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LHS Episode #546: Fedora 40 Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to Episode 546 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts take a look at some of the variations of the newly released Fedora 40 distribution. Topics include installation, desktop environments, ease of use, ham radio readiness, quirks and more. A particular focus is the partitioning system and other potential issues. Thanks for listening and have a great week.

73 de The LHS Crew


LHS Episode #540: LHS Ubuntu 24.04 Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to the 540th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts discuss the future release of the Linux in the Ham Shack version of Ubuntu 24.04. With the imminent release of the latest Ubuntu LTS, LHS is updating its re-spin in two versions: Gnome and XFCE. We discuss what's included and what's to come and the hopes to have it released for Hamvention in a month. Thanks for listening and have a great week.

73 de The LHS Crew


LHS Episode #537: QLog Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to Episode 537 of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts take an in-depth look at the QLog application. QLog is a standalone application written in C++ and using the Qt framework. Topics include download, installation, configuration, operation, special features, integrations and much more. Thanks for listening to this deep dive episode and have a great week.

73 de The LHS Crew


LHS Episode #534: CQRlog Deep Dive

Hello and welcome to the 534th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, the hosts take a deep dive into a topic that has come up several times on the show: CQRlog. Topics including downloading the software, installation, initial configuration, general usage and ultimately some advanced topics. We hope you enjoy this episode. Thanks for listening and have a great week.

73 de The LHS Crew

