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Project Yamhill Backplane

Over on Substack, an introduction to backplane design, which will be the main mechanical element of Project Yamhill. Click on the image below to check it out: Thanks again for your patience as I post here to bring attention to my new endeavor.

My CW Sucks

Might as well get right down to essence of the matter. If you don’t use a skill regularly, it degrades. In my case, I haven’t done much operating at all lately, but I have made some sporadic SSB and digimode QSOs. However, I haven’t done any CW in years, which was really stupid on my… Read More My CW Sucks

New Beginnings

Hello. Yes, I have kind of fallen off of the face of the Earth, so to speak. This was done as a bit of mental self-preservation, which I’ll get into a bit more below. I know that I have not done a good job in staying in touch with many internet friends, for which I… Read More New Beginnings