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Today β€” 10 October 2024Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

UK politics - NOT amateur radio

Since the UK Labour party came to power several months ago, they have been mired in controversy with the media feasting on free gifts for leading politicians and the withdrawal of winter fuel payments for many. For a Labour party set up to support workers, neither looks great.

The UK Conservative government lost heavily with the right wing Reform party picking up much support. The Conservative party is about to pick a new leader and the choice seems to be between two right wing candidates.

Moderation seems to have gone from politics in many countries, with disaffected people often voting for parties with extreme views.


Many times, I have said that if I had to give up every radio magazine then SPRAT would be the last one to go. This is still my view.Β 

SPRAT is published every quarter as a colour A5 magazine. It is packed full mainly of simple construction projects and annual subs are very low. It is entirely run by volunteers with back issues of SPRAT available on a flash stick at a very reasonable sum. Well worth getting.

SeeΒ https://www.gqrp.com/sprat.htm .

Yesterday β€” 9 October 2024Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

70cm FT8 activity contest

This evening starting at 1900z is the 70cm FT8 activity contest.Β 

It always surprises me how far away stations can be copied. I usually work a few locals, but spend most of the time on RX. I use a 2m big-wheel omni antenna only.Β 

I wonder if with 70cm FT8 we can tap into some kind of troposcatter?

All this makes me wonder how effective 70cm FT8 would be with a decent beam and reasonable powers.

UPDATE 1936z:Β  Lots of stations spotted with the furthermostΒ DJ6TA (493km). The more I think about 70cm FT8 is a very under-used band!

UPDATE 2135z:Β 
The map shows the stations spotted on 70cm FT8 this evening.

8m QRP FT8 (Wednesday)

Since getting in at about 1130z, my 8m FT8 has been on. I called G4FKI (60km) who was calling CQ, but I think my 2.5W and horizontal dipole were not enough. Spotted by 2 stations in Spain though.

UPDATE 1332z:
Spotted by 5 stations with the furthermost ZR1ADI (9777km) in South Africa.

UPDATE 1407z: I see ZR1ADI called me.

Before yesterdayRoger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

The "fog of war" - NOT amateur radio

Back in the 1970s I recall we were told the Vietcong were "evil".Β  Now we hear about Iran being part of "the axis of resistance".

In times of war or heightened tensions it is easy for propaganda to reach unbelievable heights. It is hard to tell what is real and what "the powers that be" want you to hear.

At the moment we are hearing of the war in Ukraine and heightened tensions in the Middle East.

All I am saying is in the "fog of war" truth is hard to discern.Β  Do not believe all you hear.
