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Today β€” 5 October 2024PE4KH amateur radio

Inderdaad, Korteafstandsradio heeft 'security through obscurity'

5 October 2024 at 21:06
In augustus 2013 schreef ik: Bij steeds meer verkeerslichten installaties in Utrecht zie ik antennes verschijnen over 'KorteAfstandsradio' waarmee lijndiensten en voorrangsvoertuigen verkeerslichtinstallaties kunnen beïnvloeden.

Mijn vermoeden was toen van 'security by obscurity' omdat ik weinig kon vinden over de beveiliging. Dat vermoeden blijkt te kloppen: Verouderde stoplichten in Nederland blijken relatief makkelijk te hacken - nos.nl.

Nu is het hopen dat de volgende generatie met de naam 'Talking Traffic' beter is op dit punt en mogelijkheden heeft tot updates.
Before yesterdayPE4KH amateur radio

New country in amateur radio: Tanzania. But not in morse (yet..)

28 September 2024 at 14:59
Display from websdr. The DX is at 7016 kHz, replies are visible with strong signals from 7017 to 7022 kHz, all in morse
5H1WX pile-up on websdr: the station at 7016 kHz, replies in morse from 7017 to 7022 kHz
I am always keeping an eye on the news about radio amateurs being active in places I haven't made contact with yet. Sometimes those places are really rare and a big DXpedition team goes over there. Sometimes an enthusiast radio amateur goes over to a rare country solo.

Currently Vlad is active as 5H1WX from Mafia Island Tanzania. Getting 5H1WX in the log using FT8 wasn't very hard: I got the connection on the 20 meter and 17 meter amateur band immediately after calling, and on the 10 meter band I had to try 3 times, with at the same time lots of other stations trying, part of them with more power and better antennas than I have. To me this was surprisingly easy given my power and antenna.

In morse it was a completely different story each time I tried. The station is working split so the replies don't come at the same frequency and I see loads and loads of other stations trying and the rates aren't very high. I can't blame the operator, he is only one person and decoding morse in a huge pile-up is a special skill.

I participated in the Scandinavian Activity Contest

22 September 2024 at 12:15
Map of earth with locations of contacts PE4KH in the Scandinavian Activity Contest CW 2024
Mapped contacts PE4KH in the Scandinavian Activity Contest CW 2024
This weekend was the morse edition of the Scandinavian Activity Contest and I decided to participate.

I made 80 contacts, including some on the 15 meter band. Propagation wasn't great (for the current part of the sunspot cycle) but those bands gave me some contacts.
Band   160   80   40   20   15   10
QSO      0    0    8   65    7    0
Results after entry. I had to dig into the rules to see why some contacts gave no score but that is because contacts with non-Scandinavian stations don't count for European stations. For next time: read the rules better before a contest.

Band      QSO   Points   Multipliers
80m          0       0       0
40m          8       8       6
20m         63      63      26
15m          6       6       4
10m          0       0       0
Total       77      77      36

Dupes:     0
Invalid:   3
QSO Total: 80
Score:     2.772 (Diff: -1.148)
BAND:      ALL
There is also a big difference in 'claimed score' versus 'calculated score' which means I need to write a TLF scoring plugin for this contest.

New country in amateur radio Cayman Islands, new in morse Zimbabwe and new count...

7 September 2024 at 17:43
Yesterday I was looking at the Reverse Beacon Network and noticed a station from the Cayman Islands. I gave it a try and it worked: ZF2VE has me in the log. Earlier that evening I had tried several other stations in and around the middle of the Americas and they all failed, including a different station on Cayman Islands. So I was happy this one worked.

Today a fellow radio amateur mentioned in the chat that he managed to get Z22AO in morse on the 10 meter band. I wanted that one too, since I didn't have Zimbabwe in morse yet. On the 10 meter band it was doable to get the contact in the log within 5 tries.

Update 2024-09-09

On Sunday evening I was doing something else but the radio was on, and I got a notification the Bulgarian Club Blagovestnik was active with the All Saints 2024 call LZ1515IW in morse, on the 17 meter band, where I did not have that call yet.

So I made that contact and checked the DX cluster for that band and noticed TZ4AM was spotted from Mali, which is a new country for me. The signals from this station were really strong and I guess my return signal was also quite strong because I made that contact in 4 tries while I heard lots of people trying.

No Saint Paul in morse, but I managed to contact New Caledonia in morse

6 September 2024 at 15:40
As noted I was trying to get the CY9C DXpedition in morse, but it failed. I tried most of Wednesday but lots of others tried too, some with much stronger stations. And by Wednesday evening they stopped doing morse completely and just did phone and digital contacts until the end of the DXpedition on Thursday.

But in DX chasing and morse I managed to get a contact with New Caledonia in morse on Wednesday evening. I saw FK8IK active according to the Reverse Beacon Network and heard him make contacts with stations in Europe. I threw in my call at the right time and after a few tries he got my callsign completely. This is a contact over a distance of 16335 kilometers.

I participated in the RSGB IOTA contest

29 July 2024 at 17:33
Map of earth with locations of contacts PE4KH in the RSGB-IOTA contest 2024
Mapped contacts PE4KH in the RSGB-IOTA contest 2024
This weekend was the RSGB IOTA Contest 2024 and I already got some interesting stations in the log in the days before the contest: DT0IP from South Korea in morse. This was a difficult contact and I had to resend my callsign several times with fading signals, so my compliments to the operator on the other side!

During the contest I tried to get Guernsey in morse but that failed. The one station that was active there didn't hear me and was very popular with other stations.

I made 52 contacts in search and pounce mode on the 10, 15 and 20 meter amateur bands.

I participated in the IARU-HF contest 2024

15 July 2024 at 17:28
Map of earth with locations of contacts PE4KH in the IARU-HF contest 2024
Mapped contacts PE4KH in the IARU-HF contest 2024
This weekend was the IARU HF World Championship contest and I was planning to participate. This is one of my favourite contests. I made sure the software was all set up correctly before the weekend. In setting up the hardware I didn't get around to setting up the foot pedal and headset interface for voice contacts and I was only interested in CW contacts anyway, so that didn't matter much to me.

I participated in the 10, 15 and 20 meter bands. In total I made 112 contacts, indeed all in morse. 3 on the 10 meter band, 46 on the 15 meter band and 63 on the 20 meter band. To me propagation wasn't cooperating very well. This is the reason I kept to search and pounce and did not try calling CQ.

The results according to my contestlogger tlf:
                                             Band   160   80   40   20   15   10
                                             QSO      0    0    0   63   46    3
                                             Mult     0    0    0   28   17    2
                                             Pts: 362  Mul: 47 Score: 17014     
According to the log submission site: Raw Score: 302 Qpts x 47 Mults = 14,194 (112 QSOs).

I checked the difference in scoring between tlf and the scoring site: this has to do with the counting of QSO points: contacts with one of the special stations such as HQ stations or an IARU official counts as one QSO point, even on a different continent. I have several HQ stations in the log and one IARU official.

Looking at other contest plugins for tlf it should be possible to write a plugin that does the scoring for the IARU-HF contest right by dealing with all the one point cases.

For my own DX score I scored Alaska as a new entity (and US state). I hope that one gets confirmed! I also have another station in Kosovo in morse in the log, so maybe I will finally get that country confirmed in morse on LoTW.

Update 2024-07-31: Alaska confirmed

It's nice to see Alaska in CW confirmed now!

New entity in amateur radio: Cambodia and Svalbard now confirmed

10 July 2024 at 10:02
Recently I saw a new country in amateur radio pop up in FT8: Cambodia. XU7GNY was active on 17 meter FT8. I didn't expect it and the qrz page lists no activity in 2024. Another site does have information about activity in 2024: XU7GNY - Cambodia - dxnews.com.

Svalbard now confirmed

I had one contact with Svalbard in 2015 with my call PD4KH which was never confirmed. Since 2015 I learned a lot about chasing DX entities and getting them confirmed. Currently JW/WE9G is active from Svalbard in several modes. The contact in FT8 was relatively easy and now I have Svalbard finally confirmed because the digital confirmation was instantly.

Naturally I want Svalbard in morse too, so I set alerts accordingly.

I tried to activate a nearby park for Parks on the Air and made no contacts, but...

23 June 2024 at 17:53
Logo for parks on the air program: circle like a compass with trees For a while I have been thinking about participating in Parks on the Air. This is an amateur radio program promoting outdoor activity by letting people activate park locations all over the world by making contacts from that special location and having other people chase these contacts. Both of these activities will collect points making for ranked lists and certificates which can be collected.

The treshold for a succesfull activation of a park in the POTA program is low: only 10 contacts from a park between 00:00 UTC and 23:59 UTC are needed. This makes activating multiple parks in a day or as a lunchtime activity possible.

I have been watching videos about Parks on the Air, from KB9VBR Antennas and the official Parks On The Air YouTube channel. And I like to read posts about POTA activations on peoples' websites and social media. But I needed to stop doing theory about this and do an actual activation myself. I mentioned yesterday on mastodon Lots of radio amateurs active from summits/parks! I must go do this myself in a nearby park and got positive responses where I mentioned @ei8kd I have the gear, I just need to find time to be away from the family and kick myself out the door.

Conclusion: time to stop thinking and start doing. Today was the chance: no plans for the afternoon and the rest of the family was doing things at home and didn't mind having me leave the house.

So today I wanted to do my first POTA activation at a nearby park: Noorderparkruigenhoek National Park which has never been activated in morse.

In preparation I have the gear with choice between the linked dipole antenna on the fiber mast for 15/20/40 meter band or the multiband vertical antenna tested for the 20, 17, 15 meter bands.

I bought/built the multiband vertical to be easily deployable in situations like this, so I packed that. And a sealed lead-acid battery, the FT-857D radio including microphone, a small CW key, antenna cable, power cable, headphones, a notebook and pen. And the smartphone with the Ham2K PoLo BETA logging app.

I packed the gear in the bag I normally use for taking my laptop to work. It turned out the bag with the heavy equipment was too heavy to hang from the back of my recumbent bicycle so I used the bicycle trailer.

In the park I searched for a place to set up. It would have been nice to find a parkbench a bit out of the way but parkbenches are set up for people who use the main walking/cycle paths and they all had people sitting there. So I found a grassy area within the park and started to set up the antenna and the radio. This was somewhat close to the high voltage line running through the park.

I first set up the antenna for 15 meter CW. The radio kept complaining about the standing wave ratio, but this was fixed when I connected the antenna cable to the radio.

Giving CQ with the small CW paddle gave problems, the paddle kept adding a dash after certain dots. It seems the small CW paddle was set too tight, pressing on it made it also send out dashes. After tapping on it a bit and moving it around the top of the radio where it was sitting (with magnets) made that problem go away.

This made giving CQ as PE4KH/P hard so I decided after a few tries to make it easier and use my call PE4KH without the 'portable' modifier. Sending morse with the paddle wasn't easy, I haven't practised much lately, I'm used to using the computer with the radio at home.

But: nobody came back to me on 15 meter CW. I spotted my activity on the pota.app site but that didn't change things. I switched to 17 meter CW where there was some more activity. I called CQ in morse a number of times. I also spotted myself on the pota.app site on that frequency. It sometimes seemed a call came back to me but they seemed in a different contact, maybe there was a DXpedition working split. Also in voice on the 17m band nobody came back and people I tried calling didn't hear me.

After that it was time to pack up and go home to be in time for dinner preparations.

One thing I wanted to avoid was people asking questions or reacting negative to me being busy with radio which is why I searched for a spot out of the way, but reachable by walking my bicycle over there. I saw several people walking dogs near where I sat, but nobody seemed to mind. Some people said 'good afternoon' and left it at that.

In the end: 0 contacts. But a learning experience. And I finally did that first activation attempt I had been (over) thinking about for ages.

Things learned:
  • The radio plus battery (and other gear) is too heavy to hang from the (lightweight) luggage rack at the back of my recumbent bicycle.
  • I can find a spot in that park
  • Headphones don't work with a hat in the sun
  • But earbuds are fine for radio outdoors, there is not a lot of noise around
  • I need to check the HF bands before such an activity, to know where to start and what antenna to bring
  • On the 15 and 17 meter band the multiband vertical works fine
  • Having the 40 meter band available during the day can be helpful for days with bad propagation
  • I need to have a list on paper of POTA frequencies on all bands I can be active on
  • That same bit of paper could also have the standard lines to send
  • I need to practise more with sending morse by paddle
  • People with dogs don't mind other activities in the park
  • The multiband vertical antenna isn't very obtrusive in a field of high grass
  • I like having a notebook to write down calls when I first hear them, but logging will probably be nice with the Ham2K PoLO app.

New entities in amateur radio: East Malaysia, Saint Vincent & Grenadines

17 June 2024 at 19:18
Today I managed to get 9M1Z in the log in FT8 on the 20m band. This gives me East Malaysia as new DXCC entry.

I also worked for a while on getting 8Q7JF in morse, but the reception on that side was not very good and a lot more amateurs tried to get that station in the log. I already have Maldives in digital modes, so I concentrate on morse.

2024-06-19: Saint Vincent & Grenadines

Not due to a DXpedition but due to someone enjoying a holiday: today I had a contact with J88IH on Saint Vincent and the Grenadines which is an island country in the Carribean.

New entities in amateur radio: Glorioso Islands, Niger and St. Helena

12 June 2024 at 14:40
The chase for new countries/entities is always on, and there usually more DXpeditions during the peak of the solar cycle, because of the better propagation on HF allowing for more contacts.

Glorioso Islands

Currently there is a DXpediton on Glorioso Islands: FT4GL Glorioso Island - dx-world.net.

This is one person visiting the Grande Glorieuse for work with doing radio in spare time, but with Glorioso Islands ranked #7 most-wanted a lot of amateurs want to get in the log. So I was expecting this one to be hard or impossible. Adding morse will not happen: this one man DXpedition is not doing morse at all.

I got FT4GL in the log on 12 meter FT8 last Friday evening without needing a lot of work on it.

I have the transcript of the contact (with FT8 this is possible) and it's showing the complete exchange with final confirmation from the remote station, but I'm not showing up in the online logs. Weird.

Today I added FT4GL on 10 meter FT8, but their closing RR73 did not decode on my side. I got a reasonably good signal report, so I think I may be in the log on 10 meter FT8, but that's also a question mark for now. Later I had a full contact on 10 meter, with the RR73 seen.


The 5U5K DXpedition is in Niger. I managed the contact today on 10 meter FT8. This took part of the day, they were active but not a lot of stations could decode their signals and most of the time they didn't decode me. In the beginning of the afternoon the contact was made. I hope to add more bands and morse later.

St. Helena

Andy Chadwick ZD7VJ is active from St. Helena. In morse! So now in the log.

Update thanks to log checking

With DXpeditions that have (limited) Internet access it is possible to check the logs while the DXpedition is still active. It turns out I am in the log of FT4GL twice now on 10m FT8 and not on 12m FT8. And I'm good in the log at 5U5K. On to 5U5K on more bands and in CW, and more entities!

Some more Ethernet over Cable hardware: EoC masters

5 June 2024 at 20:51
In the intersection of radio, networks and security I had a look at some Ethernet over cable devices in the past: a the Corinex CXWC-HD200-WNeH, a Cab.Link CLS-D4E2WX1 router and a Corinex HD200 CableLAN Wall Mount Adapter CXC-HD200-WMEe.

All these devices didn't want to establish a link on the 'cable' side because there was no Ethernet over cable master device. This has changed: I now have some hardware that should be able to perform the master role for Corinex Ethernet over cable.

I also have some pieces of 75 ohm coax cable, splitters and attenuators. Those attenuators will be needed because I don't have kilometers of coax cable to span, so I'm not losing as much signal as those masters are expecting.

This hardware is from holiday parks that switched from Corinex Ethernet over cable and other Ethernet over cable devices to newer standards. With Ethernet over cable both directions (upstream and downstream) share the same bit of spectrum, which makes amplification of signals for longer cables impossible.

So now to find time to set up a mini cable network and have a look at the master systems, their controls, the possible speeds, the security of the masters and the RF spectrum used by this system.

The standards

I should dive into the exact standards behind this a bit more. I'm very sure it's not docsis which has separate downstream and upstream frequencies. For as far as I can see this is a HomePNA implementation similar to powerline. Source: Ethernet over coax - wikipedia.

I participated in the CQ World Wide WPX Contest CW 2024

27 May 2024 at 18:05
Map of earth with locations of contacts PE4KH in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest 2024
Mapped contacts PE4KH in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest 2024
Last weekend was the CQ World Wide WPX CW Contest 2024 edition.

I planned to participate, so I made sure the TLF Linux based contest logger was set up correctly and ready to log contacts. Since this contest is supported by default in TLF I didn't have to do much.

I participated on Saturday and Sunday most moments I could get behind the radio. I found out the internal tuner of the FT-991a radio is able to tune the CW portion of the 15 meter band on my 10-20-40 meter endfed, so I made contacts on that band too. I don't think the outgoing signal is very strong, but it's another band for contacts! On Saturday the 10, 15 and 20 meter bands had good propagation, on Sunday the 10 meter band gave no new contacts and no response to a CQ call.

Most contacts were 'search and pounce' but calling CQ also gave results on a busy band. The balance is between finding interesting multipliers with search and pounce (searching the band for stations) or working lots of contacts calling CQ.

The results according to TLF:
                                             Band   160   80   40   20   15   10
                                             QSO      0    0    0  166   53   31
                                             Pts: 334  Mul: 194 Score: 64796    
In earlier contests I thought using the 15 meter band could add results, this seems to be true.

Update 2024-07-03: log checking results are in

I received the log checking result for this contest and had a look at the errors. On the total 250 contacts I had 12 errors (4.8%). Breakdown: 2 stations didn't have me in the log, 4 times I had the incorrect call logged, 6 times I had the wrong serial number. For how I felt on copying serial numbers it went better than I expected, to be honest. After log verification: 238 qso's, 310 qso points, 188 multipliers and 58280 points total.

In category 'Single Operator Low Power All Bands' I ranked #23 the Netherlands, #522 Europe and #926 for world.

I participated in the King of Spain CW contest

19 May 2024 at 19:24
Map of earth with locations of contacts PE4KH in the King of Spain CW contest 2024
Mapped contacts PE4KH in the King of Spain CW contest 2024
This weekend was the His Majesty the King of Spain CW Contest organized by the Spanish amateur radio club URE.

I planned to participate in advance. The propagation wasn't very great on Saturday, during the day I heard nothing on the 10 meter amateur band and I made contacts on the 20 meter amateur band. Late in the evening I made contacts on the 40 meter band. There was some nice DX on the 20 meter band early in the evening: I had contacts with stations in Thailand and Japan. On Sunday the propagation was better with activity on the 10 meter band as well, but it was still 'scraping for contacts'. Although I planned to get at least 100 contacts I stopped at 97 contacts before the contest was really over because it was getting really hard to find new calls and I felt like it was time to stop.

My approach was to search and pounce on other stations. I have called CQ a number of times but no responses came.

The results according to TLF:
Band   160   80   40   20   15   10
QSO      0    0   23   65    0    9
Mult     0    0   16   36    0    6
Pts: 133  Mul: 58 Score: 7714      
And the multiplier score is even better: at this moment TLF cannot deal with the fact that the first contact in one of the Spanish DXCC entities (Spain has EA: main land spain, EA6: Balearic Islands, EA8: Canary Islands and EA9: Ceuta and Melilla) counts as two multipliers: one for the country and one for the Spanish province.

Rules file and multiplier plugin for TLF

On Friday evening I set to write a rules file and a scoring plugin for TLF Linux based contest logger which was a last-minute action but I hoped it would help me see the multipliers better. Which it did!

Getting this added in TLF

I shared the rules and plugin on the tlf-devel mailing list and I was invited to create a pull request to make this part of the code of TLF so others can use TLF for this contest easily. I had to look up how to do all this (I'm not active with git daily) but it's now a pull request: Adding His Majesty King of Spain CW/SSB contest by KHoos · Pull Request #434 · Tlf/tlf.

2024-06-18: Preliminary results are in

I have a preliminary scoring result which shows there are only two errors in my log: one wrong callsign and one wrong exchange. Which is nice! As usual the URE log checking is very fast.

Now I need to find a bit of time to check whether the multiplier count in 'my' eakingofspain.py plugin agrees with the scoring done in the log checking process.

2024-06-19: checks done, my code is now in TLF

Today I checked the multipliers scored by the URE against what my plugin calculated and found no differences. I reported this in the pull request and to the tlf-devel mailing list, and the pull-request was accepted: Adding rules for the His Majesty King of Spain CW/SSB contests (#434) · Tlf/tlf@6fe0a15 · GitHub.

Final results published

The final results have been published: His Majesty The King of Spain CW Contest Results Ҁ“ Concursos URE where I am ranked #216 in the "Single operator Multiband Low Power DX" category.

I acquired a new radio: a QYT KT-WP12

15 May 2024 at 13:57
I recently saw a QYT KT-WP12 2m/70cm radio offered for a nice price and bought it. The difference with the QYT KT-8900 radio is that the display is in the hand microphone, which would make usage in the car easier for me.

The radio has a 3.5mm jack connector hiding behind a little cover with screws for programming. I wanted to get in to program the channels and change some other settings. To program this radio needs a 'daily' version of Chirp radio programming software so I downloaded and installed this using the instructions Running CHIRP on Linux with the .whl package.

Upon trying the download from the radio with the QYT KT-8900 programming cable I created in 2016 the radio just rebooted and the software gave an error. This could be a problem with the software or with the cable, so I started a search for the official QYT software for Windows. On the first Windows system the cable didn't want to work at all because the cable has a PL2303 chipset which is really unsupported in Windows 11. I dug up an older and slower laptop with Windows 10, and there I had to downgrade the existing PL2303 drivers to make communication possible. How to do that was found via Prolific USB-to-serial comm port windows 10 which mentions Fake PL2303 Ҁ“ how to install on Windows 8.1 - BartB which also worked for Windows 10.

Finally I was able to test the official QYT software and that showed the same problem, so for now I think the problem is in the cable.

The Build your Own 3 PIN Programming Cable BTech, QYT, etc Mobile - by John 'Miklor' K3NXU has a remark which seems to be about this problem but I can't be sure as the video is offline:
Ezequiel Welcomme LU9MWE (Argentina) brought to my attention that some models only work with the original cable (Chinese). Using an aftermarket or homemade cable may result in the radio cycling or pulsing when trying to communicate with the software. (Pulsing VIDEO).

The solution is to place a reference to GND in the communication lines. This is done by adding two 10K ohm resistors. One between GND - RX, and the other between GND - TX.
I asked whether the person selling me the radio still had the cable and I will receive it soon and test with that cable. That cable I made back then was later modified to have both 3.5mm jack plug for the QYT radio and the connector for baofeng / wouxun radio's, so I'm not keen on modifying it even further at the moment.

Update 2023-05-22: interesting results with the right cable

I received the cable and tested with it. First the official QYT KT-WP12 / QYT 9900 software on the older Windows 10 laptop. It still had the radio rebooting and showing a communications error. But the same cable with chirp worked and I was able to download the current memories and settings and upload my own list of channels and modify settings. So this radio now works for me and I can use it with my own programming.

Chasing special event stations and participating in one

29 April 2024 at 18:25
The last months a large number of my contacts have been chasing special event stations. There are quite a number of those on-air at the moment. And I was active with another special event station with our radio club!

75 years Union of Spanish Radio Amateurs (URE)

The Union of Spanish Radio Amateurs or Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles celebrates their 75th anniversary with a big event: 75 anniversary of the union of spanish radio amateurs (URE) award with a lot of stations active on all HF, VHF/UHF bands and satellites. From the Netherlands with my station I can contact them on a number of HF bands and I have been making contacts at a high rate. I concentrate on morse, but I also like having them in the log in other modes. So far I have managed to get enough bandslots for the Silver award. With the current propagation I can get Spain nicely on the 40, 20 and 17 meter amateur bands. For most of April getting the Spanish stations on 12 and 10 meter was impossible.

100 years German funkkartel

The German radio amateurs are also celebrating the founding of the first radio amateur clubs in Germany 100 years ago with special event stations. 100 Jahre Deutsches Funk-Kartells lists history and the special event actions. I also chase these, mostly in morse again, but also in other modes. So far I have managed to get these on the 40 meter, 30 meter and 20 meter amateur bands.

Being part of a special event

On 20 april 2024 I was part of the crew activating PH75NAVO from the old command and communication bunker on Soesterberg Air Force Base. We were allowed to set up our radios inside the bunker and an antenna outside. I didn't make a lot of connections as operator, but we had fun setting up, looking around, explaining amateur radio to visitors and generally having a nice day. Lots of positive feedback and the foundation that controls the old airbase as a nature reserve was very happy to have us visit!

During that weekend there were no FT8 connections which were 'promised'. I made up for that by activating the special call on Wednesday 24 April in FT8/FT4 ending with 218 extra connections in the log.

Reporting in Dutch: PH75NAVO op 20/21 april actief - VERON A08 - Centrum, PH75NAVO, geslaagde activatie vanaf vliegbasis Soesterberg! - VERON A08 - Centrum.

Back to serious cycling

27 April 2024 at 10:55
Map of part of the Netherlands with a line showing where I cycled Utrecht to Schoonhoven and back I haven't cycled a long distance in a long time because reasons but I seriously want to be able to do those distances. The best way to work on this is the approach of just doing it. So I took a day off recently, was blessed with nice weather and I cycled almost 84 kilometers from Utrecht to Schoonhoven and back.

The most important thing I learned was to eat before I got hungry, so to bring enough food which gives the right kind of nutrition. And enough water.

I have a strong wish to cycle to a place which is about 120 kilometers from our house, I think I can do this given enough time, the right planning and enough food and water. In the past my wife and I have once cycled 180 kilometers in one day and have experience with over 100 kilometer days on cycling holidays.

I also brought a handheld radio along which transmitted my location to APRS. But as soon as I was out of the range of my own aprs receiver at home I fell off the APRS map and didn't return until I got close to our house again.

New countries in amateur radio: Fiji islands and Liberia

10 April 2024 at 13:34
Yet more countries showing up and making the contact. This time both were only in digital mode (FT8), no morse yet.

First I saw 3D2AJT active on 17 meter FT8. It's a special event callsign in memory of "Zorro" JH1AJT and I saw that Fiji Islands was a new country for me, so I made the contact.

I also saw the A8OK dxpedition to Liberia active and had a contact in FT8 on the 20 meter band. I was somewhat lucky as I saw them 'restart' the transmitters and I was able to jump on the first CQ. They were also active in morse on the 17 meter band but a lot more people wanted that contact and I didn't have the time to sit behind the radio for hours.

Update 2024-04-13

Added A8OK on the 17 meter band in FT8 where I was one of the few (???) stations responding. Adding them in morse was a lot harder! After a session of about 40 minutes sending my call on the 10 meter band in morse I finally got through.