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The DL2MAN / PE1NNZ (tr)uSDX: A Pocket-Sized 5 Band QRP Transceiver

Are you looking for a super compact, portable QRP transceiver for your BOTA, POTA or SOTA ham radio operations? Then read on and watch DL2MAN’s video about his (tr)uSDX non-clone QRP transceiver.


Since I recently got a Venus-Tech SW-3B, I had not paid much attention to the (tr)uSDX rig from DL2MAN/PE1NNZ until now. YES! I am a BIG sucker for QRP stuff and just had to add one of these pocket sized rigs to my QRP stable. So, I pulled the trigger and placed my order for an assembled rig with AliExpress. AliExpress was listed as one of DL2MAN’s Where to Buy recommendations.

The (tr)uSDX is a 5-band, multi-mode transceiver that packs an efficient class E PA and supports CW/LSB/USB/AM/FM. It covers by default 80/60/40/30/20m (alternative filter setups possible). What sets it apart from the tons of clones is that every unit sold has its own serial number. To download the firmware upgrade you must enter your serial number and call sign into the web site. Your unique firmware will then be loaded into the radio, and your call will be displayed on the screen.

Sharing DL2MAN’s video about his design, operation and features of his (tr)uSDX transceiver might be valuable for those who want to learn more about it or considering one of these pocket transceivers for themselves. DL2MAN has a bunch of videos about his design on his YouTube channel.

Key Takeaways:

  • The (tr)uSDX transceiver is a compact, portable, and powerful 5-band, multi-mode transceiver that supports CW/LSB/USB/AM/FM.
  • Each unit sold has its own serial number, and you can upgrade your firmware only by entering your serial number and call sign into the firmware download website.
  • The transceiver is easy to use, and you can change various options in the menus to suit your needs, such as TX drive and noise gate.

Step-by-Step Firmware Upgrade Process:

  • Go to the firmware download web site and enter your serial number and call sign.
  • Download your unique firmware file.
  • Connect your (tr)uSDX to your computer via a USB cable.
  • Open the firmware update software and select your firmware file.
  • Click the β€œUpload” button to start the firmware upgrade process.
  • Wait for the firmware upgrade process to finish.
  • Disconnect your (tr)uSDX from your computer and turn it on.
  • Your new firmware and callsign should be displayed on the screen.


  • DL2MAN web site – (Manual) The official website of the creator of the (tr)uSDX transceiver.
  • eHam.net review – A review of the (tr)uSDX transceiver on eHam.net.
  • DX Explorer article – An article about the (tr)uSDX transceiver on DX Explorer.
  • QRPer.com has a video review of the (tr)uSDX,


The (tr)uSDX is a super pocket-sized QRP transceiver designed by Guido (PE1NNZ) and Manuel (DL2MAN) that has been widely anticipated by the amateur radio community. The transceiver boasts up to 5 watts output power, CW, SSB, FM, and AM modes, a built-in microphone, five bands (80, 60, 40, 30, and 20 meters), a super compact and lightweight form factor, and an open-source hardware and software design.

Based on the web search results, it is clear that the (tr)uSDX is a pocket-sized QRP transceiver capable of working multiple modes on 5 bands at 5 watts, and weighing less than 5 ounces. It has a Micro USB CAT and Programming Interface, and can create 0.5W Output from 5V USB Supply alone. It typically draws 80mA on RX and 500mA on TX at 13.8V with 85% PA Efficiency. The small size of the (tr)uSDX makes it excellent for portable work, and it can be used for CW, SSB, and digital ops as well.

One notable aspect of the (tr)uSDX is that it is an open source project and available for a very reasonable price. According to one review, the assembled transceiver is sold below the $150 price point, which is impressive given its capabilities.

Overall, the (tr)uSDX appears to be a powerful and portable transceiver that can be used for a variety of modes and bands, and is available at a very reasonable price point. Its open source design also allows for customization and modification, making it a popular choice among radio enthusiasts.

Camping on a Summit: Willson Peak, W6/NC-182

7 January 2020 at 02:58
I'm always trying to combine radio fun with my various outdoor activitiesβ€”including backpacking and camping. But for quite a while, I've wanted to do a camping/backpacking trip with the primary purpose being radio funβ€”on a summit! With the SOTA "Flavours" Challenge 2020 going on, I also needed to get some contacts made on 160 and/or 80 metersβ€”bands that work best at night. So, without much planning, I decided to do a quick overnight trip!