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#6m #4m ES-season 2024 review

Β What can I tell about this season. It started reasonable well. Then things happened, or did not happen. Only 4 new DXCC on 6m and 3 new ones on 4m this season is a lot worse compared to previous years. I also didn't spend a lot of time on the radio compared to previous years.

The season started on the 14th of May for me with a QSO to Chile on 6m. CE4WJK was worked in very strong propagation to South America. QSO confirmed on LoTW.

2 June: I worked Italy IZ0TTG on 4m as expected. Not shure if Italy had legal access to 4m at that time. I worked IZ0TTG on SSB. QSO confirmed on eQSL.

4 June: Montenegro 4O6AH worked on 4m. Haven't got the confirmation. According to QRZ.com this station only does paper QSL.Β 

Also on 4 June I made a QSO on 6m with Asiatic Russia RD9D. Legal or not? We might never know because who knows what is going on in Russia really? QSO is not confirmed (yet) could have been a pirate station as well...

6 June: Malawi 7Q6M worked on 6m. It was a difficult one and it might be pure luck. QSO confirmed on LoTW.

9 June: propagation went to the west. St. Vincent J88IH was worked on 6m. QSO confirmed on LoTW.

23 June: Ukraine UZ5DU worked on 4m, it is with these DXCC always the question if this is legal or not since, like Russia, who know what actually is going on? Also this QSO is not confirmed. Could be a pirate station as well...

So far this was the end of the ES season for me on 6m and 4m. Due to private circumstances I was not able to be on the radio monitoring much. So, there might be DX I missed. But what I heard from others is that propagation was very bad in the last 2 months. Something that has been occured before at the sunspot maximum. However, winter could have F2 surprises for us...

ZX-Yagi 5 element (ZX-5ITB)

Β  Years ago Ron Eberson had a small antenna manufacturing company ZX-yagi producing very good quality antennas. Especialy in the 11m community it was a well known brand. At least around the ninetees of last century. It appears the company is still there since WIMO Germany has the antennas still for sale. According to this websiteΒ http://www.zx-yagi.com/. I wonder if Rob is still constructing them when one is ordered?Β 

Anyway, a well known 11m yagi was the ZX-5ITB, a kind of short 5 elementΒ  yagi. I found one on the internet for sale about 22 years ago.Β  At that time I had big plans for towers and big antennas. I could get it for a nice price and aquired the antenna which was way too big for my tower at that moment. The guy that sold it to me told me it was a 5ITB converted to 10m. Well, I never had this antenna into the tower, it was stored in my garage while other antennas got into the tower. I now thought it was finally time to see if the antenna was still complete and take a measure with an analyzer to see what part of the 10m band it was tuned for.

At first I found a construction manual for the 5ITB but unfortunately it was incomplete. I decided to just put everything together since everything was color coded and pre-drilled. It went well and SWR measurement followed.

These are quite old designs (ON4UN), very populair at the end of last century. Radials mounted directly not isolated from the boom and a large gamma-match which is essentially a large capacitor.

Looks like the antenna is indeed tuned for 10m, probabely the CW part. Not sure because this can shift when the antenne is high into a tower.

I now know everything is in working order. Had to store it in the garage again of course so had to dismantle everything. The antenna is for sale. Not shipping it. €150. If interested write me an e-mail. You can find the e-mail address via QRZ.com.

If anyone knows the correct measures for the ZX-5ITB ? Please let me know...

My quest to learn CW (9)

Β Here I am again with the results ;-)

Unfortunately some days are missing, it was just a matter of no access to the internet. But practised with morsemania app on my phone those days.Β 

Managed to finish lesson 40 with a speed of 28/11 wpm. Now doing 28/12 wpm. Also doing word practise with 5 letters now. Getting better but very slowly.

If possible I try to decode some morse on the radio. A beacon I heard was very low signal on 10m. Had to listen a couple of times before I could get the complete text.

YM7TEN/B KN91RB KN91RB PWR1W YM7TEN/B as heard with signal RST 313 on 28.225 at 29 August. Stations that call or make QSOs have been heard but it is all gibberish to me, sending way to fast and to me it is like they don't have any pause between the letters. I really wonder how someone is able to decode???

2002 antenna work - 6 element logperiodic

Β  It has been in the ninetees of last century I started to experiment and build antennas. Sometimes together with friends. I had a friend which I spoke quite often on 11m back in those days. He was also living near the coast but about 60km east of me. We discussed experimenting and our dreams about great antennas. He was busy building a 6 element logperiodic from which he found some drawings. I helped him when visiting him but I can't remember if he ever had the antenna in use. When I moved out of my parents house in '95 I lost contact and I believe he didn't do anything with the radio hobby anymore. The logper antenna however was still in my mind. And finally in 2002 I decided to give it a try and build this antenna with information I got from some Swedish 11m DXers.

I lived in a very small house and some of the work has to be done just in my living room. Living alone at that time I didn't care. Outside was also small, all work had to be done on a few square meters.Β 

According to the building guide the antenna was fed by a balun. Detailed drawings and descriptions were found.Β 

This antenna was mounted first on a short pole to test and tune it.Β 

I didn't really care what people in the neighbourhood would think of it :-). I can tell that in this (low) position I made a QSO with a station from Indonesia, my report was 59+. I was happy with the result. But of course it should be in the tower. For that I got some help from a friend and his wife. Otherwise I couldn't get the tower up, it was too heavy.

At that time I was not allowed on 10m yet. So DX was made on 11m. I can tell that much DX was made with this antenna. Especially to stations in the pacific. Later on I bought the house across the street. I mounted this antenna on the versatower in 2006. I then discovered it was a solid performer on 10m as well. The balun however did not survive the weather, although enclosed in a box. I replaced it by the Diamond BU-50 which I currently use in my multiband squalo.

Last time I used this antenna was in the winter of 2011.Β 

The antenna was demolished by a large storm in 2012.Β 

Till today I still use parts from this antenna in other projects. For example some of the tubing has been used to fed the wires through in my solarpanel installation.

Denmark vacation

Β  Just ended our vacation (holiday) in Denmark. We have been on North Sealand, about 60km north of Copenhagen. Of course we visited Copenhagen, the little mermaid and Amalienborg. Well, we are not used to city live and it was all too crowded for us, but at least we can tell we have been there. We rented some bikes so we went outside the tourist zone as well. Found this very nice wall painting near a school. Of course we visited a lot of other places as well. Denmark is a beautiful country.Β 

Β  Upon request from my XYL I didn't bring a radiostation with me. But you know me, I have to bring some kind of radio. This time the Tecsun PL-365 shortwave receiver. I't tiny and even fits in your pocket.

Β  I only tried it inside the summerhouse we rented. Some stations have been heard on 20m and 40m. I only listened to CW which is in line with my current CW learning curve. Most stations are sending way too fast and all I can pick up are random letters. I only logged one Italian station on 14010KHz CW at 12:49UTC he was callling CQ CQ DE IZ4EKI IZ4EKI K. I had to listen very carefully since I could hardly detect any spacing between te letters. Although I think he was sending about 12wpm. After the 4th time CQ I think I had his call. At least one little success.

Β  I got a cable with me to connect the Tecsun with the computer to decode FT8. But hey, what's the fun of that? So, only CW this time...

Β  The only HAMradio antenna I saw this vacation was in Frederiksvaerk, just a few kilometers from our summerhouse. Very nice setup on a large tower. Unable to find the call of this HAM, he's not on QRZ.com as far as I could find.

2001 Antenna work - Avanti PDL2

Β I obtained this cubical quad antenna late nineties of last century. It belonged to Erik PA7V long before he became a licensed radio amateur. Erik is still living near to me and active but we don't hear each other much.

I wrote about this antenna before in one of my first posts on this blogΒ in 2008. The Avanti PDL2 is a well known 11m antenna. After installation I worked some incredible DX with it. Recently I rediscovered some old photos which were long forgotten but for some unknown reason stored on my dads computer. Why and how this happened cannot be asked because he died little over a week ago. Anyway, I want to share them with you on this blog. Photos are taken in 2001, 23 years ago.

PDL2 before assembly

Assembling the PDL2, notice my shack in the back

Assembling the PDL2

Several parts of this antenna are re-used in antenna projects still in use today. The boom was used to make a 10m HB9CV in the past. The glasfiber poles are still used in my experimental squalo which is still in my tower. The tower on the picture has been sold in 2004.

I remember it was a nice project. I used both vertical and horizontal polarisation. However I found the front-back rejection not that good. I think I used this on my tower for about half a year and replaced it by another antenna from which I also found photos. I will share them on this blog later...

My quest to learn CW (8)


I'm still at 28/11 wpm. For those that didn't read my previous posts. The letters are send with 28wpm, the real speed is 11wpm due to some extra spacing between the letters. Still this is very hard. It actually is way too fast for me but I'm trying to push the limits. Some days I'm better compared to others. I keep practising everyday, progress goes very slow.

In the mean time, thanks to PA4O Peter,Β  I found another nice program to do callsign training. It also has a kind of highscore list. It's called CW freak and can be downloaded here:Β https://web.ji0vwl.net/cw_freak_net_e.html

It's nice to push a little harder every time. I'm shure I will get better in time...

Finally SuperHound


Heard a lot of complaints about the new superfox mode. Lots of trouble when there is QRM on the fox frequency. So far I did not hear K8R anywhere although I was very curious about this new superfox transmission. I got a tip from PB7Z today that K8R had a big signal on 15m. So I thought I give it a try. I quickly installed the newest WSJT-X beta version (rc6) and gave a couple of calls. You see, third time it was no problem at all. K8R indeed had a big signal here on the experimental squalo.

3BMOX antenna overhaul (1)

Β This 3 band "7 element" yagi has an important advantage. It has no coils or lineair loading. It is full size with a moxon as the 20m part.

This antenna would do quite good in my tower. However, I find it too big and too heavy (20kg). But I would like to see how things are constructed and do an overhaul because some parts seem to be damaged and/or worn. I started with cleaning everything today since the color of most of the parts were brown and green and that was no paint!

I quickly took this photo after the cleaning. It started to rain so no further progress was made. I found a heavily worn tube which I will replace. Like the previous EA VHF 3 band antenna I rebuilt there are parts made from POM which are getting brittle. Moxon isolators seems to be glasfiber which was not protected by tape, coating or paint, they seem to be usable but I wil certainly wrap them with tape. Hopefully the weather will improve a little this summer...

Reducing RFI from solar systems

Β  Reading this very useful and detailed post from fellow blogger KA7OEI.Β 


I extended my solar energy production with 5 extra solarpanels a while ago. It really was a bargain getting these as I bought the 260Wp panels at a cost of €50 (€10 per panel) from a colleague. The inverter was searched for on the dutch internet marketplace and I bought one for another €50. Most of the costs were the mounting rails, wiring and the #31 ferrite to make shure no RFI would reach my antennas. The last items were an additional €300.Β 

The open line of the inverted-V doublet is just about 1,5 meter above the solarpanels. I even got a quarter wave CB antenna near the panels to listen to some chats on CB when in the garage. I really did take all precautions to make shure I would not have any RF coming from the inverter or the panels. On the pic at the right you see that I used big #31 FT240 ferrite rings in both AC and DC lines. The earth wire is fitted with a big #31 snap-on ferrite. DC wires are mostly fitted in earthed Alu tubes were possible. Everything is earthed to a central earth point, the tubes, the mounting frames and the inverter.

At the left a pic from the Alu tubing used. Yes, it is made of old antenna left overs. I always use what I have at hand. I seldom throw away scrap Alu tubing. Over the years I collected some ;-).

Well to keep a long story short I can recommend the page from FerriteShop about this subject. I followed most from their tips and used #31 snap-on ferrites below the panels. The only difference at my installation are the FT240 ferrite rings below the inverter.


For Dutch readers it could be interesting to read the Dutch Telecom recommendation:


Well, I don't have any RFI from my own solarsystems. I see QRM in the waterfall of my IC-7300 from my neighbours solarsystem on 50MHz. Just to be shure it isn't my own I checked when I switch my own systems off. Of course there was no change, the QRM stays there and is not from my property for shure. Luckily the QRM is only there when I turn my beam over their house.

The 5 solarpanels harvested 165 KWh in less then 2 months. Approx 3 Kwh average per day. It is not much but anything helps. The system can be extended easily when I find another 5 or 6 secondhand solarpanels.

Update 20-07-2024:Β 

Found another batch of solarpanels. 3x 265W and 3x255W panels have been installed. The system gives me now approx 6 KWh per day.Β 

The investment was another €300 in total. Considering what you pay if you let a company do the complete installation this is a real bargain. I'm curious how long it takes to get to a break-even point. With my calculation I estimate a 1000KWh per year. In that case it will take about 3 years with the current electricity price. I consider an upgrade with batteries after those 3 years.

My quest to learn CW (7)

Not much to tell about progress. Yes, I did make a first CW QSO with the begali paddle. Under pressure that was because of a failing computer. TF/AE5X was the lucky one, he even captured it on video. I imagine something else from my first QSO, but hey, it is what it is.

Still struggling at 28wpm/10wpm effective. I managed to get to lesson 40, my goal and the end is to run it 100% at this speed and then continue to 28/11wpm.Β 

I'm not doing lessons only., I also do a lot of plain text training and started to do word training on daily basis. I started at 2 letter words and after I managed to do that for 100% I continued to 3 letter words. For now the best I can do is 99% with 3 letter words starting at 20wpm and ending at 40wpm.

Some people tell me to listen on the bands. I do, but unfortunately I can't make anything out of it. Most CW transmissions are way too fast. A few letters is all I can do.

I realize I'm not a fast CW learner, may be I'm too old? Or may be it has something to do with my disability to learn music from notes. I've tried that in the past but I'm not able to read notes and then play music out of it. Even after a few years all I saw was separate notes. I really hope that this has nothing to do compared to learning morse. When I read that some people hear the music of notes, well I can't hear it. I only hear long and short beeps, no tones. Not shure what they hear or what they mean?

Update 7-July-2024:

Finally managed 100% at 28/10 wpm effective. Sometimes I think that 28wpm might be too fast. On the other hand I need not to count but hear how the letters sound.

Rebuild of the EA642ZB7 (Part 3)

The EA642ZB7, at the background my tower...

Β  I finished the EA642ZB7 for now. Not completely satisfied about the construction. But it is certainly a lot better compared to the build originally. This is a very small 3 band antenna. Ideal for someone that hasn't much room around the house. I think the 50MHz and 70MHz part will be working great. 145MHz will be less efficient compared to a monoband beam. But hey, when you haven't got the space it is good enough. You will not notice that 1 or 2dB less.

When I look at the picture at the right I realize now that it looks like I have a gigantic beam halfway my tower when you look at it from a distance. Imagine....

Originally I think the 50mm mast clamp is mounted right at the boom. I didn't like the idea of just one mast clamp, the manufacturer did of course because it is cost effective. I did make my own with 2x 50mm mast clamps. By the way, I've only used scrap aluminium from old antenna projects in this "upgrade". I'm not intending to keep this antenna for my own but sell it to someone that is really interested in it.

I mentioned the balun earlier. Personally I would use better coax on it. But since the PL chassis seems to be glued into the alu tube I can't replace it. The coax used is RG58 and there are 11 windings on the tube which has a diameter of about 20mm. And yes, it is mounted with ty-raps, that's the way also described in the manual.

SWR/resonance is good on all bands. Initially SWR on 70MHz was best at almost 72MHz. Bending the 70MHz open sleeve "dipole" ends towards the 50MHz dipole corrected this a lot. SWR on 145 is at best 1,5:1. Could get better when the antenna is mounted free and at height.

Some pics:

2m resonance point?

I now learned that originally this antenna was designed with EZNEC by DK7ZB. Nice thing is that his page featured a picture of a homemade one from my neighbour station PA0O.

This antenna is for sale. If you are interested please write me an e-mail. You'll find the e-mail address via QRZ.com. I'm not shipping it outside the Netherlands, it would be too expensive.

Update 7-July-2024: Antenna has been sold to PA3FFD Dirk. Hope it does a good job at his QTH.

RHR Skimmer opened for everyone

Remote Ham Radio in the USA has opened their FT8/FT4 skimmer for all 31 locations to the public for free.

This is interesting especially if you want to work the USA/Canada on any band including 6m. Their locations are excellent and on the best sites in the US. RHR uses big antennas, if there is propagation they will hear/see you. Besides that they have locations in Haiti, Croatia and Puerto Rico.Β 


Rebuild of the EA642ZB7 (Part 2)

Β  Β I really don't know if all modifications are price worthy. I intend to sell this antenna when finished. But I guess I don't make much profit out of it. So far I have fun upgrading and it is the experience, that counts.

The picture on the left shows some mods on the boom. Radials are all cleaned. Ready to mount everything.

Some details of the mods to make everything stronger.Β 

All 7 elements mounted to see if everything fits. Not the final assembly, it need some more mods.

More tests this photo at the right shows some details. Fitting the isolation for the dipole feed.Β 

Originally no closing caps on the ends. I fit them in. You can really see that everything in this design is made as cheap as possible. Don't blame the manufacturer. Building a good antenna is expensive. And you want to sell them and make a profit. So there always will be trade offs.

Personally I like to build all antennas myself so I can make them the way I like them. But it is nice to see and experience how commercial ones are designed.Β 

Next is to make another boom to mast clamp design. And mount the balun/choke to the dipole.

First real CW QSO

Β  Β Fellow blogger John AE5X is currently in Iceland. On his blog he announced that he would be QRV at 1900z this evening fromΒ SpΓ‘konufellshΓΆfΓ°i Country Park. Not that I am a big POTA hunter though. I just wanted to work him. John will only be on CW, that's a big challenge for me. So I programmed a trigger in HamAlert and as soon I got a announcement on my phone I went upstairs to my shack. At first he was spotted on 17m, I couldn't hear him although OY1CT was calling CQ almost on his spotted frequency. So, propagation was good in the direction of Iceland. A few minutes later John was spotted on 20m. I heard him with real 579. However, I didn't dare to send my call with the paddle. So instead I did setup DM780 with CW. Call me a coward :-(.

I called John with CW on the computer. John came back to me....then my computer/radio locked on TX. A moment of panic followed. The only thing I could do was switch off the radio since even the TX off button didn't do anything. Trying to shut down all software and switch back the radio on didn't do the trick, radio did still transmit. In the end I got it back on receive and John was still calling. I had to try with the paddle. Unfortunately I had the radio set on "full break in" which was not really what I wanted. But at the time John came back to me I was shaking to much and decided to make the best of it. I tried to send "TU JOHN" but the paddle didn't do what I wanted, or was it my brain? At least I could send him a standard 599 report and the 73 sign so it is a valid contact. I'm sorry for the inconvenience John, if you read this, it was not what I wanted for my first real CW QSO. But at least it is valid...

Rebuild of the EA642ZB7 (Part 1)

Β Recently acquired some antennas from PA7NTH. Unfortunately Nanne had to stop with the radiohobby due to a stroke. Very sad as he had just placed a big tower behind his house full of all kind of antennas. Life goes on though. He has to live with some complications, listening to radio is a no go for him. Anyway, among the antennas are a 3 band beam (10,15/20m), a 3 band beam (2/4/6m) and a 40m dipole. I decided to sell the 40m dipole as it is just too long for me.Β 

Some of the antennas are damaged and one of them is the EA antenna EA642ZB7 which consists of 2 elements for 6m, 2 elements for 4m and 3 elements for 2m. It is a so called open sleeve design.

I guess the design is ok, but the mechanical strength of this antenna is not that good. It is obviously designed to fit in a small box with as few parts as possible. Costs might also be playing a role. First of all the isolation between te dipole halves is probably made of POM which is not really UV resistant. I personally prefer PTFE, it is UV resistant, heat resistant and water resistant. Disadvantage of PTFE is that it is not as hard as POM, at least the PTFE 10mm rod I have. Well you see what happened to the dipole of this antenna...it did get brittle and snapped. The challenge is to repair everything and make a stronger antenna that will last.

It was the first thing I wanted to repair. I thought it would be the most difficult part to remake. But in the end it was easy. I just drilled a 10mm hole through the old center part and pushed the new PTFE rod in. As you can see it looks pretty well.

The antenna was still assembled and I know why. The stainless steel bolts have been mounted without greasing them first. There was nothing on the antenna connections to protect it from nature elements either. Stainless steel and aluminium are not the best friends and so everything was heavily corroded and very difficult to remove. I had to apply brute force to remove everything and even had to drill out one bolt. Results in the photo, these are aluminium connecting pieces to connect the half 6m and 4m elements together inside the boom.

The choke used is consisting of about 11 windings of RG58 (would not be my first choice) on a alu tube. I've been thinking of removing it and use a piece of teflon coax which would probabely be a lot better especially on 2m. However the PL chassis is glued into the aluminium tube and removing it would destroy everything. I decided to clean everything and solder new wires to it. When I reassemble everything I will mount it again and cut the wires at length. It's not the best but I guess it will work anyway.
