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CWT #120 (Gold) Completed at 19:04Z

By: robert
2 October 2024 at 19:43

After making my first 10 contacts, I officially completed CWT #120 for 2024.

Completing CWT #120 was my last remaining goal for 2024.

  • Hunt 1500+ POTA parks
  • Do at least one activation with the Elecraft KH1 hand-held QRP rig
  • Give a radio club presentation on solar power/batteries
  • Compete in 120+ CWTs
  • Wildcard (like finish the QDX or some other ham related project)

Now I have to put some thought into goals for 2025!

March to 1500 unique parks continues, along with 120 CWTs

By: robert
15 July 2024 at 18:17

As of today, I have 1426 unique POTA parks confirmed.Β  Twenty days ago, the count was 1401, so I’m adding a scooch over 1 park a day.Β  So the end of September seems like when I might get my goal of 1500 completed.Β  And the CWT Gold Medal should wrap up by the end of October, which is when I should hit 120 (currently at 84, so 36 remain).Β  Fingers are crossed!

Guest Post: Combining POTA with an FBLA national competition road trip!

13 July 2024 at 10:00
Many thanks to Doug (KO4WDE) for sharing the following guest post: POTA and FBLA by Doug (KO4WDE) I have recently found myself fully immersed in the world of Future Business Leaders of America, as my wife is the chapter leader for the middle school where we teach.Β  She started the program with just a handful … Continue reading Guest Post: Combining POTA with an FBLA national competition road trip! β†’

2023 Goal Review and New Goals for 2024

By: robert
3 January 2024 at 20:47

I had an ambitious set of goals for 2023:

  • Teach a class (either Technician or CW Academy)
  • Participate in 120+ CWTs for the CWops Gold Medal
  • Build my QRP-Labs QDX Digital Transceiver
  • Activate 10 new parks in CT or obtain award for hunting 1000 parks
  • Obtain 50 States Parks on the Air award

I completed four of the five, only failing to build the QDX transceiver.Β  It sits on my desk and perhaps will come to life in 2024.Β  I did complete 145 CWTs (actually 146 but I forgot to submit a log for one of them).Β  I also taught a Technician class in the spring of 2023.Β  For POTA I did get the WAS award, and hunted more than 1000 parks.

For 2024, I think I’m going to dial things back a bit, but here we go:

  • Hunt 1500+ POTA parks
  • Do at least one activation with the Elecraft KH1 hand-held QRP rig
  • Give a radio club presentation on solar power/batteries
  • Compete in 120+ CWTs
  • Wildcard (like finish the QDX or some other ham related project)

Burning down the house!

By: TJ Campie
7 July 2016 at 13:18
I ran by HRO after work yesterday and picked up the 2kw gas tube for my Alpha Delta lightning protection in anticipation of firing up my SB200 for the big IARU contest this weekend. Β The little amp has not been powered up since we moved from Iowa and I was a little apprehensive about turning it on again for the first time. Β Luckily my fears were unfounded because it fired right up without any issue.

I made a few new pieces of coax to get me QRO handling capability - I was only using RG58 from my radio to the entry panel - and got everything hooked up. Β I started tuning the amp on 20m, and watched the power meter go up...up....up....to almost 700w. Β I thought, "Oh wow! Β This antenna loads up better than my hex beam!" Β And then I adjusted the meter for SWR and saw the failure in my ways. Β I was getting 5:1 SWR, something had gone wrong! Β I grabbed the antenna analyzer and saw my 20 and 40m SWR were both very high, while the other bands seemed OK. Β Connectors on the new coax all seemed fine so it must have been the antenna...

So I went out to inspect and it only took a moment to see what had happened.Β 

This wire was attached to the bottom of the 20m element on the antenna, dangling between the spreaders for the 40m radial loop. Β Apparently this little bitty stuff (and its insulation) can't handle a few hundred watts while touching other metal parts! Β The insulation had burned off and caused the 20m element to short out to the 40m element. Β I'm lucky I didn't burn anything else up! Β I replaced the wire with some much, much heavier stuff with nice thick insulation and rotated the loop a bit so it fell evenly between 2 spreaders, maximizing the space between them. Β It shouldn't happen again but I'm going to look into a more sturdy solution that doesn't rely on a flexible wire.

With that all fixed up, the amp was showing me 400w out on 20 and 40, just in time for the 0300z CW Ops mini CWT. Β I ran most of the time and walked away with 52 contacts, mostly on 40. Β I've been really happy with this antenna on 40m.

I still have those 527b tubes I got at Hamcom last year I'd like to throw in and test so I may do a little post on that tonight or tomorrow if I remember.

So I guess the station is primed and ready for the big contest this weekend. Β I hope to hear you all on the air!
