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Today β€” 4 July 2024Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

UK General Election day - NOT amateur radio

Β For readers in the UK, remember that this is a General Election day on which you have a chance to elect the MP of your choice to represent you. By voting you are having your say on the future government of the UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§.Β 

If you don’t vote you will have to accept the consequences. Whatever your political views it’s important that you vote!!

Yesterday β€” 3 July 2024Roger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

Dream - NOT amateur radio

Most nights I dream but cannot remember them. Last night, just before waking, I had a dream that I remembered. I have absolutely no idea why I dreamed it! This is the essence of the dream:

We were on holiday and staying in a hotel room. Before we checked out we noticed that the bathroom bowl and a cupboard had been completelyΒ removed.

Now, this is totally bizarre as in reality we would have heard this being done. Dreams often reflect something going on in one's waking life, but I cannot think what this could be.Β 

Any ideas?

10m 500mW WSPR in the last day

My 10m WSPR beacon was re-synced to internet time a few moments ago. In the last day 7 different stations have spotted my beacon with quite a few already this morning.

UPDATE 1328z:Β  after a break of several hours, I am back on TX. No recent spots.

UPDATE 1700z:Β  Β 10 stations have spotted me in the last day.

Before yesterdayRoger G3XBM's (Mainly) Amateur Radio Blog

European Es

According to the past, the European Es season should soon go "off the boil" and subside.Β 

In my experience the Es season still goes on for a while longer. I have worked Scandinavians on 6m QRP SSB as late as September.Β  With FT8 it should be even better.Β  Es can occur at any time of the year, but the peak months are in the spring and early summer.

See https://www.tvcomm.co.uk/g7izu/radio-propagation-maps/europe-sporadic-e/Β 
