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Before yesterdayDom Smith

Pyrenees SOTAs 2023: EA2/NV-021 Saioa & EA2/NV-023 Zuriain

By: m0blf
16 July 2023 at 08:55
After yesterday’s activation of EA/NV-012 and EA2/NV-170, on 9th July 2023 I again drove into Spain to activate the two 6-point summits of Saioa and Zuriain. These are very easily activated as a pair and are almost always done together. To the starting point: Col de Sagardegi The starting point for this walk is on…

Pyrenees SOTAs 2023: EA2/NV-012 Ortzantzurieta & EA2/NV-170 Txangoamendi

By: m0blf
15 July 2023 at 18:55
I returned to the Spanish Pyrenees in July 2023 to spend a couple more days activating the summits in Navarra, in the western Pyrenees. I was actually staying in a hotel in Bayonne, France and went back to F/PO-245 Xoldoko Gaina (which I had last activated in 2019) on 6th July. Then, on 8th July,…

Pyrenees SOTAs 2022: Day 2 – EA2/NV-022 Urkulu & F/PO-251 Mont Arrokagaray

By: m0blf
26 September 2022 at 20:21
After yesterday’s successful and sunny climbs of Pico de Orhy and Arthanolatze, I was looking forward to another easy day in the mountains on 31st August 2022 but it was somewhat more difficult. Urkulu EA2/NV-022 Overnight, there had been a substantial thunderstorm with rain in the Pyrenees and the drive into the valley from St.…

Pyrenees SOTAs 2022: Day 1 – EA2/NV-003 Pico de Ori (Pic d’Orhy) and F/PO-173 Arthanolatze

By: m0blf
19 September 2022 at 18:09
At the end of August, I was able to return to the Pyrenees to do a few new (to me) SOTA summits over a couple of days. On 30th August 2022, this trip started with a couple of mountains, the Pico de Ori and Arthanolatze. Pico de Ori EA2/NV-003 The ten point Pico de Ori…

Mont Afrique, Bois de Pierre Saux, Montagne de Saint Laurent: Three quick SOTAs around Dijon

By: m0blf
14 April 2022 at 15:03
With only a couple of exceptions, I haven’t been able to get out to activate any SOTA summits for nearly 2 years. Now only have we had the Covid lockdown, but then over the winter I have faced another (non-Covid-related) medical issue, which stopped me getting out. Now that I am recovering, and with some…

SOTA operation in Prague City: LΓ‘dvΓ­

By: m0blf
24 November 2019 at 20:34
I’ve recently returned from a few days in Prague doing tourism and sightseeing. While the primary focus of the trip wasn’t radio, I noticed that there’s a SOTA summit on the outskirts of the city, which I had to go to. OK/ST-084: LΓ‘dvΓ­ Getting to LΓ‘dvΓ­ requires no car hire at all. If you are…

Basque Country SOTAs: Pic d’Issarbe and Pic de Guilhers

By: m0blf
3 October 2019 at 18:57
Pic d’Issarbe F/PO-171 (4 points) I’d done the Pic d’Issarbe on my last trip to the Pyrenees, and it’s a lovely, easy four-point walk at this time of year. The site is a minor ski resort in the winter and as such has a car park which was almost deserted on this September morning. The…

Basque Country SOTAs: Aratz

By: m0blf
30 September 2019 at 20:43
I’ve recently returned from a few days in the Basque Country, which included a few summit excursions. Although I’m aware that I’m behind on writing up some of my other SOTA trips over the summer, I’ve decided to type up my notes on this recent trip first before I forget the detail. Aratz EA2/VI-003 (6…

Friedrichshafen SOTAs: KΓΌhgundkopf and Burgkranzegger Horn

By: m0blf
25 June 2019 at 20:25
I’ve now returned from a long weekend at the annual Ham Radio exhibition at Friedrichshafen, a beautiful city on the shores of Lake Constance in southern Germany. The normal way for British people to get to FDH as it has become known, is to fly to Zurich and take the train to Romanshorn before then…

Snowdonia SOTAs 2019: Cadair Berwyn

By: m0blf
23 April 2019 at 20:06
After tackling Pen Llithrig on a less-than-successful day yesterday, it was now Easter Sunday. Knowing the traffic would be bad on Monday, I wanted to get in a quick morning walk before heading back to Cambridge in the afternoon, ahead of most of the cars. Cadair Berwyn (GW/NW-012, worth 8 points) fitted the bill perfectly.…

Snowdonia SOTAs 2019: Pen Llithrig y Wrach (and a failed attempt of Carnedd Llewelyn)

By: m0blf
23 April 2019 at 19:31
I was up early, despite the long walk around Y Garn and Glyder Fawr yesterday, ready to head on another double-hill day, walking around Carnedd Llewelyn and Pen Llithrig y Wrach. The car park for this one is in the entrance to the campsite at SH685602. The campsite allows non-residents to park in the layby…

Snowdonia SOTAs 2019: Y Garn and Glyder Fawr

By: m0blf
22 April 2019 at 20:04
I’ve recently returned from what has become an annual tradition of spending Easter weekend away climbing hills for SOTA. Last year (and admittedly Easter was earlier), the Beast from the East had just hit and I was walking through snow on Pen-Y-Fan. This year, the weather was completely different with bright sunshine, hardly any wind,…

3 days of SOTA in Madeira – Day 3: Pico Penha de Aguia

By: m0blf
23 February 2019 at 09:53
Enthused by a fairly easy 18 points yesterday on Pico Ruivo and Pico do Arieiro, I aimed to do two one-point hills today, but Penha de Aguia is a much more difficult hill, and so I only had time (and energy!) to do this one. This replan while walking meant that I accidentally ended up…

3 days of SOTA in Madeira – Day 2: Pico Ruivo and Pico Arieiro

By: m0blf
23 February 2019 at 09:18
Continuing my SOTA trip to Madeira, and following on from yesterday’s activations of Pico Ruivo do Paul and Pico Chao dos Terreiros, today I did two of the larger summits on the island. Pico Ruivo (CT3/MI-001) The highest point on the island, Pico Ruivo (not to be confused with Pico Ruivo do Paul, which I…

3 days of SOTA in Madeira – Day 1: Pico Ruivo do Paul and Pico Chao dos Terreiros

By: m0blf
22 February 2019 at 23:06
Last week I spent some time on a family holiday in Madeira, during which I also spent three days in the hills doing SOTA activations. The first thing to know about Madeira from a radio perspective is that although the DXCC prefix is CT3, that prefix is reserved for residents. The prefix authorised for CEPT…