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Logs 19 Sept 2024

1494 2155 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 24432.
1611 1800 Mike Radio. SINPO 33433.
1621 1823 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 34333.
1629 1940 Radio Spakenburg. SINPO 34433.
1633 1821 Radio Babylona. SINPO 34333.
1642 1812 Marskramer Radio. SINPO 24432.
1665 1828 Radio Tarzan. SINPO 44333.
1673 1931 Radio Armada. SINPO 34433.
4875 2002 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 54444.
5010 1745 Radio JVG. SINPO 24332.
5880 1954 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 54444.
6290 1730 Radio Lowland. SINPO 44333.
6895 1806 Zeppelin Radio (pres). SINPO 24332.

Logs 18 Sept 2024

1494 2030 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 34433.
1629 2020 Radio Bluebird. SINPO 44433.
1638 2013 Radio Eigen Risico. SINPO 34433.
1665 2007 Radio Wilskracht. SINPO 44433.
5020 1650 Radio JVG. SINPO 34433.
5030 2000 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5880 2036 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6205 1823 Laser Hot Hits. SINPO 54444.
6290 1725 Radio Ronalisa (pres). SINPO 34333. Relay of Dutch MW station
6300 1809 Radio Boomerang. SINPO 54444.
6925 1730 "Radio 6925". SINPO 54444. No real ID but in pirate chat as this. Later on 6880

Logs 17 Sept 2024

1611 1816 Mike Radio. SINPO 44433.
1620 1822 Radio Nachtegaal. SINPO 33433.
1620 2001 Radio Marjanne. SINPO 44433.
1638 2014 Radio Wilskracht. SINPO 44433.
1647 2010 Radio ZZK. SINPO 34433.
1665 2020 Radio Vonkentrekker. SINPO 34433.
5010 1945 Radio JVG. SINPO 34333.
5880 1950 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44333.
6290 1738 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 34333.

Logs 15 Sept 2024

1494 2035 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 24432.
1629 2027 Radio Professor Sickbock. SINPO 34433.
1638 2042 Radio Frieloo. SINPO 34433.
3940 2005 Music Wave Radio. SINPO 44433.
5015 2020 Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5040 1705 Radio JVG. SINPO 34433.
5800 1722 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 54444.
5825 2010 Laser Hot Hits. SINPO 54444.
5840 1714 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.
5880 0950 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6160 1740 Skyline R Germany via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 54444.
6205 0942 Radio Caroline North relay. SINPO 54444.
6210 1659 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 43433.
6240 1052 Radio Monique. SINPO 44433.
6280 1102 Radio Batavia. SINPO 44433.
6290 1310 Solar Radio. SINPO 34433.
6290L 1652 Kobus Radio. SINPO 23432.
6942 1745 New Dance Radio. SINPO 34433.
7660 0957 Radio Pamela. SINPO 34433. Via NW Ireland SDR
7680 1323 Soul of England. SINPO 34433.

Logs 14 Sept 2024

1476 1633 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 25432.
1494 1955 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 24332.
1611 2216 Radio Delfzijl. SINPO 44433.
1620 2205 Radio Houthakker. SINPO 34433.
1629 1910 Radio Blauwe Koe. SINPO 34333.
1638 1857 Radio De Noaber. SINPO 24332.
1647 2211 Radio Tarzan. SINPO 44433.
1655 1903 Radio Yogi Bear. SINPO 44433.
3940 2225 Music Wave Radio. SINPO 55444.
5040 1758 Radio JVG. SINPO 34333.
5135 1644 Deltracks. SINPO 24332.
5829 1842 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.
5840 1753 Radio De Mi Amigo. SINPO 44433.
5880 1625 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6205 1600 Radio Caroline North relay. SINPO 34433.
6210 1618 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 33433.
6273 1927 Lighthouse Radio. SINPO 24332.
6274 1850 Radio Mordor. SINPO 24332.
6380 1748 Radio Pandora. SINPO 34433. Change of freq
6390 1605 Radio Pandora. SINPO 34433.

Logs 13 Sept 2024

1476 1642 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 25432.
1494 1944 Coast FM via unid. SINPO 24432.
1629 1805 Radio Las Vegas. SINPO 34433.
1655 1911 Radio Yogi Bear. SINPO 44433.
3940 1933 Music Wave Radio. SINPO 54444.
3975 2005 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 45433. //6160
5130 1720 Deltracks. SINPO 34333. Heard on 5135 at 1900 (44433)
6060 1620 Radio Casanova. SINPO 45444.
6160 2000 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 45433.
6205 1922 Cool 96.7 via unid. SINPO 54444.
6275 1905 Misti Radio. SINPO 34433. Change of freq
6275 1927 Sunrise Radio. SINPO 24332. RNI recordingΒ 
6285 1742 Sunrise Radio. SINPO 23432.
6290L 1725 Kobus Radio. SINPO 24332.
6290 2011 Panda Radio. SINPO 34333.
6300 2135 Radio Abu Dhabi. SINPO 34333.
6325 1730 Misti Radio. SINPO 34433.

Logs 12 Sept 2024

1611 1756 Mike Radio. SINPO 34433.
1629 2043 Radio Bluebird. SINPO 44433.
1642 2027 Marskramer Radio. SINPO 44433.
1665 2015 Radio Meteoor. SINPO 34433.
5035 1747 Misti Radio. SINPO 24432.
5800 2020 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 44333. Change of freq
5880 2002 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 54444.
6235 1644 Radio Batavia. SINPO 44433.
6260L 1809 Kobus Radio. SINPO 24432.
6285 1817 Radio Akenzo. SINPO 54444.
7300 1801 Radio Dolfijn. SINPO 44433.

Logs 11 Sept 2024

1629 1805 Radio Tarzan. SINPO 34433.
1647 1941 Radio Moonlight. SINPO 24332.
1656 1932 Radio Armada. SINPO 34433.
1665 2014 Radio Vonkentrekker. SINPO 34333.
1666 1816 Radio De Isvogel. SINPO 24432.
5040 1752 Radio JVG. SINPO 44433.
5880 1957 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 54444.
6280 1712 Soul of England. SINPO 34333.
6300 1730 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 44433.

Key Channel Radio eQSL


An eQSL received from Key Channel Radio, who I heard on Friday evening on 6265. The broadcast included a show recorded for the station by Bart Steenman of Radio Monique. Many thanks for the eQSL.

Logs 8 Sept 2024

1476 1610 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 25432.
5030 1604 Radio JVG. SINPO 24432.
5800 1740 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 55444. //6275
5880 0850 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 33433.
6020 0820 Radio Casanova. SINPO 45433.
6045 1105 Radio 60 via Nauen. SINPO 55544. Celebrating 100 years of Nauen transmitter
6160 0835 Skyline R Germany via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 34433.
6160 1536 Weekend Music R via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 44433.
6205 1100 Cool 96.7 (USA) via unid. SINPO 54444.
6210 1544 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 33433.
6275 0827 Soul of England. SINPO 34433.
6275 1710 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 54444.
6280 0840 Radio Lowland. SINPO 24432.
6280 1504 Radio Batavia. SINPO 44433.
6290L 1734 Kobus Radio. SINPO 24432.
6300 1513 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 44433.
7660 1042 Radio Pamela. SINPO 35433.
13750 1053 Music Wave Radio. SINPO 54444.

Logs 7 Sept 2024

1206 2208 Radio Daniella (pres). SINPO 34433.
1476 1536 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 35433.
1494 2200 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 34433.
1612 1912 Radio Eigen Risico. SINPO 34333.
1629 1901 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 44433.
1647 1855 Radio Keizer & Keizerin. SINPO 34333.
3940 2218 Music Wave Radio. SINPO 54444.
5035 1653 Deltracks. SINPO 44333.
5840 1749 Radio De Mi Amigo. SINPO 34333.
5844 1842 Radio Joey. SINPO 54444.
5880 1505 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34333,
6160 1612 Weekend Music Radio via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 44333.
6195 1525 Gringo Radio. SINPO 23332.
6205 1741 Radio Caroline relay via unid. SINPO 43433. Utility QRM (see comments)
6210 1600 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 44333.
6290L 1847 Kobus Radio. SINPO 24332.

Logs 6 Sept 2024

1611 2017 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 54444.
1620 2037 Radio King Kong. SINPO 54444.
1638 2042 Radio Frieloo. SINPO 34433.
5030 1816 Radio JVG. SINPO 24332.
5040 1820 Radio Deltracks. SINPO 44433.
5825 2056 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 55544.
5880 2012 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6206 2025 Radio Sombrero. SINPO 24332.
6265 1710 Key Channel Radio. SINPO 24332. Bart Steenman show
6265 1825 Key Channel Radio. SINPO 24332.
6275 1808 Mike Radio. SINPO 54444.
6290 1725 Misti Radio. SINPO 43433.
6300 2031 Radio West Finland. SINPO 24332.
6930 1550 Soul of England. SINPO 34433.

* Info from operator of KCR said Bart of Radio Monique prepared a programme for his station but there were some Monique jingles in there which created some confusion.Β 

Logs 5 Sept 2024

1494 2035 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 34333.
1620 2047 Radio Delfzijl. SINPO 34433.
1638 2042 Radio Wilskracht. SINPO 44433.
1656 2052 Radio Armada. SINPO 34433.
5880 2026 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 53443. Utility on 5878.6
6285 2015 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 55444.
6300 2021 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 33433. SSB QRM

Logs 4 Sept 2024

1476 1754 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 25432.
1494 2140 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 34333.
1611 2006 Radio Arona. SINPO 34333.
1638 1930 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 54444.
1645 2134 Monte Carlo Radio. SINPO 34333.
1656 1952 Radio De Klok. SINPO 34333.
1665 1942 Radio Vonkentrekker. SINPO 34333.
5050 1935 Radio JVG. SINPO 33333.
5880 1925 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44333.
6280 2043 Radio Batavia. SINPO 54444.
6300 1600 Laser 558 recordings via unid. SINPO 44433.
6380 2053 WMBR. SINPO 24332.

Logs 3 Sept 2024

1494 2252 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 34433.
1620 2056 Radio Marjanne. SINPO 44433.
1638 2045 Radio DB. SINPO 54444.
1648 2050 Radio Perenboom. SINPO 33433.
5035 2041 Deltracks. SINPO 34333.
5880 2035 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44333.
6275 1755 Mike Radio. SINPO 54444.

Logs 2 Sept 2024

1494 2040 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 34333.
4950 2215 Radio Moonair. SINPO 34333.
5035 1721 Deltracks. SINPO 44333.
5880 2033 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34333.
6300 2028 Laser 558 recordings via unid. SINPO 24332.
6940 1710 Radio Nova. SINPO 44333.

Logs 1 Sept 2024

3940 2158 Music Wave Radio. SINPO 55444.
5035 2148 Deltracks. SINPO 34433.
4875 2140 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 54444. //5800
5800 1804 Radio Contikenzo. SINPO 54444.
5880 0844 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 34433.
6060 1810 Radio Casanova. SINPO 54444.
6160 0837 Skyline R Germany via Shortwave Gold. SINPO 34433.
6170 1602 Radio Delta. SINPO 44433.Β 
6185 1825 Radio Classic Sunday via Piepzender. SINPO 45444. //7405
6205 1836 Laser Hot Hits. SINPO 54444.
6210 1628 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 34333.
6270 1720 Radio Cuckoo. SINPO 44433.
6275 1509 Radio Lowland. SINPO 33433.
6285 0910 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 34433.
6290 1817 Radio Ronalisa. SINPO 44433.
6320 0850 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 34433. Via Kiss AM (pres).
6325L 0935 Kobus Radio. SINPO 23432.
6390 0857 Radio Baken 16. SINPO 44433.
6850 1550 Unid Russian station. SINPO 34433.Β 
6940 1731 Radio Pamela. SINPO 24332.
7395 1038 Radio 319. SINPO 24432.
7405 1825Β Radio Classic Sunday via Piepzender.Β  SINPO 44433.

Logs 31 Aug 2024

1476 1555 Radio Blackbeard. SINPO 24432.
1494 2155 Coast FM via relay. SINPO 24432.
1620 2045 Radio King Kong. SINPO 44433.
1629 2037 Radio Turftrekker. SINPO 44433.
1647 2021 Radio Luka. SINPO 34433.
3940 2016 Music Wave Radio. SINPO 54444.
5035 2205 Deltracks. SINPO 34333.
5800 1523 Radio De Mi Amigo. SINPO 34433.
5840 1531 Radio Veronica 192 via relay. SINPO 44433. Marking 50th anniversary of the Dutch marine offences act
5844 2010 Radio Joey.Β SINPO 54444.
5880 1538 Radio Rock Revolution. SINPO 44433.
6170 1655 Radio Delta. SINPO 54444.
6210 1630 Radio King Shortwave. SINPO 34433.
6285 1513 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 55444. Not //6320
6320 1508 Weekend Music Radio. SINPO 44433.
6390 1647 Radio Pandora. SINPO 34333.
