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On Air in Scotland

16 September 2024 at 15:51

The Planning

At the end of August, I went on holiday to Scotland for two weeks. Before that, of course, I had to think about the radio setup a bit.

Transporting by plane was also something I was thinking about beforehand. Which device should I take with me? What do I need to consider when transporting it and what about the batteries?

Most of my questions were answered in the Draussenfunker Discord channel. To be on the safe side, I specifically asked the airline about the batteries again. My planned 2 Γ— 6 Ah-hour Eremit can be transported in hand luggage without any problems.

For the TRX, I had the choice between the Icom IC 705 and the FT-891. I thought about it for a long time and then decided on the FT-891. I don't come to Scotland that often for radio activities and a park activation shouldn't fail due to insufficient output power.

However, when I look back at the reports, it would have been easily possible with QRP power.

In terms of weight, my radio backpack easily stayed under the 8 kg limit for hand luggage. I couldn't pack the antenna in my hand luggage anyway, as the DF-Vertical would have been considered a "weapon". Especially the ground spike. I'm not even allowed to take a small screwdriver, which I normally always have in my radio backpack. I packed that in my normal luggage too.Β 

But now to the actual radio operation in Scotland. I took the Retevis RT3s with me so that I could possibly have a QSO via repeater on VHF/UHF. However, there are very few repeaters on the island and very few in our planned holiday area. I tried a few times to reach a nearby repeater, but without any notable success.

POTA in Scotland

I didn't really plan much beforehand. I just took a quick look at the parks on the official POTA map. I quickly noticed that there is very little information about the park boundaries, if you can find anything at all.

An inquiry to Ilyas (MM0MMN) was able to shed some light on the matter, at least for one park that I wanted to activate on the Isle of Skye.

The first park, which turned out to be a 2fer, was activated on the second day. They were GB-0836 Caingorms National Nature Reserve and GB-0906 Insh Marshes Nature Reserve.

Unfortunately, I had to stop after 15 minutes because it started to rain, and the wind got stronger. But it was enough for 10 QSOs.

Typical Scottish weather, because shortly after dismantling it got better again. Nevertheless, we had made a start. Although I have to say that we had nothing but good weather for the whole two weeks. It only rained heavily in the evening on the day of arrival, everything else was just a little drizzle.

GB-0882 Forsinard Flows RSPB Reserve

While I was out walking, I discovered a nice spot for the park activation. However, the ground spike of the DF-Vertical could not be moved more than 5 cm into the ground. Necessity is the mother of invention, so I quickly used the stones available to stabilize it.

GB-0993 Wester Ross Scenic Site

I was actually lucky to find a small table with a sea view, which I could use for my activation.

But the shock came when I was setting up the antenna and connecting the RG-58 cable. The plug simply fell off the cable. Mind you, this was a cable that was included with the HF-P1 at the time. The core wasn't even soldered.

If I hadn't packed a spare cable in my luggage before the vacation, the radio operation would have come to an end here.

Here I was able to take my time with the radio operation and managed 60 QSOs. There was actually a sked with my OV colleague Bernd (DB3GF/DL0TI) which took a little longer. Bernd even briefly activated his friend Andi (9A5EAT) for a QRO test with the OM Power OM4001A. After a short warm-up phase, 1.5 KW was in the air. But I would have heard him even with 100.

It was interesting when Andy asked me to send out a quick RTTY signal to see if he could hear me in VK on the WebSDR. It actually worked with S2.

GB-0862 Cuillins (Isle of Skye) Protected Area

Although Arlene (Balmeneach House B&B) had advised us against visiting the Fairy Pools, my wife really wanted to go there. We left after a short while because it was nothing special and was massively overrun with tourists.Β 

Luckily, Arlene gave us an insider tip, which we headed for straight away. A beautiful beach at a campsite. Fortunately, not far from GB-0862. So my wife could walk on the beach and I set off with the radio backpack. After about 45 minutes uphill, I found a nice spot on a large rock. Here I had to try for a while until the antenna could be moved into the ground.Β 

With a 5-star view and loads of sun included, I began the activation. Unfortunately, there was no cell reception there and so it was a bit tough at first. After 12 QSOs and a developing sunburn, I packed up. I finally wanted to walk a little higher and then along the bottom of the ridge to a waterfall.

QRV on Oban Beach

Beach without POTA. You can do that after a sumptuous dinner in the nearby restaurant. My wife was happy because she could walk on the beach, and I was happy too because I quickly set up the antenna.

There, it was even possible to make a small DF2DF contact. Many thanks for that, BjΓΆrn (DK1BOU)

GB-0892 Glencoe National Nature Reserve

On a morning hike, I discovered a nice spot by the river that was suitable for activation. Of course, it took several attempts here too until the antenna's ground spike was sunk into the ground.

It was a lightning-fast activation. After 17 minutes, there were 20 QSOs in the log and I took it down again. This is quick with the DF-Vertical. The whole process, including setting up and taking down, took less than half an hour.

GB-8024 Ben Lawers National Nature Reserve

I only have one picture of the antenna from the last activation in Scotland. I took it from the car. It was only 7 degrees and the wind was blowing strongly. Luckily, I found a parking space with a small depression for the antenna.

Here, too, the activation went rapidly with a tried and tested setup in just under half an hour. In all activations, the transmission power of the FT-891 was 50 watts.

Ham Radio Operation in Scotland

It's a lot of fun! There are hardly any disruptions here. Unfortunately, I only found the really useful POTA map at the end of my vacation: https://kwirk.github.io/pota-gb-map

Pretty much everything can be displayed there, from POTA to WWFF, SOTA and BOTA. Although the park boundaries are not all included here, some of them match WWFF and can be adopted as such.

In germany we fortunately have the POTA-MAP from Heinz (DK5UR)

Any questions? You are welcome to comment on or write me an email.Β 

You are also welcome to visit the Instagram page from groundcontrol. There you will find pictures of the activations

Charging the Yaesu FT-5D with USB-C

18 June 2024 at 07:42

The Yaesu FT-5D is an expensive HRT. It comes with many nice features like APRS and C4FM.

You can charge it with the Rapid Desk Charger* or with the power adapter and Cable**. There is no other charging option.Β 

Bad if you are outside during a POTA activation.

I have found a USB-C to DC 12 V Adapter that works great for me. So I can charge the FT-5D with a PD USB Powerbank or car adapter.

There is another option from W0AEZ. A big 5 Ah battery for the FT-5D. It extends the running time by three times, but you need a packing mule πŸ˜‰

Here are the links to this useful stuff:

USB-C to DC 12 V Adapter on Amazon***

USB-C to DC 12 V Adapter on AliExpress***

Big 5 Ah battery for FT-5D

* What the heck is meaning of fast, Yaesu?
** Slower than the Rapid Desk Charger
*** Affiliate Links

Fail – My first Flora & Fauna Activation

8 June 2023 at 09:13

Last weekend, I have tried my first Flora & Fauna activation. Not exactly I was hoping for.Β 

I learned a few things for the next activation. But let me tell you how the weekend went and what problems there were

DLFF-0108 Naturpark SchΓΆnbuch

My XYL got a falconry weekend from me for her birthday. That took place in Weil am SchΓΆnbuch. It was ideal that the SchΓΆnbuch nature park was right next door.

So, I planned my first activation there.Β 

I made an announcement on the wwff.co site for Sunday. On Saturday, I wanted to explore the area and do a test setup with radio operation.

So far, so good.Β 

My time window was very limited. Approximately 2.5 hours. That's why I wanted a place near the hiking car park.

After 1.5 km, I arrived at a beautiful place with a sequoia tree that offered shade and a small meadow.Β 

I had the DX Wire mini 10 m with me as a mast. In the middle of the meadow it was set up with paracord and a 3D-printed mast holder.

DX Wire mini 10 m Mast

The mosquitoes and ants weren't exactly helpful.

After about 15 minutes of calling CQ, no one answered. The idea was then to spot myself in the DX cluster. But I didn't reckon with "Neuland". Of course, I ended up in one of the extremely rare (ironically) cell phone dead spots in Germany.

So, I was only able to make two QSOs in the time available.

A cyclist passing by said to her partner: Look, someone is fishing. After that, I packed up.

Next try Flora & Fauna Activation

Next day, same time slot, different location.Β 

My activation was announced for this day on wwff.co.Β 

The first problem arose when setting up the mast. It was almost impossible to get the tent pegs into the ground to attach the pole.

There were also plenty of mosquitoes around, and sporadically, I also had to remove ticks that were walking around on my pants.

After two QSOs for Flora & Fauna and another half hour of calling CQ, I simply switched to normal radio operation. From Activation to Hunting.Β 

Unfortunately, the time passed too quickly, and I was only able to achieve 2 QSOs for Flora & Fauna and 9 more.

With 5 watt QRP I'm quite happy with it.Β 

Flora & Fauna Activation Day 2 DLFF-0108

The place to sit was not comfortable and the portable shack still has room for improvement.

Portable Shack DLFF-0108

Equipment used

For the portable activation, I used my IC-705 with Mat 705 tuner. The transmission power was 5 watts.

The antenna for the first day was a homemade Rybakov antenna with 1:4 UnUn and 7.6Β m length. This was mounted vertically on the mast. In my garden, I have already achieved good connections with it.

On day two, I used my endfed at just over 20Β m and a 1:49 UnUn. It was attached to the mast as an inverted V.

Stations on Day 2 Activation DLFF-0108

Optimization for next activation

The most important thing is probably a mosquito repellent. Then I want to announce activation in multiple channels.

A seat in the form of a small chair is certainly an advantage. Alternatively, I can of course, also use existing benches. This is always better than setting the table for ticks.

Paper logs are great. You can also take great notes. With the log program Hamrs, which I used at the same time, I later had problems importing to QRZ.com. So, I had to go the detour via Cloudlog.

But the most important thing of all, even if it didn't work as expected: It was still a lot of fun.

What was your experience with your first activation?

M5HamRadio for Icom IC-705, IC-7300 and IC-9700

11 May 2023 at 12:23

I have found a nice little helper for my IC-705. It is an external Display based on M5Stack Core Basic or M5Stack Core 2. I use it as well for my APRScube.

The Display can show you information like S-Meter, Multimeter, DXTracker or use the internal Keyer for Audio or CW.

I know, the IC-705 can show all this information on the screen. But it costs space, to the disadvantage of the spectrum scopes.Β 

When you use this little gadget, you can use the full size of the spectrum scopes and have all the other information on your M5Stack Display.

It works with Bluetooth and also with USB-Connection. The M5Stack brings its battery, so you can use it without a power supply.Β 

Now a few pictures and the links to the relevant pages


The default application on M5HamRadio. A nice S-Meter with different options.Β 

M5HamRadio ICSmeter
M5hamradio Power
M5hamradio SWR


On this screen, you can find much information. I think it's self-explanatory

M5hamradio ICMultimeter
M5hamradio ICMultimeter Send


You can use it for Audio or CW playback.

M5hamradio ICKeyer


The last firmware you can use is the DXTracker

M5hamradio Screen 1
M5hamradio Screen 2
M5hamradio Screen 3

M5HamRadio and M5Stack Core 2

You can buy the M5Stack Core 2, I recommend this version because it has a Touch Display, on different Web stores. For example, eBay and Berrybase.

The software, which is completely free, is from Armel Fauveau (F4HWN). You can find it, with the installation manual, on GitHub: M5HamRadio

How do you find this Icom "Extension"? Tell me in the comments.

Use APRSCube as a Tracker and I-Gate

27 March 2023 at 09:22

The APRSCube is a small APRS Tracker and I-Gate based on a M5Stack Core Basic*.Β 

I use normally a Meshtastic T-Beam V1.1 ESP32* as Tracker and a LILYGO TTGO ESP32-Paxcounter* as I-Gate.Β 

Recently, I also have an ARPScube that combines both in one device.

A great piece of technology that is easy to use and can even be equipped with ENVIII sensor for weather data.

Telemetrie APRScube

I have the model with the QRO Modul (30dbm/1W). You can find it on APRS.fi.

All Information about the APRScube you can find on https://www.aprscube.de. It also has a support forum and the inventor Frank (DL3DCW) answers fast.Β 


What APRS Hard- and Software do you have and how do you use it?

Enable Analog APRS RX on Anytone 878II UV Plus

27 March 2023 at 08:35

I wondered why I could send analog APRS transmissions with my Anytone 878 II UV Plus but not receive them.

I looked in the codeplug and found what I was looking for.Β 

There are two options to set.Β 

First, you have to click on Tool --> Options. In the following Window, you can set Analog APRS RX

Tool Options Analog APRS RX

I have uploaded the codeplug, and it doesn't work.Β 

In the channel settings I found another checkbox.

Analog APRS RX Anytone 878 Channel Setting

Now I can receive Analog APRS Messages.

Anytone 878
Anytone 878

The Anytone 878II UV Plus is a really powerful radio with a ton of features. But some of them are perfectly hidden.Β 

My favorite Ham Radio Log Program

23 February 2023 at 10:46

How do I log my QSOs?Β 

There are many ways to log QSOs. On the paper, in the smartphone or PC and Internet.Β 

I'll show you what I use and why.Β 

The search was not easy for me because since 2003 I don't use any Windows pc.Β 

My preferred system is Linux and recently macOS on the iPad and MacBook Air.Β 

There are some programs on these systems, not all of them are easy to use.Β Β 

Paper log

The good old paper logbook works everywhere. You don't need an internet connection and other devices.Β 

I use this sometimes outdoor. Then I transfer the logs to the program.

For the outdoor logs I have a template with the most important information such as date, time, frequency, and call sign in my backpack.Β 


The first program that I tried out was Cloudlog. It's a web-based software that you can install on your webspace.Β 

cloudlog ham radio logbook

It offers good functionality, statistics, filter options and even a contest mode.Β 

I use it for backup log and for experimenting with the software itself.Β 

It is constantly being further developed, and new functions are added.Β 

Rumlog and Rumlog2Go

Rumlog on the MacBook Air and Rumlog2Go on the iPad are my favorite Log programs.Β 

Rumlog Log Program

DL2RUM has developed this software for its use. It is powerful and works with the interface of my Icom IC-705 perfectly.Β 

The Logbook is synced with iCloud between MacBook and iPad. And it also offers a Contest mode.Β 

You can connect Rumlog to LOTW, ESQL and Clublog.Β 

The software can be downloaded for free. For more Information, visit: Rumlog

QRZ.com Logbook

The QRZ.com Logbook can be used for free. I use it to upload all my logs and confirm the QSOs with other OMs and YLs. I also like to use the Award program.

It is nice to have a confirmation with contacts from the whole world.Β Β 

My Logging Workflow

Normally, I log my QSOs with Rumlog on the MacBook.Β 

From time to time, I upload the logs to Cloudlog. From Cloudlog it is one click, and it uploads to QRZ.com.

Which log program do you use?

Tell me in the comments what log program do you prefer and why.Β 

Now it’s time to learn CW

10 January 2023 at 11:51

The Amateur radio class A license is done.

Now I have the head free to learn CW (Continuous Wave).Β 

I'll show you how I do it and give you some helpful links and tools.Β 

Helpful Links to learn CW

There are many sites that show you how to learn the Morse code.

I will introduce you a few of them, and show you which one of them I prefer to use.Β 


It's a Multi Language Site and the first one that I have found after a quick search in Google.Β 

After the registration, you can use the site for free. It's helpful to know the ten finger system when you learn with lcwo.net.Β 

The site offers a statistics and many settings options.Β 


Morse with Google

My first choice to learn letters, numbers and special characters.Β 

It's easy to use, and you can learn with the smartphone on every place you want.

For each character is shown a picture that is easy to learn. Ideal for visual learners.

It is simple to transfer what you have learned to Morserino's Morse Paddles because you use the same two fingers.Β 


Video Course

A German CW Course from DL8MH on YouTube. I haven't a look on it until now.Β 

Playlist "Telegrafie fΓΌr AnfΓ€nger"

Morserino 32

The Morserino 32 was designed by OE3WKL.Β 

This is a kit that need a little soldering. The Morserino is a multifunctional morse-device (Keyer, Trainer, Decoder and Transceiver.)Β 

The feature list is long, and you can read completely on the site from Morserino.Β 


CW Learning with Morserino 32

My way to learn the Morse code

I learn with different methods to reach my goal as fast as possible: The first QSO in CW.Β 

With the Morserino and the external Paddle, I learn to give the letters and characters.

Morse with Google supports me. With LCWO.net I generate MP3 to learn hearing the code.Β 

Training Paddle

I use this paddle for training. It's handy and great for outdoor activities like SOTA, COTA or POTA. It has three strong magnets on the bottom to attach it securely on your receiver.Β 

CW Paddle

Get it on Amazon: Mini CW Paddle*

Interesting and helpful about CW

I have found an interesting video about CW and other stuff. Do you know Beethoven's 5th? There is a hided Morse code in the song.Β 

CW is an intangible cultural heritage

Since 2014, CW has been included in the UNESCO catalog of intangible cultural heritage.Β Β 

The training Coin

You can get it on eBay or AliExpress. Search for CW decoder coin. This coin is useful to always have with you in your pocket trousers.

CW Decoder Coin

You can do it with light too

A simple flashlight is enough to give Morse code.Β 

Now it's your turn

How do you learn cw, or how did you learn it? Do you have any tips for me? Please write it in the comments.

*Amazon Affiliate Link

Why this page?

2 January 2023 at 12:45

Hi, my name is Joe and since 15 December 2022 I have my Class A Ham Radio License.Β 

Before, I had a Class E Novice License from 27 June to 14th December.Β 

I started with CB radio almost 30 years ago. After a few silent years, I started last year again with CB radio.Β 

Unfortunately, there wasn't much going on, on the CB frequencies.Β 

Through some YouTube videos of DL2YMR, DL8MH and also DO1HFS I decided to do the amateur radio exam.

I did not regret. It is a complex and interesting hobby with many facets.

After reading many amateur radio sites, I decided to create one myself.

There are many outdated sites on the web that look like they were from the early days of the internet.

This is my first only English Homepage. Another challenge to expand my English skills and also to reach a larger audience.

Comments are welcome
