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POTA Activation of K-6033 Three Peaks BLM Recreation Management Area

12 August 2023 at 20:51
My family and I just returned from a short road trip to visit with family in southern Utah. We typically try to get in at least one significant summer trip, but this year our ambitions were scaled back a bit due to how crazy it was getting moved into our new house. I knew that… Read More POTA Activation of K-6033 Three Peaks BLM Recreation Management Area

POTA Activation of K-9548 Gleneden Beach State Recreation Area

17 July 2023 at 01:54
Today I finally accomplished something that I had been putting off for a long time. In fairness, my life has been pretty crazy these last few years, but I could have done this sooner if I had put my mind to it. I’ve bagged a small number of POTA hunter QSOs over the last few… Read More POTA Activation of K-9548 Gleneden Beach State Recreation Area

Progress Marches On!

21 March 2023 at 20:17
We’re still waiting on our house to be delivered. It’s out of our hands at this point, as the transporter says he needs a long stretch of dry days in order to safely deliver the house down our narrow and windy road. Given how stormy it’s been this late Winter (and now early Spring), there’s… Read More Progress Marches On!

Putting Down Roots

23 February 2023 at 22:51
Homestead Update I sit here in the very snowy Eola Hills of Yamhill County, Oregon watching the snow continuously pile up for the last 24 hours. I know that those of you who live in colder climes are probably laughing at me, but we’ve received about a foot of snow up here, which is a… Read More Putting Down Roots

2022 ARRL 10 Meter Contest

17 December 2022 at 18:42
I haven’t been able to actually just enjoy amateur radio much over the last several years. Between trying move Etherkit forward and dealing with the fallout of the disastrous COVID policy effects on my sons’ education, social, and emotional growth, there was very little time for it. Also, the process of selling our old house,… Read More 2022 ARRL 10 Meter Contest

Empyrean Campaign is Live!

29 June 2020 at 23:27
Just wanted to post a quick note here to let my blog subscribers know that the Empyrean campaign on Indiegogo is now live, and I’d be most grateful if you would head over and take a look at it. As a quick primer about Empyrean, allow me to quote myself from the campaign: A powerful… Read More Empyrean Campaign is Live!