You can connect an antenna using the BNC/UHF connectors or the binding posts. If you were using a ladder-line, it would plug directly into the red and black posts. If you were using say an EFHW, then you'd plug that directly into the red post. All very simple.

To improve the unit's ability to tune virtually anything, you can add further capacitance by using the toggle switch, providing an extra 250pF or 500pF (or leave it with zero additional capacitance).

The tuner will work from 80M thru to 10M and it will handle a maximum of 15W. That's fine by me, but I can already hear the 20W radio owners crying 😂 I must admit that I'm more than curious to know what you would need to do to improve the ZM-2's power handling. Could you replace the 2W resistors with 5W and use thicker gauge wire to wind the toroid?  I strongly suspect that the actual tuning capacitors are the limiting factor.  I dunno - maybe you do? Anyway, I would rarely use it at its 15W limit on SSB - if I was using DATA modes I'd definitely drop to 5W or less.

If you've never used a manual tuner before, don't worry - it's all very simple and easy to do. And the best thing about manual tuners is that you never have to remember to charge them or put fresh batteries in them - they don't need power other than the RF power of your transmitter.

The ZM-2 has a built-in SWR Bridge, controlled by a toggle-switch marked TUNE/OPERATE.

Broadly speaking, to operate the ZM-2 and get a good match, you simply follow these steps....


  • Flick the ZM-2 to OPERATE mode.
  • Set the two large dials to the centre position and adjust the left dial until you get the most noise from the radio (highest reading on your S-meter).
  • Then adjust the right dial to see if you can increase the noise further.
  • When you've achieved that, flick the ZM-2 to TUNE mode. 
  • Key up your radio with a constant carrier and the red LED will light up.
  • Rotate the dials again to fine-tune and you will see the LED go brighter or dimmer. You need to find that perfect sweet-spot where the LED extinguishes (or near enough).
  • Un-key the radio, flick back to OPERATE mode and check your SWR reading. If the LED went out during the tuning, you should have a 1:1 reading (or near enough).
During any tuning process, your qrp radio may see some pretty bad reflected power levels which can (and often does) damage your finals. With the ZM-2 in TUNE mode, your radio will only ever see a 1:1 match, so you needn't worry about that. However, it's still worth going to the trouble of reducing the radio's power output during the tuning process because (depending on how long you take to extinguish the LED) you will be heating up the resistors inside the ZM-2.

Depending on the antenna and the band you're working, finding the sweet-spot where the LED extinguishes may be quite tricky. If you're using a vertical with a loaded coil, the null may be extremely small. This isn't unique to the ZM-2, it's the same with my AlexLoop. You soon get good at finding it though 😊.

What I particularly like about the ZM-2 is the fact that you can easily connect a small vertical antenna to the RF connector (like an Elecraft AX1) and use it as a stand for the antenna, with it all sat on your picnic bench close-by.

What I don't like too much is the oversize (30mm) dials which look fantastic but actually hinder operation more than they help. It might just be me, but I think I'm going to try a couple of 20/25mm dials to give a bit more finger space in-between them. I'm also not convinced on the longevity of the white paper fascia. You need to treat it with some clear-coat varnish to protect it. A plastic, screen-printed fascia would have been far better (not to mention a little more professional).

The build manual for the ZM-2 can be found HERE and from it you'll be able to determine whether or not you fancy building it from a kit (or not). It's very straightforward but requires some manual dexterity.

One useful modification I made to my ZM-2 was to attach a camera tripod bracket - for two reasons. First reason was to add a little ballast so that I could attach small telescopic whips (such as the AX1) to it on a picnic bench without the whole thing tipping over. Second was so that I could have even greater stability by attaching it to a table-top tripod. 

For anyone worrying about the insertion loss of this tuner, well don't worry - there is none. The Emtech ZM-2 is a lovely bit of kit and it's great to use out in the field. If you can get your hands on one without suffering the extortionate shipping charges, then I'd highly recommend buying one.

Needless to say, for half the price you can buy the Kanga equivalent, and it works quite well - but it's just not an Emtech ZM-2 😂 And let’s not forget that a manual tuner like this can be a very valuable asset to SWL’s. 

Comments welcome below.

73, Tom, M7MCQ.




The microphone which is designed for the KX3 (the MH3) is a great mic, but considering this is a compact QRP radio, the supplied mic is ridiculously big! It's like putting a size-12 boot on a baby!

Thankfully, there's alternatives out there and this one from Dave Pegler is probably the smallest one you'll find and at 27g, the lightest too!  If you want one of these, I suggest you contact Dave (M0JKS) directly and he’ll sort one out for you straight away.

They cost a measly £20 and not only is it great value, but it also includes a handy little carry case (pouch). The TRRS to TRRS lead can be detached, which I really like. 

I also like the fact that the tiny mic has two extra buttons for changing the radio's frequency, That's handy! Finally, it comes with a stick-on belt-clip which I personally won't be bothering with because it makes this little gem a bit bigger.

I ordered the mic and it was delivered very quickly and well packed. Inside was a note explaining how the microphone's performance can be tweaked to suit an individual's voice by altering the radio's setting - and Dave provides a link to a PDF file is included to show you exactly how to do this.

After plugging the mic into my KX3, I spun the dial and found EG7SDC on 15M. I only had some Duracell AA batteries inside the radio, so I tried making contact  on SSB down at 4W through an EFHW. I was rewarded with a 59 and compliment on the audio. This was very encouraging considering that I had just plugged it in and played without any setup other than to turn MIC BIAS on.

After making a few more contacts on other bands, I decided to read the PDF that Dave had written and made some adjustments to the Compression and Mic Gain levels. This made the mic produce a more ‘punchy’ sound which is great for DX, but can be switched back when you want to transmit something easier on the ear.

I’m extremely pleased with this tiny mic. IMHO Elecraft should have produced something like this themselves instead of offering the MH3 (which I never liked). I look forward to using this mic much more in the future and it would be handy if Dave gave it a proper designation so people could find it easier, such as DP27G or DPKX3 or whatever.

Anyway, no matter what it’s called, it’s a little cracker and I highly recommend it!

73, Tom, M7MCQ

VK3IL CW Pressure Paddle

I love the idea of this minimalist CW paddle - it’s so tiny you can always find room for it no matter how small your field bag is! And it’s super cheap too. So I ordered the kit and it has sat on the shelf for months!! Why??? Here’s why…..

CW Paddle from VK3IL

Yes, those SMD components are incredibly tiny 😳 😳😳  Boy, I knew before I ordered the kit that they were small, but it was only when I came to pick them up that I realised I just how awkward SMD work is for a novice. Even with a pair of tiny tweezers I struggled to pick them up and keep hold of them! They kept pinging out of the tweezer’s grip and very nearly got lost on more than one occasion.

Somehow, I managed to get them soldered onto the pads and although it’s not pretty 😂, it worked!

I plugged the paddle into a transceiver set to 20wpm and was delighted to discover that I didn’t miss a beat on my usual CQ CQ TEST DE M7MCQ string.

Very pleased with this little kit. Recommended for SOTA!

73, Tom, M7MCQ.


Okay, so after successfully building my QMX+ 😵 I connected it to a PC and ran the terminal-emulator PUTTY to run some tests. I haven't evaluated the outcome - for now it's just a case of running the tests and grabbing screenshots. They may be of use to other kit-builders.




ADC I/Q TEST (all bands similar)


The main area for concern is in the AUDIO TESTS where the separation between the two traces is not particularly good - especially on 20, 30 and 40M. Well, that's how I'm reading it anyway! Your comments are very welcome and so too are your recommendations for how to improve the readings.

The DIAGNOSTICS readouts don't ring any alarm bells with me and I'm quite pleased with the power-output on most bands. As for the rest of the figures, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. Again, any helpful comments would be greatly appreciated.

The RF TESTS indicate (to me) that 20, 40 and 80M need some work. How to improve those readings - I have no idea.

I'm guessing that the first approach should maybe be to REFLOW all the solder joints on the toroids, followed by a redistribution of the windings and see what changes. Other than that, I'm at the mercy of you, the readers 😊🙏

UPDATE <<<<<

28 AUG 2024

For the tests above, I had used a cheap Dummy Load that I'd bought from a rally, and tonight I decided to try the tests again with a good quality Dummy Load. There was quite a big difference in the readings!  So before you run your tests, make sure you are using a good DL with sound connections.

Having seen the new readouts, I feel quite happy with the results 😍


(Either anonymously or with your callsign)


73, Tom, M7MCQ.



The first build of the QMX+  (HERE)  ended up being a fail due to a short inside the CPU. Needless to say I didn’t make this diagnosis - it was a guy called Ian (G4GIR) who very kindly offered to examine the kit for me and he in turn received technical guidance from Jeff (W1NC) - I thank them both for their extremely helpful assistance.

As a result of Ian and Jeff’s help, I was able to convince Hans that the fault was not of my own making and so he sent over a replacement PCB and other components (but not the toroids). This meant that I had to reuse the old toroids, but rather than trying to desolder them all and then struggle to get them to fit with extremely short ‘legs’ (which would be nigh on impossible - it was tough enough originally), I decided to rewind them. Thankfully, I had two bobbins of the correct thickness enamelled wire.

The first problem though, was removing the hot-glue that I’d applied to the toroids on the original pcb! 🙄

Before I installed a single component onto the new pcb, I hooked it up to a PC with a USB-C lead and fed the pcb's Vdd with 3.3V (current-limited at 200mA) to make sure that the board showed up as an external drive - it did! 

I wish I'd done this on my original kit because it would have showed that there was something wrong with the pcb because I wouldn't have wasted all that time and experienced all that frustration. It should be the first instruction in the build-manual.

Once I started the new build, it went together pretty quickly, although I will say again, it was a bitch to solder! I’ve never come across a pcb that’s given me as much trouble. It seems like the ground plane is huge and the solder pads are tiny.

Throughout the build I checked for a short between Vdd and Gnd. There were no issues this time and before I knew it, I was ready for the first power-up (again with a current-limited power supply set at 7V/200mA). The QMX showed up as a flash drive again on my PC so I dragged the firmware across to it and rebooted the radio. Bingo!….

With everything seeming to be working fine, I raised the voltage to 12V and tuned around for signals. I’m pleased to say that it seemed to be working okay, so then I tried some transmissions through my EFHW and searched the RBN to see how far I’d reached.

Once I could see that I was getting out well, I put the case together and tuned around the bands to test the CW Decoder - it was working really well!

So for now, I’m very happy! I’ve not done any proper testing of each band because I’ve had enough for now 😂 😂 I’ll do more tests next weekend and update this page.

When you make a warranty claim against a small company like this, you feel kinda bad about it and some people try to make you feel even worse, but when the claim is totally valid, I feel no guilt whatsoever and expect a very positive reaction from the supplier.

In the case of this build, the claim was appropriate and it was handled superbly by Hans Summers, without any delay or hesitation and I absolutely appreciate that. So much so that I went onto his donation page and made a voluntary contribution as a thank-you for making it easy.


Okay, so after successfully building my QMX+ 😵 I connected it to a PC and ran the terminal-emulator PUTTY to run some tests. I haven't evaluated the outcome - for now it's just a case of running the tests and grabbing screenshots. They may be of use to other kit-builders.




ADC I/Q TEST (all bands similar)


The main area for concern is in the AUDIO TESTS where the separation between the two traces is not particularly good - especially on 20, 30 and 40M. Well, that's how I'm reading it anyway! Your comments are very welcome and so too are your recommendations for how to improve the readings.

The DIAGNOSTICS readouts don't ring any alarm bells with me and I'm quite pleased with the power-output on most bands. As for the rest of the figures, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. Again, any helpful comments would be greatly appreciated.

The RF TESTS indicate (to me) that 20, 40 and 80M need some work. How to improve those readings - I have no idea.

I'm guessing that the first approach should maybe be to REFLOW all the solder joints on the toroids, followed by a redistribution of the windings and see what changes. Other than that, I'm at the mercy of you, the readers 😊🙏

UPDATE <<<<<

28 AUG 2024

For the tests above, I had used a cheap Dummy Load that I'd bought from a rally, and tonight I decided to try the tests again with a good quality Dummy Load. There was quite a big difference in the readings!  So before you run your tests, make sure you are using a good DL with sound connections.

Having seen the new readouts, I feel quite happy with the results 😍

The only thing remaining to do with this kit is to install the GPS unit, which I’ll do shortly.


(Either anonymously or with your callsign)


73, Tom, M7MCQ.




Last Easter I built a 5-band QMX and although I found it quite a challenge, it worked from the get-go and I was really pleased with myself! I get a lot of pleasure from building electronic kits and this will be the sixth one from QRP-Labs

My only gripe about the QMX build was that the design left the components incredibly tightly crammed in, and I wondered why they hadn't made the PCB just 10mm wider. But since then, I have read Hans Summers' document explaining that, for him, it was a design-challenge to come up with such a compact design. Well, he did an amazing job!!

Anyway, here we are a year later and I see that Hans has released the QMX+ transceiver kit. This time, the design has much more space between components and I'm anticipating that the build will be far easier than the original design.

So what is a QMX+?? Well it's a high quality 12-band MultiMode (CW/DIGI) Transceiver which can be purchased as a self-build kit or as a pre-assembled unit - it's worth noting however that there is a very long waiting list for pre-assembled units - maybe up to 6 months 😮

In terms of functionality, the "PLUS" version is little different to the standard QMX but it has the advantages of being able to house a GPS unit, an SWR Bridge, a Real Time Clock (battery backed), a Developer's Kit and maybe even an ATU in the future. Hans also has other "secret" plans for the ongoing development of the QMX+ including SSB Mode which will be awesome!

I feel (and I may be completely wrong) that the QMX+ is a big step toward the release of the fabled QSX which will be an All Mode transceiver with who knows what features. 

I currently own a couple of (tr)uSDX transceivers and these are simply amazing little radios which are multi-band, all-mode SDRs with built-in sound card, speaker, mic, keyer, PTT, etc. But their performance is far from perfect. Don't get me wrong - I love them - and when you're up on a hillside playing POTA or SOTA, their performance will bag you many contacts for little outlay. But they're just not in the same league as a QRP-Labs product.

I'll always remember when I built my first QRP-Labs kit - the QDX. It went together well and it performed superbly!! I was getting better results on my 5W QDX than my Multi-Watt IC-7300.  I was (and continue to be) very impressed!

Sorry - I'm rambling. Let's look at the QMX+ Kit. It arrived in a single box which contained all the relevant components, each type being bagged separately.  I'd also ordered the optional GPS Module plus (of course) the metal enclosure. 

The quality of this kit is extremely high and I've yet to come across a QRP-Labs kit with missing pieces. The aluminium case is strong and well finished, with sharp text on the end plates.

The Assembly Manual for the QMX+ is extremely good (as usual) and I intend to follow the instructions to the letter, just as I've done before. 

In addition to having access to the manual electronically, I also decided to print a copy so that I could read through it prior to starting the build and highlight bits which I think warrant special attention, making notes in the margins of the page. I also use the printed manual to mark off each completed section.

I had decided to do this build at the weekend while I was at our caravan - nice and peaceful with no distractions. Prior to going there though, I wound all the toroids and then bagged them individually in tiny sealer-bags with ID labels.

All pretty straightforward but
the most tedious was L506

Before starting the build, I laid out all the components and marked off the capacitor values. Once that was done, I fitted the caps, the diodes and the inductors. Very simple.

After that I installed the BS-170 transistors, clamping them in place before soldering. 

Next up was to install all the toroids and the trifilar. Since I'd pre-wound these, it was a breeze to fit them all and once I've adjusted them as part of the 'tuning' procedure at the end, I'll probably drop a few blobs of hot-glue on them to keep them secure when the radio's in transit.

At this point of the build I realised that I was rocketing ahead and was being a little blasé, so I purposely slowed down and checked everything I'd done so far. 

You will soon notice that some of the solder-pads are TINY and it can be real difficult to get the tip of your soldering iron onto both the pad and the component at the same time. If you look at the adjacent image, you will see that some solder-pads are way, way smaller than others and some of the pads are barely visible. This is a multi-layer board and the ground really sucks the heat from your soldering iron, so make sure you use a decent one that can cope with it.

When it comes to winding the T501 Transformer, you have to decide whether you want a 9V radio or a 12V. I opted for 12 and for this you are strongly advised to choose the "RWTST" method of winding (Really Weird Twisted Sister Transformer) and boy, it certainly is weird!

I'll be honest and admit that the first time I wound T501, I wasn't confident I got it right, so I unravelled it and started again. I was struggling to understand the diagram (see below).

Diagram From The Manual

In the hope that it will help others, I have redrawn this and although it makes sense to me, it may not to you 😂....

After that, I put the two power boards together and fitted them to the main pcb. You have to be very careful to read the instructions and slow down when you're fitting these. Read a couple of pages ahead before beginning!! I totally forgot that the black connectors have to be mounted so that there’s a gap below them. I just about managed to get away with it (der!).

I then started fitting all the 'hardware' such as the BNC connector, power connector and 3.5mm sockets before installing the LCD panel and battery board.

With everything installed (don't forget the link under the GPS Board (if you bought one)), it was time to slide the PCB into the lower half of the enclosure. 

Before you do though, spend some time examining the pcb to see if any of the component legs need trimming down, because there's very little space between the underside of the pcb and the metal enclosure and it's very easy to end up with a short. 

I purchased some amazing little side-cutters from the local £shop which were perfect for the job! To be honest, I thought they might be junk, but they turned out to be the toughest fine cutters I've ever bought, so I went back and got another pair 😊

With everything put together it was time to apply power and see if any smoke emanated from the case 😬. In case I'd made a mistake (or two), I opted to use a current-limited psu to avoid damage on power-up.


When I switched it on, there were no lights, no display, no noise, nothing. And thankfully there was no smoke!

Before anything will work, you have to connect the radio to a computer with a USB lead and install the firmware, but when I did this, the USB was not recognised. I tried a different lead and even a different computer - nothing! 😰 

I checked and double-checked the pcb for any obvious signs of faults such as dry joints, solder shorts, etc, but there was nothing obvious. I could see 9V at the power switch.

I sought help on the Groups.IO forum and got nowhere initially, so I submitted a trouble-ticket at QRP-Labs but six days later there was no response from that either.

It's extremely disappointing when stuff like this happens and I know there's bigger problems in the world, but neverthless I'm feeling quite disappointed considering that I've successfully built 5 other kits from Hans (including the regular QMX which is much tougher build) and a few from other kit manufacturers.

A few days on and members of Groups.IO started to make suggestions and I learned that there should be voltage at Vcc and Vdd but there was none on mine. The thread got busier and someone suggested that I try swapping out the Power Boards from my QMX to my QMX+.  To reduce the risk of damaging anything, I was using a variable voltage/current PSU.  With it, I could reduce voltage to maybe 7.5V and 200mA.

Before swapping out the boards, I recalled my soldering struggles and decided to reflow virtually all the connections to make sure that I'd not got a bad joint somewhere which was causing these issues. The Ground Plane on this pcb really does suck the life out of your soldering iron! 

I decided to remove the power boards and the GPS module. It was then that I discovered I actually had a short on Vdd. No amount of probing with my DMM helped discover the source of the short, so I’ve given up for now.

I’ve approached an electronics professional friend to see if he can afford the time to do some fault-finding for me. If not, I might have to order another and start all over again 😪.

Part-2 to follow!


Regrettably, my friend is in the process of moving to another country(!) so I'm now proper stuffed 😂 I guess I'm going to have to write this off completely. 

I was thinking of ordering another one and trying again, but this build has made me a little weary. Plus it's highlighted the fact that without any electronics knowledge, I've just been a lucky constructor up to now.

I'll have to sleep on it 😓


On a more positive note, G4GIR very kindly offered to look at the board for me, so I've popped it in the post to him and await his verdict. Let's hope it's nothing I've done 😂😂😂

UPDATE >>> 4 July

Ian G4GIR has carefully examined the pcb and has determined (with the very kind help of Jeff Moore W1NC) that the fault is with the main CPU, so that's nothing to do with me or anything that I've done wrong. In fact, Ian complimented me on my construction work.

I have since found out that others have had a faulty CPU including G0MGX, so maybe it's not that uncommon?

So I have written to Hans and I await his response - a positive one hopefully.

UPDATE >>> 11 July
Hans has very kindly shipped out replacement pcb and components to allow me to start from scratch. I will be looking for ways to carry out checks stage by stage from the forums this time.

73, Tom, M7MCQ.


PART TWO of the build is >>> HERE <<<

This next post shows how I completed the kit and shows the final outcome 😊


There's so much hatred for FT8 and associated digital modes on social media that it becomes utterly boring!! I don't do a great deal digital work, but I'm sick to death of seeing people belittle other people's preferred mode of operation.

By far the biggest victim of this vitriol is FT8 and it pains me to see people tearing apart the enjoyment of fellow hams, claiming that FT8 will be the death of Amateur Radio, when the truth is, it has generated HUGE levels of interest and activity on all the bands, all the time and occupies a tiny amount of bandwidth and never encroaches on others.

Anyway, enough of all that - I am only posting this because I saw a little poem on social media that someone called Gregory Weisheipl posted and I kinda liked it...


In the quiet of the night, beneath the starlit sky,

A room is softly glowing where the radio waves fly.

Amateur radio’s magic in the dance of FT-8, 

Where signals cross the oceans in a digital state. 

No voices in the air, just pulses swift and bright,

As callsigns on the screen bring messages to light.

From distant lands they come, in bursts of code they greet,

In silent conversations, where strangers often meet.

With patience and with skill, they tune the frequency,

Each QSO a bridge, in this vast community.

From mountaintops to valleys, through the atmosphere they soar,

Connecting friends and strangers on a worldwide tour.

FT-8, a wondrous mode, with messages so brief,

Bringing joy and knowledge, in its quiet, coded speech.

Though words are few and fleeting, the bond is ever strong,

In every signal sent, we hear the same old song.

So here’s to every operator, with ears and hearts so keen,

Who find the joy in contact, in signals clear and clean.

Amateur radio’s charm, in FT-8’s embrace, 

A timeless way of reaching out, across the human race.


PS : The poem was generated by ChatGPT! 😮



Three and a half years ownership of the ICOM IC-705 have passed and I thought it might be an idea to take another look at it to see if it still rules the roost for Portable Radios in 2024. In this 'look back', I'm only going to focus on what I've been doing and how well the 705 has worked for me. My original review is >>HERE<<

What should I compare it to?  Well the truth is, there's nothing on the market to compare - that's a fact! Yaesu have dropped their old FT817/818 range and it was way out of date anyway. The Elecraft KX3 was a great alternative if you could live without all the features of the 705, but they're next to impossible to get hold of in the UK and the price has just gone plain silly anyway!

If you put the IC-705 and the KX3 side by side in a shack at home, you might be able to detect that the KX3 is slightly better at receiving really weak signals, but for the other 99% of the time, when you've driven, walked, hiked to the perfect take-off spot and set up your antennas, there's little practical difference between a KX3 and the 705. Or between a 705 and an 817. In fact, my $89 (tr)uSDX will probably get you as many QSO's in the log as the others from the top of a hill!

Over the last couple of years I've relied almost exclusively on my IC-705, using it outdoors, on hillsides, in the back garden, in a park, at the caravan, by the seaside and even at home as a base station. It's been utterly reliable and surprisingly tough even though it's not been wrapped in cotton wool. Unlike my Elecraft, I've never really worried about it - I guess I look upon it as a bit of a workhorse. If it gets a little scratch or a ding, it doesn't really matter. I don't believe it would substantially affect its resale price either.

The notable difference between the IC-705 and other radios  is flexibility, features and what I call 'friendliness'.... 

The Icom IC-705 is more feature-rich than any other portable radio. It puts together such an awfully good package that you don't have to buy anything else (assuming that you use resonant antennas). You can operate throughout HF, 6M, 2M and 70cm on LSB, USB, CW, AM, FM, DV and DSTAR. 

With the radios built-in server, you can operate remotely. With the built-in WiFi you can tether to your mobile phone and operate Digital Modes out in the field. Thanks to the built-in GPS, you can even ensure accurate timing for FT8, etc. 

Forgot to take a pen for logging your QSO's?? Don't worry - you can record all QSO's onto the SDCARD and run back through it later to get the callsigns - it even records the time and date of each individual QSO!! How good's that??

After using it so frequently and for so long, I'm now in that happy place where I know I just need to grab my small rucksack and head off outdoors for some radio fun. I don't need to carry a million bits of ancillary items - it's just my radio, my antennas and my iPad. If I'm just going out for a couple of hours, then I rely on the Icom battery, but if I'm out for the day I will take a 13.2V LifePO too.

Up on a hillside, I tend to stick with 5W and there's little need for more. Usually, the take-off is excellent and my SotaBeams Dipole works amazingly well - enough to have SSB chinwags across to America from the UK. In fact, one of my favourite chats was from a beach to two hams in America using only 2.5W (KE5EE and WD4NGB).

If I'm struggling to get a response to my CQ calls on 5W, I might move up to 10W, but once I establish contact with someone, I ask them to let me drop to 5W and get another report. If the report is very good (it often is) then I'll ask for another at even lower power. Needless to say, I don't want to make the QSO hard work for the other operators, but most people are happy to experiment with me and they often end up dropping their power to me too and because they've been so used to knocking out 400W+ for years, they've forgotten how far they can get on a tiny fraction of the power. All very entertaining (to me at least) 😂 

I have to admit that it's easier to answer someone elses CQ Call than it is to get a response to your own CQ Call at QRP levels. But patience often does reward. I find that using the IC-705's TX Memories makes light work of repetitive calling. I have a Long and a Short CQ Call recorded in memory and it's easy to set a TX-Loop going. The call is repeated over and over with a small pause inbetween to allow you to listen for any responses. 

Once I've finished with SSB, I tend to briefly switch to the 705's CW TX-Memories and put out a "CQ TEST"  for a few minutes on various bands to see how far I get on the Reverse Beacon Net before switching over to DSTAR depending on how close I am to a repeater. The IC-705 comes with a comprehensive list of repeaters already programmed in and thanks to the built-in GPS it can quickly determine which repeaters are the closest to your location and list them in order of distance (showing you the distance of each one in miles or kilometres).

After DSTAR I might switch to FT8 which gives me a chance to grab a drink and a sandwich. 

The IC-705 has proven to be a true all-rounder and can seemingly do it all, without any fuss or alterations or expensive plugin modules. The only thing that isn't included is an ATU, but neither does the KX3 come with one (unless you pay almost £300). Most of my portable antennas are resonant, so I usually have no need for a tuner, but if I want to use a multi-band end-fed, then one is required. 

I own three ATUs - the LDG Z100PLUS, the Elecraft T1 and a recently added MAT-705PLUS. My favourite is the Elecraft T1. It's compact, light and incredibly good at finding a match - quickly!! And finding a quick match is very important when it comes to QRP equipment because many QRP Transceivers don't seem to have a very robust PA, resulting in blown transistors during long tuning sessions.

Thankfully, the 705 is pretty strong in this respect and I've never had a problem when tuning up using any of my tuners.

The success of the IC-705 in the marketplace has led to much third-party and community support. One of the most useful addons for the 705 is Marcus Roskosh's SDR-CONTROL app which not only provides remote-control operation, but also provides a host of other tools which make the 705 (or 7610 or 9700) an absolute dream to work with. It's a game-changer.

SDR-CONTROL is available on IOS or MAC and I personally use it with my iPad 11. It performs flawlessly with virtually no lag between the readings on the radio and the readings on the iPad. It's all very fluid!

All the functions of the radio are available on the software display and the bandscope and waterfall are superb!! It's nice and easy to adjust the bandscope to increase the signal-peak display size and the ratio of scope to waterfall. The meter is nice and clear but I was hoping for an analogue option which isn't there (in the current version). Long-pressing the "TUNE" button sets the power to 10% (adjustable in menus) and transmits in AM mode so that any attached tuner will activate safely. Long-pressing the PTT button will allow you to choose between the radio's mic or the iPad's mic.

VFO A and B are visible onscreen and it's easy to switch between the two. Everything is very intuitive and there's never a struggle to figure anything out. Take FT8 for example - you can switch to it and be making contacts within seconds! No fiddling around with cables, no special drivers or VACs - it just works. Simple!

Any FT8 contacts that you make are logged automatically and that brings me to the next feature in the SDR-CONTROL toolbox - the LOGBOOK. Yes, there's a logbook built-in and it has an easy export function to transfer your contacts to your QRZ, etc.

By clicking on a button, you can see the full contents of the ToolKit which includes some very handy features such as the DX Cluster. This can show you active signals on the bandscope, allowing you to quickly spot and engage desired DX. There's also a BandPlan, a set of CW Macros, QRZ LookUp and PSK Reporter. 

There's lots more to this amazing App and it adds so much to the already pleasurable IC-705. I suggest that you go read the manual by clicking on the image below to find out much more about it...

So, as you can guess, I've been very happy with my 705 - probably more so than any other radio I've owned (and that's saying something). It does pretty much everything I want and it does it all simply, effectively and without fuss. I can play on all the ham bands, in all the modes, I can do analogue and digital and I can enjoy fantastic support from third-parties and a knowledgeable community.

What do I dislike?? Not much really - in fact it seems a bit churlish to complain when a radio offers so very much. If I had to be Oliver Twist and ask for more, then.... I'd ask for CW Decoder instead of the RTTY Decoder. Having said that, the 705 interfaces very easily with my PreppComm Morse Encoder/Decoder....  

I do believe that the IC-705 is genuinely the best portable transceiver ever to hit the market. It offers such great value for money and has so many features and functions. And it's not just about the specification list - it's about how everything works - it's incredibly intuitive. Everything falls to hand and makes sense.

There's so many features which make life easy for the operator and where some radios end up looking like a bowl of spaghetti when trying to do something different, the IC-705 often does it wirelessly via WiFi or BlueTooth. Even small things like getting a pair of AirPods working - I've come across so many radios which have BlueTooth but then fail to connect to BlueTooth headsets! The Icom even works with Yaesu's headsets! The very fact that you get a server built into the radio to enable remote operation is pretty darned amazing - especially when you consider that even Yaesu's £3,100 Flagship 101 doesn't have such a feature 😮.

And yes, the £45 SDR-CONTROL software significantly adds to the richness of the 705 which some might say is down to Marcus Roskosch and not the radio, but the fact that the Icom is flexible enough to permit such interaction/connectivity is something that should be applauded. 

Okay, so what about something other than a KX3 or 705? Let's say you bought an FT818 or a G90 or a TX-500?

Well for a start, I wouldn't even give the Russian-built TX500 a second thought because I wouldn't want to support the economy of the disgusting terrorist Putin. Although the HF TX-500 is a very visually appealing transceiver and is around 2/3rds of the price of a 705, it lacks most of the features that I personally value. 

The G90 is a fabulous budget HF transceiver which offers lots for little, but at the end of the day, it's a cheap Chinese radio which I could never consider to be my 'forever radio'. Like the TX-500, the G90 lacks valuable features.

The FT818 is an old favourite of most hams. It's been out there for over 20 years and at half the cost of a 705 is always going to be the QRP radio of choice for people who are happy with the basics. But let's face it, it's old technology and looks like a dinosaur compared to the 705. A rugged, reliable shack-in-a-box but limited in a modern world.

So in summary, I am still over the moon with the Icom IC-705 and I'm glad I invested in it. In the past, radios have 'come and gone' but this one has stayed with me and I can't imagine a time when I would swap it for something else. Maybe Yaesu will bring out something to compete, but I can't imagine how they'd actually make something better! If they do, I'll be all over it 😁


Please remember that these are just the opinions of an M7 operator. My goals, desires and requirements will be different to yours. I'd be interested to hear about them. Please feel free to leave a comment below and include your CallSign if possible. 73, Tom. 

UPDATE <<<<<<<

Read THIS POST to see how I connected the 705 with an Expert Electronics ColibriNANO SDR receiver to provide a large screen panadapter.

UPDATE <<<<<<<

Read THIS POST to see how easy it is to use an external amplifier with the IC-705, in this case an MX-P50...

UPDATE <<<<<<<

I paid over £20 for my tilt-stand and although it's good for shack use, it makes it a little awkward to fit neatly in my ruckshack, so I've started using a couple of 25mm roundhead bolts instead. Takes seconds to lightly screw them into the base and it results in the radio being tilted to the perfect angle. I got the screws from the local £shop in one of those little multi-pack screw sets. 

SMA Caps hot-glued to bolts
to provide non-slip solution

Quick 5W QSO - internal battery

UPDATE August 2024

Yaesu just announced the planned launch of the FTX-1F (early 2025) and all the Yaesu fanboys are waving their flags, claiming victory over Icom, who led the way with the 705 3 YEARS AGO! 😂

The FTX-1F will be a great radio and having Dual Receive is a big plus for many people, but will it have all the amazing features and benefits that Icom have been supplying for years??

Look at the FT-DX101D : that was launched 3 years after the glorious 7610 and it still didn’t have a built-in Server! It didn’t even have a clock!! 😂 But it did have a 3D scope to keep the Under-12s happy 😂

I hope the FTX-1F has all the bells and whistles of the 705 like built-in Server, QSO Recorder, GPS, WIFI, Bluetooth, etc. I will probably buy one if it’s not stupid money. But I reckon it will cost about £1700 (or more). We’ll see.
