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RAKwireless Unity enclosure mounts

I’ve been delving into the interesting world of Meshtastic of late, on the 868MHz as this is where most of the activity is in the north east of England. Thankfully it looks like there is a now UK provider of RAKwireless components but prior to that I’ve been hitting up Aliexpress for the various boards. While perusing I noticed a Solar Enclosure with integrated antenna which I thought I’d grab and try out.

How I run Cloudlog

This is one of the admittedly not too uncommon occasions in amateur radio where what I do for a living intersects with one of my hobbies. I’ve been working in β€˜development and cloud infrastructure’ for a while now and tend to favour containers to run my workloads. I’ve tried a few logging systems and Cloudlog is the one which I’ve settled on for the last two or three years. It’s an excellent piece of software and is under constant development by Peter, 2M0SQL and many contributors.

QO-100 on FlexRadio

I really like my FlexRadio! I had a 6400 for a year before an opportunity arose in 2022 to purchase a used 6700. I’m a MacOS user so I use the excellent SmartSDR from Marcus Roskosch with an Icom RC-28 controller and a Heil PR781 microphone. This setup has served me well on HF, even with my restricted antenna setup on those bands. Since getting on to QO-100 I’ve used an Icom IC-9700 with my DX Patrol Full Duplex Groundstation (1.

DX Patrol Full Duplex Groundstation 1.5

I purchased my DX Patrol Full Duplex Groundstation (1.0) back in October 2022 when I was first getting set up on QO-100. I didn’t have much of an idea of how to do that so I went for a β€œall in one” setup. I used this with am IC-9700 for a while until I had the itch to build an SDR setup which I’ve used to date. One of the things I’d noticed with my 1.

Quick /P operation in North Yorkshire

We have a static caravan in North Yorkshire, which is about a hour from the QTH. Less than 10 minutes car drive from there I can be sitting on top of the North Yorkshire Moors National Park which is POTA G-0003. It’s not often I get the opportunity to disappear for a hour or so and set up a /P station but today was one of rare those days Accompanied by my eldest daughter who was keen to be on logbook duty we drove to IO94ML and chose a spot next to a solid road sign (262 metres above sea level).