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Exploring HD Radio and Other Signals While on Holiday

By: admin
30 July 2024 at 04:23

Over on his YouTube channel, Simon has uploaded a video showing how while on holiday he was able to explore the various HD Radio stations available around the USA.Β 

If you are in the USA, you might recognize HD Radio (aka NRSC-5) signals as the rectangular looking bars on the frequency spectrum that surround common broadcast FM radio signals. These signals only exist in the USA and they carry digital audio data which can be received by special HD Radio receivers. Earlier in 2017 a breakthrough in HD Radio decoding for SDRs like the RTL-SDR was achieved by Theori when he was able to piece together a full HD Radio software audio decoder that works in real-time. Nowadays you can use software like HDFM - HD Radio GUI to easily receive HD Radio with an RTL-SDR.

In his video Simon shows the various HD Radio signals he found while on holiday, and also shows some of their secondary features, including traffic data, and weather radar maps. Interestingly he also spots HD Radio in the AM bands, but finds his signal is not strong enough to decode.

The rest of the video explores other signals he finds such as a studio link, and TV audio signals.

YouTube Video

SignalsEverywhere: Decoding the QO-100 Mid-Beacon with WebSDR and IZ8BLY’s Decoder

By: admin
16 July 2024 at 04:41

In one of her latest videos on YouTube, Sarah from the SignalsEverywhere channel shows how we can use a program called "IZ8BLY Phase 3D (AO-4) Satellite Decoder" to decode the 'Mid-Beacon' on the QO-100 satellite. QO-100 is a commercial geostationary communications satellite that also contains a popular transponder for amateur radio.

However, there is also an interesting beacon called the mid-beacon that can be decoded, which provides some information about the satellite. In the video, Sarah shows how this beacon can be decoded with the software from IZ8BLY. As QO-100 is only visible from Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Sarah uses a WebSDR to receive the signal from the USA, then pipes the audio into the IZ8BLY decoder via Virtual Audio Cable.

YouTube Video

Reading Electric Meters with RTL-SDR and HomeAssistant

By: admin
16 July 2024 at 04:20

Over on his blog Jeff Sandberg has posted a writeup detailing how he combined RTL-SDR, rtl_amr, and HomeAssistant to decode wireless data from his Itron power meter, and create useful graphs showing his US home's power usage.

In the post, Jeff explains how he uses an RTL-SDR Blog V4, HomeAssistant, EMQX, and rtl_amr to receive and plot the data. The RTL-SDR and rtl_amr software receives and decodes the wireless Itron electricity meter data packets, and then EQTT passes the data to HomeAssistant for logging and plotting. Jeff also notes how he used NodeRed to correctly automate the summer and winter tariff price changes.

Finally, in an update to the post Jeff mentions that he was also able to receive and log data from his gas meter.

HomeAssistant energy dashboard with data received from an RTL-SDR and rtl_amr decoder.

Transmitting and Receiving Meshtastic with SDR

By: admin
12 July 2024 at 03:37

Last month we posted about Aaron's video on Meshtastic, and how it's possible to decode the Meshtastic protocol using an RTL-SDR and GNU Radio project called Meshtastic_SDR.Β 

If you weren't aware, Meshtastic is software that enables off-grid mesh network based communications and can run on cheap LoRa hardware. The mesh based nature of the system means that communications can be received over long distances, without any infrastructure, as long as there are sufficient Meshtastic nodes in an area that can route the message to the destination node. One example application of Meshtastic is to use it as a mesh-based text messaging system. This might be useful for teams of hikers, pilots, or skiers who operate in remote areas without cell phone coverage.

In his latest video, Aaron shows how Meshtatsic_SDR can also be used to transmit the Meshtastic Protocol using a transmit capable SDR like the HackRF. Aaron writes in the video description:

In this video, we take a deeper dive into the setup and usage of the meshtastic_SDR repository, which now enables the transmission and reception of Meshtastic using Software Defined Radios (SDRs). Recent updates have made this possible by partially leveraging GNU Radio flow graphs for both RX (receive) and TX (transmit), and integrating Python scripts that connect to ZMQ sources for message input and ZMQ outputs for message decoding.

I demonstrate the setup using a HackRF for the transmit side and an Airspy R2 for receiving. We also verify the results of TX and RX using a standard Meshtastic receiver to ensure accurate performance.

YouTube Video

SignalsEverywhere: Monitoring Itron ERT Smart Meters on Android

By: admin
10 July 2024 at 03:38

Over on her YouTube channel SignalsEverywhere, Sarah has uploaded her latest video showing how it is possible to monitor Itron ERT smart meters on an Android device.Β  Smart meters are used to wirelessly monitor the usage of residential utilities such as water, gas, and electricity. With an RTL-SDR and some decoding software, it is possible to monitor the data coming from your own and your neighbours meters (at least for certain brands of meter).

In her video, Sarah shows how she compiled the rtl_amr decoder software for Android, and created her own Android app called "AndAMR" for displaying the data decoded by rtl_amr. The rest of the video shows how to set up and use the app.

YouTube Video

Decoding Meshtastic in Realtime with an RTL-SDR and GNU Radio

By: admin
10 June 2024 at 05:01

Over on his YouTube channel, Aaron, creator of DragonOS and WarDragon has uploaded a video showing how it is possible to decode Meshtastic with an RTL-SDR and GNU Radio project called Meshtastic_SDR.Β 

If you weren't aware of it, Meshtastic is software that enables off-grid mesh network based communications and can run on cheap LoRa hardware. The mesh based nature of the system means that communications can be received over long distances, without any infrastructure, as long as there are sufficient Meshtastic nodes in an area that are able to route the message to the destination node. One example application of Meshtastic is to use it as a mesh-based text messaging system. This might be useful for teams of hikers, pilots, or skiiers who operate in remote areas without cell phone coverage.

In the video, Aaron shows how to install the Meshtastic GNU Radio software on DragonOS (Linux), and how to run the GNU Radio flowgraph and Python decoder script. Later in the video Aaron shows some test text messages being received by the software.

The Meshtastic_SDR project can also be used to transmit Meshtastic messages with an appropriate TX-capable SDR.

YouTube Video

SignalsEverywhere: Build an RTL-SDR Based OP25 Radio Scanner with a Mobile Control Head Android App

By: admin
30 May 2024 at 04:16

Welcome back to Sarah from the SignalsEverywhere YouTube channel who has recently returned to producing videos from a hiatus. In her latest video, Sarah shows off her new OP25 Mobile Control Head Android App which allows you to implement a full P25 digital radio scanner at a fraction of the cost of a commercial digital scanner. In the past, Sarah had released a similar application written for the Raspberry Pi but has decided to shift her focus to writing an equivalent Android app that is less clunky and can be deployed for a lower cost.Β 

The app controls and displays information from the OP25 software that runs on a Raspberry Pi with RTL-SDR connected. It works by using a server application on the Raspberry Pi that manipulates the OP25 instance and its configuration files.

Sarah writes:

The application is a wrapper for OP25 that uses a raspberry pi and an android device to provide users with a mobile control head for their OP25 P25 scanner setup. Currently it's just a basic application but I'll be adding features like automatic site switching, etc.

OP25MCH: https://github.com/SarahRoseLives/OP25MCH

There is also a separate application I call the OP25Display which is just a display for a users existing OP25 instance.

OP25Display: https://github.com/SarahRoseLives/op25display

YouTube Video
