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Today β€” 14 July 2024Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog
Yesterday β€” 13 July 2024Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

Nearly forgot!

Just now I sent off my entry for the 70cm activity contest last Tuesday. It would appear that interest in this contest is waning. I managed 1 QSO, then I gave up.Β 

Looking at the waterfall on my RX, it would appear there were fewer people active. This is a pity, although it is far easier on 70cm FT8.

Much as I enjoy FT8 and WSPR, I am sure these will be partly to blame for the slow death of amateur radio as we knew it.Β Β 

As a youngster, I discovered amateur radio by listening to locals on 160m AM and DX on 15m AM. These opportunities no longer exist as people can chat in a multitude of ways for free without a licence using the internet. Talking to friends across the world even by video is commonplace.

It is my view that amateur radio as we knew it will cease in the next 20 years.


A few moments ago I watched the RSGB's Webinar with Hans Summers about the QMX+ transceiver. It was a very good session and underlines just how bright Hans is. I was impressed.

In the webinar Hans mentioned that high on his priority list was implementing SSB on the QMX and QMX+ transceivers and that he hoped to do this within weeks or months. He is a busy man! This will be done via a firmware update. There is already an internal mic fitted although an external mic/PTT may be used.

As mentioned earlier, the RSGB is doing a series of Webinars on various subjects. See tonight@8 on the RSGB channel on YouTube or watch live.

10m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

At 0903z, 12 spots of my 2.5W 10m FT8.Β  I have noticed this before:Β  Scandinavians tend to dominate late in the Es season. Is this just coincidence or is there something going on?Β 

UPDATE 1302z:Β  Β 32 stations have spotted my QRP 10m FT8 including one in the USA.

Stations spotted
here on 10m FT8
RX at 1633z
UPDATE 1630z:
208 stations spotted here today. See map. 92 stations have spotted my 2.5W 10m QRP FT8.

UPDATE 1734z:Β  304 stations have been spotted here on 10m FT8 in the last day.

Before yesterdayRoger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

MLS announce new portable

MLS has announced a new ICOM hand portable to coincide with ICOM's 60th anniversary.Β 

Β£619.99 for a hand portable? Hmm.Β  A lot more than I would pay, although I expect some will pay up for a fairly unique transceiver. Look for the ID-52 anniversary edition.Β 

SeeΒ https://www.hamradio.co.uk/id-52-plus .

10m QRP FT8 (Friday)

Today at 0751z 68 stations have already spotted me with the furthermost V51MA (8460km).Β 

UPDATE 1052z:Β  Β 115 stations have spotted my 10m QRP FT8 this morning. These include Africa, North and South America and Europe. Interestingly, no spots in Asia.

UPDATE 1335z:Β  186 spots of my QRP 10m FT8Β  in the last day. See map.

Upcoming Rallies

Β The following have been notified to me. Always check with organisers if travelling far.Β  All are on Sunday July 14th.

Swallows (barn swallows) - NOT amateur radio

A few years ago, these birds that migrate here in the spring and summer from southern Africa were common. It was not unusual to see a few on the telegraph wires. Although they are still seen, they seem to be far moreΒ  localised. We still have plenty of swifts locally despite many nest sites going and I have seen house and sand martins.

I guess the time will come when some decide to over-winter. I think some have tried in the past but succumbed to the lack of insects. As winters get shorter and milder with climate change, I can see some patterns changing.

Electric cars - NOT amateur radio

Let me say from the outset that I do NOT have an electric car.Β Β 

In my view, we are not yet at the tipping point when the price drops considerably, the range is considerably improved, there are plentiful charging points and the batteries do not need expensive materials to be mined. Give it just a few years and petrol and diesel vehicles will look as out of date as CRTs and film cameras.

Having said that, it is noticeable how much more common electric cars have become. Just a few years ago on a trip to Cambridge I might have seen 2. Now to see 8 is quite common. This is probably due to several factors. The energy crisis has caused people to question fossil fuelled vehicles, especially if you can charge at home overnight on a good tariff. Secondly, more recent cars are more likely to include electric cars. My estimate is the ratio of fossil fueled to electric cars is about 100:1.

My next car may well be electric as long as we move away from lithium, the range improves considerably and the price comes well down. For now I shall carry on with my recent diesel car.

By the way, I am fully in favour of a new road tax in which the further you travel, the more you pay. This would seem a fair way of taxing everyone and encourage the use of public transport. Maybe fossil fuels should be discouraged by taxing them more heavily and subsidising electric vehicles?
