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Please share your recording of the 2024 BBC Midwinter Broadcast to Antarctica here!

By: Thomas
21 June 2024 at 20:30
In the comments section of this post, I’d like you to share your recording of the BBC Midwinter Broadcast to Antarctica! Time and frequencies Our intrepid contributor, Richard Langley, reports the following message from the British Antarctic Survey: The BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast will be transmitted at 21.30 GMT on 21 June on shortwave frequencies: […]

Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast 2022

By: Matt
22 June 2022 at 11:20
Every year I try and listen to the BBC Antarctic Midwinter Broadcast. It’s become a bit of a tradition to sit back with a whisky on the rocks and enjoy this unique program that is broadcast by the BBC World Service. The broadcast was made on 3 frequencies; 7305 kHz from Ascension, 9505 kHz from …

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