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Experimental Antenna Reins-in Surprising Results

By: Jeff
2 October 2024 at 17:00
Editor note – Please enjoy this guest post from Jeff Bourgeois VE7EFF. Today, September 6, I hope to POTA activate Inonoaklin Provincial Park CA-3626 in Southern BC, Canada, located on the shores of the Lower Arrow Lakes. On this activation, I will be using my novel experimental homebrewed Coaxial-Sleeve Dipole. The results were surprising! We … Continue reading Experimental Antenna Reins-in Surprising Results β†’

Field Report: POTA Energy Boost at Tuttle Educational State Forest

11 August 2024 at 11:36
Somedays, I just need a little POTA and radio-active therapy to energize the day. And this was one of those days. On Thursday, July 18, 2024, I woke up still feeling quite tired because I had been out the entire day before helping my sister with a move–my wife and I didn’t get back home … Continue reading Field Report: POTA Energy Boost at Tuttle Educational State Forest β†’

Beautiful POTA activation at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson and Afternoon in Southport!

30 July 2024 at 13:36
On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, my wife and I were in the middle of a week-long stay in Wilmington, North Carolina, while our daughters attended residential programs at NCSU and UNCW. That particular day, we couldn’t decide what to do because the weather was fickle! Temperatures and humidity were high, fueling a constant string of … Continue reading Beautiful POTA activation at Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson and Afternoon in Southport! β†’

W2AEW’s Trapped EFHW Antenna Tutorial: Building a Smaller, More Versatile Solution for Portable Operations

10 July 2024 at 10:49
Many thanks to Alan (W2AEW) for the following guest post: Trapped EFHW antenna story (it’s all Vince’s fault) by Alan (W2AEW) One of my favorite antennas to use for POTA activations is a 40m EFHW wire.Β  When properly tuned and deployed, it can be used on 40, 20, 15 and 10m without the use of … Continue reading W2AEW’s Trapped EFHW Antenna Tutorial: Building a Smaller, More Versatile Solution for Portable Operations β†’

Construction Notes: VO1DR Monopod Antenna Mount

3 July 2024 at 11:03
Many thanks to Scott (VO1DR) who shares the following guest post: Construction Notes – VO1DR Antenna Mount for Camera Monopod by Scott Schillereff,Β  VO1DR Further to my article about radio during trip to Portugal, a number of readers asked for details on how I mounted my whip antenna system to my camera monopod for /P … Continue reading Construction Notes: VO1DR Monopod Antenna Mount β†’

Experimenting during Field Day 2024

26 June 2024 at 10:00
by Vince (VE6LK) Field Day 2024 started out with the best of plans to be spent with the best of friends and ended up totally different – and, unexpectedly, I had a hoot! With my carefully made plan behind me, my new last-minute plan was to run solo for Field Day in the backcountry of … Continue reading Experimenting during Field Day 2024 β†’