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Don’t touch that dial – a brief hiatus (July 2024)

Distracted by a bunch of “real life” things, I basically dislike the posts I’d been working on. So there will be a brief hiatus while toss out the drafts that read like they were done in broken crayon, and start those topics over anew. I’ll see if I can finish off a few new drafts… Continue reading Don’t touch that dial – a brief hiatus (July 2024)

Spam Spam Spam Spam

Whether by phone, by text, by SMS, by postal mail, or by email there is so much Spam! The noise is easily exceeding signal on most every method of communication. Inbound phone calls are largely Spam or their even worse cousin, political begging for money calls. My spam filter is trimming out junk emails at […]

Technological Unintended Consequences

Technology is certainly a double-edge sword. For every advantage technology also has a disadvantage. Often we call these adverse impacts “unintended consequences” despite being part of the design of the technology from the get go. “There are three categories of unintended consequences. The unexpected benefit, which is a positive but unplanned outcome, The unexpected drawback, […]

Technological Unintended Consequences

Technology is certainly a double-edge sword. For every advantage technology also has a disadvantage. Often we call these adverse impacts “unintended consequences” despite being part of the design of the technology from the get go. “There are three categories of unintended consequences. The unexpected benefit, which is a positive but unplanned outcome, The unexpected drawback,… Continue reading Technological Unintended Consequences

Shocking Underfoot

Underfoot Electrical charges is an interesting phenomena. While I wrote this post nearly two months ago, somehow it didn’t actually get published. — Across the USA on May 10th and 11th, sky watchers marveled at bright displays of aurora borealis during the biggest geomagnetic storm in decades. Little did they know, something was also […]

Shocking Underfoot

Underfoot Electrical charges is an interesting phenomena. While I wrote this post nearly two months ago, somehow it didn’t actually get published. — Across the USA on May 10th and 11th, sky watchers marveled at bright displays of aurora borealis during the biggest geomagnetic storm in decades. Little did they know, something was also… Continue reading Shocking Underfoot

Wise Revisiting of the “Turn on, Tune in, Drop out” in a Modern Situation

Echoing the overwhelmed feeling from current events they neither can influence, control or fully understand, Peter put the old 1960’s adage “Turn on, Tune in, Drop out” into modern use (I’m hitting the highlights, follow the link for the expanded original blog post): I think Timothy Leary’s slogan might not be a bad one to… Continue reading Wise Revisiting of the “Turn on, Tune in, Drop out” in a Modern Situation

About University

Econ, Finance, and Accounting. The people who have to actually understand how money works in real life, are the least likely to favor socialism. That’s what a trained criminal investigator might call a clue. While I would not go to print with the wasted verbiage Correia uses, he has a point. Unless University is […]

LoTW – It’s Alive (Again)!

EDIT – Seems LoTW was only briefly up.  Might have been a test or an inadvertent public access moment prior to reconstruction being fully completed.  Or it broke right away again.  Comments are open for any reports of new information!   I won’t upload anything until after the weekend, but reports are that LoTW came […]

About University

Econ, Finance, and Accounting. The people who have to actually understand how money works in real life, are the least likely to favor socialism. That’s what a trained criminal investigator might call a clue. While I would not go to print with the wasted verbiage Correia uses, he has a point. Unless University is… Continue reading About University