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HamAlert on the Desktop

I love the HamAlert app: it’s an ingenious tool that queries SOTA, POTA, RBN, PSKReporter, etc. spots and pushes them to your phone, and elsewhere, for filters you set up (called β€œtriggers”). It’s a great way to stay abreast of when your ham friends are on the air, a DXCC station you need appears, or...

SOTA Spring 2024 Trans-Atlantic Summit to Summit Event

April 20th, 2024 Most of these photos have captions, but I cannot figure out how to get this WordPress theme to actually display them. I miss the straightforwardness of Drupal. /s This past Saturday was the spring Trans-Atlantic Summit To Summit (TAS2S) event for Summits on the Air (SOTA). It occurs twice annually, the other...

TacoPOTA: H.O. Cook State Forest

April 14th 2024 I was struggling to get out of the house this Sunday due to ever-present AI (autoimmune illness) issues, but wanted tacos from a favorite taco truck of mine in the Big Town about 20 minutes away; they have the best tortillas and their hot salsa is legit. A wonderful thing that has...